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Conclusions The new Proposals for Technology for England and Wales (DFE December 1992) suggest Design and Make Tasks (DMTs) ie. project work as being the major method of Design and Technology learning. This article has been primarily concerned with questions of motivation within project work but has touched on other-fundamental aspects. As a teaching/learning technique group project work has limitations as indicated above. However it would appear that many teachers do not recognise these limitations and produce poor practice. An example would be the frequent failure to use end of lesson debriefs to share individual's experience and to reflect. It is important that we now begin to develop a clearer understanding of project work as a learning experience. The DFE document offers little guidance; more research and debate is necessary to identify the assumptions and put forward practical advice on how to maximise the potential benefits of project work in Design and Technology.  相似文献   

The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta's Center for Real Estate Analytics and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte's Center for Real Estate jointly sponsored a research conference held in Charlotte on December 5–6, 2013. The conference theme was “Government Involvement in Residential Mortgage Markets” and included papers and discussions from an array of economists employed in academia, government, think tanks and the private sector. This special issue of Real Estate Economics is composed of seven of the ten papers presented at the conference. The research is concentrated on the recent U.S. housing boom and bust, with a particular focus on the role of government policy.  相似文献   

Runaway chemical reactions are a potential problem in many sectors of the chemical industry. The typical hazard scenario involves a batch (or semi-batch) chemical reaction where, due to an operator error or instrument failure, the reaction temperature begins to accelerate rapidly. The rise in temperature is, of course, accompanied by a rise in pressure and in order to prevent vessel rupture, some means of protection must be provided. The common approach to overpressure protection in the industry is to fit a relief device to the reactor vessel in question; the device opens at a predetermined pressure and, provided it is sized correctly, the maximum pressure can be kept within acceptable limits. The Design Institute for Emergency Relief Systems (DIERS), organized through the auspices of the AIChE [1], undertook several years of research to develop the methodology for the sizing of relief systems to cope with runaway reactions. The emphasis in industry has changed so considerably since the DIERS work that companies are interested in avoiding the release of chemicals to the environment in addition to preventing equipment damage. This adds considerable complexity to the relief system and must be evaluated with the same thoroughness as the vent design.  相似文献   

This article seeks to examine the relationship that exists between the development of high order thinking such as creative and problem solving skills and the need for pupils to achieve high levels of performance in their design and technology public examinations during the final year of compulsory education in the UK.The data under discussion were collected during the final year of a four year research project when a sample of fifty 15–16 year old pupils was chosen from eight schools in the north-east of England.For the purpose of this article a further sub-sample of twenty-seven pupils [twelve pupils who achieved high marks for their project work (sixty-five percent and above) and the fifteen pupils who achieved low marks in their project work (forty percent and below) was selected.In discussing the findings, the relationship between levels of creativity, performance, personal goal characteristics, motivation and design procedures used by the pupils will be highlighted. Conclusions will then be drawn concerning the part played by GCSE Design and Technology examination project work in enhancing the development of creative, innovative thinking and problem solving skills.  相似文献   

This paper presents a compilation and empirical survey‐based evaluation of the metrics most commonly used by program managers during product development management. This work is part of a bigger project of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Project Management Institute (PMI) and International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE). Three methodological procedures were applied: systematic literature review, focus‐group discussions, and survey. The survey results indicate the metrics considered to be the most and least useful for managing lean engineering programs, and reveals a shift of interest towards qualitative metrics, especially the ones that address the achievement of stakeholder values, and the absence of useful metrics regarding the lean principles People and Pull.  相似文献   

In 2007, the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering of the Delft University of Technology introduced a new bachelor program. Based on theories of learning and instruction three design principles were used to develop an approach that aims to make it easier for students to bridge the gap between theoretical design engineering courses and practical design projects. To investigate whether the new program is successful in this respect, we selected a representative combination of one course and one design project, analysed grades, sent out questionnaires and interviewed teaching staff. The unique change of all three course years at once, as opposed to sequential introduction, allowed us to establish a control group and obtain precise results. By repeating our studies 1 year later, we further enhanced the reliability of our findings. We conclude that our approach indeed strengthens the link between theory and practice, and have reason to be positive about the research method adopted. Furthermore, we identified several barriers that must be overcome for such an approach to become successful, and can now give additional recommendations for course and/or program revisions in teaching design engineering at academic level.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the new Guidelines for Chemical Process Quantitative Risk Analysis recently published by the AIChE Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS). CCPS was formed soon after the disasters in Mexico City and Bhopal. CCPS was established in 1985 by the AIChE to develop and disseminate technical information for use in the prevention of major chemical accidents. The center is supported by over 60 industrial sponsors in the chemical process industry (CPI), who provide the necessary funding and professional guidance to its technical committees. The major product of CCPS activities has been a series of guideline books. Table I presents a list of the currently available CCPS guidelines. The first book, Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures (HEP), presented various structured qualitative techniques (HAZOP, FMEA, etc.) that could be used to identify possible hazards in a chemical facility. The Technical Steering Committee of CCPS decided that a sequel to HEP should be developed which would present quantitative methods for acute process hazards. The Guidelines for Chemical Process Quantitative Risk Analysis (CPQRA) resulted from that decision.  相似文献   

This paper starts out with a discussion of the importance of user-centred design, outlining its history and current embodiment in national and international standards and considers its particular relevance in addressing the needs of ageing populations. The paper moves on to examine how the premise of user-centred design has been taken up in education and focuses on the specific example of user-centred approaches as part of the Design and Technology requirement of the English National Curriculum, taught in England’s schools since 1989. The initial stage of the Designing our Tomorrow project presented in this paper was an investigation of the extent to which user-centred design was integrated in current teaching practice. Analysing baseline data collected from teachers and pupils at two state secondary schools the project team found that many of the tasks teachers planned for pupils did not provide opportunities to identify users’ needs when solving design problems. Finally, the paper presents a discussion of the project’s implications for pupils’ learning and understanding of Design and Technology.  相似文献   

IE、TQC与VE是从西方国家引进的三种现代化管理方法,我国企业正大力推行。本文用辩证唯物主义观点阐述了三者间的关系,这可使企业在应用它们时,减少重复劳动,做到事半功倍。  相似文献   

In this issue of the International Journal of Technology and Design, we report on a series of case studies from the second phase of an international project—Developing Professional Thinking for Technology Teachers (DEPTH2). The first phase of the project was a study conducted with both primary and secondary technology pre-service teacher education students in a number of different countries who were given the same teacher-knowledge graphical framework as a tool to support reflection on their professional knowledge. We discovered that, despite the different country contexts, student teachers of technology could articulate aspects of their developing teacher knowledge using the same framework for teacher professional development. As previously reported in this journal (Banks et al. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 14, 141–157, 2004), the common graphical tool enabled them to set out their subject knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and ‘school’ knowledge and was useful in helping them become more self-aware. In this second phase of the project we have developed this line of research in two ways. First, we extended the range of participants to include experienced teachers involved in in-service work connected to curriculum development. Second, we looked at the inter-relationship for pre-service teachers between their developing professional knowledge and their own ‘personal subject construct’. In this article, the theoretical framework for the subsequent papers is described and set in the context of recent debates surrounding the nature and importance of teacher knowledge; and the way such professional knowledge can be articulated by teachers.  相似文献   

Product innovation research has matured substantially in the last two decades. A great deal of knowledge has been produced on various aspects of the discipline, so it is of interest to assess the state of the art the scientific community has reached in this discipline and the route it has taken. This perspective is investigated through a bibliometric study of the Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM), arguably the most important specialized journal on this topic. The work reviews all journal paper contributions in JPIM from 1984 to 2004 in determined time frames, assesses the citations contained in these papers, identifies how the citations are related to the various topics of production innovation research (topic‐related citation variety, topic‐related citation consistency, variation in topic‐related citation pattern), and offers a retrospective examination of the evolution of the field. The overall analysis of citations shows that most papers in JPIM cite at least one of the top 50 works identified by this study. This testifies to the strong impact of the most influential works on the intellectual structure of product innovation research. The observed citation pattern suggests that the top 50 papers gained influence in product innovation research either because they represent a relevant contribution on a fundamental topic that already has been authoritatively studied or because they investigate in a relevant manner a new topic. The paper suggests that JPIM might benefit in its aim to consolidate its position as one of the top academic business journals if published papers increasingly drew on the most influential works to inform their research design and explicitly stated the theoretical underpinnings they draw on in their research design. Overall, the analysis of the subperiods (1984–1988, 1989–1993, 1994–1998, and 1999–2004) provides evidence for the maturation of new product innovation research. Books covering a wide range of topics are replaced by journal papers addressing a specific topic; over time, specific topics emerge and become influential for the discipline's intellectual structure; papers published in JPIM augment their methodological rigor and increasingly address contingency factors. The paper also notes that obtaining relevance for JPIM authors constitutes a necessary condition for being considered by management researchers at large as an influential contribution to product innovation research.  相似文献   

In his recent paper (“Interest Rate Independent Present Value Ranking,” The Engineering Economist, Vol. 34, No. 2, 1989), W. H. Jean discusses the concept of the “time dominance,” developed for the interest rate independent ranking of mutually exclusive projects. He derives a set of conditions identifying the time dominance for the continuous model of time and value representation, and applies these conditions to cash flow series defined in terms of the discrete model. In the current contribution, the genuine time dominance conditions for the discrete model of time and value representation are derived, and it is shown that they are not only much more simple to handle than those presented by Jean, but are also a part of an already existing approach published earlier in this journal. Since Jean's conditions are valid only for the positive values of the interest rate, complementary conditions applicable for the negative interest rates, for both the discrete and continuous models, are also derived.  相似文献   

Growing concern about the risk of major chemical accidents in the U.S. has led both government and industry to find new ways to identify and evaluate potential hazards. Among the most promising (and misunderstood) approaches is a collection of techniques called quantitative risk assessment (QRA). Adapted primarily from probabilistic risk assessment approaches developed in other industries, the use of QRA is spreading rapidly through the U.S. chemical industry. Of equal importance, legislators and regulatory agencies at the state and federal level are making QRA an integral part of their proposals for mandatory accident prevention measures. This paper summarizes a workshop on QRA that was presented at the International Conference and Workshop on Process Safety Management, sponsored by the AIChE Center for Chemical Process Safety, in Toronto during May 1990. It is based on A Manager's Guide to QRA [1] developed for the Chemical Manufacturers Association. This paper gives an overview of the Guide and discusses important implications concerning the increasing acceptance of QRA as a chemical regulatory tool.  相似文献   

In this work a matrix-type tool is used to assist design-engineering students to develop product design projects. The ‘specifications-factors-concepts matrix’ or SFCM is proposed as a specific tool to organize and relate product requirements, design factors and projected solutions. Taking into account the early stages of the design process, two types of projects that are denominated, respectively, with imposed specifications and with derived specifications, are differentiated. In each case, SFCM conveniently integrates the main contents of the project in order to carry out a comprehensive study of the design problem. SFCM was implemented in higher education, particularly in Degree of Engineering of Industrial Design and Product Development. The design of a hydraulic front brake handle for motorcycles (imposed specifications approach) and a waking up enabler for children (derived specifications approach), were proposed. The process of creation as well as the resulting matrix is shown in each case. In addition, the development and results of the experience are exposed. Students assessed by means of a survey how it helped them to develop the main tasks involved in the design projects giving, globally, a positive opinion about its usefulness.  相似文献   

Technology and Design was introduced at Key Stage 3 for all pupils in Northern Ireland, as a result of the Education Reform (NI) Order in 1989. Central to the process of introducing this new and compulsory subject, the government spent in excess of £167M to make provision for the subject in all post-primary schools. This paper explores the perceptions of teachers of Technology and Design (known as Design and Technology in GB) in post-primary schools throughout Northern Ireland to the introduction and implementation of the subject. The methods involved a questionnaire survey to all teachers of Technology and Design throughout Northern Ireland (n = 587) and one-to-one interviews with 24. Findings suggest that teachers consider Technology and Design to be a worthwhile subject and believe that it adds much to the educational experience of the pupils involved. Nonetheless, there is general acceptance that difficulties surround the whole issue of subject definition and content delineation. As a consequence, significant demands are placed upon these teachers as they work to ensure that all pupils are given a worthwhile and valuable learning experience. These findings are discussed in terms of teachers’ perceptions of subject definition, delineation of subject content, the nature of the work involved and issues related to academic ability.  相似文献   

We suggest a new approach to calculating a project's net present value, termed the displaced equity method. Based on a straightforward formula, it analyzes a project partially financed with debt from the perspective that every year the amount of outstanding debt displaces an equivalent amount of equity that otherwise would be tied up in the project. Although they represent distinct shareholders' perspectives, the displaced equity method and the equity residual method yield identical net present values and internal rates of return. Every year, the project's value calculated with the displaced equity method is equal to the sum of the project's debt and equity values. In practice, when the schedule of expected outstanding debt amounts is known, using the displaced equity method is an easy way to estimate the project's net present value.  相似文献   

The Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to be the next phase of the Internet revolution and to transform consumers’ service experience. It nevertheless raises challenges on innovation in services. Based on Ram and Sheth's ( 1989 ) theoretical framework, this work attempts to provide a better understanding of the barriers that lead to consumers’ resistance to smart services as an innovation. To this end, our research adopts an integrative framework that combines functional barriers, psychological barriers, and individual barriers to explain consumer resistance to smart services. Structural equation modeling was used to test this theoretical framework. Our research enriches the existing literature by (1) adapting Ram and Sheth's ( 1989 ) theoretical framework to the evolution of digital technologies (technological vulnerability barriers), (2) taking into account the ideological aspect of resistance (ideological barriers), and (3) considering dispositional variables (individual barriers). Moreover, it highlights the key role of skepticism toward IoT devices as a mediator between technological vulnerability barriers and individual barriers on the one hand and consumer resistance to smart services on the other.  相似文献   

The Engineering Economist is a refereed journal published jointly by the Engineering Economy Division of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) and the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE). The journal publishes articles, case studies, surveys, book and software reviews, and readers' comments that represent current research, practice, and teaching involving problems of capital investment.

The journal seeks submissions in a number of areas, including, but not limited to, capital investment analysis, cost estimation and accounting, cost of capital, design economics, economic decision analysis, education, policy analysis (i.e., governmental), and research and development.

As noted in the editorial, we are celebrating the 50th volume of our journal and we are taking this opportunity to reinvigorate our purpose. This is to be facilitated with the designation of area editors assigned to specific submission focus areas. These areas are clearly defined below and the representative area editors are introduced. Their contact information is provided in case prospective authors have questions about potential submissions in prospective areas. However, all submissions should be sent to the editor-in-chief. The focus areas are listed alphabetically, followed by case study and book/software review submission guidelines. Following the definition of the areas are the new electronic submission guidelines for the journal.  相似文献   

Editor's Mote: In recent tines It has been recognized by academics and practitioners in the field of engineering economics of the necessity of an active, continuing research program. Such s program will provide improvements in the state-of-the-art along with development of the manpower required Co carry on the profession. In 1983, specific activities were initiated to increase the awareness of research activity within the profession and to identify those research areas of greateat need or promise

On August 24–29, 1984, the National Science Foundation sponsored the Research Planning Conference on Engineering Economics at Mountain Lake, Virginia. The following report describes this important meeting and the recommendations that resulted. Because of the importance of this meeting to the profession, this summary has been Included here. The proceedings resulting from this planning conference are available free of charge by contacting U. J. Fabrycky, Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061.  相似文献   

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