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雷冰 《西藏旅游》2011,(12):31-45
有人说,在到过墨脱的人面前不要言路。意思是说这世上再没有比到墨脱更难走的路了,但行走墨脱的乐趣也正在于这抵达墨脱的险途中。一向以挑战大自然为乐的每一个探险家自然也把这里作为梦寐以求的目标.而11月,正是行走墨脱最佳的季节。  相似文献   

当卢广第一次走进西藏墨脱,见到墨脱背夫时,这支最执著、最坚韧、最原始的特殊运输队瞬间感动了他。他五进墨脱,走进当时还不通公路的莲花秘境。他拍摄的组照《墨脱背夫》震撼国人,为墨脱公路建设鼓与呼,获得第十五届(2006年度)中国新闻摄影金奖。  相似文献   

墨脱是“人间绝域”。它位于西藏自治区东南部的最偏远处,深陷在喜马拉雅山脉腹地,藏人称之为“隐秘的莲花”。墨脱最为内地人所熟知的头衔是:中国大陆2100多个行政建制县中至今惟一不通公路的县。  相似文献   

墨脱,雅鲁藏布江最后的一块净土。 很久以来,我们从一张照片中看到赤脚的背夫背着货物走在森林之中,泥泞沼泽。树枝藤蔓潮湿交织,一个传说中莲花盛开的圣地。  相似文献   

墨脱是"人间绝域".它位于西藏自治区东南部的最偏远处,深陷在喜马拉雅山脉腹地,藏人称之为"隐秘的莲花".墨脱最为内地人所熟知的头衔是:中国大陆2100多个行政建制县中至今惟一不通公路的县.  相似文献   

正西藏墨脱公路即将通车,墨脱作勾我国唯一不通公路的县的历史也将结束。117.278公里,这是墨脱公路的长度,也是墨脱人民与梦想的距离。在公路未打通之前,对于墨脱人而言,这百十公里的距离意味着与世隔绝和无尽的凶险,每年在去往外界背送物资的路上都会有死神降临,背夫们背负着墨脱的希望趔趄在风雪和暴雨中,而墨脱的物价依旧极高,生活极其不便,社会发展停滞不前……打通墨脱公路.是世代墨脱人的梦想,也是几代交通人的夙愿和牵挂。从上世  相似文献   

每一次叩首,每一次脸颊亲吻泥土,都带着内心的炽热和大地的温度。在这香巴拉之地,一世转山,没有轮回,如愿以偿。这里是象雄,这里是古格,这里是阿里……  相似文献   

来拉萨前从来听说过墨脱,更不知道“徒步”意味着什幺,蹬着18块钱买来的解放胶鞋—我这个好奇、大胆,甚至显得有些幼稚鲁莽的女孩子,一路跌跌撞撞,经历了半个月的惊奇、快乐、艰辛甚至是生命的危险,竟然完成了第一次徒步穿越墨脱的“壮举”。  相似文献   

这是徒步进入墨脱的唯一的,也是最艰险的路。从雪山顶上吸入的清冽空气在肺部打了个转,吐出来却被热带植物的呼吸带走。蚂蟥留下的伤疤转瞬就被泥巴裹了个密实,原始森林里没有想象的败叶铺就的“海绵路”,  相似文献   

很多人梦想着有生之年去一次墨脱,然而,只有走在遍布石头和泥泞的山路上,才知道墨脱并不只意味着美丽,而更多的是凶险。这份凶险的背后,一个重要的原因便是不通公路。以前,去墨脱的梦想因此变得遥不可及。让墨脱通公路,是几代交通人为之奋斗的梦想,只是这个梦想在经过一次次艰难的付出之后,收获的却仍是破灭。墨脱人民通公路的呼声在这个梦想中回荡,交通人的那份执著在一次次打击之后却愈发强烈。2009年1月20日,经过长时间前期准备,墨脱公路新改建工程宣布全线开工。近5年之后,墨脱公路即将通车,墨脱人民的公路梦终于不再是孤悬的空梦,他们将踏上坚实的公路,不仅是通向外界,通向现代,更通往未来。  相似文献   

The uptake of mobile media with internet connection has increased rapidly in almost every part of the world, and this has significantly changed how public transport passengers use their travel time. Studies have documented that use of mobile information and communication technologies (ICT) while traveling has the potential to enrich use of travel time and in some cases, strengthen positive attitudes towards public transport. The alternative hypothesis—that mobile communication technologies make travelers more critical and demanding, e.g., due to the risk of interference—has so far hardly been explored through empirical studies. Based on a web-based survey of travelers in two of the largest cities in Norway (Oslo and Trondheim), this paper investigates how use of smart devices are related to general attitudes toward public transportation services. A segmentation of travelers in three clusters based on their mobile use habits, shows that the most active group of mobile media users—a group of younger and middle-aged urban dwellers—were those who bore the most critical attitudes to the public transport services. In contrast, the groups that used their mobile phones rarely, or less actively, on their public transport trips were more satisfied. The findings suggests that a new generation of “equipped travelers” has developed expectations regarding their public transport journeys that service providers might have problems to fulfill in current times. Thus, there is a risk of the most active smartphone users developing negative attitudes to public transport if (or when) their experiences are not improved.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2008,15(5):283-290
It has become a tradition in the Netherlands to assess the environmental impact of election manifestos produced by Dutch political parties. This paper shows that the assessment methodology chosen for transport policy proposals can lead to uncertain estimates. However, election manifesto transport analysis can meritably establish which election manifesto offers the most—and which the least—environmental impact, a robust result that does not mislead the public. The pros and cons of assessing election manifestos have been fiercely debated in the Netherlands. Following this debate and our own observations we conclude that another important merit of assessment is that it can assist political parties in making their election promises realistic and consistent.  相似文献   

“走出去”是中国铁路发展战略的重要组成部分。分析了中国铁路“走出去”的先决条件,比较了境外铁路运营管理模式的利弊,以沙特麦加轻轨运营为案例,得出了运营管理模式选择的启示。  相似文献   

陈利  黄坤 《西藏旅游》2012,(8):108-113
昌都,藏语意为“水汇合口处”。昌都地区处于金沙江、澜沧江、怒江三江流域的上游区域,三江水系格局受地质构造和外力因素的控制,形成了举世闻名、昌都地区特有的“三江并流”奇观。这里是亚洲南部最大的河流汇聚区,是东南亚第一长河澜沧江.湄公河的上游区域,是中国西南大河之一怒江的源头,也是中国第一大河长江的上游。河流之源孕育了丰富的江边文化,自东向西,从南到北,昌都展现了过渡变化的江河景观。  相似文献   

拉萨不是世界的中心,却有一股无法用科学来验证的巨大引力。迫使全世界人都为它奔跑。不同肤色、不同民族、不同文化信仰的人,却在同一时捌聚集在这里。他们漂泊在拉萨,生存在拉萨,他们被称为“拉漂”。比起“北漂”“海漂”一族来,“拉漂”总的来说还是少数,但他们的生活体会却有着自己非常独到的地方。让我们来听听这帮少数派的报告。走近“拉漂”,来看看他们心中的幸福时光。  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2000,7(1):41-50
“Projects”, as the term is used here, are capital investments—from resurfacing streets to multi-billion dollar construction—that create transportation infrastructure. “Methods” are primarily benefit–cost analysis, although other frameworks have been, and still remain, in use. Most projects are constructed by public agencies and authorities, primarily at the state and local level, but the federal government is the dominant source of evaluation guidance because most transportation projects use some share of federal funds.Benefit–cost analysis (BCA or BC) is a decision framework for government agencies to use in considering the desirability of taking alternative actions, whether investment, operations, or regulation. This survey describes the use of BCA by US transportation agencies, comparing theory, published guidance, and actual practice.  相似文献   

铁路安全管理贯穿于运输生产全过程。结合集通铁路集团公司安全管理实践,探索合资铁路企业如何按照铁道部"高标准、讲科学、不懈怠"的要求,结合"三项工程"建设的实施,围绕安全生产控制这一根本,建立安全生产控制管理体系,保证运输安全。  相似文献   

建设京津冀环渤海轨道交通“一小时经济圈”对于实现京津冀经济一体化具有重要意义。根据城市规划及北京市城市交通特点,借鉴国际轨道交通特别是市郊铁路建设运营的经验,明确交通经济圈分层结构,提出在发展完善地铁网和高铁网的基础上,因地制宜,近远结合,充分利用既有铁路资源,建设S1至S7数条市郊铁路,并通过综合客运交通枢纽形成“三张网”有机联系,实现综合运能最大化的设想。  相似文献   

The growth of low-cost carriers (LCCs) is currently focused on the Western European market, where they represent the most determining factor in the evolution of airline networks. In this area, they stand for 18% of the total air transport supply according to seats. Limited to short and medium haul flights, networks are not too concentrated (no hubs). They are North–South, and compete with—when they have not replaced—some charter routes. The use of air freedoms beyond the fourth is still limited, but exclusive routes are a frequent phenomenon linked to the option for secondary (urban or regional) airports and/or niches.Finally, low-cost carriers give fresh impetus to point-to-point routes by drawing new networks complementing those of full service network carriers (FSNCs). If no hubs as such can be found in these new networks, significant concentrations characterize the major bases.The geography of low-cost networks is to a large extent the geography of EU air transport liberalization.  相似文献   

我国近期建设的以高铁站为代表的第三代铁路客站,强调“以人为本”的理念,创新成就斐然,但对车站的经济效益尚缺少分析和规划,存在经营短板。在铁路体制改革的今天,“以人为本”的服务更需要长期良好的经营效益来保障和维持。在分析铁路客站发展轨迹的基础上.着重从铁路与物业结合的方式、旅客与顾客的关系、建筑设计与商业策划原则等方面探讨“铁路+物业”的客站模式,以期为新一代铁路旅客车站的建设方向提供参考。  相似文献   

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