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要是你关注了吴京的微博。你会发现。他在上面总是幽默可爱的。一个“功夫小子”在微博上插科打诨,即使是在西藏高原反应了,也要摆出陶醉状拍下照片,然后发一张搞怪微博。我本期待这样一个幽默的吴京,但是当他真正出现在我面前,同我谈论西藏和冈仁波齐环山赛的时候,却异常严肃。他说,因为这是对生命的敬畏。 相似文献
近日,奚志农在接受《西藏旅游》专访时称:“在白马雪山自然保护区和西藏芒康地区雪线附近的高山针叶密林中,生活着一群粉红面颊的精灵,它们酷似人类的粉红色嘴唇很大,很厚实,头顶还有一小撮高高竖起的毛发,感觉很朋克。” 相似文献
从拉萨出发,翻越海拔4880米的岗巴拉山顶,沿着喜马拉雅山麓最大的内陆湖泊,西藏三大圣湖之一——羊湖湖畔一路前行,穿越海拔5020米卡若拉冰川便是绝美的江孜。《江孜印迹》大型原生态实景剧的演出地点便位于江孜县城宗山脚下的达玛场,海拔高度4020米,该剧是目前全球海拔最高的实景剧演出。 相似文献
站在星空下,这里是海拔5200米的珠峰大本营,我知道,这将是我生命中一个重要的时刻。一生中总要看见很多的星空,故乡四川大凉山的星空透彻而温暖;越南美奈海边的星空飘渺而多情;拉萨河畔的星空清冷而孤独……而这里呢?我看到的不只是星星,而是如烟如云的星海,你不需要抬头寻找,你就包裹在星海里,脑中浮现出泰戈尔的诗句:“世界是变幻不停的泡沫,在寂静的海上逐流随波。” 相似文献
稻城亚丁是中国香格里拉生态旅游的核心景区,生态资源和文化资源十分富集,稻城亚丁旅游早已声名远扬,旅游开发潜力巨大。目前,稻城亚丁旅游已经吸引了大量的国内外游客,并初显淡旺季特征和自驾游客比例高等特点。稻城亚丁机场位于四川省甘孜州稻城县北部海子山,距县城50公里,4C级,海拔高度4411米,超过4334米的西藏昌都邦达机场,成为世界上海拔最高的民用机场。机场于2012年8月29日竣工,9月中旬通过 相似文献
西藏东南,雅鲁藏布大峡谷茂密的丛林里,藏着“在路上”的悍客们最高的梦想——墨脱。这里是高原之上海拔最低,生态环境保存最完整。气候最温和.雨量最充沛的地方。这里也是塌方、泥石流、蚂蝗、野兽、毒虫、暴雨、烈日、高山、峡谷、雨林完美结合的中国最顶级户外徒步路线。而此刻,我要告诉你一个非传说的墨脱:轻装+探险+乐活。 相似文献
This paper examines the factors that lead parents to select travel modes for their children’s trip to school. It does so with reference to parents whose children attend a suburban school in Auckland, New Zealand, where walking and driving are the two main travel options. Four focus groups were conducted in order to understand parents’ transport decisions. This approach revealed the significance of the following factors: perceived distance and time constraints; concerns about children’s health and fitness, as well as their competence; road safety and congestion issues; and social norms. We conclude that the reasons leading parents to drive are manifold, and, as such, a variety of interventions is needed to promote walking. 相似文献
This article examines the development of walking school buses (WSBs) in Auckland, New Zealand, drawing on five annual surveys. Longitudinal analysis reveals sustained growth in the number of routes, and in levels of participation, although activity remains concentrated in the wealthiest neighbourhoods. Parent coordinators identify four key benefits to WSBs: the sense of community, opportunity for exercise/health promotion, reduction in car use and local congestion, and reduced injury risk for child pedestrians. We contend that this form of supervised walking challenges some of the social practices associated with automobile dependence at the same time as it reinforces others. 相似文献
This paper examines how characteristics of the physical and socio-economic environment influence children’s school travel mode in Tirana, the capital of Albania. A survey of students aged 11 to 13, revealed that an overwhelming majority walk to school, while bicycling and bus use are minimal. Students who walk to school often do so as part of a larger group of schoolmates, attend schools that are located relatively near their house, are faced with relatively few major road crossings during their journey, and belong to families that are less likely to own a car. Children who are driven to school (only 13.5% of our sample) usually have higher-income families and live farther from the school. Although Tirana’s high residential density has some environmental drawbacks, we deem it positive in that its result is that most students live very close to their schools and in close proximity to classmates walking to school. The fine grain pattern of the urban public school network contributes to the short distances between schools and homes. We provide a number of recommendations for the promotion of walking in home-school trips, as well as for the future physical development of the city and the school network. 相似文献
随着我国钢轨生产质量的提高,钢轨出口量也逐年上升,为解决原18m长出口钢轨普通平车装运方案存在的装载量低、运输成本高等问题,阐述出口钢轨装运现状,充分考虑18m长出口钢轨的长度和规格,依据《铁路货物装载加固规则》的技术要求,研究提出一种"低-高-低-…-低"交错承载方式的18m长出口钢轨采用普通平车装运优化方案,该优化方案充分考虑各型号出口钢轨特性、有效利用车辆载重能力,可以成倍提高装载量和运输效率,减少车辆使用,降低运输成本。试验结果表明该优化方案满足安全运输要求。 相似文献
Engineering and improved road safety education has resulted in an overall decrease in road traffic accident numbers in Christchurch, New Zealand. The temporal trends of crash data from 1980 to 2004 reveal that lowering of crash rates is not occurring at a uniform rate throughout the day, with comparative increases in crash rates occurring during morning rush hour, and during the ’school run’. No spatial clustering around schools was identified. This suggests that policies to reduce school travel related road accidents need to be focused on reducing overall traffic levels rather than focusing geographically on areas in the immediate vicinity of schools. 相似文献
贾永生 《铁道部郑州公安管理干部学院学报》2007,17(3):96-103
铁路刑事案件主要是指发生在铁路公安机关管辖的铁路站场、列车、线路空间范围内的各种犯罪。由于在案件构成上具有一定的特殊性,铁路犯罪现场摄影应该根据铁路犯罪现场的属性来系统地记录现场状况。认识铁路犯罪现场的重要性和特殊性,是搞好铁路犯罪现场摄影的内在要求。铁路犯罪现场摄影特殊性主要是在拍摄铁路犯罪现场照片过程中,如何结合铁路犯罪现场构成的特性以及铁路犯罪现场存在、处置的条件和专业要求等来做好现场摄影工作。铁路犯罪现场摄影应按照及时、全面、客观、细致的要求来完成。 相似文献
Nurhan Davutyan 《International Journal of Tourism Research》2007,9(1):51-57
Tourism has become an important pillar of the Turkish economy. Therefore, service quality of the catering sector deserves and attracts attention. This paper employs data envelopment analysis (DEA), a linear programming method, to gauge the validity of official quality ratings at Antalya, a major seaside resort. This benchmarking‐based technique is applied to standardise the ‘starring’ system used by regulators and rating agencies. This is done by using efficiency scores generated by the DEA technique. Such standardisation helps tourists and tour operators. In addition, a second‐stage Tobit regression identifies the causes of inefficiency, and the managerial implications of the findings are discussed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
我国现阶段剥削问题之解析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
周行 《武汉交通职业学院学报》2005,7(2):10-12
本文分析在我国现阶段生产力还不发达的特殊历史条件下,剥削问题产生的原因、剥削现象存在的历史必然性,以及如何正确看待剥削现象中的积极因素等问题,力图科学、合理地厘清现阶段剥削之含义并阐明其与阶级剥削的本质区别。 相似文献
The globally celebrated Olympic Winter Games (OWG) are highly dependent on suitable snow and ice conditions to support elite-level competitions. To determine the range of weather impacts on the Games, this study examines the official Olympic post-Games reports from 1924 to 2010. Impacts include preparations for the Games, holding outdoor opening–closing ceremonies, outdoor sporting competitions, spectator comfort, transportation, and television broadcasts. The study also examines the range of historical adaptations that have developed to manage weather risks at the OWG. Three adaptation eras are identified, spanning the history of the games: emergent adaptation, technological transition, and advanced adaptation. Analysis reveals that while weather-induced impacts have always been a part of the Games, these impacts would be far greater if not for technical climatic adaptations. With the average daytime temperature of host locations steadily increasing from 0.4°C at the Games held in the 1920–1950s to 7.8°C at the Games held in the twenty-first century, it would be difficult to imagine recent host cities/regions successfully delivering the diverse Games programme exclusively on natural ice and snow. The connection between the evolving needs for weather risk management strategies by Olympic organisers and the growth of the Olympics in size and scope is also discussed. 相似文献
Using structural equation modelling, the formative model was tested on a sample of 703 tourists who visited six coastal destinations in Montenegro. It relies on the complex relationships between five constructs – perceived quality of a destination's offerings, tourist satisfaction, perceived equity, perceived benefits and behavioural intentions – simultaneously incorporating the emotional and rational self-regulatory mechanisms. The empirical results supported the hypothesised relationships. The group of eight tourist destination attributes affects perceived quality of a destination's offerings that positively and directly relate to perceived benefits, behavioural intentions and tourist satisfaction, whereas satisfaction is also determined by equity perceptions. Additionally, perceived quality of a destination's offerings also relates indirectly to tourist behavioural intentions, through perceived benefits and tourist satisfaction, while satisfaction also mediates the interaction between perceived equity and tourist intended behaviour. These research results contribute to a deeper understanding of which behavioural processes, and with what strength, lead to the increase in tourist loyalty at the destination level, and ultimately provide better insights into the predictors of behavioural intentions. 相似文献