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Health care costs originate from physician-patient-relationship. It is this unique interrelation which determines mode and extent of diagnostics and therapy, prevention and rehabilitation. The increase in health care costs closely follows increase in gross domestic product (GDP) since decades indicating a basic cost-conscious conduct of both partners. In consequence, there is no uncontrolled or even unlimited increase in health care costs as claimed in public. There is also no need to ration health care services because of economic aspects due to demographic development nor to give up solidarization within social systems. This paper resolves some of common but misguided opinions, analyses health care services from a physician’s point of view and identifies basic but unsolved problems of the German health care system. It demands definition of health by German society and professional clarification of the term medically essential, recommends priority for preventive measures as well as implementation of long standing legal regulations such as rehabilitation prior to nursing.  相似文献   

Let's put consumers in charge of health care   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Herzlinger RE 《Harvard business review》2002,80(7):44-50, 52-5, 123
Businesses spend billions on health insurance. And what do they get for their money? A lot of unhappy employees. Workers fret about the quality of the care they receive, the burden of their out-of-pocket expenses, and the gaps in their coverage. For businesses, health care has become a lose-lose proposition: They pay way too much, and they get way too little. The problem is that the health care industry has been shielded from consumer pressure--by employers, insurers, and the government. As a result, costs have exploded even as choices have narrowed. But if companies embrace a new model of health coverage--one that places control over both costs and care directly into the hands of employees--the competitive forces that spur productivity and innovation in consumer markets can be loosed upon the inefficient, tradition-bound health care system. Moving to consumer-driven health care requires that companies revamp their health benefits in six ways: Give employees incentives to shop intelligently; offer a real choice of insurance plans; charge employees prices that accurately reflect the company's costs; let providers set their own prices; adjust payments for each enrollee based on need; and provide relevant information. Putting consumers in charge of health care may seem like a radical approach. But individuals are highly motivated to educate themselves about their health, their insurance, and their care, and they want to seek the most value for their money. Promoting that economic dynamic--the same that fuels consumer markets everywhere--is the best way to enhance the health care industry's productivity and quality.  相似文献   

Given that managed care seems to have run its course, employers are forced to deal with escalating health care costs by reducing benefits and lowering pay--or are they? Why not bring the power of the responsible, informed consumer to health care? Consumer-driven health care offers a new, economically rational direction that can simultaneously address the needs of both employers and employees. This article reviews the factors leading to the need for consumer-driven health care and describes the characteristics and benefits of its current and next generations of development.  相似文献   

Depression is a relatively common disease that has more impact on employers' health care costs and workplace productivity than many chronic medical conditions. This article describes the costs of depression, both direct and indirect, and discusses effective employer strategies for dealing with depression in the workplace.  相似文献   

As corporations look for ways to cut the rising costs of health care, they direct most of their efforts at modifying the demand for services. Some have attempted to effect changes in the health care system as a whole, and a smaller number have instituted programs to attack the problem at its source by improving the health of their employees. This article explores and evaluates existing corporate health promotion activities and concludes that such programs should form the third part of a three-pronged attack on health care costs.  相似文献   

Employers' past solutions to rising health benefit costs--adopting managed care strategies, cost shifting to employees and reducing benefits-are no longer effectively controlling costs and are depressing the value of health benefits for employee recruitment and retention. An alternative strategy is to implement health management approaches that improve the health status of employees. These programs reduce medical costs and have a documented positive impact on workers' compensation, disability costs, absenteeism and productivity. Further, this approach is complementary to health care consumerism as a strategy for health improvement and benefit cost reduction and results in improved employee health, outlook and satisfaction.  相似文献   

Business leaders continue to blame the skyrocketing cost of health care for jeopardizing the global competitiveness of U.S. industries, and they continue to turn to Washington for the solution. Yet after a study of 16 countries, Wharton researchers David Brailer and R. Lawrence Van Horn have discovered that health care costs do not directly hinder U.S. competitiveness. Their conclusion: there is indeed a health care crisis in the United States as well as a competitiveness crisis. But the two are unrelated, and confusing them makes it difficult to solve either one. The real problem, according to the authors, is the hands-off approach that employers typically adopt when it comes to health care. No matter how Washington responds to the health care crisis, employers must explore their own role in ensuring the health of their work force. And they must realize that their role can be a strategic one. Instead of containing costs by fine-tuning benefits packages, companies can control costs and improve health care delivery by treating health care like any other crucial component of production. Brailer and Van Horn propose three strategies for managing health care delivery: First, companies must intervene in the supply side of the health care market. This may mean creating a clinic alone or with other companies, or joining with other companies to procure health care. Second, companies need to translate corporate health benefits into the most cost-effective set of services at the local level. Finally, companies must encourage and educate employees to participate in decisions regarding health care delivery.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Kaplan RS  Porter ME 《Harvard business review》2011,89(9):46-52, 54, 56-61 passim
U.S. health care costs currently exceed 17% of GDP and continue to rise. One fundamental reason that providers are unable to reverse the trend is that they don't understand what it costs to deliver patient care or how those costs compare with outcomes. To put it bluntly, few health care providers measure the actual costs for treating a given patient with a given medical condition over a full cycle of care, or compare the costs they incur with the outcomes they achieve. What isn't measured cannot be managed or improved, and this is all too true in health care, where poor costing systems mean that effective and efficient providers go unrewarded, and inefficient ones have little incentive to improve. But all this can be remedied by exploring the concept of value in health care and carefully measuring costs. This article describes a new way to analyze costs that uses patients and their conditions--not organizational units or narrow diagnostic treatment groups--as the fundamental unit of analysis for measuring costs and outcomes. The new approach, called time-driven activity-cased costing, is currently being implemented in pilots at the Head and Neck Center at MD Anderson, the Cleft Lip and Palate Program at Children's Hospital in Boston, and units performing knee replacements at Sch?n Klinik in Germany and Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston. As providers and payors better understand costs, they will be positioned to achieve a true "bending of the cost curve" from within the system, not in response to top-down mandates. Accurate costing also unlocks a whole cascade of opportunities, such as process improvement, better organization of care, and new reimbursement approaches that will accelerate the pace of innovation and value creation.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the multiple data sources and outcomes surrounding the management of both pharmacy and medical cost spending for chronic health care in one pharmacy benefit manager (PBM). We offer examples of how the complex relationship between interventions and spending is utilized in order to bring value to PBMs' clients above and beyond the scope of traditional pharmacy trend analytics. Additionally, we demonstrate how the implementation of disease management programs can effectively impact the largest component of total health care costs.  相似文献   

The Anti-Discrimination Law (AGG) creates particular challenges for private health care insurers. In future, maternity and pregnancy costs will have to be included in the calculation of contributions made by both sexes. This will entail many adaptations for the insuring companies. Through the legal cost-impact model, the contributions are determined by means of a conceptual framework for determining the costs flowing from the law. For private health insurers, the internal costs from the civil law component of the AGG range from approximately €?4.2 million to €?7.7 million. In addition, in the first year, there will be consequential costs from labour laws of €?3.2 million. This very substantial level of bureaucratic cost clearly indicates the need to investigate new laws in the context of a differentiated evaluation process which focuses entirely on the impact of the laws and the consequential costs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Do managed care health plans truly control costs more effectively than nonmanaged care plans? Recent evidence suggests that employees are getting used to the managed care idea and that managed care is responsible for the sharp slowdown in health-care costs. This article examines recent changes in the delivery, financing, and consumption of health care from the perspective of a large multiple-site American corporation to see whether its health-care costs are controlled and whether this control occurs at the expense of employee satisfaction. A unique aspect of this study is that managed care was implemented more slowly and in phases at one of the six sites analyzed. The results suggest the following. First, the Study Corporation's health-care costs have not significantly increased four years following the change from an indemnity to a managed care plan. The authors interpret this result to mean that managed care has controlled costs because before the change, plan costs were increasing 15 percent per year. Second, the site with the underdeveloped network did not have higher costs than the other sites based on the analysis. Third, the authors show that employee satisfaction increased after implementation of the managed care plan. Moreover, satisfaction was higher at sites with more employees, higher usage, and higher health-care costs. Last, the results suggest that plan participant satisfaction increases as the managed care network becomes more developed. Policy and benefit manager recommendations are made on the basis of these reported findings.  相似文献   

Outcomes analysis in health care has historically meant the examination of clinical results of inpatient hospitalization. In response to climbing health care and health insurance costs, the organization of health care providers, the location of service delivery and reimbursement mechanisms have changed. As the health care industry changes, so too must the definition of outcomes. This article presents a conceptual framework for the analysis of health outcomes as health industry outputs, with an emphasis on the ways in which such outputs are being assessed and improved.  相似文献   

In summary, there are costs to maintaining separate systems to cover both work- and non-work-related injuries and illnesses; there are also significant costs associated with achieving coordination--if not integration--of the two plans. Overall, the financial data do not indicate that the overlap between workers' compensation and health benefits is of such magnitude as to justify integration regardless of cost; however, the data do suggest that judicious exploitation of opportunities to coordinate the two programs, especially in regard to managing health care providers, may generate significant savings.  相似文献   

A survey of the 140 largest energy and communication companies in the United States marks the first attempt to identify best practices and trends relating to health care and disability activities in these industries. The results provide insights into the vital connection between the costs of disability and the costs of health care.  相似文献   

Account-based health plans (ABHPs), which combine high-deductible plans with either health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) or health savings accounts (HSAs), have gained popularity in recent years. Because there is growing evidence these plans are indeed engaging consumers and moderating cost increases, employers will need ABHP design options as they strive to bring costs under control in coming years. Some observers, however, are now concerned that benefits standards introduced by federal health care reform will undermine these plans, and many in the business community anticipate new health benefits mandates will drive up employers' total health care costs. The authors show that although the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010 includes numerous provisions that will likely increase costs for employers, the law also accommodates, and may even foster, HSAs and HRAs.  相似文献   

This article will examine the learning curve and its potential impact on the health care industry. Although the learning curve has traditionally been applied to the manufacturing industry, a labor-intensive industry like health care is a prime candidate for the benefits of the learning curve. Specifically, we will look at past research on the learning curve and discuss what effects learning might have on health care costs and outcomes in the current health care environment.  相似文献   

Predictive models of health care costs have become mainstream in much health care actuarial work. The Affordable Care Act requires the use of predictive modeling-based risk-adjuster models to transfer revenue between different health exchange participants. Although the predictive accuracy of these models has been investigated in a number of studies, the accuracy and use of models for applications other than risk adjustment have not been the subject of much investigation. We investigate predictive modeling of future health care costs using several statistical techniques. Our analysis was performed based on a dataset of 30,000 insureds containing claims information from two contiguous years. The dataset contains more than 100 covariates for each insured, including detailed breakdown of past costs and causes encoded via coexisting condition flags. We discuss statistical models for the relationship between next-year costs and medical and cost information to predict the mean and quantiles of future cost, ranking risks and identifying most predictive covariates. A comparison of multiple models is presented, including (in addition to the traditional linear regression model underlying risk adjusters) Lasso GLM, multivariate adaptive regression splines, random forests, decision trees, and boosted trees. A detailed performance analysis shows that the traditional regression approach does not perform well and that more accurate models are possible.  相似文献   

Physicians are known to play an important role in the rise of health care costs. But patients--the other side of the chain of health care systems--have been given little attention. The present study utilized the outpatient claims (in the belief that the outpatient hospital visits are mainly decided by the patients) from a health insurance organization in Japan (the Fukuoka Prefecture public service mutual aid association for government employees who serve in small cities, towns, and villages) to analyze the employee behaviors in the use of hospital care and the costs associated with these behaviors. Number of diseases diagnosed for an employee, number of claims an employee submitted for one disease, number of hospitals an employee visited, number of claims an employee had from one hospital, and the total number of claims an employee submitted were used to describe the hospital use behaviors. Results showed that some employees exhibited unusual behaviors, characterized by having an extremely large number of diseases diagnosed, visiting a large number of different hospitals, having a large number of claims, etc. Higher medical expenditures were associated with such behaviors. The findings of this study suggest that the patients' role in the rise of health care costs cannot be ignored, and cost-containment strategies targeting modification of patient behaviors in the use of hospital care may prove to be very useful.  相似文献   

For most employers, a small percent of the employee/participant population accounts for a large percent of health care costs. However, the population of this high-cost group changes from year to year. The fundamental problem is keeping employees out of the high-risk/high-cost segment, something plan design changes cannot address but that integrated health risk management (IHRM) can help achieve. This article explains how employers can implement an IHRM program to significantly lower health care costs to a degree unattainable through traditional cost-control strategies, while simultaneously raising workers' productivity and well-being.  相似文献   

This article examines the markets for long-term care insurance and annuities when there is asymmetric information and there are costs of administering contracts. Individuals differ in terms of their risk aversion. Risk-averse individuals take more care of their health and are relatively high risk in the annuities market and relatively low risk in the long-term care insurance market. In the long-term care insurance market, both separating and partial-pooling equilibria are possible. However, in the stand-alone annuity market, only separating equilibria are possible. We show, consistent with the extant empirical research, that in the presence of administration costs the more risk-averse individuals may buy relatively more long-term care insurance and more annuity coverage. Under the same assumptions, we show that equilibria exist with bundled contracts that Pareto dominate the outcomes with stand-alone contracts and are robust to competition from stand-alone contracts. The remaining empirical puzzle is to explain why bundled contracts are such a small share of the voluntary annuity market.  相似文献   

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