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This paper investigates the market's reaction to U.K. insider transactions and analyzes whether the reaction depends on the firm's ownership. We present three major findings. First, differences in regulation between the U.K. and United States, in particular the speedier reporting of trades in the U.K., may explain the observed larger abnormal returns in the U.K. Second, ownership by directors and outside shareholders has an impact on the abnormal returns. Third, it is important to adjust for news released before directors' trades. In particular, trades preceded by news on mergers and acquisitions and CEO replacements contain significantly less information.  相似文献   

Economic News and the Impact of Trading on Bond Prices   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
This paper studies the impact of trading on government bond prices surrounding the release of macroeconomic news. The results show a significant increase in the informational role of trading following economic announcements, which suggests the release of public information increases the level of information asymmetry in the government bond market. The informational role of trading is greater after announcements with a larger initial price impact, and the relation is associated with the surprise component of the announcement and the precision of the public information. The results provide evidence that government bond order flow reveals fundamental information about riskless rates.  相似文献   

The Effect of Trading Halts on the Speed of Price Discovery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trading halts are aimed at reducing information asymmetry by granting investors the opportunity to reassess trades upon arrival of new, substantial information. This study is the first to address the efficiency of the price discovery process with respect to time, i.e., the speed of adjustment to new information. A unique database allow us to conduct an event study analysis and measure the impact of trading halts on price discovery while controlling for content, operational and value effects. We find that information dissemination following trading halts is over 40% faster and that abnormal trading activity is positively related to the speed of price adjustment.  相似文献   

We investigate whether increased Algorithmic Trading (AT) intensity caused by the introduction of Co-location trading (CLT) facilities improve the productive efficiency of the Indian stock indices. We measure the change in the speed of information adjustment and change of persistence before and after the introduction of CLT for Indian Indices. We report an improvement in the overall productive efficiency of the leading Indian Indices, Midcap and Smallcap indices being the prominent beneficiaries. Our work contributes to the empirical literature on the ongoing debate on the benefits of AT and its role in improving market efficiency, especially in the emerging markets context.  相似文献   

We investigate whether the media plays a role in corporate governance by disseminating news. Using a comprehensive data set of corporate and insider news coverage for the 2001–2012 period, we show that the media reduces insiders’ future trading profits by disseminating news on prior insiders’ trades available from regulatory filings. We find support for three economic mechanisms underlying the disciplining effect of news dissemination: the reduction of information asymmetry, concerns regarding litigation risk, and the impact on insiders’ personal wealth and reputation. Our findings provide new insights into the real effect of news dissemination.  相似文献   

This paper explores whether firm‐specific information events drive economically relevant positive and negative stock price changes and trading volume and, if so, the nature of such information. We find that no less than 65% of significant price changes and trading volume movements in our sample of FTSE 350 companies can be readily explained by public domain information contradicting the thesis that corporate news is not a primary driver, and that share price changes and trading volume activity are driven by factors unrelated to information flows per se. In addition, we find that a parsimonious set of news categories represent the key drivers. Sell‐side analyst stock recommendations and earnings forecast revisions as a class, unaccompanied by other news releases, dominate all other news categories in terms of significant market reaction. However, taking into account the relative magnitude of market response to different news releases, firms' formal accounting disclosures dominate within this domain. As such, we conclude these are not fully anticipated by apparently more timely market disclosures, and that the existence of news services and the activities of the sell‐side analyst are not substitutes for a firm's interim and preliminary results.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of reducing the tick size on market-making behavior on The Toronto Stock Exchange. The results indicate a significant decrease in the percentage of trades of fewer than 10,000 shares involving the upstairs traders and a significant increase in the percentage of trades of fewer than 1,000 share involving the designated market makers. Consistent with this finding, the upstairs traders earn significantly lower returns on non-block trades and the designated market markers earn lower returns on trades smaller than 1,000 shares. We conclude the tick size reduction benefits the trading public.Journal of Economic LiteratureClassification Numbers, G20, G24.  相似文献   

Nasdaq spreads decline from 1993 to 2002, largely independently of tick‐size reductions. Trade size declines, consistent with greater retail investor activity. Using the method of Chordia, Roll, and Subrahmanyam (2001), we find that concurrent market returns strongly affect liquidity and trading activity. Liquidity exhibits distinct day‐of‐the‐week patterns. There is little evidence that macroeconomic announcements or changes in key interest rates affect Nasdaq stocks overall; but in the bear market, we find a relation between some of these variables and effective spreads, which we interpret as consistent with Nasdaq participants' paying greater attention to fundamentals after the market crash.  相似文献   

We study shareholder voting in a model in which trading affects the composition of the shareholder base. Trading and voting are complementary, which gives rise to self-fulfilling expectations about proposal acceptance and multiple equilibria. Prices and shareholder welfare can move in opposite directions, so the former may be an invalid proxy for the latter. Relaxing trading frictions can reduce welfare because it allows extreme shareholders to gain more weight in voting. Delegating decision-making to the board can help overcome collective action problems at the voting stage. We also analyze the role of index investors and social concerns of shareholders.  相似文献   

Correlated Trading and Location   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
This paper analyzes the trading behavior of stock market investors. Purchases and sales are highly correlated when we divide investors geographically. Investors who live near a firm's headquarters react in a similar manner to releases of public information. We are able to make this identification by exploiting a unique feature of individual brokerage accounts in the People's Republic of China. The data allow us to pinpoint an investor's location at the time he or she places a trade. Our results are consistent with a simple, rational expectations model of heterogeneously informed investors.  相似文献   

Correlated Trading and Returns   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A German broker's clients place similar speculative trades and therefore tend to be on the same side of the market in a given stock during a given day, week, month, and quarter. Aggregate liquidity effects, short sale constraints, the systematic execution of limit orders (coordinated through price movements) or the correlated trading of other investors who pick off retail limit orders do not fully explain why retail investors trade similarly. Correlated market orders lead returns, presumably due to persistent speculative price pressure. Correlated limit orders also predict subsequent returns, consistent with executed limit orders being compensated for accommodating liquidity demands.  相似文献   

This study examines options’ market behavior before analysts’ initiations. We find abnormal trading activity in the options market several days prior to the release of analysts’ initiations. Informed traders recognize the content and timing of the initial recommendations. We determine that informed trading is attributed to information leakage rather than savvy investors’ stock‐picking ability. We also find a significant information transmission from the options market to the underlying equity market around the event. Our results are consistent with the tipping hypothesis and confirm the informational role of equity options.  相似文献   

We test whether an increase either in informed trades or in large liquidity trades leads to greater correlation of trading volume across markets. We confirm that both trading volume and positive returns of target companies are abnormally high before merger announcements. We find a statistically significant increase in the correlation between New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq/regional trading volume before merger announcements. Furthermore, after merger announcements, we find evidence of both large liquidity trading and a statistically significant increase in the correlation of trading volume across markets.  相似文献   

Predatory Trading   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper studies predatory trading, trading that induces and/or exploits the need of other investors to reduce their positions. We show that if one trader needs to sell, others also sell and subsequently buy back the asset. This leads to price overshooting and a reduced liquidation value for the distressed trader. Hence, the market is illiquid when liquidity is most needed. Further, a trader profits from triggering another trader's crisis, and the crisis can spill over across traders and across markets.  相似文献   


Microstructure effects of tender offer acquisitions on targets and acquirers differentiated by listing venue and payment method are examined. Trading activity increases more for targets than for acquirers upon offer announcement. Investors are more likely to sell targets upon announcement using direct market orders against ask limit orders for cash payment offers. While target liquidity improves as spread costs fall and quoted depths increase, acquirer liquidity falls continuously to successful offer completion. Due to increased trading differences, temporary trade costs fall more for targets than for acquirers. Permanent trade costs decline over the tender offer cycle for both parties, and especially for targets for cash tender offers and for acquirers for shares tender offers. The probability of informed trading declines (remains constant) for targets (acquirers) because increased trading intensity is greater (the same) for uninformed versus informed traders. As expected, abnormal returns and changes in own-firm permanent return volatility are negatively (but weakly) and positively (and strongly) related, respectively, to changes in information asymmetry upon announcement.  相似文献   

This paper explores the competition between two trading venues, Electronic Communication Networks (ECNs) and Nasdaq market makers. ECNs offer the advantages of anonymity and speed of execution, which attract informed traders. Thus, trades are more likely to occur on ECNs when information asymmetry is greater and when trading volume and stock‐return volatility are high. ECN trades have greater permanent price impacts and more private information is revealed through ECN trades than though market‐maker trades. However, ECN trades have higher ex ante trading costs because market makers can preference or internalize the less informed trades and offer them better executions.  相似文献   

交易成本对证券市场效率和经济资源配置有着重大的影响。现有文献主要从融资成本、股票定价、市场风险、法律诉讼、契约安排和公司治理等方面探讨了盈余质量的经济后果,较少讨论盈余质量对交易成本的直接影响。基于信息不对称理论和内生性信息获取理论,本文深入分析了我国指令驱动型交易系统下盈余质量与交易成本之间的关系。研究表明:应计质量和盈余持续性的提高可显著降低交易成本,盈余越平滑或越波动都将导致交易成本的增加。经济意义显著性分析表明,相对于其他盈余质量指标,盈余持续性对交易成本的影响程度最大。本文的研究结论进一步支持了改善我国上市公司盈余质量的重要性,从而为强化市场监管、投资决策和公司治理提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

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