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This paper focuses on the integrative and pervasive use of microcomputers in marketing research and managerial decision making. The marketing research process is conceptualized as consisting of six phases. At each phase, microcomputer applications and illustrative software are identified as implications for the practice of marketing research discussed. Next the paper illustrates the use of microcomputers in selected application areas such as market segmentation, sales forecasting, new product development, pricing and decision support and expert systems. Guidelines for the selection of microcomputer software in specific situations are provided. The paper concludes with some observations on the future applications of microcomputers in marketing research and decision making.  相似文献   

Personal computer technology has provided a major opportunity to develop revolutionary approaches to the solution of business problems. While applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems are rapidly emerging, few have been developed in the sales management area. Specifically, this paper proposes the creation of an expert system to enhance sales management activities and their coordination with the entire marketing function within an organization.  相似文献   

The concept of “social order” is fundamental to the stability of most social systems. In this paper, three dimensions of social order—drawn predominantly from the writings of Talcott Parsons—are analyzed in terms of how they are influenced by broadened marketing. The authors maintain that the widespread acceptance and application of broadened marketing,defined as marketing, is inconsistant with social order and could ultimately erode the reputation of all marketing practioners. Furthermore, such a series of events could lead to the severe regulation of marketing practices and the development of inhibitions by bright young students regarding the formal study of marketing.  相似文献   

Many inside mainstream academic marketing judge the discipline’s influence within the family of business disciplines (as well as in practice) to be in decline. Despite great research productivity, methodologies as sophisticated as any in the social sciences, and a large and rich literature, opinion and evidence suggest that academic marketing is the least influential of the mainstream academic business disciplines. Nevertheless, marketing’s decline is not inexorable. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate this perplexing situation by: (1) assembling and evaluating a number of expert opinions from within marketing; (2) exploring relations and patterns of influence among the leading academic journals in accounting, finance, management, and marketing and evaluating the position and influence of each field; (3) attempting to understand marketing’s problems; and (4) exploring avenues to move marketing back to its once prominent position among the business disciplines.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationships between innate consumer innovativeness, personal characteristics, and new-product adoption behavior. To do this, the authors analyze cross-sectional data from a household panel using a structural equation modeling approach. They also test for potential moderating effects using a two-stage least square estimation procedure. They find that the personal characteristics of age and income are stronger predictors of new-product ownership in the consumer electronics category than innate consumer innovativeness as a generalized personality trait. The authors also find that personal characteristics neither influence innate consumer innovativeness nor moderate the relationship between innate consumer innovativeness and new-product adoption behavior. Subin Im is currently an assistant professor of marketing at San Francisco State University. His primary scholarly interest includes the organizational aspects of innovation, new-product development for marketing strategy, the consumer side of the innovation adoption process, organizational learning in new-product development, moral hazard and adverse selection model, and research methodology using multivariate statistical techniques. His current research projects include creativity in new-product development, market orientation and innovation, consumer innovativeness, entrepreneurship and organizational learning in new-product development, the development of the creativity measure, the validation of the innovativeness measure, and the testing of nonlinear effects in structural equation modeling. He received his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Subin worked in banking and semiconductor industries before he joined academia. Barry L. Bayus is a professor of marketing in the University of North Carolina's (UNC) Kenan-Flagler Business School. Prior to joining the marketing faculty at UNC, Barry worked in both industry and academia. He has also served as an expert witness in patent infringement cases involving high-tech products. His teaching and research interests are in the areas of new-product design and development, marketing analysis and strategy, and technological change. His recent research is concerned with the creation and evolution of new markets and the historical evolution of products, as well as new-product development issues such as speed to market, product life-cycle management, new-product preannouncements, product proliferation, firm entry, and exit timing in dynamically changing markets. Charlotte H. Mason is an associate professor of marketing in the University of North Carolina's Kenan-Flagler Business School, where she leads the MBA Customer and Product Management concentration. Her industry experience includes work for Procter & Gamble, Booz, Allen and Hamilton, as well as consulting projects. Her research focuses on the development and testing of marketing models and applications of multivariate statistics to marketing problems. She is currently investigating issues relating to the analysis and use of large customer databases as well as strategic issues surrounding customer portfolio management. Her research has been published inMarketing Science, theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of Consumer Research, Marketing Letters, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and theJournal of Business Research. She is on the review boards of theJournal of Marketing Research and theJournal of the Academy of Marketign Science and is coauthor (with William Perreault) ofThe Marketing Game!, a strategic marketing simulation.  相似文献   

Much literature has been devoted to singing the praises of present and potential computer utilization in marketing. Highly touted are “total information systems,” “on-line, real-time systems,” and “simulation-based systems.” One would be led to believe that each company has devoted or should be devoting its moneys and energies to the design and implementation of such sophisticated computer-based marketing information systems. Yet recent evidence has indicated a lack of enthusiasm-indeed, in some cases antagonism exists toward information systems in marketing. One reason for this disillusionment has been low usage of existing marketing information systems by marketing management. System utilization holds the key to a favorable return on investment in marketing information systems. This article explores many of the causes of infrequent to non-existent system usage and offers a plea and a plan for active elimination of this problem.  相似文献   

The global preference formation model identifies several preference formation strategies (i.e., own-based, other-based, or hybrid) that consumers use to select among alternative product offerings. This article examines how consumers’ expertise level (novice vs. expert), their end goals (satisficing vs. optimizing), and product type (search vs. experience product) collectively influence the preference formation strategy likely to be adopted. Results from an experiment indicate that the adoption of a given strategy is influenced by interactions between subjects’ expertise level and their end goals and the product type. Novice satisficers employed a higher proportion of own-based strategies than novice optimizers, but expert satisficers used a lower proportion of own-based strategies than expert optimizers. When compared to novices choosing a search product, novices selecting an experience product used a lower proportion of own-based and a higher proportion of other-based strategies. Similarly, when compared to experts choosing a search product, experts selecting an experienced product used a lower proportion of own-based strategies, but this was accompanied by a higher proportion of hybrid strategies. Implications and directions for future research are discussed. Her current research interests include consumer choice processes, electronic decision aids, and measurement issues in marketing. His research interests include consumer information search, marketing communications, and measurement issues.  相似文献   

Previous research on the arts, entertainment, and other cultural objects has found, at most, a weak link between expert judgments of aesthetic excellence and audience appeal to nonexpert consumers. However, this tendency for audience appeal only weakly to reflect expert judgments of excellence raises the question of how this fragile relationship might be mediated by audience judgments of excellence. As the first study to examine the potential intervening role of audience judgments, the present article investigates the links between expert judgments, audience judgments, and audience appeal in an illustrative case based on 200 recordings of the song “My Funny Valentine.” The results support a scenario in which audience appeal is weakly related to expert judgments through the hitherto neglected intervening role of audience judgments so as to suggest refinements in our approaches to marketing entertainment, the arts, or other cultural offerings, as well as various consumer services, durables, or nondurables. Morris B. Holbrook (mbh3@columbia.edu) is the Dillard Professor of Marketing, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, New York. Holbrook graduated from Harvard College with a B.A. in English (1965) and received his M.B.A. (1967) and Ph.D. (1975) in marketing from the Columbia Business School where, since 1975, he has taught courses in Marketing Strategy, Research Methods, Consumer Behavior, and Commercial Communication in the Culture of Consumption. His research has covered a wide variety of topics with a special focus on communication in general and on aesthetics, semiotics, hermeneutics, art, entertainment, music, motion pictures, nostalgia, and stereography in particular. Kathleen T. Lacher (ktlacher@comcast.net) lives in Tallahassee, Florida, where she has a consulting business. She received her B.M.E. in choral music (1978) and her Ph.D. in business administration—marketing (1991), both from Florida State University. She taught at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, and Georgia Southwestern State University, Americus, teaching courses in Consumer Behavior, Research Methods, and Strategy. Her research covers consumer behavior, using both quantitative and qualitative methods. She performs with the Tallahassee Community Chorus, which debuted at Carnegie Hall in 2004, and holds the position of Secretary for the Board of Directors at the Tallahassee Habitat for Humanity. Michael S. LaTour (michael.latour@unlv.edu) is a professor of marketing and chair, Department of Marketing, College of Business, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He earned his Ph.D. (1986) in business administration from the University of Mississippi with a major in marketing. He graduated with multiple honors. His research has covered a variety of topics including psychophysiological response to promotional stimuli, gender issues in advertising, advertising ethics, cross-cultural consumer behavior, industrial buyer behavior, and consumer memory of advertising stimuli and product experience.  相似文献   

The domain and theories of marketing have been expanding since the origins of the discipline. Since the 1970s marketing science has been organized around the exchange paradigm. Marketing concepts apply to all forms of exchange, whether it is goods, services, personages, places or ideas, and whether it is between individuals, for-profit and nonprofit firms, governments and NGOs. Marketing theories evolved from a firm oriented view to encompass the exchanging dyad. More recently the paradigm expanded to a network level of explanation, and relational theories have come to the fore. But even as the field struggles to grasp its new fields of explanation, there is a Kuhnian shift happening at its boundaries. The shift significantly bends the marketing worldview as well as the theoretical tools and methodologies we use to study it. In this paper we develop a three-tiered explanation of the emerging field of marketing—its subphenomena (consumer experiences and sensory systems), its phenomena (marketing networks), and its superphenomena (sustainability and development).  相似文献   

体验营销是继产品营销、服务营销之后一种真正"以顾客为中心"的全新营销方式。随着顾客需求的变化和酒店业竞争的加剧,体验营销越来越受到酒店行业的关注。文章研究了体验经济背景下酒店感官营销、情感营销、思考营销、行动营销、关联营销五大体验营销策略。  相似文献   

有效的服务营销对商业银行在激烈的市场竞争中获得竞争优势具有重要意义。我国商业银行应通过建立和完善服务营销管理体系,科学准确地进行市场细分及定位、制定差别化的营销战略,优化服务渠道、做好服务流程再造等策略,提高服务营销能力。  相似文献   

Summary In summary, it is important, from time to time, to step back and consider the publication process, as it exists in marketing and as it operates forJAMS. As part of this consideration, the issue of journal quality is paramount. As mentioned above, there are many ways to assess journal quality, and each method has its advantages and its limitations. In the field of marketing, we have a long history of relying on perceptual data, and this tradition is reflected in methods that rely on expert ratings and rankings of journals. In our field, we also have a history of trying to collect “objective” or quantitative data, and methods that rely on citation counts fit into this tradition. Here, using contrasting but related methods, we report encouraging evidence about the growing status and reputation ofJAMS as an influential publication outlet for marketing scholarship.  相似文献   

在房地产业迅猛发展的过程中,体验营销的成功在于把握了消费者需求与行为发展变化的趋势。然而,由于体验与传统营销差别显著,使得体验营销这一新兴不久的营销思想变革与方法创新愈发不易被房地产企业把握和运用。分析当前房地产体验营销存在的问题并探讨房地产体验营销策略尤为迫切。  相似文献   

关系营销与客户关系管理是在"大市场营销"背景下"以顾客为中心"的两种不同的管理思想,但两者之间又有着内在的联系,在应用时互相支持。在关系营销的实践中应用客户关系管理,对提高客户满意度,保持与利益群体的良好关系,从而最终实现企业的营销目标具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

The anatomy of the macro marketing system is developed through the use of a systems methodology. This conceptual model provides academics with a frame of reference for fleshing out the marketing system as it develops over time. Beyond depicting its parts and their interrelationships, the treatise emphasizes a fundamental premise orienting change within the marketing system. Contemporary economic conditions necessitate that the marketing system operate as an aggregate mechanism for the maintenance of minimum costs. This furnishes practitioners with a basis for anticipating the transformation that will take place if the marketing system is to offer its denizens higher quality life styles in the future.  相似文献   

品牌资产的战略选择——整合营销传播   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
整合营销传播是对传统营销传播的继承和发展,有着极其深刻的内涵;整合营销传播和传统营销既有区别又有联系,是辩证的关系;整合营销传播对中国市场有重要意义,中国本土市场应重新审视整合营销传播的理论及实践,构建具有中国特色的整合营销传播理论。  相似文献   

基于交换障碍克服视角的营销组合理论演变研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在近50年的时间里,营销组合理论从经典的4Ps理论发展到今天最新的4Rs理论。从交换障碍克服的视角看营销组合理论的这一演变过程可以发现:随着交易环境的不断复杂化,许多潜在的市场力量逐渐凸显,从而不断引发新的交换障碍出现,这促使营销人员策划出各种营销组合来克服这些障碍,而营销实践的发展推动了营销组合理论的不断演变。  相似文献   

浅议品牌营销(BM)时代的到来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国市场经济的发展,品牌营销作为企业营销的一个高级阶段,在企业营销中发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文通过案例说明了品牌营销时代的到来和成功品牌营销的模式。  相似文献   

Chaos theory and the dynamics of marketing systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chaos theory is not well understood or appreciated in marketing, yet it offers a way of improving understanding of marketing systems. A brief introduction to chaos theory is given. Its relevance to marketing is then illustrated through a discussion of different types of marketing models that can result in complex dynamics, including chaos. Next, techniques for detecting the presence of chaos in the behavior of real systems are reviewed. Finally, the implications of chaos theory for marketing theory and practice are discussed. He arrived from London University to take the chair of Analytical Chemistry in 1987 with a background in physical chemistry. His interest in chaos stems from work on fractals—those wiggly shapes that appear to be so ubiquitous in nature. A chance meeting with Professor Wilkinson allowed him to use his computing skills in an unusual (for him) area of research. He has been a visiting professor at various U.S. and European universities, including the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Cincinnati, Temple University, and the Stockholm School of Economics. His research focuses on the dynamics of Marketing systems, interfirm relations, and international marketing. His work has been published in journals such as theJournal of the Academy of Market Science, Journal of Macromarketing, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Applied Psychology, and theEuropean Journal of Marketing.  相似文献   

现代酒店新型营销策略浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着社会经济的发展,酒店业正面临着前所未有的发展机遇和日趋激烈的市场竞争。酒店业营销策略的创新和转变是时代的需要。我国酒店营销存在理念相对落后、行业网络化和信息化程度低等问题,这需要从业人员要对现代酒店网络营销、绿色营销等新型营销策略进行研究,根据国内酒店的自身特点,设计出具有针对性的营销策略创新方案以及实施的步骤和实施过程,为我国的酒店营销发展提供参考。  相似文献   

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