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This paper analyzes the implications that the specification of the leisure activity has on the equilibrium efficiency in a two-sector endogenous growth model with human capital accumulation. We consider external effects of consumption and leisure in utility, and sector-specific externalities associated to physical and human capital in production. The optimal tax policy to correct for the distortions caused by the externalities is characterized under all the typical leisure specifications considered in the literature: home production, quality time and raw time. We show that the optimal policy depends markedly on the leisure specification.  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of consumption externalities in an overlapping generations economy with capital accumulation. If consumers in each generation are concerned with other agents’ consumption behaviours, there exist intergenerational as well as intragenerational consumption externalities. It is the presence of intergenreational consumption externalities that may produce fundamental effects both on equilibrium dynamics and on steady‐state characterization of the economy. This paper demonstrates this fact in the context of a simple model of endogenously growing, overlapping‐generations economy with or without asset bubbles.  相似文献   

Recent contributions by Brookes (1990), Saunders (1992), and Inhaber and Saunders (1994) argue that cost-effective improvements in energy efficiency may, in the long run, lead energy use to grow more rapidly than it would in a world of fixed technologies. Since efficiency improvements may be viewed as a form of technological change that both reduces the effective cost of energy services and stimulates economic activity, energy demand may, under some circumstances, rise even as energy productivity improves. This paper examines this hypothesis using a simple model that distinguishes the roles of energy and energy services in production activities. In this model, improved energy efficiency can-not give rise to increased energy use unless: (i) energy costs dominate the total cost of energy services and (ii) expenditures on energy services constitute a large share of economic activity. Since neither of these assumptions is empirically plausible, the paper concludes that energy efficiency improvements will yield long-run reductions in energy use under the assumptions of the model.  相似文献   

财政支出结构与经济增长   总被引:96,自引:0,他引:96  
通过构建理论模型和经验模型,我们可以得出以下结论:(1)财政支出总水平与经济增长负相关,财政生产性支出与经济增长正相关。(2)财政人力资本投资比物质资本投资更能提高经济增长率。(3)用于科学研究的支出所带来的经济增长远远高于物质资本投资和人力资本投资所带来的经济增长。这些结论对政府今后调整财政支出政策,优化财政支出结构,确定财政支出重点,具有重要的政策含义。  相似文献   

在渐进转型时期,我国微观主体效率总体低下,无法满足金融效率与经济增长协调一致的必要条件;依靠金融动员高效率并在一定程度上牺牲金融配置效率来促进经济增长,是相当长时期内的现实选择。强控制金融下的高动员效率极大地促进了我国经济的快速增长,但是也累积了巨额不良资产等严重问题,数量扩张型增长难以为继。随着各种经济社会条件变化,金融动员高效率让位、回归于金融配置高效率成为必然和可能。  相似文献   

本文利用DEA对国内31个工业行业2000—2007年的数据进行了分析,结果表明,中国经济增长方式并没有发生实质性转变。对各种技术效率进行Tobit回归分析表明,国有资本比重对纯技术效率的改进有积极作用;适度的产业集中和对外开放可以防止过度竞争,提高效率;劳动力低成本阻碍了各种效率的改进。  相似文献   

We develop a R&D‐based growth model with endogenous accumulation of human capital. We investigate the idea that education is a good entering in the preferences of individuals. We seek to analyse how the decisions of individuals to invest in human capital can be altered by changes in economic policies and how they can be reflected on the level of growth in the long run. We show that policy changes affect growth through their effect on the decision of individuals to invest in human capital. The effects obtained depend whether individuals enjoy to acquire education or if they consider it as a ‘bad’. In the absence of any policy intervention, the level of growth can be excessive or insufficient compared with the optimum.  相似文献   

转变经济增长方式与增加就业的关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
转变经济增长方式与增加就业是我国目前面临的两大问题,二者既有矛盾又有一致之处。只有处理好它们的关系,才能使我国的经济再上一个新台阶。  相似文献   

国际资本流动、增长因素结构变迁与经济增长   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在开放经济条件下,国际资本流动对资本、技术、人力资本和制度等经济增长因素的结构变迁有重要的影响,进而对经济增长有重要作用。  相似文献   

This paper examines the desirability of an exogenously induced change in the preferences of individuals in an economy characterized by (i) asymmetrical, localized positive consumption externalities, (ii) private, non-market, negotiation-free transfers, and (iii) the ‘Samaritan's dilemma.’ A model is analysed in which a benefactor (individual 1) makes an unrestricted voluntary transfer to a beneficiary (individual 2) who ran use the transfer to increase 2's consumption of either a purely private good x or a good y that generates external benefits for 1. Once 1 makes a transfer to 2, 1 cannot control how 2 spends it. If 2 fails to take into account this externality, then good y is under consumed and a loss in social welfare results. When such externalities and their concomitant welfare losses arise, conventional solutions are frequently inappropriate, impractical or impossible. This power shows that exogenously inducing the adoption of new externality internalizing preferences by the benefactor and the beneficiary not only increases the benefactor's transfer and the beneficiary's consumption of good y but also produces a ‘socially superior’ state. The welfare improvement is measured in terms of a welfare criterion that is based on the initial and new preferences of each individual  相似文献   

多因素作用下的中国经济增长   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在经济周期、产业升级、国际环境和宏观政策等多因素的作用下,今年以来的中国经济运行态势良好。估计全年经济增长相对平稳,GDP年增长率将在 7.4%~7.6%之间,不大可能出现 8%以上的经济高涨,国民经济将出现少有的“一”字形运行轨迹。而要保持目前经济增长的良好势头,体制改革和政策应对至关重要。  相似文献   

城乡居民消费取决于两个视阈的特征:消费波动和消费增长。扩大内需尤其是消费需求一直以来都在致力于促进消费增长,但效果却不理想,而稳定消费作为被忽视的另一个视阈,值得关注吗?本文基于我国省际城乡1985-2011年实际人均消费数据,测度消费增速放缓和消费波动的福利成本,实证分析我国省级城乡层面两种福利成本的大小关系,从定量意义上说明稳定消费为扩大内需不容忽视的新视阈。研究发现,无论是城镇,还是农村,各省份消费波动的福利成本并不必然远小于消费增速放缓的福利成本,相关参数合理取值范围之内,前者大于后者是更为普遍的情形。因此,稳定消费视阈扩大内需具有不容忽视的政策空间,政府应该在把促进消费增长作为扩大内需工作重点的同时,合理兼顾消费稳定。  相似文献   

Externalities of investment, education and economic growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a growth model in which investment in physical capital shows positive externalities which build up knowledge capital. A prerequisite for these spillovers to take place is that a country devotes time to education. Externalities associated with investment need education to raise the stock of knowledge capital. Analysing the competitive economy we demonstrate that the model may explain why some low-income countries show convergence whereas others do not. Furthermore, we demonstrate that in the social optimum the level of investment is always higher than in the competitive economy whereas the time spent for education may be lower or higher. We also show how the competitive economy may replicate the social optimum for an appropriate choice of a lump-sum tax and an investment subsidy. Empirical evidence is provided in order to demonstrate the plausibility of our model.  相似文献   

区域经济增长的结构性分析与对策探究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
唐绍祥 《经济地理》2004,24(6):764-767,771
随着市场经济体制的不断建立和完善,区域经济增长的主基调已开始转变为以结构调整为核心动力的内涵型增长。通过对区域经济增长结构性关键因素的实证分析,旨在探寻区域经济结构的变动特征,并给出若干政策模拟建议,有助于政府更好地对经济的结构性调整发挥引导作用。  相似文献   

Using a simple overlapping generations model of neoclassical growth, we analyse the effects of both child allowances and the system of public education on the rate of fertility, the per capita income and the individual lifetime welfare. The essential message of the present paper is that developed countries plagued by below-replacement fertility and income stagnation may raise per capita income and the rate of fertility at the same time by increasing the public education expenditure rather than by resorting to child allowances. The latter, in fact, are found to be harmful for long-run neoclassical economic growth and, in contrast with the common belief, for the rate of population growth as well. Moreover, welfare analysis has shown the existence of a Pareto-efficient welfare-maximizing educational contribution rate.  相似文献   

本文在运用系统工程原理分析各种结构的相互联系和作用关系的基础上,根据Cobb Douglas生产函数构建经济增长的结构依赖模型,并以我国各省市(区)作为实证对象,分析了2006年、2009年以及两阶段过程中各主要结构因素与我国经济增长关联关系,揭示了中国经济增长过程对各结构的依赖性。研究结果表明,产业结构、国内生产总值结构和国内生产总值项目结构是我国经济系统中的主要结构因素;我国当前产业结构没有对经济增长起到支撑作用,必须继续推进产业结构升级;提高消费率、劳动报酬率在促进产业结构优化同时,对我国经济增长有显著的促进作用;加强我国第三产业投资力度,能够促进经济增长;我国调结构的宏观政策初见成效。  相似文献   

中国经济增长的核心是技术引进方式,研究表明,中国经济的长期增长速度与投资增长速度和技术输出国经济增长速度成正比。  相似文献   

Within an optimizing endogenous growth model with productive public capital and government debt, we derive and characterize on the balanced growth path a set of welfare-maximizing fiscal rules under different budgetary regimes. It is shown that optimal fiscal policy depends on the specific budgetary stance considered.  相似文献   

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