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This paper presents and discusses the principles and essential features of a process safety management system which if practiced and implemented will prevent industrial catastrophes. The importance of the corporate mission/philosophy and of establishing that sense of operating discipline are also discussed. The corporate mission/philosophy provides the leadership and foundation for a process safety management system. Operating discipline is what takes a process safety management effort from a “paper” program to an “action” program!  相似文献   

Process safety in the UK is discussed from both the legal and management standpoints. General safety legislation requires a formal statement of company policy and arrangements for managing safety, but allows freedom for an organization to decide what those arrangements should be. The basis of a company-wide approach to process safety management that meets legal requirements is outlined. Some of the main points requiring attention for effective process hazard recognition, assessment and control on a continuing basis are discussed.  相似文献   

Given the often dangerous nature of large-scale chemical and petroleum-based processes, corporations which operate plants in the hydrocarbon industry must make safety their first priority.  相似文献   

新密市是全国首批重点产煤市,煤炭是当地经济的主导产业。新密市坚持科学发展观,以抓好煤矿安全生产工作为重点,以服务煤矿为宗旨,创新思路,完善措施,切实加强全市煤矿的安全管理工作,有效地遏制了煤矿事故的多发势头,保持新密市煤炭工业的良好发展态势。一、健全机制,构建安全  相似文献   

文章结合公司的实际情况,阐述了搞好安全管理的方式方法。  相似文献   

Many companies are developing and implementing Process Safety Management (PSM) systems. Various PSM models, including those by the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), the American Petroleum Institute (API), the Chemical Manufacturers Association (CMA) and OSHA have emerged to guide the design, development and installation of these systems. These models represent distillations of the practices, methods and procedures successfully used by those who believed that a strong correlation exists between sound PSM practices and achieving reductions in the frequency and severity of process incidents. This paper describes the progress of CCPS research toward developing a PSM performance measurement model. It also provides a vision for future CCPS research to define effectiveness indices.  相似文献   

The implementation mechanisms of voluntary food safety systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The recent food scares have been the motivation for voluntary programmes on food safety being promoted by public authorities and voluntarily implemented by food operators. In this article, we take into account the nature of the contamination risk to investigate the complementarities between private and public mechanisms for those voluntary systems to be implemented by a firm. We show two main results. First, when the firm directly markets its products to consumers a strong mandatory threat is a sufficient condition to implement voluntary systems whatever the risk of contamination. In contrast, when the mandatory threat is weak voluntary systems should be more implemented in industries where the risk of food contamination is low (pesticide residue) than in industries where the risk of contamination is high (pathogenic contamination). Second, when the risk of food contamination is low and the firm is embedded in a supply chain where the retailer can impose its own safety system, a well-designed penalty contract will induce a voluntary implementation whatever the mandatory threat.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on middle management motivation to implement strategy. It uses expectancy theory to predict that middle managers will intervene in organizational decision-making processes leading to strategy implementation when their self-interest is at stake. It develops the notion of ‘counter effort’, as an extension of expectancy theory. The paper reports an empirical study of middle management intervention theory. The data and analysis of this study provide strong, if indirect, evidence that middle managers who believe that their self-interest is being compromised can not only redirect a strategy, delay its implementation or reduce the quality of its implementation, but can also even totally sabotage the strategy. Implications of the study for the management of strategy implementation are developed.  相似文献   

安全是最大的政治,安全是最大的效益,安全是最大的稳定,安全是最大的福利,越来越被众多的企业家所认同。山西焦煤集团公司一成立,集团决策层就响亮地提出了安全生产是煤矿的头等大事,是焦煤集团公司生存和发展的前提,没有安全就没有焦煤集团的企业生命,就没有企业的经济效益和社会效益;没有安全就没有领  相似文献   

质量目标是ISO9000:2000标准中对组织从质量管理体系策划、产品实现过程控制到管理评审贯穿始终的一项要求,是搞好质量管理体系运行的纲;阐释了质量方针和质量目标的文件形式;从5个方面介绍了制定质量目标应遵循的原则。  相似文献   

本文论述了运用经济手段加强安全管理的必要性,重要性及如何运用的具体办法,指出无论企业干部和工人都必须增加法律意识和经济意识。  相似文献   

综合系统的安全管理   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
应用综合的系统的方法将全面的质量管理应用到安全管理中,形成全员参与、全过程管理、全方位保证的安全管理新局面,有组织有系统的完成我们的安全管理工作。  相似文献   

煤矿安全管理理论模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,我国煤矿安全生产形势有了明显好转,但是事故仍然频频发生,给人民生命财产造成巨大损失,对构建和谐社会带来严重的负面影响。究其根本性原因,在于煤矿安全管理体系缺位。对此,本刊特约宁夏煤业集团公司总裁张文江撰写《煤矿安全管理理论模型》一文,对创建煤矿安全管理体系、构建本质安全型矿山而言,可谓是开山之作。  相似文献   

煤矿安全管理新模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,新汶矿业集团协庄煤矿从法治、人治的角度,遵循煤矿安全生产规律和实际,在对矿井多年来安全管理工作现状全面分析的基础上、从建立六大安全体系入手,提出了独具特色的安全管理理念,制定了一系列安全管理制度.创新运用了“2S”和“市场化”安全管理模式,为打造本质安全型矿井奠定了基础。  相似文献   

针对现有煤矿安全监控系统存在的不足,提出从系统数据传输方式以及各类传感器配接方式入手,在最大程度兼容原监控系统的基础上设计改造方案。课题采用光纤传输技术和对配接传感器柔性好的数据采集分站作为系统数据的传输手段和数据采集中继站。在林南仓煤矿安全监控系统升级改造过程中的具体应用表明,升级改造方案正确、可行,从根本上解决了原系统存在的不足。  相似文献   

黑龙江省龙煤集团鹤岗分公司益新煤矿是一个水、火、瓦斯灾害严重的矿井,而且旧区复采、战线拉长等问题给安全生产带来很大困难。近年来,益新煤矿运用系统管理模式,构建安全系统工程.使矿井连续三年杜绝了重伤以上事故。安全形势创历史最好水平.被黑龙江省授予“安全质量标准化明星矿”、“双十佳煤矿”等荣誉称号。本文结合益新煤矿的生产实践。就运用安全系统管理促进安全生产进行了探讨。[编者按]  相似文献   

An audit must have a defined structure, an understood purpose, and enough details to assure completeness. It should be divided into discrete levels with specific topics so that the auditor can fully identify and understand the degree to which each facility or company complies with the requirements. Each of these levels should also be designed to analyze different types of information, implementation actions, and infrastructure. This article proposes and discusses a four-level approach to conduct a comprehensive and complete audit. The four levels are as follows:
  • 1 Recognition and acknowledgment of the need to comply with a specific set of rules or regulations,
  • 2 An implementation strategy and infrastructure,
  • 3 Evidence of compliance, and
  • 4 Quality assessments.
The content and purpose of each level as well as the interaction between levels is discussed and explained in this article. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Process Saf Prog, 2009  相似文献   

高校科研管理系统的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑广成  林庆 《河北工业科技》2006,23(6):341-343,388
分析了C/S和B/S 2种模式混合使用的优越性,讨论了基于这2种混合模式如何进行高校科研管理系统的功能设计、系统体系结构设计、系统开发工具环境选择、功能模块划分,介绍了系统实施过程中的主要技术,并叙述了校级课题申报、审批、合同、结题等管理功能。  相似文献   

企业安全文化建设是近年来安全科学领域提出的一项企业安全生产保障新对策,是安全系统工程和现代安全管理的一种新思路、新策略,也是企业事故预防的重要基础工程。企业安  相似文献   

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