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Antibody testing is a non-pharmaceutical intervention – not recognized so far in the literature – to prevent COVID-19 contagion. I show this in a simple economic model of an epidemic in which agents choose social activity under health state uncertainty. In the model, susceptible and asymptomatic agents are more socially active when they think they might be immune. And this increased activity escalates infections, deaths, and welfare losses. Antibody testing, however, prevents this escalation by revealing that those agents are not immune. Through this mechanism, I find that antibody testing prevents about 12% of COVID-19 related deaths within 12 months.  相似文献   

Sarah Senesky   《Labour economics》2005,12(6):749-772
The neoclassical life-cycle labor supply model assumes that hours of work are determined by labor supply choices alone and does not include a role for employers or job distinctions. An alternative model in which employers have an interest in employee hours and changing jobs is costly may reconcile weak and conflicting evidence regarding the neoclassical model. An important implication of such an alternative is that individuals may face hours constraints on a job and thus can choose hours freely only between jobs. This paper tests several implications of the neoclassical model against this alternative model of hours determination. Using a unique panel of individuals and jobs constructed using data on women from the 1988–1992 Panel Study of Income Dynamics, I compare hours variances and labor supply elasticities measured within and between jobs. Results provide some evidence against the neoclassical model and suggest that ignoring the role of employers in determining hours of work can lead to downward bias in estimates of labor supply elasticities.  相似文献   

We select a menu of seven popular decision theories and embed each theory in five models of stochastic choice, including tremble, Fechner and random utility model. We find that the estimated parameters of decision theories differ significantly when theories are combined with different models. Depending on the selected model of stochastic choice we obtain different rankings of decision theories with regard to their goodness of fit to the data. The fit of all analyzed decision theories improves significantly when they are embedded in a Fechner model of heteroscedastic truncated errors or a random utility model. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Can firm names be tradeable assets when changes in name ownership are observable? Earlier literature focuses on trading of firm names when trading is not observable to the consumer. Yet, casual empiricism suggests that shifts in name ownership are often publicly known. This paper studies how firm names can be traded even under full observability. In equilibrium, even when consumers see a reputed name being divested they continue to trust it and so, these names are tradeable. I further demonstrate an appealing “sorting” property of these equilibria. Competent firms can separate themselves by buying valuable names, and incompetent firms can give themselves away by using worthless names.  相似文献   

在现在,越来越多的中国品牌开始使用西化品牌名,但是很少有研究探讨中国品牌使用西化品牌名是否是一种有效的策略。本文的研究发现,当消费者发现中国品牌使用西化品牌名时,消费者的购买意愿会显著降低,同时该效应受到产品卷入度和消费者民族民族中心主义的调节。  相似文献   

以上海老城厢地区的道路街巷传统地名为例,从地名的产生时间、命名特征及演变、保存及消失状况等基本特征分析入手,借鉴联合国及我国所公布的关于认定地名文化遗产的标准及原则,从历史悠久程度、持续使用时间及文化的独特性三个方面探析该类地名文化遗产的评价体系,以确定保护内容,并据此建立保护框架,为推进关于地名文化遗产的认定以及保护的系统研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

张琦 《价值工程》2015,(4):193-194
驻马店拥有丰富的地名人文资源,如何对其进行开发和利用一直是当地政府思考的重要问题。受地名与商品或服务结合情况的影响,驻马店在进行地名文化品牌的开发与利用时,应该根据不同地名人文资源的性质,规范地名人文资源的保护与开发工作。  相似文献   

由于互联网上不允许有两个完全相同的域名,随之而来的是域名纠纷案件的不断增多,与之相对应的现象是相关法律制度的贫乏。本文就域名的法律性质、域名侵权纠纷、纠纷解决机制及法律适用这几个方面对域名及其相关法律调整进行阐述。  相似文献   

全球国际货运代理有限公司(Schenker,以下简称全球货运)是世界500强企业德国铁路的子公司.它成立至今已有135年历史,是世界著名的国际货代公司和第三方物流公司.  相似文献   

中国将在2012年前全面推进省直管县财政改革财政部9日发布关于推进省直接管理县财政改革的意见称,2012年底前,力争全国除民族自治地区外全面推进省直接管理县财政改革,近期首先将粮食、油料、棉花、生猪生产大县全部纳入改革范围。☆6月份财政收支情况:全国财政收入同比增长19.6%  相似文献   

Within the class of weighted averages of ordered measurements on criteria of ‘equal importance’, we discuss aggregators that help assess to what extent ‘most’ criteria are satisfied, or a ‘good performance across the board’ is attained. All aggregators discussed are compromises between the simple mean and the very demanding minimum score. The weights of the aggregators are described in terms of the convex polytopes as induced by the characteristics of the aggregators, such as concavity. We take the barycentres of the polytopes as representative weights.  相似文献   

In recent years the study of urban toponymy (place names) has been revitalized by the emergence of a ‘critical toponymies' approach. This focuses on the cultural politics of place naming and the decisions involved in attributing names to the urban landscape. However, in contemporary cities place names have an economic role in addition to their political role. In particular, there have been recent calls for more attention to the commodification of place‐naming rights and practices. This article seeks to respond to these calls by addressing the issue of urban place names as commodities. It begins by examining the naming of sports stadia by corporate sponsors. It then considers a range of ways in which private‐sector interests are increasingly influencing the naming of the urban landscape, from buildings and neighbourhoods to individual streets. Even the material signage that identifies street names can be appropriated within branding and promotional strategies. Moreover, urban place names are increasingly incorporated into a range of commercially produced spatial datasets collated by private companies. The article ends by proposing a number of directions for future research into the economic role of urban place names and the commodification of toponymy more broadly.  相似文献   

abstract    In this paper, I examine the use of metonymies in people's talk about organizations. Drawing upon a corpus of natural talk extracted from the British National Corpus (BNC) I identify recurring categories of metonymies that appear to be a central part of people's talk about organizations. These categories of metonymies involve substitutions where an organization stands in for its members, its products, its facilities, its stock or shares or a company-related event. I also found that metonymies in each of these categories are used as basic metonymic expressions that are only partially connected to metaphorical expressions and interpretations of organizations. Where those connections exist, the use of metonymies follows a metaphor-from-metonymy linguistic pattern (where a metaphorical meaning arises from the use of a metonymy) rather than a metonymy-within-metaphor pattern (where a metonymy is part of a metaphorical expression). I elaborate on the implications of these findings for our understanding of how organizations are discursively constructed and understood through metonymic language.  相似文献   

王莉 《价值工程》2014,(27):311-313
本文以中俄两国商业场所名称作为研究对象,从其命名原则、命名构成及文化内涵等三方面进行对比分析,揭示两种不同的语言在这一独特的"名称系统"中所具有的共性及特性。同时,解读这些超语言因素的文化信息,也使我们在与"他者"文化镜像的对比映照中更深刻地认知语言和文化的差异性。  相似文献   

王颖  松涛 《英才》2007,(2):48-50
年薪800万,内资银行薪酬最高的行长,这样的噱头足够吸引众多的眼球。当2006年9月,招商银行在香港联合交易所成功上市,成为第一家在股份制改革后以A+H形式到香港上市的内地企业后,作为行长的马蔚华受到了更多的关注。  相似文献   

"我们的成绩便是别人的问题,所以每位审计工作者的综合素质不仅仅关系到简单的工作能力问题,更关系到国有资产的保值增值,人民财产的安全."近日,在某省的审计工作会议上,一位审计工作人员不无自豪地对记者说出了这样的话.  相似文献   

<正>有的病人或家属心情不好就拿电梯司机撒气,我们的管理人员改变了原来说教的办法,改为每天的晚例会带着这帮开电梯的小姑娘做游戏、跳绳、唱歌,通过文体活动来缓解她们工作的压力。2014年4月10日,光大置业有限公司(下简称光大置业)通过公开的市场招投标程序,接到空军总医院物业服务中标通知书。作为公司空军总  相似文献   

在竞争日益激烈的现代市场经济中.“以质量求生存,以信誉求发展”已成了企业制胜的法宝。实践证明,企业要想在竞争中长盛不衰,最关键的因素不是先进的设备和技术,也不是严格的规章制度,而是依靠先进的质量管理和质量文化。2000版ISO9000族标准强调,“质量是企业追求的.也是顾客想要得到的”.要做到向顾客提供高质量的产品.  相似文献   

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