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Adopting homothetic variable returns to scale functional specifications, this study identifies the returns to scale in the aggregate production functions of four East Asian newly industrialized economies–Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan–and the Group of Five economies based on a maximum likelihood estimation. The study finds evidence of increasing returns in the early developmental stage of the East Asian economies. Separating out the scale contribution from the non-scale factor contributions, the decomposition of the sources of East Asian economic growth differs significantly from the conventional constant returns to scale results, indicating that the role of technical progress is overestimated when constant returns to scale is assumed.  相似文献   


This paper builds on an earlier paper by the author. It uses a simple model to analyse the economic impact of international migration on a large city. The paper assumes that immigration causes the population of the city to grow, thereby increasing the cost of living for existing residents. In one version of the model, the government responds by increasing public-sector wages so as to help offset the higher cost of living. The private sector follows suit. In another version, wages are determined by supply and demand. The paper investigates what happens to living standards, unemployment and the location of the native population under different assumptions about returns to scale. The mathematical analysis is supplemented by numerical simulations.

Retours à l’échelle et l'impact de la migration sur l’économie: quelques considérations nouvelles

RÉSUMÉ?La présente communication est basée sur un ouvrage précédent du même auteur. Au moyen d'un simple modèle, elle analyse l'impact économique des migrations internationales sur une grande agglomération. Cette communication présuppose que l'immigration détermine une augmentation de la population de la ville, en augmentant ainsi le coÛt de la vie pour les personnes qui y sont domiciliées. Dans une version de ce modèle, le gouvernement intervient en augmentant les salaires dans le secteur public, dans le but de compenser pour ce dernier l'augmentation du coÛt de la vie. Le secteur privé en fait de même. Dans une autre version, les salaires sont déterminés par la loi de l'offre et de la demande. La communication se penche sur ce qu'il en advient du niveau de vie, du chômage, et l'emplacement de la population autochtone dans le cadre de différents hypothèses sur des retours à l’échelle. L'analyse mathématique est complétée par des simulations numériques.

Retornos a escala y el impacto económico de la emigración: varias consideraciones nuevas

RÉSUMÉN?Este ensayo se agrega a un trabajo anterior del autor. Utiliza un modelo simple para analizar el impacto económico de la emigración internacional en una ciudad grande. El trabajo presupone que la inmigración provoca el crecimiento de la ciudad, aumentando por lo tanto el coste de la vida de los residentes existentes. En una versión del modelo, el gobierno responde incrementando los sueldos del sector público, para ayudar a contrarrestar el aumento de la carestía de la vida. El sector privado sigue su ejemplo. En otra versión, los sueldos están determinados por la oferta y la demanda. El trabajo investiga el efecto sobre el nivel de vida, el desempleo y la ubicación de la población autóctona bajo diferentes asunciones sobre los retornos a escala. El análisis matemático se complementa con simulaciones numéricas.


This study estimates cost inefficiency and economies of scale of Slovenian water distribution utilities over the 1997–2003 period by employing several different stochastic frontier methods. The results indicate that significant cost inefficiencies are present in the utilities. An introduction of incentive-based price regulation scheme might help resolve this problem. However, the inefficiency scores obtained from different cost frontier models are not found to be robust. The levels of inefficiency estimates as well as the rankings depend on the econometric specification of the model. The established lack of robustness can be at least partly explained by different ability of the models to separate unobserved heterogeneity from inefficiency. Newly proposed true fixed effects model (Greene, J Econom 126:269–303, 2005; J Prod Anal 23(1):7–32, 2005) appears to perform better than the conventional panel data models with respect to distinguishing between unobserved heterogeneity and inefficiency. On the other hand, different models produce fairly robust results with respect to estimates of economies of output density, customer density and economies of scale. The optimal size of a company is found to closely corresponds to the sample median. Economies of scale are found in small-sized utilities, while large companies exhibit diseconomies of scale.
Jelena Zorić (Corresponding author)Email:

This paper studies a ‘factor cost in advance’ model with increasing returns in production. In the model both partial equilibrium and general equilibrium may exist since working capital of firms limit their input demand. We provide a sufficient condition for the existence of partial equilibrium of a firm operating on a non-convex choice set. Furthermore we establish the existence and uniqueness of competitive equilibrium in the special case of logarithmic utility.  相似文献   

Geographic Concentration and Increasing Returns   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Economic activities are highly clustered. Why is geographic concentration becoming a predominant feature of industrialized economies? On the basis of the empirical models developed by the new theories of international trade, our answer is that increasing returns are the driving force of economic geography in the US as well as in Europe. In so doing, we review several econometric methods proposed in the literature to separate and to test alternative theoretical paradigms.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of cost sharing, in which a coalition of agents, each endowed with an input, shares the output cost incurred from the total inputs of the coalition. Two allocations—average cost pricing and the Shapley value—are arguably the two most widely studied solution concepts to this problem. It is well known in the literature that the two allocations can be respectively characterized by different sets of axioms and they share many properties that are deemed reasonable. We seek to bridge the two allocations from a different angle–allocation inequality. We use the partial order: Lorenz order (or majorization) to characterize allocation inequality and we derive simple conditions under which one allocation Lorenz dominates (or is majorized by) the other. Examples are given to show that the two allocations are not always comparable by Lorenz order. Our proof, built on solving minimization problems of certain Schur-convex or Schur-concave objective functions over input vectors, may be of independent interest.  相似文献   

This paper begins with a historical overview of the Turkish educational system. We then use Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and econometric methods to evaluate the system's efficiency. In doing so we identify scale diseconomies and relate them to underlying structural characteristics of the system. Selected suggestions on improving performance are offered. The roles of heterogeneity and centralization are also highlighted. Heterogeneity is modeled as an undesirable measure. The linkage between indicators of centralization and scale diseconomies was found to be statistically significant. The authors believe this to be the first study that investigates the impact of systemic characteristics such as heterogeneity and centralized structure on educational outcomes for Turkey. Since the country straddles the Middle East and the Balkans, culturally as well as geographically, it may be of interest to other countries in the region.  相似文献   


This paper is concerned with the impact of international migration on a regional economy. It is based on the assumption that immigration causes the population of the region to grow, thereby increasing the cost of living for existing residents. In one version of the model, the government responds by increasing wages in the public sector so as to help offset the higher cost of living. The private sector follows suit. In another version of the model, wages are determined by supply and demand. The paper investigates what happens to living standards, unemployment and the location of the native population under different assumptions about returns to scale.  相似文献   

We derive the relationships between the net and gross elasticities of substitution and complementarity (i.e., the elasticities that refer either to the conditional or unconditional, direct or inverse demand system) in the general case of non-homothetic, variable-returns-to-scale technologies. We also show that the so-called Hicks Elasticity of Complementarity (Hicks, Oxford economic Papers 22, 289–296 (1970)) is dual to a full-fledged elasticity of gross input substitution that we call the Hotelling/Lau Elasticity of Substitution (Lau, Production Economics: A Dual Approach to Theory and Applications. Amsterdam: North-Holand (1978)). The former is, in fact, the proper elasticity of substitution in the case of the inverse, unconditional input demand. Our results should clarify some issues about the input substitutability classification.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2015,39(3):541-551
This paper aims at investigating the differences in cost efficiency of the banking industry in Serbia and Montenegro over the period 2005–2012. These two countries operated under a common monetary regime until 1999 and followed two different monetary regimes thereafter: unilateral euroisation in Montenegro and monetary independence in Serbia. A stochastic frontier approach incorporating bank-specific and country-related variables is used to analyze cost efficiency in the banking sectors of Serbia and Montenegro. The analysis shows that a bank operating at given conditions in terms of ownership, market and other specific characteristics presents significantly higher cost efficiency if it operates in Montenegro rather than in Serbia. We argue that this result may relate to the choice of unilateral euroisation made by Montenegro. It is also shown that foreign-owned banks, higher capitalized banks and banks with lower non-performing loans operate at higher cost efficiency.  相似文献   

A number of universities in Taiwan are currently confronting problems of low enrolment rates and financial distress mainly as a result of low birth rates and over-expansion of the higher education industry over the last few decades. These universities were requested by the Taiwan Ministry of Education to find a solution, including shutting down problematic departments and merging with other institutions. As such, information on cost efficiency and the optimal size of universities is important for making appropriate decisions. A stochastic cost frontier approach is adopted in the study to measure the cost efficiency and identify optimal size of Taiwanese universities by considering the heterogeneity of university quality. The results of the study indicate a positive correlation between the optimal size and the university quality. Approximately 47 percent of the selected universities are identified as either over- or under-sized. Moreover, the magnitude of cost saving from efficiency improvement is found to be no smaller than that of size adjustment. Therefore, it is suggested that universities should put more effort into efficiency improvement while considering size adjustment.  相似文献   

This research extends the Farrell-based returns to scale methodology into Russell and Additive models in three ways with the focus of relationships between interior points and projected points. First, we present and prove four theorems that identify the scale nature. Second, we compare these results with the scale elasticity results. Third, we present techniques for estimating upper and lower bounds for the scale elasticities.  相似文献   

This study first proposes a definition for directional congestion in certain input and output directions within the framework of data envelopment analysis. Second, two methods from different viewpoints are proposed to estimate the directional congestion. Third, we address the relationship between directional congestion and classic (strong or weak) congestion. Finally, we present a case study investigating the analysis performed by the research institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to demonstrate the applicability and usefulness of the methods developed in this study.  相似文献   


Nowadays, public policies often focus on economic values, such as efficiency and financial transparency. Public professionals often resist implementing such policies. We analyse this using the concept of ‘role conflicts’. We use a novel approach by conceptualizing and measuring role conflicts on the policy level, thereby linking policy implementation and social psychology research. We construct and test scales for policy-client, policy-professional and organizational-professional role conflicts. Using survey data, we show that policy-professional and policy-client role conflicts negatively influence the willingness of public professionals to implement policies. In concluding, we conceptualized and measured three role conflicts that can occur during policy implementation.  相似文献   

研究目标:中国区域间贸易成本测度及其分解。研究方法:选取1997年、2002年和2007年中国区域间投入产出表测量和分解。研究发现:中国总体区域间贸易成本呈现先上升后下降的态势;中国的国内贸易成本始终小于国际贸易成本,东北区域和贸易程度相对较低的建筑业、服务业、农业等行业的贸易成本较高;区域间贸易成本分解发现距离较远的区域间贸易成本较高,“邻近偏好”明显;经济增长极则表现出显著的“腹地偏好”,即与其经济腹地间贸易成本较低;而东部沿海的“后来居上”主要来源于沿海之间存在的“区域分割”。研究创新:中国区域间贸易成本的演进及其双边特征。研究价值:为促进区域合作、产业升级提供参考。  相似文献   


HR professionals are expected to become more involved in knowledge management and facilitate knowledge sharing among employees in the knowledge economy. In this study, we investigated the relationship between perceived organizational support and knowledge sharing by taking account of employees’ interdependent and independent self-construal. Our hypotheses were examined using a 2-wave survey data-set from 145 teachers working at 4 Dutch vocational education and training schools. The results showed that perceived organizational support was positively related to knowledge sharing for employees either with a high interdependent self or with a low independent self. However, this positive relationship disappeared for employees either with a low interdependent self or with a high independent self. Overall, the moderating effect of self-construal revealed a new avenue towards a better understanding of the relationship between organizational support and employees’ knowledge sharing. It provided a tentative answer to the question of why organizational support does not often succeed in motivating employees to share their knowledge in the workplace.  相似文献   


Verdoorn's law is estimated in a spatial econometric framework for individual manufacturing industries using EU regional data. Estimates of encompassing returns to scale are large, but other explanatory variables, including measures of industrial specialization and diversity, tend to be insignificant. The method of normalization with either output or input growth as the regressor matters, and the use of an instrumental variable approach does not resolve this problem. As in other studies, the static-dynamic Verdoorn law paradox exists. A theoretical argument is made, however, that the dynamic Verdoorn law is the correct specification and this is confirmed empirically.

Rendements croissants et croissance des industries dans les régions de l'UE: paradoxes et énigmes

Résumé La loi de Verdoorn est estimée dans un cadre conceptuel économétrique spatial pour les industries de fabrication individuelles en utilisant des données régionales de l'UE. Les estimations des rendements croissants à l’échelle, englobant, sont importantes, mais d'autres variables explicatives, comprenant des mesures de spécialisation et de diversité industrielles, ont tendance à être insignifiantes. La méthode de normalisation utilisant comme variable indépendante soit la croissance d'entrée soit celle de sortie importe, et l'utilisation d'une approche IV ne résout pas ce problème. Comme dans d'autres études, le paradoxe statique-dynamique de la loi de Verdoorn est présent. Cependant, dans un argument théorique, nous avançons que la loi de Verdoorn dynamique est la spécification correcte, ce qui est confirmé empiriquement.

Aumento de las ganancias y crecimiento de la industria en las regiones de la UE: paradojas y acertijos

Résumén Se estima la Ley de Verdoorn en un marco econométrico espacial para empresas manufactureras individuales usando los datos regionales de la UE. Las estimaciones para las ganancias englobadas a escala son grandes, pero otras variables explicativas, incluyendo las medidas de especialización y diversidad industrial, tienden a ser insignificantes. Importa el método de normalización ya sea usando crecimiento de ganancias o entradas como regressor, y el uso de un enfoque IV no resuelve este problema. Al igual que en otros estudios existe la paradoja estática-dinámica de la ley de Verdoorn. Sin embargo, se argumenta teóricamente que la dinámica ley de Verdoorn es la especificación correcta y esto se confirma empíricamente.


On Returns to Scale under Weight Restrictions in Data Envelopment Analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Weextend the concept of returns to scale in Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) to the weight restriction environments. By the additionof weight restrictions, the status of returns to scale, i.e., increasing, constant and decreasing may suffer a change. Wefirst define ``returns to scale' under weight restrictions andpropose a method for identifying the status of returns to scale.Then, it is demonstrated that the region of the most productivescale size (MPSS) will usually be narrowed by this addition.For an inefficient decision making unit (DMU), a simple rulefor determining the status of returns to scale of its projectedDMU will be presented. An empirical study compares the resultsof the proposed method with those of the BCC model and demonstratesthe change in the MPSS for both models.  相似文献   

The recent applied production theory literature focusing on the economic performance of firms has increasingly recognized the importance of scale effects on costs and therefore efficiency. These scale effects may include short run returns due to fixity of privately demanded inputs (i.e., capital, long run internal returns to scale, and external factors affecting costs. Since these different types of scale effects can be thought of as shifts in and movements along cost curves, the different cost effects of such factors can be identified in a framework which explicitly takes them into account in the definition ofscale.In this article we formalize such a framework, and then use it to measure short run, long run (internal) and external scale effects from fixity of private capital, nonconstant returns to scale and public infrastructure. We then use these measures to identify the impacts of these different scale factors on productivity growth. The focus on public infrastructure as an important external scale factor is motivated by the current theoretical and policy interest in this issue; we show how a structural production theory model provides a rich basis for the analysis of the cost effects of infrastructure investment.  相似文献   

本文以宁波市为案例,对"十二五"时期农民工及其家属市民化的成本进行了测算。测算表明,地方政府为农民工提供与本市户籍居民同水平的子女义务教育、公共卫生、就业培训、社会保障和改善住房条件等公共服务,人均需投入13507.4~25507.4元。在此基础上,本文设计了农民工市民化的成本政府间以及政府与企业间的分担机制,中央政府重点加强跨省农民工集中流入地区的支持,企业主要在农民工权益保障、职业培训、社会保险和住房条件改善方面发挥积极作用。  相似文献   

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