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This study examines the relationship between real effective exchange rates (REERs) and the consumer price index (CPI) in China, utilizing a bootstrap Granger full-sample causality test and a sub-sample rolling-window estimation. Considering structural changes, we assess the stability of the parameters and find that both the short-run and long-run relationships between the two estimated variables are unstable. This result suggests that full-sample causality tests cannot be relied upon. We instead employ a time-varying (bootstrap) rolling-window approach to revisit the dynamic causal relationship, and we find that the CPI is affected by the REER for several sub-samples due to the role of exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) under the managed floating exchange rate regime in China. These findings provide further proof of the impact of stable exchange rates on the maintenance of relatively steady price levels especially during the economic crisis and economic reform in China. The policy implication of these findings is that maintaining exchange rate stability is beneficial for controlling inflation during the economic crisis and economic reform.  相似文献   

本文尝试构建一个开放条件下的总供给-总需求模型,通过名义进口价格刚性在模型中引入汇率传递因素。模型对各种货币政策工具规则下社会福利损失函数进行比较,考察在不同的汇率传递程度下的各种货币政策工具规则。研究结果显示,社会福利水平随着汇率传递程度下降而提高;货币政策工具规则对消费者物价指数(CPI)上涨作出反应一定程度上优于对国内制造商品价格上涨作出反应,制定的货币政策工具规则应该以CPI为目标,以使社会福利损失最小。  相似文献   

Has exchange rate pass-through really declined? Evidence from Canada   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Several empirical studies suggest that exchange rate pass-through has declined in recent years among industrialized countries. Results for Canada also indicate that import and consumer prices have become less responsive to exchange-rate movements in the 1990s. These findings are based on reduced-form regressions that are typically motivated by partial-equilibrium models of pricing. This paper uses instead a structural, general-equilibrium approach to test the premise that exchange rate pass-through has decreased in Canada. Our approach consists in estimating a dynamic stochastic general-equilibrium model for Canada over two sub-samples, which cover the periods before and after the adoption of inflation targeting by the Bank of Canada. We then use impulse-response analysis to assess the stability of exchange rate pass-through across the two sub-samples. Our results indicate that pass-through to Canadian import prices has been rather stable, while pass-through to Canadian consumer prices has declined in recent years. Counterfactual experiments reveal that the change in monetary policy regime is largely responsible for this decline.  相似文献   

In this paper, the interest rate pass‐through is examined within its intermediate lag of action to shed light on the credibility of monetary policy in Jordan, where the reputation of low inflation is imported through a fixed exchange rate system to the US dollar. We use time series methods which allow us to test for asymmetric adjustment. The results are compared to that of two inflation targeting countries at time proceeding building the credibility of price stability domestically: New Zealand and the UK. The empirical findings suggest that the interest rate pass‐through in Jordan is weak and slow. In addition, our results indicate the existence of non‐competitive pricing behaviour in the market. Comparing the results to the two inflation targeters, the study suggests that Jordan needs to move to a more resilient exchange rate arrangement.  相似文献   

Book review     

Concerns about relatively high degrees of exchange rate pass-through in a number of emerging economies have contributed to a fear of floating. Despite the obvious policy relevance of this issue there is hardly any existing literature that has examined aggregate CPI pass-through for India, which has been liberalizing its economy since 1991. This paper estimates exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) at the aggregate level into India's CPI for the period 1980Q1 – 2005Q3. We also analyze whether exchange rate pass-through in India has changed over time, particular since 1991, which was the beginning of the country's economic liberalization program.  相似文献   

本文通过协整分析构建状态空间模型,结合中国实际情况实证研究了人民币汇率传递和货币政策变动对以消费者价格指数(CPI)为主要衡量指标的通货膨胀的影响.结果显示,汇率、货币政策变动和CPI之间存在长期协整关系,汇率传递在我国是不完全的,汇率变化对通货膨胀的影响为负向且程度较低,货币政策变动对物价的调控也是低效的.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of endogenous exchange rate pass-through within an open economy macroeconomic framework, where both pass-through and the exchange rate are simultaneously determined, and interact with one another. Pass-through is endogenous because firms choose the currency in which they set their export prices. There is a unique equilibrium rate of pass-through under the condition that exchange rate volatility rises as the degree of pass-through falls. We show that the relationship between exchange rate volatility and economic structure may be substantially affected by the presence of endogenous pass-through. Our key results show that pass-through is related to the relative stability of monetary policy. Countries with relatively low volatility of money growth will have relatively low rates of exchange rate pass-through, while countries with relatively high volatility of money growth will have relatively high pass-through rates.  相似文献   

Real exchange rate movements in the transition economies during the initial transition period were unusually large by the standards of other economies and periods. Using cross-sectional evidence, this paper documents how real exchange rates were generally misaligned at the onset of the transition and how most of this misalignment was eliminated over a relatively short period. Turning to the time series dimension, the paper shows that estimates from a consensus-type single-equation model of the real exchange rate are well-behaved and provide a good fit for exchange rate movements in the early transition period. The results highlight the role of productivity-driven real exchange rate movements that can be interpreted as reflecting both the impact of the structural transformation process on productivity in the tradables sector per se and the effects of changes in tradables versus non-tradables productivity. Furthermore, the results show that the relationship between productivity and real exchange rates holds both when productivity is increasing and when it is falling.  相似文献   

文章基于高频识别和反事实分析方法研究后发现,美国货币政策冲击对我国宏观经济的影响及其传导途径在2008年金融危机前后具有显著的不一致性。在金融危机前,美国的货币政策冲击主要通过汇率渠道对我国通货膨胀与产出产生显著的正向影响;在金融危机后,美国的货币政策冲击主要通过基础货币渠道对我国的宏观产出与物价产生显著的负向影响。这种不一致性是由央行逆周期调节在金融危机前后的差异所导致的:金融危机前,央行为抑制人民币汇率过快升值,被动实行扩张性货币政策,导致我国通货膨胀走高;而金融危机后,央行追随美国紧缩性货币政策,逆向调节美国货币政策冲击对人民币汇率的影响,加剧了我国宏观产出的负向波动。  相似文献   

This paper aims to identify the main determinants of sovereign bond spreads in seven Latin American countries and verify the existence of contagion effect over these markets during the last financial crisis. We apply a panel data framework and find that the inflation, terms of trade ratio and the external debt and international reserves (both as percentage of GDP) are key drivers of sovereign bond spreads. Moreover, we test the crisis impact over emerging economies. Our results show that the crisis has a statistically significant impact on the EMBIG spreads since 2008.  相似文献   

We analyze exchange rate pass-through and volatility of import prices in a dynamic framework where firms are subject to menu costs and decide on price adjustments in response to exchange rate innovations. The exchange rate pass-through and import price volatility then depend on the invoicing currency in combination with functional forms of cost and demand functions. In particular, there is lower pass-through, less frequent price adjustments, and lower price volatility when prices are set in the importer's currency than when prices are set in the exporter's currency.  相似文献   

This paper assesses whether partial exchange-rate pass-through to trade prices has important implications for the prospective adjustment of global external imbalances. To address this question, we develop and estimate an open-economy DSGE model in which pass-through is incomplete due to the presence of local currency pricing, distribution services, and a variable demand elasticity that leads to fluctuations in optimal markups. We find that the overall magnitude of trade adjustment is similar in a low and high pass-through environment with more adjustment in a low pass-through world occurring through movements in the terms of trade rather than real trade flows and through a larger response of the exchange rate.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) into domestic consumer prices in BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries from mid-1990s onwards by using three different econometric approaches (i.e., the single equation approach, the VAR approach and the time-varying parameter approach). It is also studied the role of macroeconomic determinants in ERPT. Our results suggest that (a) ERPT is higher for the emerging markets with mostly floating exchange rates (Brazil, Russia and South Africa) than for the other BRICS countries; (b) exchange rate explains, on average, around the 40% of the price variance for Brazil, Russia and South Africa; and (c) inflation volatility, exchange rate volatility and openness seem to be the key macroeconomic determinants in BRICS countries.  相似文献   

以单位值指数构造方法为基础,选取五种商品分别构建五个不同行业商品的出口价格指数,经过协整检验、自回归分布滞后检验以及脉冲响应函数检验,结果发现:五种行业出口产品的价格指数在短期内均存在不完全的汇率传递效应;相对于其他行业来说,劳动密集型行业的汇率的短期出口价格效应更加明显;汇率传递的长期出口价格效应要高于短期出口价格效应。其政策涵义是,为规避人民币升值的负面效应,中国应该积极推动全球化过程中贸易自由化进程,做好劳动密集型行业的升级和优化,稳步推进人民币汇率形成机制和管理体制改革,宏观政策做到微观审慎监管和宏观审慎监管相结合。  相似文献   

文章比较分析了中国、日本、德国和东盟四个国家(地区)汇率变动对以美元计价的对美出口商品价格指数的传递效应,结果显示中国是唯一在当期存在汇率传递影响的国家,但影响显著为正。短期内德国汇率传递效应最高,中国的传递效应最低。由于中国汇率传递的滞后时间较长,中国累计汇率传递效应值高于日本。在实证结果的基础上,文章认为在短期内无法改变出口商品技术含量和竞争力的情况下,人民币保持稳步的升值步伐比汇率上下波动更有利于企业价格的提高。  相似文献   

采用2005年8月~2010年12月相关指标的月度数据,以协整方法、误差修正模型及VAR模型等计量方法对汇率传导效应进行了量化,研究结论显示,产品市场传导渠道的汇率传导效果较为显著,而资本市场传导渠道的汇率传导效应较为微弱,但传导速度较为迅速.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of changing market shares on exchange rate pass-through to US import prices. Based on a static model of imperfect competition, I predict that a country with a larger share of a host’s import market will have lower pass-through than its competitors. Using highly disaggregated data on US imports, I implement rolling regressions to calculate unique quarterly values of pass-through for specific goods from each exporting country. These values are compared across market shares, indicating a general trend of decreasing pass-through for larger shares. Most specifically, as predicted by the model, the country holding the largest share of the market has significantly lower pass-through than its competitors. The negative relationship between pass-through and market share holds across most categories of goods, most notably the larger categories of imports. Lastly, I show the market share effect is stronger following larger fluctuations in the exchange rate, particularly after large dollar appreciations.  相似文献   

欧洲主权债务危机及其影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2010年2月初以来,随着美国次贷危机对各国经济的影响逐步消退、世界经济复苏越来越明显,欧洲主权债务危机开始进入人们的视野,国际金融市场出现震荡。欧洲主权债务危机对我国的影响主要是间接性的汇率风险,即我国巨额外汇储备中欧元部分的趋势性贬值风险。但是,我国应未雨绸缪,提早做好准备,主动积极应对欧洲主权债务危机。  相似文献   

The law of one price asserts that, with costless trade, prices for identical goods in different countries should be equal after accounting for the exchange rate. The empirical literature suggests that exchange rate pass-through to prices is low and that the law of one price fails; instead, firms are more likely to price to market. This study adds to the literature by examining the pricing strategy of comic book firms within the context of the competition’s pricing behavior in a duopoly industry. Comic books, uniquely, display their retail prices in multiple countries on their cover giving us detailed information about the pricing behavior of each individual firm and their competition which allows us to test a pricing-to-market model. We find that an empirical model of an imperfectly applied law of one price outperforms a simple competitive, pricing-to-market model of pricing. Retail exchange rate pass-through rates between Canada and the United States average 76.8 %. This high exchange rate pass-through rate for comic books exists despite the existence of sticky prices and convenience pricing.  相似文献   

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