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The completed cost of a competitively bid construction project often exceeds the original low bid. This paper presents two models to predict completed construction cost based upon characteristics of the submitted bids. Data on completed projects were obtained from New Jersey Department of Transportation for 298 highway construction projects. Median bid and normalized median absolute deviation (NMAD) were selected from various bid characteristics as the best predictors of completed construction cost. Regression and neural network models were developed from the data. Both models have similar utility to predict completed costs. Due to ease of use, the regression model is preferred over the neural network model.  相似文献   

Development teams often use mental models to simplify development time decision making because a comprehensive empirical assessment of the trade‐offs across the metrics of development time, development costs, proficiency in market‐entry timing, and new product sales is simply not feasible. Surprisingly, these mental models have not been studied in prior research on the trade‐offs among the aforementioned metrics. These mental models are important to consider, however, because they define reality, specify what team members attend to, and guide their decision making. As such, these models influence how development teams make trade‐offs across the four metrics to try to optimize new product profitability. Teams with such an objective should manage to a development time that minimizes development costs and to a proficient market‐entry timing that maximizes new product sales. Yet many teams use mental models for development time decision making that focus either just on development costs or on proficiency in market‐entry timing. This survey‐based study uses data from 115 completed NPD projects, all product line additions from manufacturers in The Netherlands, to demonstrate that there is a cost to simplifying decision making. Making development time decisions without taking into account the contingency between development time and proficiency in market‐entry timing can be misleading, and using either a sales‐maximization or a cost‐minimization simplified decision‐making model may result in a cost penalty or a sales loss. The results from this study show that the development time that maximizes new product profitability is longer than the time that maximizes new product sales and is shorter than the development time that minimizes development costs. Furthermore, the results reveal that the cost penalty of sales maximization is smaller than the sales loss of development costs minimization. An important implication of the results is that, to determine the optimal development time, teams need to distinguish between cost and sales effects of development time reductions. To determine the relative impact of these effects this study also estimates the elasticities of development costs, new product sales, and new product profitability with regard to development time. Armed with this knowledge, development teams should be better equipped to make trade‐offs among the four metrics of development time, development costs, proficiency in market‐entry timing, and new product sales.  相似文献   

要突破传统成本理论关于期后成本差异分析的限制,就必须着眼于过程制和现场研究,对施工工程项目来说,这种动态控制模式更为重要.文章通过时工程成本矩阵自由度的定义,纵横两个方向对此进行了深入研究.  相似文献   

从基于电网建设项目全寿命控制造价的角度,分析建设各阶段造价与量、价、费、额间的逻辑关系,探寻电网建设全过程造价变动的原因。识别实现电网造价控制的关键因素,针对电网项目建设过程中造价变动的现状,从管理体制和技术支撑2个方面提出若干措施建议,有助于电网建设项目造价管控。  相似文献   

为符合国际惯例与适应市场经济的要求,我国工程造价行业正逐步推广工程量清单计价模式。论文主要从工程费用组成的角度详细分析了传统定额计价和工程量清单计价两种模式,从而明确了这两种计价模式的内在关系。同时阐明了我国工程造价改革的实质内容及核心意义,简要地指出了工程造价改革的发展趋势。为造价人员理解工程计价模式、把握造价改革实质、理清工作思路提供参考。  相似文献   

建设项目全寿命期精益成本管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了建设项目全寿命期成本管理和精益成本管理的概念,并对全寿命期和全过程成本管理方式进行了比较。在此基础上总结出全寿命期精益成本管理的概念,并对其特点进行了介绍,包括全员性、集成性、动态性和综合性。提出了建设项目全寿命期精益成本管理的体系框架,明确其成本最小化和顾客满意最大化的管理目标。分别从投资决策、设计、招投标、施工、竣工验收和运营养护6个阶段论述了全寿命精益成本管理的具体措施。  相似文献   

工程施工计划是一项复杂的工作,不断增长的复杂因素决定了工程管理人员需要采取新的、从未被用过、检测过的工程施工方法。缺乏便于工程策划人员进行评估和确认施工计划是否合理的工具,会在工程施工阶段造成许多重复性工作,造成成本浪费。虚拟现实技术为解决上述问题提供了一个很好的方法,会生成虚拟环境,允许项目决策人员在施工之前合理优化和选择施工方案,资源优化,降低成本,从而获得更好的投资效益。利用群体支持系统建立与工程施工计划相呼应的模型,工程数据作为其处理问题与人机交互的依据,辅助人员决策,进行项目的预算和分析,提高工程项目的价值管理。  相似文献   

国内外建筑工程造价管理分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在中国目前建筑工程造价管理现状分析的基础上,探讨了我国工程造价管理的发展趋势,分析了中国全面加入WTO以后对工程造价管理提出的新要求和现行造价管理中突出的热点问题,以及国际惯例和西方发达国家造价管理的特点。并结合实际国情,提出了中国建筑工程造价管理改革的对策建议。  相似文献   

施工企业筹资成本与工程造价的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国的建筑市场基本是卖方市场,施工企业为了承包工程绝大部分是在垫资施工,这就使得施工企业背上了沉重的财务负担。本文从施工企业垫资施工入手,分析垫资的危害及施工企业的筹资的原因,进而分析施工企业的筹资成本与项目工程造价之间的关系,通过分析得到施工企业的筹资成本对项目的工程造价有很大的影响,最后提出了几种解决我国建筑市场上这种不合理现象的措施,对于企业工程项目管理人员进行工程项目成本管理有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

在建设项目实施过程中,经常遇到工期延误的情况.在非承包人原因(如不可抗力等)导致工期延误的情况下,为保证工期,发包人常要求承包人赶工,由此往往出现赶工费用计算的问题.以2020年新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情为例,由于受到疫情影响,大量建设项目进度滞后.随着近期国内疫情渐渐好转、各地的建设项目纷纷复工并全面展开,为避免因建设项目...  相似文献   

基于交易成本分析的建设交易制度创新研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
借鉴已有的经济学研究成果,主要以交易成本经济学理论为分析工具,从交易规则和交易方式两个角度对建设交易制度的交易成本构成和产生机制进行了分析,最终的目的是达到交易成本的节约。在此基础上,提出了建设交易制度的创新思路:即完善建设法规;促进工程保险和工程担保制度的发展;建立有效的建筑市场准入制度和质量体系认证制度;选择或设计科学、合理的交易方式;科学设计或安排交易合同等。  相似文献   

随着市场竞争的加剧,国内施工企业亟待采取战略成本管理来适应竞争环境变化。施工企业为降低成本、增加盈利,开发内部潜力,应在企业成本管理中从竞争战略的角度出发,通过战略成本预测、战略成本决策、战略成本计划与预算、战略成本控制和战略成本管理业绩评价等几个方面,规范施工企业内部成本管理工作,以期实现企业长远的战略成本目标。  相似文献   

This paper develops a coordination mechanism for a supply chain consisting of one manufacturer and n Cournot competing retailers when the production cost and demands are simultaneously disrupted. This differs from traditional supply chain coordination models under a static case and the case with only demand or cost disruption. The coordination mechanism with revenue sharing is considered, and the effects of production cost and demand disruptions on revenue sharing contract are discussed to investigate the optimal strategies of players with disruptions. The penalty cost is introduced explicitly to obtain the production deviation cost caused by the disruptions. In this study, it is obtained that the coordination contract considering the production deviation cost differs from that without disruption. Besides that, the disruptions may affect the order quantities, wholesale prices as well as revenue sharing contract. Then, the optimal strategies for different disruption levels under the centralized decision-making mode are proposed. Concerning the decentralized mode, the improved revenue sharing contract can be used to coordinate the decentralized decision-making supply chain effectively. Finally, the theoretical results are illustrated by conducting some numerical examples.  相似文献   

建筑企业项目成本管理的原则及方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加入世界贸易组织以后,我国建筑市场竞争更趋激烈。建筑企业要始终立于不败之地,保持强劲的发展势头,必须抓好项目成本管理。本就建筑施工企业如何强化项目成本管理进行阐述,重点讨论项目成本管理的原则以及做好预算成本、计划成本和实际成本控制的方法。  相似文献   

The effect of prevailing wage laws on the cost of public construction has been the subject of an ongoing public policy debate. We measure this effect by comparing the public/private construction cost differential for schools built before and after British Columbia's Skills Development and Fair Wage Policy. Regression results indicate that public schools were 40.5 percent more expensive to build prior to the policy. This differential was 40.1 percent after the policy's enforcement. However, this change is not statistically significant. Regression results also indicate a stable construction cost function over the policy period. These results indicate that the effect of fair wage requirements was not different from zero in terms of magnitude or statistical significance. Combining these results with the findings of our previous research provides a comprehensive view regarding the effect of the British Columbian prevailing wage policy on school construction. This body of research, utilizing a variety of statistical methods, provides consistent evidence indicating that a relatively strong prevailing wage policy was not associated with changes in the efficiency or productivity of construction that contributes to increased building costs.  相似文献   

梳理指出劳保费存在的重大缺陷,追溯演变指出其属性是有关法定费(金)的费用来源。从工程价款依法由合同约定和法定计价方式角度给出了定义,论述了其有效性和可行性。扼要分析并指出至少在国家部委规章颁布前,通过造价计价监管与强制代收等方式可以实现管理规范化、合法化;应消除制度的地区差别,抓紧制订规章实现法治。  相似文献   

建立在良好的施工组织和施工资源规划基础上的项目管理自身并不足以达到高速度、低费用地生产和交付工程产品。通过探讨项目管理、技术措施和生产措施的关系,提出了如何通过良好的项目管理将技术措施和生产措施结合起来,以保障项目三要素即工期、成本和质量同时取得良好效益。  相似文献   

全面造价管理是现有建设项目造价管理思想和方法的全面集成,它是用来指导人们分析、确定和控制工程造价的思想和方法,包含全团队造价管理、全要素造价管理、全过程造价管理和全生命期造价管理。文章简单扼要介绍建设项目招标投标的意义,分析了我国政府投资项目招投标阶段造价管理现状。为了解决存在的主要问题,将以全面造价管理为理论基础,探讨政府投资项目招投标阶段造价管理的实施方法,期望为政府投资项目造价管理提供实践的指导。  相似文献   

按照正常的工程结算方式,我们国家大多采用的是施工图预算方式,施工图预算的依据为国家和行业定额加相关取费文件.但是,由于施工图预算计算起来往往由于预算人员的计算误差和对施工图理解的不同,思维方式的不同,造成建设单位和施工单位计算的结果误差较大,给工程结算造成较大的麻烦.为了解决这一问题,作者在多年从事工程概预算经验的基础上,提出对工程结算的方式进行改革.采用变乙方作施工图预算为甲方作预算的办法,在工程结算中对于规范项目按照国际上通用的做法-工程量清单计价的办法.在具体项目上要灵活运用甲方施工图预算和工程量清单计价的特点,将二者有机的结合在一起,对有效确定和控制工程造价具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

Invasive species outbreaks are often unintended side effects of trade. In this paper partial equilibrium trade models and stochastic bioeconomic impact simulation models are combined to present a benefit cost analysis template to assess market access requests. The template is used to assess the likely regional economic welfare implications of a decision by Australian biosecurity regulators to allow the Chilean table grape industry access to the national table grape market. We show that consumption benefits expected to accrue to Western Australia are exceeded by increases in likely invasive species damage resulting from grape imports, implying that insufficient consumer gains are grounds to deny market access.  相似文献   

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