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Merchants and manufacturers are rapidly adopting electronic decision aids to help sell a variety of merchandise. These systems provide product information or recommendations based on input from the consumer and affect the way consumers process information. A conceptual framework, based on information processing theory and three strategic consumer difference variables — goal orientation, autonomy, and expertise — is presented. Based on these differences, propositions are derived to guide design of effective electronic decision aids.
Zusammenfassung Elektronische Entscheidungshilfen: Die Miteinbeziehung der Perspektive des Verbrauchers Händler un Hersteller verwenden in wachsendem Ma\e elektronische Entscheidungshilfen beim Verkauf einer Vielzahl von Waren. Solche Hilfen stellen Produktinformation bereit und liefern Empfehlungen auch aufgrund solcher Dateneingaben, die von der Verbraucherseite kommen, und sie beeinflussen die Art und Weise, wie die Konsumenten Information verarbeiten. Der Beitrag liefert einen begrifflichen Rahmen, der auf der Theorie der Informationsverarbeitung und auf drei Konsumentenvariablen — Zielorientierung, Autonomie und Kompetenz — aufbaut. Auf dieser Grundlage werden Vorschläge für die Gestaltung wirksamer elektronischer Entscheidungshilfen abgeleitet.

This research provides a consumer perspective of corporate ethics. The study consists of twenty long interviews [McCracken, G., 1988. The long interview. Newbury Park, CA: Sage] with general consumers, and conceptualizes potential sources of consumer perceived ethicality (CPE) of a company/brand by investigating consumers' ethical perceptions of business behavior. The developed taxonomy delineates six domains and 36 sub-domains of CPE origin, relating to the impact corporate behavior has on: (1) consumers, (2) employees, (3) the environment, (4) the overseas community, (5) the local economy and community, and (6) the business community. Findings demonstrate disparities between the consumer and the business perspective and highlight the fact that sources of CPE prove considerably more diverse and complex than the literature suggests, therefore presenting a vital extension to existing research. By providing business managers with a comprehensive assembly of issues which may evoke un/ethical perceptions, the framework may serve as a code of business conduct to prevent, contain, or combat negative CPE.  相似文献   

While the market for fair trade products has been growing in many countries, this paper examines the French market where fair trade remains marginal but is experiencing growth. Using a modified Theory of Planned Behaviour framework the research examines consumer intention to purchase fair trade grocery products in order to explain the pertinent decision‐making criteria of both consumers of and potential consumers of fair trade. Results reveal that concerned consumers should not be treated as one homogeneous group, rather, the distinct variations in the factors that influence their decision making must be considered when promoting, labelling and distributing fair trade products. Implications for both sustaining and developing the market for fair trade products in the future are highlighted and discussed.  相似文献   

Although ethics education within the business curriculum has been receiving attention, much is unknown about the effectiveness of such education, particularly when it is integrated into the curriculum. This study looks at selected short‐term effects produced by one form of integrated ethics instruction in an introductory marketing course in a graduate business MBA program in the United States. Specifically, students were introduced to an examination of consumer culture as a unifying framework to explore the ethics of decision making. As a consequence of taking the course, students are hypothesized to hold less favorable attitudes toward consumer culture (love of money, materialism, possession satisfaction index, prestige sensitivity) relative to the attitudes held at the start of the course. Interestingly, few attitudinal changes are observed. Where changes in attitudes are observed, the relationships are in the opposite direction to that hypothesized.  相似文献   

The study investigates the effect of one component of spousal influence—family power—on the innovative consumer decisions perceived to be made independently by one's mate. Information was gathered via a questionnaire by personally contacting a sample of 71 married couples. The hypothesis tested was that a wife, by virtue of her greater relative exercise of family power, exerts a high degree of influence over the innovative consumer decisions made by her husband. Specifically, it was hypothesized that a wife will have more influence over the choices perceived to be made by her husband than will he. The results supported the hypothesis.  相似文献   

Recent advancements in electronic technology have made possible a viable alternative information delivery system in the form of Electronic Decision Aids (EDAs). However, consumers will only benefit from such technological innovations if they are perceived to be useful in facilitating the decision making process. The current study investigates the effects of type of EDA format (autonomous versus dominant) and provision of educational information on the perceived utility of information presented via an electronic decision aid. In addition, the relationships between these two dimensions and specific consumer characteristics, including product familiarity, computer familiarity, and locus of control, as well as product type (search versus experience goods) are systematically identified and evaluated. Results suggest that selection of an appropriate format depends upon the nature of the product being selected, while inclusion of educational information enhances perceived utility of the information in selecting both types of products.
Der wahrgenommene Nutzen von Informationen, die durch elektronische Entscheidungshilfen bereitgestellt werden: eine Verbraucherperspektive
Zusammenfassung Elektronische Entscheidungshilfen in Einzelhandelsgeschäften sind eine neuartige Form der produktbezogenen Verbraucherinformation, die durch neuere technologische Entwicklungen ermöglicht wurde. Ob diese Innovation bei Konsumenten Erfolg haben wird, dürfte wesentlich davon abhängen, wie nützlich sie für den Kaufentscheidungsprozess eingeschätzt wird.Der Beitrag berichtet über eine empirische Studie darüber, wie diese wahrgenommene Nützlichkeit abhängig ist von der Informationsform (unterschieden danach, ob der sich informierende Verbraucher den Informationsvorgang eigenständig kontrollieren und gestalten kann oder nicht) und davon, ob die Information auch Bestandteile umfasst, die die generelle Produktkenntnis erhöhen und dadurch zusätzliche aufklärende Wirkung erzielen können, oder nicht. Ausserdem wurde der Einfluss der Produktart sowie der Produktvertrautheit des Konsumenten und seiner Vertrautheit mit dem Computer analysiert. Die Ergebnisse wurden in Laboruntersuchungen gewonnen, bei denen es um die Wahl eines Fotoapparates und um die Wahl eines Arztes ging.Es zeigt sich, dass es von der Produktart abhängig ist, welche der beiden Informationsformen zweckmässiger ist, wogegen durchgängig gilt, dass zusätzliche aufklärende Informationsbestandteile die wahrgenommene Nützlichkeit von Informationen erhoehen.

Donna J. Hill is Associate Professor of Marketing, Bradley University, Peoria, IL 61625, USA. Maryon F. King is Assistant Professor of Marketing, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901, USA. Eli Cohen is Associate Professor and Head. Computer Information Systems. College of Business. Eastern New Mexico University, Portales. NM 88130, USA.  相似文献   

This research proposes that frustration during the purchase process for high‐technology durable goods has a significant effect on the probability that consumers will commit to a technology and make a purchase. In order to explore the effects of consumer frustration on the purchase process, a scale is developed that reveals that frustration in high‐technology decision environments is composed of two dimensions, processing frustration and frustration with the pace of technological change. These dimensions of frustration have a significant effect on consumer choice behavior. While processing frustration significantly reduces the probability of commitment to a technology, the probability of making a decision is significantly lower when consumers are frustrated with the pace of technological change. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper considers the ethical purchasing of what is described as conscious consumers. Conscious consumers remain a ‘work in progress’, and present a complex mix of behaviours; while seeking ethical alternatives, other social and economic forces impact on their behaviour (e.g. family, convenience, price) such that positive ethical choices are not always made. Examining ethical consumption in this way reveals the ‘competing priorities, paradoxical outcomes, and the nature of compromises reached in real decision processes’. We identify two areas of theory relevant to the conceptualization of such consumers, flexibility and dissonance theory. A qualitative study of participants identified as conscious consumers was undertaken. As anticipated, the participants revealed a range of often contradictory behaviours regarding their ethical purchases. The relevance of flexibility and dissonance theory to their behaviour is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper studies how salespeople make ethical decisions. For this purpose a structural model has been developed which configures how the organization's environment, the organizations's climate, and personality traits affect ethical decision making. Internal communication and the choice of a control system especially affect ethical decision making. Internal communication also affects the attraction of salespeople with unethical personality traits (Machiavellism), while the control system affects the ethical climate. Ethical climate and salespeople's personality traits also affect the ethical decision making. In fact the study shows that ethical decision making can be influenced by management.Willem Verbeke is assistant professor in marketing, School of Economics, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. His research concentration is sales management.Cok Ouwerkerk is founder and director of the CSA, a consulting firm for statistical applications, in Mijnheerenland, The Netherlands. He has been involved in many research projects at different Dutch universities and firms.Ed Peelen is associate professor at the School of Economics, The University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. His research concentration is marketing management and logistics.  相似文献   

Abject poverty and rampant consumerism are twin ills of global capitalism. This short paper serves to encourage discussion on the role of Fair Trade in healing those ills. After describing the benefits of Fair Trade for producers, a paradox concerning the joys and blights of contemporary consumption is presented. Drawing on an autoethnographic method, the author indicates how Fair Trade resolves this paradox in the consumer interest.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2018,61(6):881-890
Ethical entrepreneurship has become a global concern. Its promotion presents meaningful implications for entrepreneurs in both developed and underdeveloped countries. This article explores the supportive approach to ethical entrepreneurship in the Third World with a case study of one of the older NGOs in Zimbabwe that implements support programs for enhancing ethics-driven entrepreneurship. We give attention to the influence of context in the understanding of ethical entrepreneurship and provide guidance in its interpretation via the notion of embeddedness, which helps to clarify how the meaning and the measures to promote ethical entrepreneurship are shaped by the culture and values people share in contexts characterized by extreme poverty. Based on narrative interviews, informal conversations, direct observation, and secondary sources, findings show that the general success of support programs depends on the integration of the measures into local people’s expectations of what ethical means in the context of entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

No-replies are common in everyday life, especially when individuals interact in online platforms. When consumers participate in the marketplace and interact with sellers or other consumers, they may encounter various kinds of outcomes. Sometimes offerings may succeed, while other times they are explicitly declined. But it is also possible that offerings and requests are unreplied where no explicit acceptance or rejection response is given. This paper examines the hypothesis that no-replies lead consumers to stronger behavioral intentions than negative replies, through different casual attributions. Consumers make attributions to infer causal explanations, based on the type of reply they get from others consumers. Across our studies, we evidence the effect of no-reply on several contexts and reveal the mediating role of attributions on the influence of no-replies on behavioral intentions. The results also suggest that no-replies lead people to higher attribution of self-responsibility to the outcome than negative reply, however, company’s apologies for consumer’s no-reply overturn the effect. Finally, considering that individuals do not require much effort for a no-reply and effort is a proxy for interest, it generates worse attributions.  相似文献   

The use of mobile devices by consumers and the accompanying response by retailers is rapidly revolutionizing the retail environment. In the past, retailers have focused primarily on the outcome (to purchase or not to purchase) of the consumer decision process, but now mobile technologies give retailers the opportunity to more actively influence the entire consumer decision-making processes. The increasing use of mobile devices by consumers makes shopping a continuous rather than discrete activity that requires retailers to engage with their customers at critical touch points of the decision process in order to provide a more customer-centric experience. This change in focus from the decision outcome to the decision process signifies an important paradigm shift for the retailing industry. After an extensive review of the literature, we identify four pillars that form the foundation for the mobile shopping revolution and represent the essential ways and means through which retailers can engage with consumers during the decision process. We also discuss the different areas in which the pillars can enable retailers to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage in the mobile shopping era.  相似文献   

The human tendency to recognize patterns even when none exist is shown to have applications in consumer behavior. The current research demonstrates that as one’s personal need for structure (PNS) increases (i.e., requiring predictability and disfavoring uncertainty), false consumer pattern perceptions emerge. Construal level moderates this relationship such that as abstract mindsets (high construal) seek out underlying explanations and enhance, concrete mindsets (low construal) evaluate consumer-related stimuli in terms of its contextual elements and therefore attenuate the effect. Types of consumer patterns are characterized by false expectations about the performance of a cellular phone (study 1), the association of human characteristics toward personal computers (study 2), and the development of beliefs in corporate conspiracy theories (study 3). This research has implications for practitioners and academics as it expands on the literature related to false pattern perceptions by investigating it through the lens of consumer decision-making.  相似文献   

Research suggests that emotions can greatly influence consumer decision making and behaviours. Notwithstanding, our understanding of the role of anticipated emotions in what is an inherently complex deliberation process—that of consumer ethics—is still quite limited. The present study thus aims to address this gap, in two key ways: first, by measuring the influence of positive and negative anticipated emotions at each stage of the consumer ethical decision making process; and second by describing the specific emotions that most affect each component of the consumer ethical deliberation process and assessing their relative weight in predicting decisions involving ethical issues. Through the examination of 603 ethical situations and using multiple regression analysis, the findings indicate that anticipated emotions can account for up to 59% of the variance in consumer decisions involving ethics. Anticipating the experience of negative emotions as a result of carrying out an unethical behaviour was the affective component found to most influence consumer ethical deliberation process; and anticipated guilt was the discrete emotion exerting the greatest effect on consumer decision making in ethical situations. The findings indicate that more than feeling good, consumers avoid feeling bad; such that ethically favourable decisions emerge to prevent experiencing negative emotions in the future.  相似文献   

This paper considers contemporary business practice and its sustainable performance from the view of stakeholders and their perceived value. A company has responsibilities and commitments to many different internal and external stakeholders in the marketplace and society. This view underlines the need for organizations to, not only provide value, but do so in a sustainable and socially responsible manner. A model is developed based on five, separate but interconnected, elements. The model is iterative and acknowledges its elementary state, suggesting further development and refinement in the field of sustainable business practices from an ethical perspective.  相似文献   

This report approaches the new spheres of self-regulation, soft law and deregulation in the Netherlands from both a factual and historical point of view. Using the Dutch Advertising Code as an example, the article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of self-regulation, thereby illustrating that self-regulation may even lead to greater protection of the consumer than would otherwise be achieved: the operation of the Dutch Advertising Code is not only successful, but is also more far-reaching than the draft EEC directive on misleading advertising.Self-regulation exists in many other spheres which, however, do not necessarily further protect the position of the consumer. Where a Complaints Commission exists, the situation is somewhat different in that disputes may generally be settled without great expense and relatively quickly.Self-regulation and concerted action have achieved a certain level of consumer protection in the Netherlands, but this, of course, does not mean that there is no room for progress: the author here shows the inter-dependency of non-legal rules with legal rules despite the tendency seen in the past years in the Netherlands to deregulate what were formerly public agencies and consumer-related institutions.
Nicht-rechtliche Maßnahmen zum Verbraucherschutz — das Beispiel der Niederlande
Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag geht zunächst auf die grundsätzliche Einschätzung und Terminologie von Selbstregulierung, soft law und Deregulierung in den Niederlanden ein. Es herrscht eine positive Einstellung zu Selbstverwaltungsmaßnahmen der Wirtschaft. Mit dem Aufkommen von zwei einflußreichen Verbraucherorganisationen, Consumentenbond und Konsumenten Kontakt, konnte in Teilbereichen das System der Selbstregulierung zu einem solchen der konzertierten Aktion erweitert werden. In diesem Sinne ist eine Ergänzung, teilweise auch ein Ersatz von Gesetzgebung möglich.Dargestellt werden Selbstegulierungsmaßnahmen auf dem Gebiet der Werbung durch einen Kodex. Für die Einhaltung der Regeln über lautere Werbung sorgt eine besondere Beschwerdekommission, an der Verbrauchervertreter mitwirken. Die Implementation des Kodex wird positiv eingeschätzt. Er bietet z.T. einen höheren Verbraucherschutz als der EG-Richtlinienvorschlag über irreführende Werbung.In vielen anderen Bereichen existieren Selbstregulierungsmechanismen, die allerdings wenig effektiv sind und meist auch keine Verbrauchervertretung aufweisen. Eine Ausnahme machen Beschwerdekommissionen, die Streitfälle schnell und kostengünstig erledigen. Gesetzgebung bleibt hier notwendig als Mittel zu verbraucherfreundlichem Verhalten, etwa wie geplant zu Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen.

Ewoud H. Hondius is Professor of Law at the University of Utrecht, Molengraaff Institute for Civil Law, Nieuwe Gracht 60, NL-3512 LT Utrecht, Netherlands.The author is indebted to Mr Egens Holleman, at present a graduate student at the City of London Polytechnic, who did valuable research for Section 2.  相似文献   

Large format retailing in the US: a consumer experience perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Proponents of relationship marketing seek to develop and maintain long-term ties to their customers in the hope of having a loyal customer base. In this paper we examined large format retailing from the perspective of consumers’ experiences in these stores. Focus group interviews were conducted in two major US metropolitan areas and one medium size market. After analyzing the focus group content, several themes emerged related to patronage of large format retailers. These included the accuracy of prices when products were scanned and loyalty to store personnel based on familiarity. Large format supercenters were especially chided for their bigness and potential negative impact on smaller retailers. Attending to the details of the food retail business (accurate pricing, product availability, continuity of personnel) are ways in which consumers’ experiences in retail stores might be improved. Numerous choices and a diverse array of retail formats are available to consumers in the US market. Managerial implications are discussed in the light of a changing retail landscape.  相似文献   

Considerable controversy has surrounded the use of computerized performance monitoring (CPM) by employers. Critics of this technology contend that CPM usage raises serious ethical concerns. Beliefs that the use of computerized performance monitors results in unfair performance evaluation, stress and health problems underlie much of the current concern over this technology. A field study was undertaken to provide empirical evidence that could be used to guide the design and use of computerized performance monitors to minimize these problems. One hundred forty three members of the Communication Workers of America participated in a cross sectional field study. The study examined the relationship between various monitoring system characteristics and employees' health problems, stress and satisfaction with the performance evaluation process. The ethical implications of the results are discussed.Stephen R. Hawk is Associate Professor of Information Systems at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside's School of Business. His research interests include decision support systems, computerized performance monitoring and information system implementation. His articles have appeared inDecision Sciences, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, andInternational Journal of Man-Machine Studies.  相似文献   

Business ethics has emerged in recent years as a field of significant scholarly endeavour. Particularly well documented is the existence of ethical conflict at work and the reported inseparability of business decisions and moral consequences. However, to date, the majority of studies have been conducted in the American business context.This paper examines the concept of ethical conflict as experienced by employees in the Australian context. According to a sample of Western Australian managers, ethical conflicts at work do occur — with relative frequency. Of considerable concern is the high incidence of cases where the demands of superiors are deemed to be the cause of this conflict. This finding is particularly disturbing as superiors are also the primary influence on employee ethical decision making. It would see that the ethics role models are also the instigators of unethical behaviour.This research has confirmed in the Western Australian context that the values of top management do have significant impact on the ethical choices made by employees. The management of organisational culture, therefore, is a key to raising ethical standards in business. The institutionalisation of ethics by such formal means as codes of ethics is a necessary, but insufficient, condition of ensuring ethical behaviour in organisations. Management of the informal climate is pivotal to the achievement of ethical organisational behaviour.Geoffrey Soutar is Professor of Management at Curtin University of Technology. He has particular interests in marketing and, in recent times, in the marketing of services. He has published widely across a number of management areas and has acted as consultant for both private and public sector organisations as well as for a number of unions.Margaret McNeil is a Lecturer in the School of Management at Curtin University of Technology. Her research interests include corporate innovation and financial services marketing. Consultancy has been in the areas of financial services, professional services and non-profit organisations.Caron Molster is a Research Assistant in the School of Management at Curtin University of Technology. She has a research interest in the area of ethics, having completed her thesis on this topic.  相似文献   

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