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This paper uses microeconomic data from the British Household Panel and General Household Surveys to describe how the distribution of pay differs between the public and private sectors in 1983 and in the early 1990s. Separate analyses by gender and education group reveal that it is women and those with intermediate-level qualifications who do best in the public sector. The large differences between the shapes of the conditional (that is, holding age and education constant) distributions of wages in the public and private sectors are demonstrated using quantile regressions estimated separately for each education group. The paper also exploits the longitudinal structure of the data used to assess how much of these differences can be explained by the unobserved characteristics of individuals. JEL classifications: J31, J45.  相似文献   

A leading compensation practitioner reviews “Say on Pay” rules, those corporate practices giving shareholders the right to vote on executive compensation. The assumption behind “Say on Pay” is that managers may be overpaid because directors fail to provide adequate oversight. O'Byrne questions this underlying assumption. He provides substantial evidence that directors do a poor job overseeing executive pay and that directors have weak incentives to pursue shareholder interests in executive pay. He also finds that “Say on Pay voting is sensitive to differences in pay for performance, but so forgiving that extraordinary pay premiums are required to elicit a majority ‘no’ vote”; and “that three quarters of institutional investors have lower SOP voting quality… than the average investor and almost all have a short‐term focus, with much greater vote sensitivity to current year grant date pay premiums than to long‐term pay alignment and cost.” The common corporate practice of providing competitive target compensation regardless of past performance leads to low alignment of pay and performance. Unfortunately, directors have little incentive to protect shareholder interests “because they are paid labor providers, just like management, not stewards of substantial personal capital.”  相似文献   

By using a unique dataset on mutual fund visits to listed firms in China, we investigate whether mutual funds are able to obtain private information or benefit from their communication with firms. Our findings are as follows: 1) such communication significantly increases the subsequent trading magnitude of mutual funds; 2) mutual fund trades that rely on communication significantly predict the unexpected earnings of visited firms, which is further supported by IV‐regressions that use the number of direct flights between two cities as the instrument of communication; and 3) comprehensiveness of communication topics and firms’ information environment significantly affect the benefits that mutual funds obtain from communication. Our results are robust to alternative measures and specifications, and provide insights for regulators who are concerned with fair disclosure.  相似文献   

This paper extends the research on the relation between financial performance and corporate social responsibility in two respects. First, it develops a model of strategic competition that includes consumer perceptions with respect to firm social performance. It is shown that in the presence of a positive valuation of social responsibility practices by consumers, a firm that endorses this responsible behaviour may obtain a better strategic position in the market, along with higher margin, demand, and profit. Second, the model's predictions are tested with a sample of Spanish banking firms. The empirical analysis confirms that consumers significantly value other features apart from price in making deposit and mortgage decisions, particularly a financial institution's social responsibility. A more disaggregated analysis shows first, that not every CSR dimension has relevance for consumers and second, that customers equally value activities that can have a direct impact on their well‐being (e.g., culture and leisure), as well as other activities that can be viewed more generally as public goods (e.g., heritage and the environment). These conclusions are of interest in the debate about a firm's social or ethical activities. It is shown that, provided that consumers value corporate social responsibility activities, firms can improve both their competitive position in the market and their profits by behaving in a socially responsible manner. Therefore, the design and implementation of corporate social responsibility practices could confer upon firms an initial competitive advantage over their competitors.  相似文献   

This paper brings together the evidence on two asset pricing anomalies—continuation of prior returns (momentum) and the market mispricing of distressed firms—using UK data. Our analysis demonstrates both these effects are driven by market underreaction to financial distress risk. In particular, we find momentum is proxying for distress risk, and is largely subsumed by our distress risk factor. We also find, as with US studies, no evidence that size and book-to-market (B/M) effects in stock returns are linked to financial distress .  相似文献   

Using a sample of common stocks traded on the Istanbul Stock Exchange from February 1997 to April 2008, we test whether the conditional capital asset pricing model (CAPM) accurately prices assets. In our empirical analysis, we closely follow the methodology introduced in Lewellen and Nagel (2006). Our results show that the conditional CAPM fares no better than the static counterpart in pricing assets. Although market betas do vary significantly over time, the intertemporal variation is not large enough to drive average conditional alphas to zero.  相似文献   

This study compares the performance of the ISD, the GARCH (1,1) , the historical volatility estimates and of two lagged trading volume measures for predicting the Swiss Stock Market Index's (SMI) volatility. The ISD has a superior daily informational content than the GARCH (1,1) estimate and retains unbiased but decreasing explanatory power over up to 20 days ahead horizons. Mean and spread daily volume measures play a significant correcting role when forecasting stock market volatility over daily and longer intervals respectively and clearly dominate the GARCH (1,1) forecasts. Their significance emphasises heterogeneous horizon traders' influence on the SMI volatility time series properties  相似文献   

Managing distant subsidiaries is a challenge for headquarters of multinational companies. Performance measurement systems (PMS) can assist in this task. Taking a business network perspective, we study the moderating effect of the interactive use of PMS implemented by headquarters at subsidiaries on the relationship between subsidiary embeddedness and subsidiary performance. We test our hypotheses using survey data from 110 subsidiary managers in China. The results suggest that the multinational network surrounding the subsidiary affects overall headquarter control possibilities. Specifically, while interactive use may be helpful in situations of low local embeddedness of the subsidiary, it seems to have negative side effects on the subsidiaries’ ability to benefit from high local embeddedness.  相似文献   

This article explores the ways in which the Audit Commission has become a key player in the governance of welfare provisioning and democratic communities in England and Wales. It draws primarily upon an analysis of Audit Commission texts, supplemented by conversations with Commissioners and observations of Audit Commission staff at work. The argument is that a new audit-accountability nexus has been forged which crosses the divide between New Right and New Labour politics. On the one hand, there has been a revolution in the nature of accountability—the locally-based accountability associated with local government has been eclipsed by a new centralized accountability, albeit one which attempts to synthesize upward and downward accountability within itself. On the other hand, there has been a revolution in the nature of audit, culminating in the rise of audit-inspection partnerships. In the process, the Audit Commission has been cast as the scientific advisor to central government, the reforming regulator of local government, and the impartial champion of the people.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of poor performance on financial intermediary reputation by estimating the effect of large‐scale bankruptcies among a lead arranger's borrowers on its subsequent syndication activity. Consistent with reputation damage, such lead arrangers retain larger fractions of the loans they syndicate, are less likely to syndicate loans, and are less likely to attract participant lenders. The consequences are more severe when borrower bankruptcies suggest inadequate screening or monitoring by the lead arranger. However, the effect of borrower bankruptcies on syndication activity is not present among dominant lead arrangers, and is weak in years in which many lead arrangers experience borrower bankruptcies.  相似文献   

This study employs a new methodological approach that measuresproduction efficiency in changing trade patterns. It shows thatthe most rapidly growing products in Mercosur's intratrade generallyare goods in which members do not have a comparative advantageand have not been able to export competitively to outside markets.This is consistent with substantial trade diversion within thearrangement. Mercosur's discriminatory tariffs against nonmembers,which are four to six times higher than those in arrangementssuch as the European Union, European Free Trade Area, or NorthAmerican Free Trade Agreement, are likely the cause. Recentfurther increases in Mercosur's tariffs against nonmembers arelikely to exacerbate the magnitude of trade diversion.  相似文献   

This study examines the return patterns of hotel real estate stocks in the U.S. during the period from 1990 to 2007.We find that the magnitude and persistence of future mean returns of hotel real estate stocks can be predicted based on past returns, past earnings surprise, trading volume, firm size, and holding period. The empirical evidence found from this paper confirms that short-horizon contrarian profits can be partially explained by the lead-lag effects, while in the intermediate-term price momentum profits and long-term contrarian profits can be partially attributed to the firms’ overreaction to past price changes. Our results support the contrarian/overreaction hypothesis, and they are inconsistent with the Fama-French risk-based hypothesis or the underreaction hypothesis. The study also confirms the earning underreaction hypothesis and finds the high volume stocks tend to earn high momentum profits in the intermediate-term. The study finds that the earning momentum effect for hotel stocks is more short-lived and smaller in magnitude than the market average. Price momentum portfolios (or contrarian portfolios) of big hotel firms underperform small hotel firms and the hotel price momentum portfolio (or contrarian portfolios) significantly underperform the overall market over the intermediate-term (or the long-term). These findings imply that the U.S. hotel industry, particularly the big hotel firms, have experienced relatively conservative growth in the sample period. It suggests that a conservative hotel growth strategy accompanied by an internal-oriented financing policy is proper in a period of prosperity.  相似文献   

Sudipta Bose  Chuan Yu 《Abacus》2023,59(2):493-540
The study examines the causal links between earnings quality and corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance using a large sample of United States (US) firms from 1992 to 2013. We first find that the association between earnings quality and CSR performance is positive and significant. We then test the flow of causality using Granger's (1969) lead–lag analysis to determine whether changes in earnings quality cause changes in CSR performance or vice versa. Our findings show that changes in earnings quality cause changes in a firm's CSR performance but not vice versa. Further analysis shows that earnings quality reduces the cost of equity capital for firms with higher CSR performance. These findings suggest that one plausible means by which firms with higher earnings quality can maintain better CSR performance is to reduce their cost of equity capital.  相似文献   

Using laboratory experiments, we provide evidence on three factors influencing trader performance: fluid intelligence, cognitive reflection, and theory of mind (ToM). Fluid intelligence provides traders with computational skills necessary to draw a statistical inference. Cognitive reflection helps traders avoid behavioral biases and thereby extract signals from market orders and update their prior beliefs accordingly. ToM describes the degree to which traders correctly assess the informational content of orders. We show that cognitive reflection and ToM are complementary because traders benefit from understanding signals’ quality only if they are capable of processing these signals.  相似文献   

Across time, companies have increasingly made public commitments to sustainable development and to reducing their impacts on climate change. Management remuneration plans (MRPs) are a key mechanism to motivate managers to achieve corporate goals. We review the MRPs negotiated with key management personnel in a sample of large Australian carbon‐intensive companies. Our results show that, as in past decades, the companies in our sample have MRPs in place that continue to fixate on financial performance. We argue that this provides evidence of a disconnection, or ‘decoupling’, between the sustainability‐related rhetoric of the sample companies, and their ‘real’ organisational practices and priorities.  相似文献   

We study how firm characteristics evolve from early business plan to initial public offering (IPO) to public company for 50 venture capital (VC)-financed companies. Firm business lines remain remarkably stable while management turnover is substantial. Management turnover is positively related to alienable asset formation. We obtain similar results using all 2004 IPOs, suggesting that our main results are not specific to VC-backed firms or the time period. The results suggest that, at the margin, investors in start-ups should place more weight on the business ("the horse") than on the management team ("the jockey"). The results also inform theories of the firm.  相似文献   

Research shows that asset tangibility substantially impacts firms’ cash levels and investment. Using the deregulation of equity issuance in the U.S. as an exogenous shock to access to equity markets, we investigate the influence of financing on the dependence of cash and investment on asset tangibility. We show that financing dampens the sensitivity of cash and investment to asset tangibility, and promotes investment and firm growth. Our results suggest that greater access to financing allows financially constrained firms to invest in productive projects that may otherwise not be taken up. This provides evidence that public firms even in well-developed financial markets such as the U.S. benefit from financial deregulation that removes barriers to external financing, shedding light on the role of financial markets in fostering growth.  相似文献   

The post-acquisition growth of high-tech scaleups has received relatively little research attention. This is surprising since buyers are known to target these firms for growth opportunities whilst sellers increasingly seek strategic partners to access resources to scale their ventures. We examine the post-acquisition revenue and employment growth of high-tech scaleups in a multi-country setting, comprising five European economies. Using a propensity-score matching approach and difference-in-differences regression, for a sample of 2187 high-tech scaleups, we demonstrate that acquisition has a positive effect on target firms equivalent to cumulative growth of revenue (employment) of 9–13 (6−10) percent after five (four) years, relative to control firms. We find that nationality matters such that the targets of foreign-owned acquirers exhibit significantly higher cumulative revenue and employment growth than their domestic counterparts. Taking a longer-term perspective, we show that growth dips in the first year, then stabilizes and accelerates in the years following acquisition, indicating a period of adjustment.  相似文献   

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