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内生增长理论是为弥补新古典增长理论而产生的.本文通过对内生增长理论产生的原因、基本思路和目前争论的热点进行评述,着重阐述了内生增长理论如何解决经济增长内生化的理论思路,并指出了其对中国经济增长的现实意义. 相似文献
内生经济增长理论:一个文献综述 总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34
本旨在通过评述30年代至今的各种经济增长理论,进一步梳理经济增长理论的发展脉络,尤其是内生经济增长理论的内在演化逻辑,并在此基础上指出经济增长理论可能的发展趋势。 相似文献
内生增长理论与我国经济增长 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对于一个发展中国家,欲实现快速的工业化和可持续的经济增长,就必须能够以最低廉的成本来获取技术的进步。半个多世纪以来,大量的经济增长理论和发展经济学文献均对该问题给予了高度的关注,也产生了各种各样的主张和学说。毫无疑问,技术的扩散和学习以及资本的引入在经济发展中起着至关重要的作用。因此,在梳理内生增长理论发展过程之后,着重从内生增长理论中的技术创新和资本积累的角度讨论我国当前的经济增长。 相似文献
本文对内生增长理论的发展进行了简要综述:放弃技术外生假定是对新古典增长理论的突破,拉开了内生增长理论的序幕;从完全竞争到不完全竞争的转变,是人们认识到仅仅用外部性来处理知识积累的回报是不够的,知识积累必须获得直接和明确的回报;“Jones批判”推动了理论的进一步发展,并产生了两类政策含义完全不同的理论模型。近来对技术进步的研究更加深入和微观化,这将会对内生增长理论产生重大的促进作用。 相似文献
内生增长理论研究最新进展 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
早期的内生增长理论成功地将技术进步内生化而初步解决了新古典增长理论的缺陷。但是早期理论存在很大不足:如将资本积累与技术创新割裂开来,内生增长模型相应地分为资本积累型与技术创新型;技术进步是“黑箱”,缺乏技术进步演变的微观机制;缺乏关于人力资本与技术创新之间关系的具体分析以及存在与经验事实相悖的规模效应。近年 相似文献
内生增长理论的最新进展 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
进入20世纪90年代后半期以后,经济学家对于内生增长理论的研究不断深入,并取得了新的进展。这些进展主要体现在理论研究和实证研究丽方面。 相似文献
内生增长理论的生成机理研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对传统生产方式内在限制的发现促成了依靠知识进步带动现代经济增长的努力; 通过对不同增长速度来源的分析导致内生经济增长理论的形成; 发展经济学家关于复兴开发教训的研究进一步证实“知识进展是长期的真实的生产率提高的基本要素”。知识经济实际上是一种“内生的经济增长方式”。与此相适应, 内生增长产生了一组新的政策结构。 相似文献
Optimal Product Variety and Economic Growth: The Trade-off between Internal and External Economies of Scale 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Received July 17, 2000; revised version received February 1, 2001 相似文献
Edwin L.-C. Lai 《Journal of Economic Growth》1998,3(1):81-103
The model in this article captures several important aspects of the real world: gradual obsolescence of goods in the form of gradually declining net profit derived from each product until it is phased out, expanding variety of goods over time, and both dynamic and static internal increasing returns to scale of production. To eliminate the scale effect, Jones's specification that gives rise to a semiendogenous rate of innovation is adopted. The most interesting finding of the article is that, when the research duplication effect is small (large) relative to the intertemporal knowledge spillover effect in R and D, the decentralized market delivers insufficient (excessive) obsolescence and allocates too little (much) labor to R and D, while a small subsidy (tax) to innovation is welfare-improving. All these results hold because the positive knowledge spillover externality overwhelms (is overwhelmed by) the negative research duplication externality. 相似文献
内生经济增长理论认为,知识和人力资本的外部效应与创新带来的垄断势力推动经济增长的同时,也会带来非帕雷托最优的经济增长收入分配的不公平,将阻碍经济增长;加快知识和人力资本积累、促进技术进步以及缓解收入分配不公平的财政政策能纠正市场失效,使长期经济增长达到社会最优. 相似文献
Charles I. Jones 《The Scandinavian journal of economics》2019,121(3):859-883
In 2018, Paul Romer and William Nordhaus shared the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. Romer was recognized “for integrating technological innovations into long‐run macroeconomic analysis”. This article reviews his prize‐winning contributions. Romer, together with others, rejuvenated the field of economic growth. He developed the theory of endogenous technological change, in which the search for new ideas by profit‐maximizing entrepreneurs and researchers is at the heart of economic growth. Underlying this theory, he pinpointed that the nonrivalry of ideas is ultimately responsible for the rise in living standards over time. 相似文献
我国作为世界上的大国,拥有世界1/5的人口,但是资源的稀缺约束着我国的发展。不过,我国所具备的充裕人力劳动资源是不可忽视的优势,若能将人力资源转化为人力资本,必定会推动我国经济进一步发展。通过计量经济学分析模式,剖析了我国人力资本投资对经济增长的贡献作用,阐明了人力资本投资对经济增长的促进作用。并就如何加强我国人力资本投资与建设提出了建议。 相似文献
One of the central analytical findings of the growth literature is that continuous growth is possible even in an economy with exhaustible resources. Based on this result, this paper addresses the question of whether different equilibrium trajectories which lead to a balanced growth path are possible within an endogenous growth model with incomplete competition. Although the Solow-Stiglitz condition is violated due to a monopolistic sector, we nevertheless demonstrate that steady growth in per capita consumption is possible under the condition that the rate of entry of new monopolists exceeds that of the average monopolist's decline in output. As a necessary but not sufficient condition for indeterminacies in a growing economy, this paper demonstrates that the partial production elasticity of capital must be smaller than that of the exhaustible resource. 相似文献
出口产品多样化与贸易绩效——基于引力模型的分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
近年来,国际贸易的发展为中国开拓国际市场起到了重要作用.随着中国产品走向世界,我们从中发现了产品多样化对出口贸易存在着正效应,且对出口贸易有非常稳定的影响作用.把握选取产品多样化的方法,对企业合理、准确定位产品有重大意义,同时也能使中国工业产品结构更趋合理,从而达到在国际经济活动中获取更大利益的目的. 相似文献
Patents in a Model of Endogenous Growth 总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7
This paper examines patent protection in an endogenous-growth model. Our aim is twofold. First, we show how the patent policies discussed by the recent patent-design literature can influence R&D in the endogenous-growth framework, where the role of patents has been largely ignored. Second, we explore how the general-equilibrium framework contributes to the results of the patent-design literature. In a general-equilibrium model, both incentives to innovate and monopoly distortions depend on the proportion of industries that conduct R&D. Furthermore, patents affect the allocation of R&D resources across industries, and patents can distort resources away from industries where they are most productive. 相似文献
构建了基于财政支出、税收的内生经济增长模型,并推导出在给定税收、财政支出政策的变化路径时,经济会达到竞争性分散均衡,税率与经济增长存在倒-U型关系,政府投资性支出与经济增长之间正相关。利用中国省际面板数据进行实证检验显示,在我国经济运行中,总产出、消费、投资、政府投资性支出、税率、利息率、工资水平之间存在长期均衡关系。我国宏观税率为28.63%时达到最优值,政府投资性支出对经济增长率存在正向影响,但不同区域间存在较大差异性。 相似文献
Takashi Unayama 《Journal of Economics》2003,79(1):41-60
This paper introduces product variety into the Balassa-Samuelson model in order to extend the model of real exchange rate
determination. With product differentiation, real exchange rates depend not only on the relative price of nontradables to
tradables but also on relative prices among tradables. This paper identifies a new factor that determines the extent of variety,
termed Infrastructural Technology, and that affects real exchange rates not through the relative price of nontradables but
through relative prices among tradables. This paper also conducts empirical tests, and the results of these tests support
the model.
Received May 31, 2001; revised version received March 20, 2002
Published online: April 30, 2003 相似文献