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提起企业管理,MBA的头衔大家耳熟能详,那么项目管理(简称IPMP)又是什么?其实对每个管理来说,它很“面熟”。但又有点让人“不识真面目”。说它面熟,是许多企业界人士已经做过多个项目.特别是涉及基础设施领域建设的工程。然而,现代项目管理作为一门新学科.我们却知之甚少.多数企业家是在“干中学,学中干”,走了不少弯路。  相似文献   

孔龙 《中外管理》2005,(5):12-12
4月11日,有20年历史的上海大众和具有百年历史的斯柯达在捷克签署合作协议,上海大众将生产斯柯达品牌轿车。面对日益激烈的竞争和不断细分的汽车市场,上海大众借斯柯达品牌启动多品牌战略,以图保住大众在中国的市场份额。  相似文献   

李刀 《英才》2005,(2):100-101
“新晋商重现天下了!”一位业内人士惊呼。 2004年6月,北京“鼎源”开盘,山西阳煤集团杀入北京房地产市场。这声惊呼即来自开盘仪式上。晋商在明清时期以“久著信义”闻名。作为当时中国最大的商帮,他们曾以万头骆驼渡黄沙,足迹遍及欧洲和东南亚。时称:“凡有麻雀的地方,就有山西商人。”如今,阳煤集团10万员工正重振晋商雄风。  相似文献   

在日益激烈的市场竞争中,不少经营者步履维艰,而屡入“误区”不能不说是极其重要的原因。为避免进入误区应注意以下五个方面。  相似文献   

如果想在企业网络中赢得控制权,那么你就不能只优化自己的利润,还要优化网络成员的利润  相似文献   

冯仑 《企业文化》2006,(5):67-67
做企业要么做大象,要么做小鸟,如果像豺狼、土豹,又有敌人,自己又不断害人,累不说,随时还有死亡的危险。  相似文献   

在时下经济下行的大势下,对很多企业来说,对员工幸福进行投资,能带来巨大的红利。事实上,一个世界性的难题在企业界流转:员工对工作不上心了。再多的物质奖励与绩效考核,也唤不回员工从事创造性工作的激情。每个人生下来都是原创,可大多数人却渐渐成了复制品。经济高速发展,本来是激情奔放的结果,却  相似文献   

高手对决,胜败一念之间,最忌暴露自己的弱点。宝洁的大意,让纳爱斯一下找到了致胜命门,“快剑”纳爱斯火速出招。  相似文献   

We take a setting in which upstream players produce design ideas and downstream players select among these ideas to develop finished products. Design diversity is valuable at the upstream stage and coordination is valuable at the downstream stage. However, this outcome is not always realized. We show that an intermediary between upstream and downstream can improve on equilibrium outcomes by acting as a coordination and commitment device whose optimal policy must sometimes reward inferior ideas. We apply the model to technology standards, trend‐driven industries, political primaries, and the management of process innovation. We discuss incentives to vertically integrate.  相似文献   

In 1996, the Microsoft Corporation introduced a new giving programme to members of the University of Washington. Rather than simply donating in cash or kind, it offered to match any funds donated by faculty members to graduate students. The response to the programme was overwhelming initially. However, the organisers changed the rules of the challenge and over time, donations went down. Finally, the company indicated that it wanted to wind down the programme. This case offers unique data and perspective on how to use a challenge as part of a fundraising strategy. Copyright © 2001 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2017,41(4):20-24
  • ? This year advanced economies have enjoyed a rare positive supply surprise: output is higher than expected and inflation is lower. The initial China‐related boost not only proved to be a great antidote to secularly weak global demand, but it has also engendered unexpected global momentum and a benign inflation response. As a result, 2016–17 resembles a mini‐reprise of the “nice” 1990s, a non‐inflationary, consistently expansionary decade.
  • ? The global momentum has been propelled by a strong international trade multiplier. This has contributed to strength in several advanced economies, particularly the Eurozone. We expect global growth in 2018 to be bolstered by US fiscal stimulus as the impulse from China fades.
  • ? It will remain “nice” in 2018, albeit in the context of weak secular trend growth. We expect the benign output‐inflation trade‐off to continue. Several of the factors that are underpinning low inflation and unemployment as well as weak wage growth are likely to be present for some time.

"其实,早在1998年,我就回到北京参与微软亚洲研究院的创建,当时仅有微软等少数几家跨国企业在华投资设立研发机构,而且多数研发机构的职能局囿于产品的本地化,所以,当时微软中国研究院的成立可谓领风气之先."微软全球副总裁兼微软亚太研发集团主席张亚勤告诉《中国新时代》.  相似文献   

谁将是微软这个软件帝国的继承人?虽然比尔·盖茨和史蒂夫·巴尔默还稳稳当当地坐在微软统治者的皇位上,但是关于微软权杖归属的猜想却一直抓挠着人们的好奇心。未来的领袖到底应该具备怎么的气质——是王者风范?还是从商智慧?毕业于名牌大学?或者是一个天才的软件技术员?不过,  相似文献   

<正>Google:精心的故意这是一个局,Google精心布下的局。出其不意,攻其不备,这似乎是Google一贯的作风,但当7月19日Google宣称,将在中国设立产品研发中心,并聘用微软全球副总裁李开复博士作为中国公司总裁负责营运的时候,还是在业界引起不小震动。对于微软,这是一个沉重的打击,不仅仅是策略上的,更精确地说是战略意义上的——一个公司高层跳槽在公司员工中所制造的混乱、骚动和不安远比高层跳槽本身更具杀伤力,而且还是突如其来的,更致命的是对手正在不可避免地成为它最强大的敌人。  相似文献   

常炯 《中外企业家》2002,(11):14-17
就任微软CEO 上世纪80年代中期爆发个人电脑革命以来,比尔·盖茨成了风流人物.随着微软股票大幅度飙升,他登上世界首富宝座.当微软因违犯联邦政府反垄断法案被告上法庭时,比尔·盖茨借助市场力量,平息了这场风波.他统治微软王国27年,利润收益达500亿美元,控制世界上最重要行业.比尔·盖茨是我们当代的洛克菲勒.  相似文献   

董亚谋 《价值工程》2011,30(27):113-114
粗心的微软编程员竟然将宏操作中字体转换的语句写反了,使用录制宏进行格式转化和进行VBA编程的程序员要特别注意了。本文中笔者指出了错误所在语句,并给出了修改方法。  相似文献   

Big data is often described as a new frontier of IT-enabled competitive advantage. A limited number of exemplary firms have been used recurrently in the big data debate to serve as successful illustrations of what big data technologies can offer. These firms are well-known, data-driven organizations that often, but not always, are born digital companies. Comparatively little attention has been paid to the challenges that many incumbent organizations face when they try to explore a possible adoption of such technologies. This study investigates how incumbents handle such an exploration and what challenges they face. Drawing on a four-year qualitative field study of four large Scandinavian firms, we are able to develop a typology of how incumbents handle the exploration of and resistance to adopting big data technologies. Directly affecting the incumbents’ exploration are two aspects that separate the adoption of big data technologies from that of other technologies. First, being an elusive concept, big data technologies can mean different things to different organizations. This makes the technologies difficult to explain before an investing body, while it simultaneously opens up possibilities for creative definitions. Second, big data technologies have a transformative effect on the organization of work in firms. This transformative capability will make managers wary as it might threaten their position in the firm, and it will create ripple effects, transforming other systems besides those directly connected to the technology.  相似文献   

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