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当促销战从网下延伸到网上时,眼花缭乱的各种商家促销活动开始充斥各类网站,只是,你的促销“击”中消费者的兴奋点了吗?  相似文献   

本文以消费者的网络购物经验为调节变量,将消费者分为四类.通过调查消费者参与八类促销活动的状况,结果发现,消费者的购物经验对不同促销活动的购物意愿有影响,不同形式的促销活动会因为消费者购物经验的不同而接受度不同.  相似文献   

景平 《北方经贸》2012,(9):104-105
随着网络科技和电子计算机技术的飞速发展,网络购物应运而生并深受消费者的青睐。但在其发展过程中不可避免的出现了侵害消费者合法权益的问题和缺陷,文章从保护消费者合法权利的角度,阐述网络购物过程中面临的问题,并针对这些问题提出要在消费者、经营者、国家和各政府部门三者方面,加强管理、规范行业条例、在法律约束和行政监督下,保护消费者权利。  相似文献   

在消费者越来越注重内心感受的今天,企业进行促销宣传时一定要突破仅有产品本身信息的局限,要着力促使消费者在感觉上对产品高价值有信心。文章从真实可信的精良品质感知、充分自信的客观成本说明、朴素感性的现实面子情节需要、细腻走心的及时情景感知、多元便捷的普遍分享感知等五个方面提出了消费者感知价值提升的网络促销实施建议。  相似文献   

邢鹏程 《现代商贸工业》2011,23(24):138-139
互联网时代的到来,使消费者获得信息更加方便快捷,特别是电子商务的出现,加速了网络消费的进程,网络消费者是新的消费群体,与传统市场消费群体有着截然不同的特性。企业要想卓有成效地开展网络营销活动,就必须了解和把握影响消费者购物的因素,为营销活动提供可靠的数据分析和营销依据。因此针对消费者网上购物影响因素做出研究,根据消费者的组成、特性做出分析,找出影响消费者购买行为的因素,这对于企业正确把握消费者行为,实现有针对性地开展市场营销活动具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

我国还没有专门针对网络购物中消费者合法权益保护的法律法规,无法全面规制网络购物出现的问题,因此,应从建立完善的信息披露制、加强对个人信息进行保护、建立网上购物无因退货法律制度、规制网络虚假广告等方面来完善我国网络购物的消费者合法权益保护法律。  相似文献   

交易成本视角下的网络消费者行为研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
薛君 《商业时代》2005,(29):64-65
20世纪90年代以来,网络对企业行为和消费者行为的影响日益明显,其交易功能也正在被人们挖掘和接受.由于网上购物打破了传统购物方式在时间和地域上的限制,契合了现代人节奏紧张的生活方式,因此在经济发展水平不同的国家都受到了消费者的普遍追捧.许多研究者都意识到了网络作为一种新的交易方式和营销渠道的重要性.但是一个无法忽视的现实是网上零售交易额在各个国家零售交易总额中所占的比重有限,即使在美国,网上B2C零售额在整个零售额中所占的比重也未达到2%.那么,究竟是什么因素阻碍了消费者在网上实施其购买行为?如何才能促进消费者在网上购买产品和服务?  相似文献   

<正>一、问题的提出节假日促销已经成为一种被商家广泛使用的营销手段了,届时商家都会适时推出各式各样的促销活动,比如打折,返券,抽奖,返现金等等来吸引消费者,其中返券促销是近年来最受商家青睐的,有满100返60,满200返  相似文献   

周南 《中国市场》2009,(30):25-25
<正>"转型"这个词大家并不陌生,可是到了IT卖场,这便有了特定的含义,简而言之,是指经销商向消费者传递低于成本的价格的信息,待将消费者吸引过来后,再称无货或强调消费者的目标产品的种种缺陷后,推荐一款消费者不了解的机型以赚取差价。转型之"谋"  相似文献   

正由于双11的成功启发效应,造节成为电商平台暨价格战之后的又一法宝。而对企业来说,如何利用传统节日来刺激消费,从而将较高的消费意愿转化成实际购买行为,依旧是需要深入研究的课题——特别是在网络销售渠道日益重要的今天。  相似文献   

近年来,食品安全事件引起了人们的高度重视,相关部门应实现食品生产许可规定的价值,保证食品生产的安全性。本文结合2015年版《食品生产许可管理办法》和2016年版《食品生产许可审查通则》,分析审查工作中的要点。  相似文献   

阐述面粉加工企业控制面粉品质应从原粮接收、储存、加工工艺过程以及成品检测等几方面加强质量管理,企业建立完善的质量管理体系和制度,是加工生产高品质面粉的有力保障。  相似文献   

黄锐 《粮食流通技术》2001,(4):20-21,43
清粉机做为提高面粉质量,增加面粉出粉率的辅助设备,进入面粉厂已经相当普遍了,但在使用过程中,真正用得好的厂家却不多,大都不能发挥其物料的分级效能,其主要原因在于风量、筛网配置以及对设备的调节方法不当等因素的影响。本人根据多年实践经验,提出如下意见和建议,以便使用清粉机效果不理想的面粉厂共同提高。下面就 FQFD50× 2× 2清粉机为例加以阐述。 1风量的调节   FQFD50× 2× 2清粉机的吸风阻力为麦心 157Pa,麦渣 245Pa,相应需要的吸风量为:麦心 2000m3/h,麦渣 3200m3/h。它包含二个含义,首先它是配备风网、…  相似文献   

本文主要对高温烹饪以及低温烹饪的相关特点进行了对比,并对低温烹饪中的技术要求与食物安全性进行了分析,通过大量的研究,其结果表明,低温烹饪技术既可以将食物中的营养成分进行保留,提升菜肴的口感,该技术也符合食品安全烹调温度的相关指标,在实际的生产过程中,低温烹饪技术可以进行广泛的运用。  相似文献   

Business managers that use the Internet as a major component of their marketing communications strategy face great challenges. The popularity of the Internet with consumers and businesses drives thousands of firms to promote their products and services using World Wide Web (known hereinafter as the Web) sites. Technology has created a competitive arena that enables exposure to consumers worldwide, who can now easily communicate with each other. This potential for exposure has dramatic implications for any business considering the Internet as a promotional vehicle. The growing popularity of Internet sites, where users may discuss their feelings about companies and products, allows an increased scrutiny of all aspects of business. If companies do not deal effectively with this scrutiny, brand equity is vulnerable to erosion. Therefore, all contingencies inherent in promotional efforts on the Internet must be weighed carefully. Businesses which examine the ramifications of on-line exposure are better able to create and maintain a positive Internet presence which facilitates effective Web site promotion. Planning, implementation and control must be integrated into the on-line marketing communications of businesses, regardless of business size.  相似文献   


With the average cost of a feature motion picture rapidly approaching the $100 million mark, major production studios are turning to greater use of promotions to help guarantee the success of their films. As an entertainment commodity, motion pictures offer unique challenges in terms of promotions. This article briefly reviews some of the major traditional promotional techniques as well as techniques more commonly used in the entertainment industry. The research presented in the second half of the article uses secondary data on critical reviews, awards and box office returns to determine the relationship between critical opinion and motion picture success. The results suggest that there appears to be little or no correlation between the opinion of critics and the success of a motion picture.  相似文献   

Most advertisers perceive the views of economists on advertising as generally negative. This study attempts to determine how the role of advertising in the economic system is treated in basic economic textbooks. The assumption is that the materials presented in these introductory texts are reflective of the discipline's fundamental commonalities. The results derived from conducting a content analysis of non value laden issues indicate that most authors provide readers a balanced treatment of advertising. However, when assessed in terms of comprehensiveness and completeness, the majority of the surveyed texts fall short. These results hold out a number of implications for advertisers and economists alike and present several opportunities for further research.  相似文献   


Whether we want to face it or not, the Internet will play a major role in the future of our industry. The nature of the supplier, distributor, and customer relationship is changing rapidly due to the emergence of the New Economy spurred by rapid technological development. Connections and information are no longer scarce resources. Service becomes the key as a new type of middleman evolves-infomediaries whose ability to provide useful and timely information will become a core competency for the 21st century in the same way manufacturing was in the 20th. This “Network Effect” is in turn causing the rapid emergence of a completely new type of Internet business-the application service provider. The ASP model not only provides the promotional products industry with the software to allow customers to buy from a particular web location, it also supplies a stream of information both into and out of each affiliate's site.  相似文献   

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