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This study aims to analyze the link between the construction of an effective psychological contract with the organization and the success of the socialization process. To this purpose 241 employees of a Call Center organization have been contacted. A questionnaire composed by measures of Organizational Socialization (Haueter et al. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 63, 20–39, 2003), Psychological Contract (Rousseau 1995), Job Satisfaction (Wanous et al. Journal of Applied Psychology, 82, 247–252, 1997) and Organizational Committment (Allen and Meyer 1990) was administered. Results have underlined that organizational socialization may influence the development of the psychological contract thus determining job satisfaction and organizational commitment. This research has been developed in an interdisciplinary perspective, taking into account the peculiarity of the Italian legal framework. In this regard, the analysis has been focused on how the E.U. flexicurity strategy has been implemented in Italy, according to the recent reform of labour market regulation (2012–13) and on the specific regulations introduced for call centres.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Bestor, Theodore C. 1990: Neighborhood Tokyo. Lowe, P., T. Marsden and S. Whatmore 1990: Technological change and the rural environment. Marsden, T., P. Lowe and S. Whatmore (eds) 1990: Rural restructuring: global processes and their responses. Mingione, E. 1991: Fragmented societies: a sociology of economic life beyond the market paradigm. Schteingart, M. 1989: Los productores del espacio habitable: estado, empresa y sociedad en la Ciudad de Mexico. Ward, P. 1990: Mexico City: the production and reproduction of an urban environment.  相似文献   

This paper will introduce, discuss and illustrate two contemporary extensions of theRasch model: the one parameter logistic model (Verhelst and Glas, 1995) and theMultidimensional Rasch model (Hoijtink et al., 1999). Using data with respect tothe measurement of schizotypy (Vollema and Hoijtink, 2000) the most importantfeatures of both models will be illustrated. For the one parameter logistic modelthese include: a (discrete) discrimination parameter for each item; a test for itembias; and, estimation of the location of a person on the (latent) trait that is beingmeasured. For the multidimensional Rasch model these include: specification ofthe model; and, model selection. All analyses presented in this paper can be executedusing either OPLM (Verhelst et al., 1995), TESTFACT (Wilson et al.,1984) or ConQuest (Wu et al., 1998). At the end of the paper some features ofmodels and software that have not been discussed will be summarized.  相似文献   

abstract    Our study contributes towards a burgeoning literature that argues organizational performance is heavily influenced by what happens in the middle of the organization, rather than at the top. Examining the UK National Health Service, our study develops the work of Floyd and Wooldridge (1992 , 1994 , 1997 , 2000 ). It utilizes role theory to conceptualize changing experiences of middle managers in organizations as a role transition. Associated with this are problems of role conflict and role ambiguity ( Biddle, 1979 , 1986 ; Biddle and Thomas, 1966 ; Kahn et al., 1964 , 1966 ). Our study illustrates that there are limiting factors to a more strategic role for middle managers associated with the professional bureaucracy context. However, role conflict and ambiguity can be mediated by a socialization process, which values incoming identity and personal characteristics ( Van Maanen and Schein, 1979 ).  相似文献   

We provide a respecification of an integer programming characterization of Arrovian social welfare functions introduced by Sethuraman et al. (Math Oper Res 28:309–326, 2003). By exploiting this respecification, we give a new and simpler proof of Theorem 2 in Kalai and Muller (J Econ Theory 16:457–469, 1977).  相似文献   

We provide a representation theorem for risk measures satisfying (1) monotonicity, (2) positive homogeneity and (3) translation invariance. As a simple corollary to our theorem, we obtain the usual representation of coherent risk measures (i.e., risk measures that are, in addition, sub-additive; see Artzner et al. in Math Finance 9:203–228, 1999).  相似文献   

The present study proposes an analysis process to compare and contrast different approaches to content analysis. Moving from previous findings (Righettini and Sbalchiero, ICPP—international conference on public policy, 2015), related to consumer protection in the annual speeches of Italian Presidents of AGCOM, delivered between 2000 and 2015, statistical analyses of textual data are applied on the same set of texts in order to compare and contrast results and evaluate the opportunity of integrating different approaches to enrich the results. This review of results resorts to topic based methods for classification of context units (Reinert, Les Cah l’Anal Donnees 8(2):187–198, 1983), text clustering and lexical correspondence analysis (Lebart et al., Exploring textual data, 1998) in a general framework of content analysis and “lexical worlds” exploration (Reinert, Lang Soc 66:5–39, 1993), i.e., the identification of main topics and words used by AGCOM Presidents to talk about consumer protection. Results confirm the strengths and opportunities of topics detection approach and shed light on how quantitative methods might become useful to political scientists when available policy documents increase in number and size. One methodological innovation of this article is that it supplements the use of word categories in traditional content analysis with an automated topics analysis which exceeds the problems of reliability, replicability, and inferential circularity.  相似文献   

I revisit the empirical relationship between R&D investments and financial structure by trying to replicate seminal paper of Aghion et al. (J Eur Econ Assoc 2:277–288, 2004). In the widely cited study, Aghion et al. (2004) found evidence of a nonlinear (an inverted U-shape) relationship—firms with positive R&D tend to use more debt than firms with zero R&D, but the use of debt falls with R&D intensity—in a sample of U.K. firms from 1990 to 2002. In order to review their significant findings, I use panel data of 177 Turkish manufacturing firms listed in Borsa ?stanbul from 2007 to 2016. Using Aghion et al.’s (2004) model specifications, I found no evidence of an inverted U-shape relationship or of any effect of R&D intensity on the leverage ratio. The study thus suggests that the effect of R&D investments on the financial structure may vary with the different samples of countries and cannot be universally generalized.  相似文献   

Keenan et al. (J Risk Uncertain 24:264–277, 2002) introduced a measure of downside risk aversion (third-order risk aversion), and in Theorem 1, they showed four equivalent definitions of increased downside risk aversion. This result is thought as a higher-order extension of Theorem 3 in Diamond et al. (J Econ Theory 8:337–360, 1974). We consider fourth-order risk aversion and show four equivalent definitions of increased fourth-order risk aversion. Our result is thought as a higher-order extension of Theorem 1 in Keenan et al. (2002).  相似文献   

In panel studies, where a categorical response is measured attwo points in time, we can examine two kind of hypotheses regardingthe nature of change. The first is related with change at theindividual level (gross change) through the modelling of joint distributionof responses. The second is related with aggregate change (netchange) through the modelling of marginal distributions of responses.This paper describes a general approach to the analysis of two-wavepanel data based on Lang and Agresti's work (1994) that simultaneouslypermits the modelling of marginal and joint distributions of responses.This approach is illustrated with data from Heatherton et al.(1997) about change in dieting behaviour. These data were originallyanalyzed using the 2 statistic to test independenceof responses. This paper shows how it is possible toobtain a better understanding of these data using the proposedmethodological approach.  相似文献   

Based on Campbell's (1990, Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2nd ed., Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press, 687–732) multi-factorial model of job performance, the Expatriate Performance Scales were developed to measure components of expatriate performance. Item generation for the scales was informed by job performance theory, content analysis of interviews with expatriates and item sorting by subject matter experts. The scales (48 items) were administered to 106 Australian expatriates in the Special Administrative Regions of China. Data were subjected to exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis as well as tests for criterion, convergent and discriminant validity. These procedures resulted in 32 items measuring an amended model of expatriate performance with six components: task performance, communication performance, demonstrating effort, maintaining personal discipline, team and leadership performance and management and administration performance. Results provide initial psychometric evidence of criterion, convergent and discriminant validity.  相似文献   

In this study, two issues regarding the use of the Portrait Value Questionnaire (PVQ; Schwartz et al.: J. Cross. Cult. Psychol. 32:519–542, 2001) with older adults were addressed: (1) whether the quasi-circumplex structure of values, developed on younger adult samples, also emerges among older adults; and (2) whether the PVQ demonstrates measurement invariance across age groups and equivalence over time. The 40-item version of the PVQ was completed by 433 retired adults and 173 university students in Montreal, Canada. In both retired and student samples, the quasi-circumplex structure of values emerged using exploratory techniques, but was not supported by constrained confirmatory factor analyses. A modified 26-item model was necessary to achieve adequate fit indices in both samples, suggesting problems of multi-collinearity and internal discriminant validity. However, using the revised 26-item model of the values, support was found for most types of measurement invariance across age groups and time. The PVQ should, therefore, be considered appropriate for use across the adult lifespan and in longitudinal research. Results are discussed with regard to the Schwartz (In: Zanna M (ed) Advances in experimental social psychology. New York: Academic Press, pp. 1–65, 1992) value theory and the conceptualizing of values across the lifespan.  相似文献   

An “investment bubble” is a period of “excessive, and predictably unprofitable, investment” (DeMarzo et al. in J Financ Econ 85:737–754, 2007). Such bubbles most often accompany the arrival of some new technology, such as the tech stock boom and bust of the late 1990s and early 2000s. We provide a rational explanation for investment bubbles based on the dynamics of learning in highly uncertain environments. Objective information about the earnings potential of a new technology gives rise to a set of priors or a belief function. A generalised form of Bayes’ rule is used to update this set of priors using earnings data from the new economy. In each period, agents—who are heterogeneous in their tolerance for ambiguity—make optimal occupational choices, with wages in the new economy set to clear the labour market. A preponderance of bad news about the new technology may nevertheless give rise to increasing firm formation around this technology, at least initially. To a frequentist outside observer, the pattern of adoption appears as an investment bubble.  相似文献   

The UK clothing industry has seen the extensive offshoring of manufacturing, which has created fragmented global supply chains; these present a range of supply issues and challenges, including many related to sustainability. Reshoring is a reversion of a previous offshoring decision, thereby ‘bringing manufacturing back home’ (Gray et al. J Supply Chain Management 49(2):27–33, 2013), and can be motivated by increased costs and supply management problems. While not a new phenomenon, the reshoring of activities is growing in practice and there is an imperative for academic research (Fratocchi et al. J Purch Supply Manag 20:54–59, 2014). Through an in-depth longitudinal case study, this paper explores how sustainability can be addressed through reshoring; the studied UK-based clothing SME has strong principles and is explicitly committed to bringing its supply chain ‘home’. There is a recognised need for more OM research using a social lens (Burgess and Singh Oper Manag Res 5:57–68, 2012), so Social Network Theory (SNT) is employed to examine the reshoring decision-making process. SNT applies a relational, qualitative approach to understand the interactions between network actors, and focuses on the types and strengths of relationships and how they provide context for decisions (Galaskiewicz J Supply Chain Manag 47(1):4–8, 2011). The findings demonstrate the importance of socially complex, long-term relationships in managing a sustainable supply network. These relationships contribute to the resources that a firm can harness in its supply practices, and SNT extends this with its emphasis on the strength of ties with suppliers, and the trust, reciprocity and shared meanings it engenders. For the studied firm these advantages are derived through its localised supply chain, and collaborative supplier relationships, and its progressive reshoring of activities is integral to achieving its sustainability principles.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between secure implementability (Saijo et al. in Theor Econ 2:203–229, 2007) and full implementability in truthful strategies (Nicolò in Rev Econ Des 8:373–382, 2004). Although secure implementability is in general stronger than full implementability in truthful strategies, this paper shows that both properties are equivalent under the social choice function that satisfies non-wastefulness (Li and Xue in Econ Theory, doi:10.1007/s00199-012-0724-0) in pure exchange economies with Leontief utility functions.  相似文献   

This essay deals with the theme of personal relationships on social media, linked to the theme of online identity, bringing together the research and reflections of some of the most important academics of the internet. They are three Americans from different generations: Sherry Turkle, Nancy Baym and danah boyd, who are concerned with looking into interpersonal online relationships (the body is therefore absent) demonstrating particular sensitivity to emotional aspects which are brought into play at the point where humans and technology, online and offline and public and private spheres meet. If the first stage of internet history highlighted users’ freedom of identity expression, then the era of social networks is about the ease with which people can maintain and expand a network of contacts, while raising some doubts over the quality of such relationships. It is interesting to see how the three academics place not only the quality of the relationship, but also the quality of research at the centre of their reflections, demonstrating their passion for the work which is part of their lives.  相似文献   

The purpose of this note is twofold. First, we survey the study of the percolation phase transition on the Hamming hypercube $\{0,1\}^{m}$ obtained in the series of papers (Borgs et al. in Random Struct Algorithms 27:137–184, 2005; Borgs et al. in Ann Probab 33:1886–1944, 2005; Borgs et al. in Combinatorica 26:395–410, 2006; van der Hofstad and Nachmias in Hypercube percolation, Preprint 2012). Secondly, we explain how this study can be performed without the use of the so-called “lace expansion” technique. To that aim, we provide a novel simple proof that the triangle condition holds at the critical probability.  相似文献   

Sanyu Zhou 《Metrika》2017,80(2):187-200
A simultaneous confidence band is a useful statistical tool in a simultaneous inference procedure. In recent years several papers were published that consider various applications of simultaneous confidence bands, see for example Al-Saidy et al. (Biometrika 59:1056–1062, 2003), Liu et al. (J Am Stat Assoc 99:395–403, 2004), Piegorsch et al. (J R Stat Soc 54:245–258, 2005) and Liu et al. (Aust N Z J Stat 55(4):421–434, 2014). In this article, we provide methods for constructing one-sided hyperbolic imultaneous confidence bands for both the multiple regression model over a rectangular region and the polynomial regression model over an interval. These methods use numerical quadrature. Examples are included to illustrate the methods. These approaches can be applied to more general regression models such as fixed-effect or random-effect generalized linear regression models to construct large sample approximate one-sided hyperbolic simultaneous confidence bands.  相似文献   

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