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据财政部新闻办公室最新消息.国务院关税税则委员会决定自2005年6月1日起对纺织品出口关税进一步作如下调整.  相似文献   

为进一步鼓励资源性和有利于技术创新商品的进口,控制高能耗、高污染和资源性商品出口。经国务院关税税则委员会第七次全体会议审议通过,并报国务院批准,自2006年11月1日起。调整部分进出口商品暂定关税税率。  相似文献   

经国务院批准,国务院关税税则委员会于7月21日作出决定自2005年8月1日起.对目前仍在征收出口关税、2005年7月20日起受到欧盟进口数量限制的17种纺织品停止征收出口关税。经过此次调整.目前尚有51种纺织品仍继续征收出口关税.  相似文献   

从11月1日起,俄罗斯原油出口关税从10月的每吨266.5美元提高到290.6美元,上凋幅度达9%。东西伯利亚原油出口继续享受优惠,  相似文献   

自2010年1月1日起,我国将进一步调整进出口关税税则,主要涉及最惠国税率、年度暂定税率、协定税率、特惠税率以及税则税目等方面。经过此次调整,我国加入世贸组织的降税承诺将全部履行完毕。  相似文献   

第十三届国产高浓度磷复肥产销会日前在山东省潍坊市举行。从产销会上获悉,国家有关部门目前正在就年度出口关税方案征求各方面意见,预计明年化肥出口关税政策在整体框架稳定的前提下或将有所调整,产业发展态势也将伴随宏观经济回暖而有望止跌企稳。  相似文献   

财政部消息,经国务院关税税则委员会第二次全体会议审议通过,并经国务院批准,从2008年9月1日起,氮肥及合成氨的特别出口关税上调至150%,并实施至2008年12月31日。  相似文献   

经国务院关税税则委员会审议,并报国务院批准,从2009年1月1日起,我国将进一步调整进出口关税税则,主要涉及最惠国税率、年度暂定税率、协定税率、特惠税率及税则税目等方面,以缓解纺织、钢材、化肥等行业面临的经营困难。  相似文献   

11月29日,国务院关税税则委员会发布《关于调整2010年化肥出口关税的通知》(税委会[2010]25号)。经国务院批准,2010年12月113至2010年12月31日,对尿素、磷酸氢二铵、磷酸二氢铵及磷酸二氢铵与磷酸氢二铵的混合物(税号:31021000、31053000、31054000)按35%的暂定税率征收出口关税,  相似文献   

Waves from the tide of deregulation that first started to rise in USA over a decade ago have washed on many distant shores, as far apart as the UK, Australia and Japan. Hong Kong is no exception. Geographically tiny, the territory of Hong Kong is a throbbing dynamo, a financial and trading centre of immense importance in the Far East. With a telephone penetration of 36 per 100 population covering over 95% of all households, it is the most developed telephone country in the region, apart from Japan.  相似文献   

This field study evaluated the convergence, divergence, crossvergence, and multi-crossvergence perspectives of value system evolution in industrializing regions. Value differences were identified among graduating business university students in the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, and the United States. Specific value dimensions in this study reflected the primary influence of either industrialization or regional culture. Thus, our overall results suggest that both industrialization and culture influence the combination of values held in Hong Kong. This finding could be interpreted as supporting the crossvergence perspective of value system evolution. A more precise interpretation, however, is that some value dimensions converge with increasing industrialization, while others remain divergent.  相似文献   

Most studies of technological change in telecommunications have researched incremental shifts within the analogue switching paradigm. This paper takes the case of the shift to digital switching in Hong Kong's public telephone network. It focuses upon how this change was managed and the consequential changes in labour relations.  相似文献   

Given its geographical advantage and economic integration with mainland China, Hong Kong has naturally become a major communications centre in the Asia-Pacific region. A growing number of international telecommunications and broadcasting companies are establishing business relations with Hong Kong. Hong Kong has also become the first place in the world to launch video-on-demand service. Although these companies are equipped with new technology, their developments have been impeded by the policy inertia of the Hong Kong Government. The objectives of this paper are to highlight some of the regulatory issues posed by the new technology and to make policy recommendations for the removal of the structural barriers impeding Hong Kong’s information infrastructure development.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》1999,23(3-4):245-260
Telecommunications deregulation strategies have been self-evidently different in Hong Kong and China due to differences existing in political and economic systems. This paper will provide an overview of contemporary trends in telecommunications deregulation in these two territories. Comparisons will be drawn between the two systems with regard to ownership, foreign direct investment, respective regulatory frameworks and the government’s perseverance in propelling deregulation. The study clearly indicates that the shared goal of deregulation can be reached at different rates by different routes (‘policy paths’) dependent on situational contingencies.  相似文献   

麦兜与麦太蜡像20日在香港杜莎夫人蜡像馆揭开帷幕,该蜡像将在“世界首映”展区永久展出。这是杜莎夫人蜡像馆首次推出香港本地原创卡通人物的蜡像,宾客可与他们面对面坐在港式茶餐厅内共享下午茶时光。揭幕礼上,香港旅游发展局田北俊表示,麦兜憨厚乐观的性格和屡败屡战的精神不仅启迪了香港的青少年,还吸引了内地和台湾的小朋友。  相似文献   

The author draws on network perspective, transaction cost perspective and resource-based perspective to analyze Hong Kong trading companies' strategic position in Western manufacturers' exports into China. The study examines the strategic position at different stages of market entry and from the views of both manufacturers and trading companies. The discussion shows that under certain conditions Hong Kong trading companies will enjoy and maintain important position in the market.  相似文献   

To boast for getting listed on market,International Trademarks Agent Traders(Abbreviated as ITAT) has spent large amount of expenses to hold royal entertainment parties in Hong Kong,XiAn,ShenZhen and BeiJing. In ShenZhen,where the headquarters of this company is located,you could see their TV advertisement,print advertisement and outdoor bus advertisement around everywhere.  相似文献   

Hong Kong Sang Ma Trust Fund, aiming at Promoting Textile Industry by Technology, unveiled its 2009 annul awards on a ceremony in Donghua Univer-sity on Nov. 6th. Five programs  相似文献   

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