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《藏漂十年》 20世纪80年代,陈丹青创作了呈现西藏人的《西藏组画》,给一群人一种“人文情结的惊喜和向往”。作者张苹2000年便到了拉萨,是带着渴望回归原始单纯生活,逃离旧日生活的逃亡者。他们从北京逃离到拉萨,亲眼目睹了西藏的变化。于是在西藏的十年,她与拉萨这座城融合在一起,深入到拉萨的白天、夜晚、酒吧和转经道一她在西藏绘画、生活、生养小孩,与当地人和藏漂相处,  相似文献   

藏漂常年浪迹于西藏天地间、拉萨市井街头,只为寻找自己理想中的“香格里拉”,然而此次我们来到南京,却发现这里也有一群独特的藏”漂”。藏式餐厅里,石锅朗玛鱼汤挑起你对鹾藏的思念,酥油茶伴着青稞炒牛肉的藏味飘荡在空气中;满足味蕾后,再逛逛大街,惊奇地发现在这里也可以买到正宗的藏饰、绿松石和红珊瑚耀眼的光彩恍然让你回到了拉萨让我们带你一起藏”漂”南京吧。  相似文献   

拉珍才十八岁,是拉萨人。看到她时候,一直有妈妈在旁边护驾。拉珍看上去文静秀气,可是跳起折疆舞来却热情奔放。拉珍在明玛厅跳舞,因为她非常喜欢唱歌跳舞。虽然只在歌舞团受过一个月的训练,但是拉珍的舞姿实在曼妙。采访拉珍的时候,强巴卓嘎加人了我们的谈话。  相似文献   

“西藏不是离天堂最近的地方,却一定是离天最近的地方。不可方物的神山与丽水浩瀚无际,朝圣的人潮和修行者亦是充满魅力的风景。”后来,很多人问我,住在拉萨,在拉萨上班什么感觉?什么感觉?白天不想起床,晚上不舍睡觉,周末选择懒床,爬起来吃饭都是为了“救命”。后来,离开拉萨后的日子,反倒怀念起拉萨来。在拉萨上班两年整,除了有限的休假外,我多数都是在单位里勤勤恳恳工作。  相似文献   

2011年6月15日,本刊首席记者秦艺菡只身上路,为读者寻访夏季出游最精彩的旅游线路,实地打探最新最炫的藏地传奇。秦艺菡从重庆坐火车出发,经由青海西宁、德令哈到达拉萨,奖在拉萨的阳光下晒肚皮,打探小众的拉萨客线、美食、拉漂聚集地。下一站将去日喀则亲近中国最美丽的冰川,在炎炎夏日带给你阵阵凉意。随后,再进入可可西里腹地开始探秘与感受之旅。  相似文献   

2011年6月15日,本刊首席记者秦艺菡只身上路,为读者寻访夏季出游最精彩的旅游线路,实地打探最新最炫的藏地传奇。秦艺菡从重庆坐火车出发,经由青海西宁、德令哈到达拉萨,奖在拉萨的阳光下晒肚皮,打探小众的拉萨客线、美食、拉漂聚集地。下一站将去日喀则亲近中国最美丽的冰川,在炎炎夏日带给你阵阵凉意。随后,再进入可可西里腹地开始探秘与感受之旅。  相似文献   

萨度 《西藏旅游》2009,(4):68-69
拉鲁湿地是世界上海拔最高、面积最大的湿地生态系统,也是拉萨市区重要的氧气补给源和最大的空气净化器,因此,被冠以“拉萨之肺”、“拉萨氧吧”等美称。  相似文献   

在拉萨,以八廓街为中心,酒吧或疏或密地散布于四周各处,与八廓街结成一张神秘的网,网罗夜晚游走的各色人群。它们,有不同的故事、特色、文化底蕴。而相同的是一样悠游的情调。它们和拉萨白日的慢生活一道,共同构成拉萨的柔软时光。无数停留或来拉萨的人,在酒吧里把酒言欢、发泄放肆,或者借助酒吧探寻这座古老城市的新鲜活力……而流传于街头巷尾的、千千万的故事也总产生于此,人们谈论故事,参与故事,每一个平凡的夜晚,拉萨的酒吧都演绎着不平凡的人生。拉萨的酒吧老板们,是这座城市酒吧文化的缔造者,他们带着西藏和酒吧的梦想而来,恣意挥洒雪域高原的快意人生。  相似文献   

罗勇 《西藏旅游》2011,(7):154-155
“白天看庙,晚上睡觉。”长期以来。西藏旅游景点缭游客以单一、雷同的印象。位于拉萨东郊贯布塘路(雅鲁藏布大酒店隔壁)拉云拉朵的问世,将打破这一传统格局,带给游客以新的视角、感观体验。西藏石又称天石或圣石,是产自雪域高原海拔500。米韵水冲石,是藏民心中的神灵。拉云拉朵(藏文音译为神石的天堂),顾明思义.拉云拉朵就是世界上最具有神秘色彩的石头一西藏石扮博物馆。“世界上唯一用石头解读藏传文化的艺术富殿。”馆长裴海龙介绍。还没进人博物馆,我们就被“拉云拉朵”的气派暇引,  相似文献   

2008年,玉珍只是中国人民银行山南支行的一个普通职员,认识她的人仅限于她的家人、朋友和同事。然而,一年之后,玉珍这个名字却突然红遍拉萨城,电视、杂志、报纸上面满满当当地都是她娇俏的模样,她像飓风一般地出现在大家眼前时,人们不禁要问,你是怎样来的?她只是骄傲地说:“我身后,有一个大舞台。”  相似文献   

喝仓姑寺甜茶馆里香浓的奶茶、晒百年藏式老屋外最热烈的太阳、抑或在阿罗仓慢慢品味滚烫的羊肉萝卜汤……章描的拉萨穿透光阴,带着饱食的惬意让我们微晕、让我们松弛……在这里,时光就像猫一样行走.静悄悄,神秘秘,没有脚步声,失去紧张感。慢半拍的拉萨。让我们如此迷恋,让我们如此无法忘记:慢游、慢食、慢淘、慢生活.来到这里,忙碌和疲惫的你可以慢下来。  相似文献   

拉萨,以圣城的名义伫立在青藏高原。当阳光洒下金缕,覆盖拉萨这片土地时,每个人都会以最纯粹、最纯净的心灵去感受它的美丽——不管你是默默无闻的凡人还是灿烂耀眼的明星。  相似文献   

想过骑游拉萨么?别以为骑游只是阳朔、丽江的专利,别以为高高在上的圣城跟轻松悠闲绝缘,别以为骑上自行车逛拉萨是件不可能的事情-要玩就找个高起点!  相似文献   

复晴海 《西藏旅游》2012,(8):116-121
素有世界屋脊之称的喜马拉雅山上,经常出现一种神秘的红雪景象,海拔5000米以上的冰天雪地中,灿若彤云,像玫瑰一样艳丽,又像血染的红绸一样的奇特雪景,令世人惊叹不已,它已被列为了西藏神秘事件之一,到底红雪现象是如何形成的?而又为什么只有喜马拉稚山才有红雪呢?  相似文献   

The aim of this exploratory study is to describe, examine, and analyze the manner in which tour guides in Israel gaze at the groups of foreign tourists they lead, in light of their close familiarity and cumulative experience with them. How do Israeli tour guides view different types of tourists, tourist behaviors, and tourist worldviews? The concept of ‘gaze’ refers to the manner in which people view the world around them. When a gaze is focused, it may include both visual and nonvisual elements. The study methodology is based on a grounded theory approach and on in-depth interviews with Israeli tour guides regarding their attitudes toward and perceptions and images of the tourists in their groups. The study proposes a model of five complementary gazes that develop over time, which depicts the processes and elements that help shape how hosts understand the tourists with whom they come in contact. Although the model was based on findings generated by interviews with Israeli tour guides, who are professional hosts, it may also be applicable to other kinds of hosts in different contexts.  相似文献   

三轮车上的拉萨城,是移动、缓慢、有起伏节奏的城市。在车夫的带领下.我游刃有余地穿梭在街头巷口,轻松地找到街角旮旯的任何欢愉。可我的视野之中,永恒不变的却是车夫略微低伏的,喘息的背影。他立着身子,用劲在脚踏板上蹬,花彩的车子便带我游进小巷深处,只有车上系着的铜铃仍发出丁丁铃铃的声响,像一串水滴敲击湖面,干脆欢快,尔后的回音久久不散…….  相似文献   

红杏 《西藏旅游》2009,(1):107-115
佳佳两岁了。我们给她设计了一次行程:去西藏。青藏铁路线开通,坐上火车去拉萨,对我们大人来说也是一次全新的体验。从北京到拉萨的火车,行程48小时。对于一个两岁的孩子,将是一次耐力与体力的挑战;对于我们,如何带着孩子在火车上度过漫长的48小时也是一次挑战。而到西藏后,孩子会不会闹,会不会不适应,以及西藏的高海拔、低含氧的环境会不会对孩子的健康有影响,都将是我们面临的问题。就这样,我们带着佳佳,带着好奇与不安,忐忑上路了。  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2009,16(5):240-250
In recent decades, many researchers have devoted themselves to the study of world cities. One of the most important contributions to world city research has come from the Globalisation and World Cities Study Group & Network (GaWC-Loughborough University). GaWC focuses on external relationships between world cities. It has analysed the world city network and the hierarchy between cities in various sectors, but primarily in advanced producer services (accountancy, advertising, banking/finance and law). Previous studies have identified London, New York, Paris and Tokyo as high-level global service centres, followed closely by Chicago, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, Milan and Singapore. Thus far, however, the maritime sector has been neglected in the identification and analysis of global cities. The main purpose of the present article is to fill this void.The first part of our analysis includes a study of the literature on world cities and an examination of the criteria and methods on which previous research has been based. In part II, we explore the world maritime city network by applying and interpreting the GaWC methods. For a city to be recognised as a world maritime city, it must have a presence of container shipping companies and container terminal operators. As for the city's operational capacity, that is determined by the extent of linkages between those container shipping companies and container terminal operators, on the one hand, and the rest of the world maritime market, on the other hand. The collected empirical evidence shows that Hong Kong, Hamburg, Singapore, Shanghai, Tokyo, New Jersey/New York, Bangkok/Laem Chabang and London are the world's leading maritime cities. Furthermore, analysis of interrelations in these cities between shipping companies and container terminal has indicated Hong Kong, Hamburg and New York to be the main nodes in the world maritime city network.  相似文献   

This study explores young hosts’ identification of tourism resources and their perceptions of different tourism site management styles in a suburban village in Lhasa, Tibet. Two tourism parks with different management styles co-exist in the same village. One is collectively owned and managed by the community and the other is developed and managed by an outside company. Compared with previous tourism community research, this empirical study has four notable features: it focuses on a non-Western, emerging tourism community; compares responses to two different development approaches within a community; targets the emic views of the young local citizens; and connects the present with the future. A combination of research methods, including key informant interviews, photo-elicitation interviews, and a questionnaire-based survey were used in sequence. The study suggests that the Tibetan young hosts have clear views about tourism, the future, and their local resources. They strongly preferred the community-based style for the future, and their preferences extended to the kinds of tourists who visited the community-based property. The study adds empirical weight to the voices of those researchers who call for strong community control over local tourism resources as well as suggesting the benefits this approach may deliver.  相似文献   

Consolidation is a myth. Data suggest that the airline industry is not consolidating. Competition is either increasing or almost constant, depending on the type of measurement. Hubs are here to stay because half the O–D travel in the world is in markets too small to be served nonstop. Fortunately, small markets are willing to pay. Hubbed carriers’ economic strength is observable in the US ticket price data. Growth has not lead to bigger airplanes—trend in airplane size has been flat to declining since 1985. The evidence is the same in all regions of the world. Big airplanes spend more time on the gate and turn slower, increasing system costs. For small airplanes, value is created by frequency. The share of the largest size shows significant decline. Industry real yields have been declining at 2–3% a year, but cost savings do not need to match this pace. Longer trips and leisure markets have lower yields, so yield can change as the mix changes, even while fares are stable. Data show flat business fares and leisure fares declining by 1% per year. Cost savings continue to match the decline in fares. Jets, high-bypass engines, revenue management, travel agency fees, and competitive wages have each had their turn in reducing costs.  相似文献   

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