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闫海  刘若冰 《江南论坛》2013,(10):30-32
“21世纪是海洋世纪”已为国际共识。随着现代捕捞技术的大幅改进、海洋生态环境的逐渐退化,我国海洋渔业资源陷入H益枯竭的境地。渔业权等法律制度是确保海洋渔业资源可持续发展的基础。渔业权是指依法在特定水域上设定的从事渔业生产经营活动的权利.这种活动主要指利用水域从事养殖或捕捞水生动植物资源的行为.因此海洋渔业权包括养殖权和捕捞权。  相似文献   

联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)在其2020年的一份报告中指出,随着各国远洋捕捞能力的加强,使得公海渔业资源日渐枯竭。如作为公海渔业主要捕捞对象之一的金枪鱼,有30%的种群被过度捕捞。公海渔业捕捞每年还导致大量海鸟、海洋哺乳动物等意外死亡。再叠加上气候变化、塑料污染等多重不利影响,目前,公海生物多样性正面临着严重的危机,亟须得到有效保护。而在当前全球公海渔业捕捞尚无统一规则的前提下,中国提出并实施的公海自主休渔计划或能起到一定的示范作用,并成为拯救公海渔业资源枯竭的一条现实路径。  相似文献   

近年海洋捕捞资源衰退甚至"无鱼可捕"的事实表明现有管理政策具有明显局限性和需要完善。文章梳理了我国现有近海捕捞渔业管理政策,实证检验了其有效性,并剖析了政策困境的逻辑,提出了未来选择的方向。研究发现:(1)我国现有近海捕捞渔业管理政策诸多,但有效性较低,导致1978—2016年近海捕捞渔业资源衰退了1.57倍;(2)现有政策过度依赖行政,缺乏激励相容机制,未能充分调动市场与渔民、社区等扩大增量和减少产量的积极性,是现有政策局限的基本逻辑;(3)未来,应以明晰产权、改善规则为中心,构建充分调动渔民、社区、社会组织和市场主体等积极性的激励相容制度,避免具有公共池塘属性的渔业陷入捕捞渔民囚徒困境与资源公地悲剧。研究有利于我国近海捕捞资源恢复与保护,可为有关部门提供决策参考。  相似文献   

成城渔业有限公司是中国成套设备出口公司和大连獐子岛渔业总公司在毛里求斯共同举办的海外企业,它以捕捞金枪鱼为目标,经过数月的努力,克服了重重困难,“皇冠一号”终于在1988年3月首航成功,渔获量80吨,产值20多万美元,最高单次产量为3.9吨。这是中国公司第一次在国外捕捞金枪鱼,这一事迹向人们展示:中国人有志气,能依靠自己的力量,在不久的将来要把金枪鱼搞上去。  相似文献   

自我国颁布实施渔船燃油补贴政策以来,该政策在实施过程中出现了一系列问题,如:过度捕捞、骗取补贴、市场价格扭曲等问题.鉴于渔业燃油补贴政策逐渐放大的负面效应,我国于2014年底颁布了《财政部农业部关于调整国内渔业捕捞和养殖业油价补贴政策促进渔业持续健康发展的通知》(简称"调整"政策),文章通过指数平滑法及OLS估计发现:...  相似文献   

刘玲玲 《经济师》2014,(9):202-202
改革开放以来,舟山渔业经济飞速发展,但是由于捕捞强度过大使舟山渔场到了"无鱼可捕"的地步,成为舟山渔业经济进一步发展的瓶颈。面对传统海洋捕捞业存在的一系列问题,要主动转变渔业发展理念,坚持把渔业经济的可持续发展放在首位,利用舟山得天独厚的优势条件,积极从传统渔业向休闲渔业方式转变,逐步使舟山渔业步入新的健康发展轨道,实现渔业困境的有效破解。  相似文献   

关于魏晋南北朝时期的林业和渔业,过去基本上没有什么研究探讨文章,原因大概是有关此时期林业和渔业的史料比较少,而又十分分散,以及魏晋南北朝林业和渔业规模不太大。所以,就此问题加以考查,对该时期各部门经济的研究将有补白作用。 从现有资料来看,当时的林业没有形成较大规模的部门经济,往往是在需要建筑材料或燃料时,对林木单纯地加以砍伐,很少植树育林,更没有保护森林资源的意识和行为。当时渔业则比较普遍一些,虽然大都是自然形式的捕捞,不过已有人工养殖的现象,水产品在人们的食物结构中也有一定地位。  相似文献   

钟超 《经济论坛》2003,(2):62-62,66
一、什么是制度制度可以被定义为由人制定的规则,它抑制着人际交往中可能出现的任意行为和机会主义行为。制度为一个共同体所共有,并总是依靠某种惩罚的功能而得以贯彻,没有惩罚的制度是无用的,只有运用惩罚才能使个人的行为变得可以预见。具有惩罚功能的规则能创立起一定程度的秩序,将人类行为导入可合理预期的范围。如果各种相关的规则是彼此协调的,制度就会促进人与人之间的可靠合作,从而就能很好地利用劳动分工的优越性和人类的创造性。制度还可理解为是人们结成的各种经济、社会、政治等组织或体制,它决定着一切经济发展活动和…  相似文献   

辽宁省是陆海复合型大省,渔业经济对国民经济具有至关重要的作用,辽宁渔业正处于改革攻坚的过渡期。基于辽宁渔业资源的可消耗、可捕捞空间紧缩现状,构建了VECM和DEA模型,分析了渔业经济投入要素与产出之间的动态传导机制和各投入产出变量间的效率。研究表明:渔船年末拥有量与渔业经济产值之间存在相互促进作用;渔业人口对渔业经济仅有单向的Granger因果关系;渔业经济在发展过程中纯技术效率低下,存在严重的投入过剩问题。辽宁渔业发展现状对未来改革路径提出集约型的可持续发展要求。  相似文献   

渔业属于一个高投入、高风险的行业,特别是海洋捕捞业,极易遭受台风等自然灾害,并严重影响渔业安全生产。对渔民来说,渔船是重要的生产工具和主要财产,一旦遭灾,往往很难自行恢复生产,因灾返贫的现象时有发生。这就造成在台风来临时,有部分渔民为了看护渔船,常常不愿意上岸,给平安渔业建设带来极大隐患。近年来,浙江省渔业互保协会通过渔业互助保险,给渔民提供了极大的安全保障。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate whether the neoclassical economic theory, capital market frictions or preference-based theory can explain investment behaviour in the Dutch beam trawler fishery in the North Sea. By presenting a number of estimations, we show that vessels conducting pulse fishing invest substantially more than similar vessels undertaking conventional fishing, even after controlling for differences in such variables as capital stock, prices, profits and quotas. One possible explanation for this result is that vessel owners may obtain a separate benefit from investing in pulse fishing.  相似文献   

海洋捕捞渔业资源对我国的海洋经济发展、食品生产与居民就业具有重大意义,其资产负债表的编制有助于摸清家底,实现渔业资源的可持续利用.本研究系统梳理了相关研究成果,从会计假设、会计要素、编制步骤三个方面阐述了海洋捕捞渔业资源资产负债表的编制思路,结合生态补偿探讨了海洋捕捞渔业资源负债,将其划分为应付海洋捕捞渔业资源补偿、应...  相似文献   

Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing activities are a threat for both the marine environment and society. By undermining effective management systems, IUU fishing activities affect economic performance, social welfare and compliance decisions. So far, “traditional” control and surveillance-like measures have had a limited success in deterring IUU fishing, so this paper aims at throwing light on several forms of trade-related initiatives that can be more effective. The paper suggests that both the effectiveness and further development of such measures strongly depend on the way they are designed, especially with respect to their trade-law compatibility. However, current discussions on future trade-based policy developments within some key economic areas suggest that trade measures are a sound option for policy makers. While the paper focuses on fisheries issues, it is also expected to inform the international debate surrounding the sustainable use of natural resources in general, as many sectors face similar biodiversity and trade challenges (e.g. tropical forest, mangroves, etc.).  相似文献   

我国渔业补贴政策及其改革探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国的渔业补贴政策在一定程度上是积极有效的,但同时也存在补贴总量不足、渔业补贴结构不合理、补贴种类不齐全和补贴核算指标体系不规范等问题。针对存在的问题,我国应从补贴结构、补贴种类和核算方法三个方面对渔业补贴予以改进:从SCM协定中渔业补贴分类、产业结构和补贴方式三方面调整渔业补贴结构;从逐渐削减渔船燃油补贴、加大远洋渔业补贴、新增休闲渔业补贴、建立政府支持型渔业保险制度等方面调整渔业补贴种类;把生产者补贴等值法(PSE)作为渔业补贴核算方法。  相似文献   

A two-agent model for the exploitation of the Arcto-Norwegian cod stock is developed to investigate the economic benefits that can be realized from the resource, and the effect of exploitation on stock sustainability under cooperation and non-cooperation. The two agents are identified in this study as a trawl fishery versus a coastal fishery. Unlike in Munro (1979), where conflicts in the management strategies of agents arise from differences in the perceptions of the discount factor, fishing effort costs, and consumer preferences, here conflicts arise mainly from the differences in fishing gear and grounds, and the age group of cod targeted by the two agents. Using a game theoretic framework, we show that given available data, the optimum optimorum is obtained under cooperation with side payments and no predetermined harvest shares, in which case the coastal fishery buys out the trawl fishery. However, sensitivity analysis shows that if the price premium assumed for mature cod is taken away, the trawl fishery takes over as the producer of the optimum optimorum.  相似文献   

最近20年来,由于普遍认识到全球各地鱼类种群的利用程度已经或正逐渐超过其最优利用水平,以及各国渔业普遍面临经济和社会危机,渔业治理问题逐渐受到普遍关注。本文在阐述全球渔业治理现状的基础上,对全球渔业治理现有架构中的缺陷进行了深入分析,提出渔业治理的改进关键在于是否能够确立一个长期稳定的治理范围和构筑一个灵活高效的治理结构。  相似文献   

This paper presents a bioeconomic model wherefishing effort exerted has multiple impacts onthe recruitment process of a sedentaryshellfish population. Recognizing thatsedentary populations generally possessmetapopulation characteristics at therecruitment stage, we show that fishing effortexerted not only influences the recruitmentprocess indirectly by limiting the number ofadults that spawn, but also directly byaffecting the habitat in which shellfish larvaerecruit. Depending on the recruitmentcharacteristics, fishing can have negative andpositive direct and indirect effects on therecruitment process. Next, a positive directeffect that fishing can have on the growth rateof the shellfish population if space to recruitto is limited is studied. Generalcharacteristics of sustainable fishing areanalyzed for the case that recruitment occursimmediately once spawning has occurred as wellas for the case that recruitment takes placeover a longer period of time. Conditions areidentified under which shellfishing should beencouraged in order to facilitate therecruitment process of juveniles. The paperends by analyzing how fishing alters theoptimal sustainable solution when itcontributes to habitat destruction.  相似文献   

This paper develops a formal analysis of the recovery process for a fishery, from crisis situations to desired levels of sustainable exploitation, using the theoretical framework of viable control. We define sustainability as a combination of biological, economic and social constraints which need to be met for a viable fishery to exist. Biological constraints are based on the definition of a minimum resource stock to be preserved. Economic constraints relate to the existence of a guaranteed profit per vessel. Social constraints refer to the maintenance of a minimum size of the fleet, and to the maximum speed at which fleet adjustment can take place. Using fleet size adjustment and fishing effort per vessel as control variables, we first identify the states of this bioeconomic system for which sustainable exploitation is possible, i.e. for which all constraints can be dynamically met. Such favorable states are called viable states. We then examine possible transition phases, from non-viable to viable states. We characterize recovery paths with respect to the time of crisis of the trajectory, which is the number of periods during which the constraints are not respected. The approach is applied to the single stock of the bay of Biscay Nephrops fishery. The transition path identified through the viability approach is compared to the historical recovery process, and to both open-access and optimal harvesting scenarios.  相似文献   

The Tonle Sap wetland fishery was previously divided into 3 different management zones for conservation, open access fishing and private fishing. Rights to the private fishing zone involved auctions for exclusive rights to temporarily designated plots. This paper aims to explore the auction-based system by investigating how this fishery management system affects different groups of small scale fishermen and how different characteristics of the fishing lots affect the bidding. A choice experiment approach was used to model fishermen's choices in a hypothetical auction market by offering fishermen the choice between purchasing different potential fishing lots and a no purchase option, implying fishing only in the communal fishing grounds. The preferred latent class model with two segments of fishermen showed that the bidding behavior of the more privileged group out-competes the other group irrespective of the lot characteristics. This result suggests that it is unlikely that the redesign of the auction system itself would be an effective way of securing access to fishing resources for the two observed groups of fishermen. This implies that open access fishing grounds and/or other regulations may also be needed in future management as they serve an important role for the poorer segments.  相似文献   

This dissertation focuses on the political economy of fisheries governance. The study develops a formal model of fisheries governance by combining the features of the common pool fishery and the political institution of lobbying; designs a laboratory fishery governance institution and conducts economic experiments to test the hypotheses derived from the formal model. Specifically, the study analyzes how fishing firms invest in efforts to influence fishery regulation and management through voluntary contribution lobbying. The study also analyses and compares contribution and effort behavior in the lobbying and the CPR using data from economic experiments. The results indicate that lobbying to change suboptimal fishery regulations was significantly below the subgame perfect equilibrium prediction and contributions to raise the cap were significantly different than contributions to lower the cap toward the social optimum. Study results show that subjects successfully lobbied to raise inefficiently low fishing quotas, but were unable to lobby to reduce inefficiently high fishing quotas. Detailed analysis of subjects’ contribution and effort behavior suggest that despite the interesting benefit-cost duality between pure public goods and CPRs, the pattern of cooperative behavior in these two social dilemma situations was different and the level of cooperation in the voluntary contribution lobbying experiment was lower than those reported in other public goods experiments. To provide external validity to these experimental findings, the study further analyzes and compares lobbying expenditures in the fishery sector with those in other natural resource industries using field data from the United States. A comparison of actual lobbying expenditures as percentage of valued added shows that lobbying effort in the U.S fishery sector is not significantly different than those in other natural resource industries such as mining and electric utility industries, but the pattern of lobbying is different. Whereas fishing firms lobby through associations or pressure groups, firms in other natural resource industries lobby unilaterally. This observation suggests that differences in industrial structure and incentives influence the pattern of lobbying and the lobbying behavior of firms across industries. The theoretical predictions derived from the formal model of fisheries governance are consistent with our experimental findings and with the field data on lobbying in the US fisheries sector. These findings suggest that heterogeneity drives rent-seeking activities in the US fisheries sector and that fishing firms attempt to circumvent political collective action problems by forming and lobbying through associations of stakeholders with relatively homogenous policy preferences. JEL Classification D22, D72, D78, H41 Advisor: Prof. Jon G. Sutinen  相似文献   

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