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本文运用湖北省恩施州的农户调查数据,系统地研究了家庭禀赋对农民工回流及回流后自主创业的影响。实证分析发现,家庭禀赋能够提升劳动力回流农村后的个人发展能力,对农民工回流以及回流后自主创业都有着重要的影响。与没有外出务工经历的农村劳动力相比,回流劳动力在农村可以更好地利用家庭禀赋,以获得更高的经济效率和投资回报,这也正是导致部分农民工回流农村的主要原因。丰富的家庭经济资本、家庭社会资本和家庭自然资本对于农民工回流有着促进作用,尤其会增加农民工回流后自主创业的可能性。通过家庭禀赋对农民工回流及返乡创业的积极效应,也反映出在农民工回流和返乡创业的过程中农村市场化的滞后和社会支持的不足。各级政府需要加大力度,构建完善的社会支持体系搭建好农民工返乡创业的平台。  相似文献   

我国地区间产业转移与乡村振兴战略实施引发了常态化的农民工回流趋势.文章利用上海财经大学2013年千村调查数据,研究了当前农民工回流趋势的成因和农民工返乡后的行为.研究发现:第一,与以往几次短暂的被动回流不同,当前农民工回流趋势与新形势下的乡村发展机会密切相关,是在务工城市推力与家乡发展拉力共同驱动下形成的;第二,农民工返乡后大多选择非农经营,为家乡非农产业注入了人力资本等要素;第三,农民工回流趋势有效促进了农村土地流转,优化了土地资源配置.文章的研究为吸引优秀农民工回乡发展和促进乡村产业振兴提供了一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

董丽霞  张子君 《技术经济》2021,40(11):84-93
劳动力迁移会对劳动力供给的空间配置产生影响,最终影响产业结构转型升级.产业结构的升级一般包括产业高级化和产业合理化.本文选取2002—2015年省级面板数据,使用动态面板模型对劳动力迁移和制造业的高级化和合理化进行分析.结果发现:劳动力迁移会促进流入地制造业合理化程度的提高,但不利于制造业的高级化.只有在外资规模较大和人力资本积累水平较高的地区,劳动力迁入才会对本地的制造业高级化产生积极影响;外资规模、人力资本积累和市场化程度的提高都有利于增强劳动力迁移对制造业结构合理化的积极作用.本文的研究结论为我国未来进一步优化产业结构、培育先进制造业和实现经济高质量发展提供了一个新的视角.  相似文献   

在城市化、工业化进程中,劳动力到外地务工就业,一直伴随着大量的回流现象,经济学和社会学界对此给予了极大重视,从不同的视角构建了劳动力迁移模型,对回流现象进行了理论解释。从研究劳动力回流的古典劳动力迁移理论、结构主义理论、新迁移经济理论、生命周期理论、社会网络理论等几个方面较为详细地回顾了该领域发展中较为重要的文献。通过梳理研究的内在演化逻辑,评述不同理论模型的特征和适用性,为研究劳动力回流理论提供线索和启示。  相似文献   

It is not unusual for immigrants to leave the host country and resettle permanently in their country of origin. This paper examines the interaction among some of the key factors that influence the return decision of immigrant households. These include purely economic variables such as wages of the two countries and the costs and benefits of accumulating country-specific human capital, but also subjective factors such as the intensity of the locational preferences of immigrant parents and children and of their desire to remain together in a single location. The analysis is conducted under alternative assumptions with respect to the role of parents and children in the household's decision-making process.  相似文献   

We use data from the Labour Force Survey to show that employed and unemployed job seekers in Great Britain originate from different occupations and find jobs in different occupations. We find substantial differences in occupational mobility between job seekers: employed job seekers are most likely to move to occupations paying higher average wages relative to their previous occupation, while unemployed job seekers are most likely to move to lower paying occupations. Employed and unemployed job seekers exhibit different patterns of occupational mobility and, therefore, do not accept the same types of jobs.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the link between native attitudes and return migration. We exploit the variation in xenophobia using information on media consumption by migrants in Italy. A widely documented crime provides a quasi‐experimental setting to identify the impact of Italian attitudes on migrants’ settlement intentions. Our results suggest a significant effect of anti‐immigrant attitudes on the intended duration of stay in the host country. The impact is more pronounced for low‐skilled migrants, which has consequences for how migration affects the long‐run convergence between sending and destination countries.  相似文献   

Feminist economics has contributed to the understanding of the economic importance of care work. Most studies find a wage penalty associated with caring occupations. This study extends the feminist research on care work beyond caring occupations by identifying specific caring skills and activities derived from the 2014 O*NET job-evaluation data. Four caring skills – (1) Assisting and Caring for Others, (2) Establishing and Maintaining Interpersonal Relationships, (3) Service Orientation, and (4) Social Perceptiveness – were used in ordinary least-squares and quantile wage regressions for 623 occupations in the United States. Findings indicate that the return to caring and assisting skills results in a wage penalty for low-wage workers but a wage premium for workers in high-wage and male occupations. By identifying the impact of gender and class on the economic return to particular caring skills, the study broadens the understanding of care work, especially in relation to US wage inequality.  相似文献   

职业经理与职业经理人的素质   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对职业经理的阐述和层级的理解,浅析职业经理的素质及其需要具备的能力,中国经济市场化发展的迅猛态势以及对职业经理人需求迅速增长的现实。要求必须尽快加强职业经理人的培养、提高职业经理人的素质,健全职业经理人制度。  相似文献   

"Migration has important implications for the financial soundness of the pension system.... While it is common sense to expect that young migrants, even if low-skilled, can help society pay the benefits to the currently elderly, it may nevertheless be reasonable to argue that these migrants would adversely affect current young since, after all, the migrants are net beneficiaries of the welfare state. In contrast to the adverse effects of low skilled migration in a static model, [the authors] show that in a Samuelsonian overlapping generations model...migration is a Pareto-improving measure. All the existing income (low and high) and age (young and old) groups living at the time of the migrant's arrival would be better off."  相似文献   

The rise in world trade since 1970 has been accompanied by a rise in the geographic span of control of management and, hence, also a rise in the effective international mobility of labor services. We study the effect of such a globalization of the world?s labor markets. The world?s welfare gains depend positively on the skill-heterogeneity of the world?s labor force. We find that when people can choose between wage work and managerial work, the worldwide labor market raises output by more in the rich and the poor countries, and by less in the middle-income countries. This is because the middle-income countries experience the smallest change in the factor-price ratio, and where the option to choose between wage work and managerial work has the least value in the integrated economy. Our theory also establishes that after economic integration, the high skill countries see a disproportionate increase in managerial occupations. Using aggregate data on GDP, openness and occupations from 115 countries, we find evidence for these patterns of occupational choice.  相似文献   

贷款收益与综合收益RAROC优化组合的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有效匹配稀缺的贷款资源以创造银行的最大价值是商业银行提升经营和精细化管理能力的关键.本文立足于商业银行信贷经营实际,采用综合收益(包括贷款收益、存款收益和中间业务收益)下的RAROC指标来代替传统的贷款收益指标,并且从商业银行贷款客户选择的角度,构建了基于RAROC最优的客户组合优化决策模型.运用该模型,通过对以贷款风险收益最大化和以客户综合风险收益最大化为目标的贷款优化组合的比较分析,研究贷款组合目标函数选择的科学性和有效性.研究表明,以贷款风险收益最大化为目标去匹配贷款将产生资源错配,银行无法得到最优经营结果,以客户综合风险收益最大化为目标匹配贷款资源才是商业银行信贷经营的最优选择.  相似文献   

This study provides novel evidence on the relevance of task content changes between and within occupations to wage dynamics of occupational changers and stayers. I use individual‐level, cross‐sectional data featuring tasks performed on the job to compute a measure of proximity of job contents. Then, I merge this measure to a large‐scale panel survey to show that occupational changers experience a wage growth that is declining when the accompanying alterations in task contents are big. For occupational stayers, alterations in task contents generate a positive wage component, beyond tenure effect. However, the results are not robust with respect to the choice of proximity measure and over time.  相似文献   

A dynamic model of migration is developed to study whether labor mobility can hedge people against region-specific shocks, making private or public insurance redundant. The model adopts a novel timing for migration, which is argued to be the time frame suitable for analyzing risk-sharing issues. It also innovates on the existing literature by solving individual migration through convexification of the set of actions. The results show that the role of migration as an insurance mechanism is small: labor mobility cannot fully remove income differentials between regions. It is also shown that a fiscal stabilization scheme is, in general, optimal; moreover, any pure risk-sharing mechanism has no influence on migration flows.  相似文献   

潘凌云  董竹 《技术经济》2021,40(7):113-121
以2010—2018年融资融券标的数据为初始研究样本,考察了卖空交易对股价异质性波动的影响及企业成长性在其中发挥的调节作用.研究结果表明:首先,卖空交易抑制了股价异质性波动,在缓解内生性问题后,该结论依然稳健;其次,卖空交易对股价异质性波动的抑制效应在高成长性企业中表现更加明显;最后,卖空交易主要通过改善企业信息透明度来对股价异质性波动产生抑制效应.上述研究结论意味着,在风险可控的前提下,我国应该进一步降低卖空交易门槛.  相似文献   

基于事件研究法对2000-2004年沪深股市实施配股的286家A股上市公司在公告日、股权登记日、除权日和上市日表现的研究,以及对配股短期价格效应的分析后发现:事件窗口的选择及其长度是影响累计超常收益率的重要因素,配股再融资的市场总体累积效应是积极和正面的。  相似文献   

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