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The Residentie Orchestra (Dutch: Residentie Orkest) is an orchestra from The Hague in the Netherlands. Outside the Netherlands it is often known as The Hague Philharmonic. The name "Residentie" ("Residence") shows that it comes from The Hague, which is where the Dutch parliament meets. The Hague is the "residence of the Queen's parliament", although it is not the capital city of the Netherlands. The orchestra are internationally famous.  相似文献   

The Introduction of Spring Festival,Tip 1: The History of Nian-The Origin of Chinese New Year,Tip 2: Spring Festival Couplets,Tip 3: "Fu" (meaning blessing or happiness) & Red Paper-cuttings,Tip 4: Fire-crackers,Tip 5: Activities During the Spring Festival,  相似文献   

The Power力量全球超级畅销书《秘密》作者朗达·拜恩最新力作!改变感受,创造梦想!世界上最实用的"吸引力法则"运用秘籍!作者:(澳)拜恩著出版社:湖南文艺出版社出版时间:2011-6-1内容简介《秘密》让全世界数千万人以难以置信的方式改变生命,而《The Power力量》则集结了自《秘密》上市之后,作者朗达·拜恩所领悟到的全部精华。  相似文献   

The Boeing [NYSE:BA] 777-200LR Worldliner, the world's longest range commercial airplane, was officially named "Zheng He" at Beijing's Capital International Airport during a ceremony to commemorate the seven incredible voyages by the great Chinese navigator and explorer Zheng He.  相似文献   

The most concerned "Statute on Di rect Selling Administration" and "Prohibition on Multi-Level Marketing" appeared Publicly on September 6. The file has been distributed to governments at all levels. "Statute on Direct Selling Administration" will be executed on December 1 and "Prohibition on Multi-Level Marketing"on November 1.  相似文献   

2009's U-Style     
The world economy was suffered dramatically in 2008, because of the financial turmoil: It is predicted,that in the,next years, China economic growth will slow down, and 2009 would not be the bottom, but the economy fundamental is still healthy. A soft "U" can be expected in the future.  相似文献   

Organized by The Building Materials Industry Branch, CCPIT, China Stone Materials Industry Association and CIEC Exhibition Company Ltd., The 14th China( Beijing )Stonetech 2007 has gone through a history of 14 years. In 2007, the exhibition will have a new concept: "Innovation, Resource, Energy Saving, Brands".  相似文献   

Qingdao, also spelled Tsingtao, is one of the most beautiful and clean cities in China and with a population of around 2.5 million (7 million regional) is the largest city after Jinan (the capital) in Shandong Province. The name "Qingdao" means "The Green Island".  相似文献   

"2009 The Night of MIDI" Indoor fRock ConcertⅠ,"Night of 2009 MIDI" Indoor Rock Concert Ⅱ,"Night of 2009 MIDI" Rock Concert Ⅲ,  相似文献   

The second session of"China Overseas Investment Seminar" will be held on November 2 to 3, 2010 in Beijing's China World Trade Centre. The seminar is organized by China Industrial Overseas Development and Planning Association.  相似文献   

The year of 2010 can be called the beginning of a new era for foreign invested enterprises operating in China. The past 30 years witnessed a period when China coddled foreignfunded companies "super national treatment" for technology they brought which the Chinese government was "trading with China's market".  相似文献   

The development of China's bag production industry cannot be separated from Baigou town, Hebei province, which enjoys the fame of "China's Hometown of Bag", while one of the most famous brands in Baigou is YUTU, or "Jade Cony"in English. In The 2nd China-Baigou Tour Culture Festival, the reporter interviewed Zhang Jinying, General Manager of Yuantailong Co., Ltd. The follows are her story.  相似文献   

A Taiwan arts company, along with Shanghai Media Group, will provide a spectacular stage show based on the "Better City, Better Life" theme of the 2010 World Expo. The Taipei Arts International Association on August 10 signed a deal with the Expo organizer. The stage show, "Light of Cities," will use music and dance to tell an urban story of love and harmony.  相似文献   

NEW YORK If you want to know something that keeps Dell CMO Mark Jarvis up at night, type "Diet Coke" into Google. The problem is right there in front of you: "Don't Drink the Diet Coke" is the third result, directly in the middle of the screen, a blog post written about how artificial sweeteners can lead to depression. This is the same problem Dell itself faced two years ago, when consumer rage at its customer service failings and product problems clogged result pages for some of its products with unflattering commentary.  相似文献   

The much-anticipated USA Pavilion for the upcoming World Expo will feature a show entitled "The Garden" - the story of a 10-year-old girl who envisages turning a vacant city lot into an urban oasis, working with her neighbors to make that happen.  相似文献   

The old proverb "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" is the philosophy behind the Romania Pavilion for the World Expo 2010 Shanghai -- a big green apple and a slice of apple lying on the ground. The 2,000-square-meter "apple pavilion" made of glass might be the largest of its kind that Expo visitors have ever seen, reminding them of Newton's discovery of gravity. However, the Romanian Expo team has attached other meanings to the design.  相似文献   

The counting-down clock is ticking:Beijing Olympic Games are just 4 months away.When China's"Two Sessions",the top political sessions,held in the national capital this spring,this heated topic has been inevitably stamped with the remarks among the CPPCC members and N PC deputies.  相似文献   

"The 5^th Session of the 10^th National People's Congress(NPC)" and "The 5^th Session of the 10^t National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)" have been held in Beijing this month. Central Government leaders Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, Jia Qinglin, Zeng Qinghong, Wu Guanzheng, Li Changchun, Luo Gan, etc. attended the conferences.  相似文献   

The Chinese government has drafted a series of measures to revive flagging exports of autos and auto pans made by domestic companies, The National Development and Rcform Commission, the central economic planning agency, released the policy of "Directives on Promoting the Healthy and Sustainable Growth of Domesticallymade Auto Products" in Deccmbcr 2009.  相似文献   

21 凭借多支大热单曲蝉联Billboard等各大音乐榜单冠军的美国电子乐队Owl City(猫头鹰之城),将于8月带着全新专辑《The Midsummer Station》再度来华巡演,为万千中国乐迷奉上今夏最美妙清爽的音乐梦之旅。据悉,此次巡演将覆盖北京、上海、香港三地。今日将在北京站进行演出。  相似文献   

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