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车艳超 《致富时代》2010,(3):149-150
广告是一种特殊的交际形式,其目的是利用广告的语言特征来影响消费者,扩大销售。预设是语用学研究中的一个重要概念。结合语用学知识,从语用预设在广告语中表现出的特征、分类以及功能三个方面进行了论述。通过论述,进一步说明不同类型的预设能从不同的角度服务于广告。广告中巧妙地利用语用预设,可以更好地达到其说服之目的,增强广告的促销能力。  相似文献   

作为消费品重要组成部分的化妆品近年来发展迅速,而语用预设是实现化妆品广告说服目的的重要策略之一,在广告语的设计上发挥了重要作用。本文从认知参照点的视角分析了语用预设产生的认知模式,从根本上阐释了化妆品广告中的语用预设,希望对化妆品设计者增强广告的说服效果产生积极作用。  相似文献   

闫珊珊 《现代商贸工业》2010,22(13):149-149
语用预设是语用学的一个重要课题,在广告语言中很常见。预设的巧妙运用可以使简短的广告文字传递更多的信息,增强广告的促销能力。  相似文献   

体育广告语作为当代消费社会生活中的一种常见的社会用语,从语言运用特征和语用功能的角度对它进行研究就具有一定的实用价值。文章对这类广告语外在的语言运用特征和内含的意义倾向进行分析,最后讨论这类广告语是怎样通过语言的手段以及传播的方式实现其广告营销的目的。  相似文献   

从语用学的角度看,广告语用的经济效用在于商家如何利用语言获得预期的经济收益。委婉是广告设计者所采用的一种具有变异性的语言表现手法,委婉语以其独特的语用特征和语用功能,使得广告获得简洁、得体和唯美的语用效果。  相似文献   

语用预设是语用学的一个重要课题,在广告语言中很常见。预设的巧妙运用可以使简短的广告文字传递更多的信息,增强广告的促销能力。  相似文献   

黄欣 《现代商贸工业》2012,24(14):129-130
语用预设是一个值得研究的语言学课题,现在正越来越受到众多研究者的重视。以独立学院学生为对象,从大学英语口语教学切入,深入分析语用预设在课堂中的作用及启示。旨在为改进当前的大学口语教学模式,增强学生语用推理,促进学生对把握语言合适性的能力发展,以达到语言技能与文化意识相结合的目的。  相似文献   

当今广告大量地使用幽默的言内行为,即幽默的广告语言。本文从言语行为理论出发,分析幽默语言在广告中的语用功能;并从语用功能等效的角度,结合实例研究广告中幽默言语的翻译。本文指出,由于广告语言的特殊性,广告幽默语言的翻译首要任务是实现其语用功能,在此前提下,力求言内行为形式美与源语广告语言言外行为的统一。  相似文献   

广告语,作为独立的新颖的文体或是广告正文核心,是广告策划的重要组成部分,也是广告对象认识商品必不可少的重要因素。如何使广告语具有创意?广告语的写作有何表现技巧?储佩成著的《广告语创意与表现技巧》(立信会计出版社1998年5月第1版),可以回答这些问题。  相似文献   

预设作为句子或话语中隐含的信息或命题,通常依靠逻辑概念、语义及语境才能推断出来,对交际双方的话语理解起着至关重要的作用。本文在简要回顾了预设理论的基础上,阐述了语义预设和语用预设的特性,并以预设这一话语中的隐含信息为指导理论分析了演讲中所使用的语言策略。  相似文献   

王军元 《中国广告》2010,(8):120-124
现代广告的发展,使广告语言越来越具有文学的属性。广告语言正以它自身在音律、词汇、词义、修辞和语用上的多变,不断地冲击着文学的内涵和外延,使文学性在广告语言中不断得到蔓延。  相似文献   

Anthropomorphized brands or products in advertisements are known to affect consumers’ attitudes in a positive direction. However, most research treats anthropomorphized stimuli as the same in both its design and effects. We explore the multidimensional nature of anthropomorphism in advertising by investigating two degrees of humanization (i.e. subtle vs. overt) that generate different outcomes in terms of advertising performance. For example, we find that consumers prefer ads that use overt humanization (compared to subtle and no humanization) when an ad uses assertive language (i.e. Buy NOW!); however, they prefer ads that use subtle humanization when coupled with ads that do not include assertive language. We find a similar pattern when consumers are cognitively busy. Managerial and theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

通过对近八年来我国广告创意批评现状的梳理,归纳批评的内容、批评的方法,以及批评者的素质和特点,发现并总结出广告创意批评存在的问题。  相似文献   

Traditionally, advertising relies on creativity to increase its effectiveness. However, little is known about the use of creativity in negatively-valenced situations. For instance, in times of crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic, how should retailers engage in advertising? Should they strive to deliver creative advertising, or not? We investigate the role of ad creativity during times of crisis, based on 43,459 consumer responses to 49 retail and service brand ads. To do so, we investigate the separate effects of the two dimensions of ad creativity: originality and appropriateness. Results indicate that creativity works differently in a crisis context, with originality and appropriateness having different effects on consumers. Further, we find that originality and appropriateness trigger emotions in opposite ways. However, ads that engage thanking - be it of employees, customers, or frontline emergency workers - strengthen these effects.  相似文献   


Despite the extensive research conducted on language standardization in advertising across several countries, little attention has been given to the use of English versus Spanish and code-switching when advertising to Latin American bilingual consumers. We propose that stereotypes about English speakers and code-switching have potential to help determine which language is most effective in print advertising. The results of experiments conducted in Chile, Ecuador, and Mexico show that the effects of language-related stereotypes on the persuasiveness of English ads vary across different countries. In the case of Chile, English may be persuasively superior, depending on the favourableness of the stereotype of individuals that code-switch. Differently, print ads in English are functionally equivalent, in terms of ad attitudes, to Spanish and code-switching ads in Mexico, and superior in Ecuador, regardless of the favourability of the language-related stereotypes. Suggestions for advertising practice and future research are offered.  相似文献   

陈邵桂 《中国广告》2009,(12):106-108
清初戏曲理论家李渔关于戏曲语言研究的独到见解,对广告语创作具有重要启示:一是“从浅处见才”,将深刻的道理浅显化,复杂的内容简单化;二是“引用成语”即引用受众熟悉的现成的口头语;三是“意则期多,字惟求少”;四是“恪守词韵”和“声务铿锵”。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展、科技的进步和现代传媒的推动,广告的影响不断扩大。广告语言是广告最重要的构成因素,城市街头随意可见的户外广告用语是否规范、是否具有一定的审美和艺术水准,直接决定着这座城市的软实力和文化层次。对武汉市中心城区的招牌、海报、张贴品、公交设施等户外广告用语的现况做了为期1年的调查发现,武汉市中心城区的户外广告用语总体状况不错,但仍存在一些有待改进的问题,主要表现在字体混乱、滥用谐音、歧义等几个方面。  相似文献   

满长君 《中国市场》2008,(36):106-107
语言是人类社会最重要的社会现象,从交际功能角度看,语言是交际工具;从思维功能角度看,语言是一种特殊的心理行为;从信息功能的角度看,语言是诉诸听觉的符号系统;从美学角度看,语言还是审美对象。语言具有审美属性,本文从语音和乐音内在的关联性来分析英语广告口号的言语美。  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of brand origin and foreign language familiarity in code-switched (CS) ad effectiveness for monolingual consumers. CS ads refer to ads containing foreign words or phrases in an advertising copy (e.g., headline and slogan), resulting in a mixture of native and foreign languages. In this research, we conducted a pilot study to show the increasing trend of using code-switching in ads, regardless of whether the brands are local or foreign, in a monolingual market. We further examine if the effectiveness of CS ads is contingent on the brand origin among monolinguals. Study 1 showed that non-CS ads were perceived more favorably than CS ads for advertising a local brand. However, not all of the CS ads were perceived more favorably than non-CS ads when a foreign brand was advertized. The results of Study 2 showed that when a foreign brand was advertized, CS ads using a high-exposure foreign language were evaluated more favorably than CS ads using a low-exposure foreign language. Foreign language familiarity played a mediating role in the observed effects. We provide evidence that the research findings on CS ads among bilinguals cannot be applied to monolinguals. We discuss implications for international marketing and suggest advertising strategies for practitioners.  相似文献   

对外汉语教学是一种跨文化的旨在指导学生进行交际的教学活动。基于对外汉语教学的体会,从语音、词汇、汉字、语法、日常套语、文化习俗、情感因素、体态语、话语方式等方面,梳理、归纳出对外汉语教学中的常见语用失误类型,并分析了出现失误的原因,提出了规避失误的办法和教学建议。  相似文献   

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