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互联网技术、移动通信技术的发展,以及社会媒体、基于位置的服务技术的出现,已重新定义了金融服务的方式。多渠道提供金融服务自助银行、电话银行、网上银行、手机银行的出现,在为客户提供便捷服务、降低银行运营成本的同时,也极大改变了客户的行为习惯。如今使用单一渠道获取银行的服务客户已经不多见,麦肯锡的一份报告显现,80%客户是跨渠道接受银行服务的。渣打银行通过多渠道部署,将客户所有交易信息、行  相似文献   

电子银行已经由银行柜台的辅助渠道转变为银行服务客户的重要渠道。它带来了更好的客户体验,同时也带来了隐私泄露、网络诈骗、网络钓鱼等交易风险。银行需要采取手段主动监控,发现电子银行运营过程中存在的风险交易行为,有效保障电子银行渠道安全、稳定和高效运营。  相似文献   

随着中外资银行间竞争的日趋激烈,以客户为中心的对公、对私业务转型成为建设银行创建国内领先、国际一流银行的不二选择,而电子银行作为东来日常操作型、结算型交易的主要渠道,在市场竞争和客户服务中正扮演着越来越重要的角包。  相似文献   

当前,在微观视角下从老年客户与银行机构供求两端分析老年金融服务存在的主要特点与问题的文章还较少,立足实践提出建设老年友好型银行概念与思路的更少。立足从理论阐述到实践应用相结合的研究目的,在详细剖析供求两端主要偏好与特点的基础上,归纳总结了老年友好型银行的应有之义,首次引入老年友好型银行的概念及内涵,围绕客户体验-网点设计-信息系统-金融产品四个维度,列举了老年友好型银行的服务清单,提出定制老年产品与服务、打造共享银行、完善监护人业务协助机制、"认真聆听、清楚表达"、应对老年客户金融脆弱性等具体举措,为老年友好型银行具体实践与探索提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

自助式服务和电子银行等渠道以其便利性赢得了越来越广泛的认可,但人们还是偏好通过银行网点获取人性化的服务。因此,数量众多的银行网点仍是商业银行发展零售业务的重要手段和有效的销售渠道。为了顺应市场需求、充分发挥银行网点的优势,各商业银行都在积极实现网点转型。网点转型是指网点的业务功能由结算交易型向营销服务型的转变。具体来说,就是用统一的标准规范网点的服务营销模式,实现服务标准化和客户体验的一致性, 客户满意度。银行网点  相似文献   

24小时智能银行、地铁智能网点、金融便利店、网点预约取号、在线填单功能……这些具有首创性的服务功能均出自广发银行电子银行,由此,银行服务进入一个"以客户为中心"的时代。目前,广发银行发力抢占电子交易渠道,电子银行渠道柜台替代率已高达86.91%,个人网银客户数突破700万,手机银行客户突破156万户。随之纷至沓来的荣誉,标志着广发银行电子  相似文献   

随着金融竞争的日趋激烈和对外开放步伐不断加快,金融行业网点现场交易和大量的现金支付等传统业务方式将被资金密集型、网络在线交易和电子支付等电子银行方式所取代。网上银行、支付终端、电话银行及客户服务中心(CALL CENTER)等新型服务工具将得到更加广泛应用。以ATM为中心、在线服务为特征、客户自助打印为辅助机具组成的“无人银行”将更以其全天候提供服务的优势,成为现代银行服务客户的重要渠道之一。  相似文献   

一、当前网上银行格式合同对客户权益的损害 在网上银行交易中,银行机构凭借其技术和专业上的优势,通常主导着双方交易合同的拟定.客户在享受网上银行服务之前,一般都要与银行签订服务合同,而这种合同的内容往往是由银行起草和确定的.客户想要使用网上银行服务就只能被动接受,几乎没有讨价还价的余地.这种格式合同往往成为银行不合理地将网上银行的风险转嫁给客户一方的重要渠道.  相似文献   

互联网时代,"碎片化"、"小而精"是客户需求的新特点,商业银行需结合渠道定位、客户特征、交易场景等因素对渠道进行精准裁剪,以凸显渠道的最佳效用。线下渠道是银行的"门迎",主要用于识别及转介客户,并在此基础上实现无法在线完成的客户身份验证、交易授权等特需业务办理,进而完成线上线下的渠道互动,给客户以一致、统一、畅顺的智能服务体验。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,根据每一个客户的特殊要求定制金融产品和服务的时代正向我们走来。国内银行业为在同业竞争中取得优势,纷纷提出以客户为中心的经营战略,努力建设关系型银行。关系型银行实施客户关系管理,通过识别客户的赢利性,与客户保持联系,以提高银行的赢利性。客户关系管理由客户服务、挖掘客户潜力和客户关系开发三部分组成,其目标是将客户通过一系列产品交易转变成为终身伙伴。银行电子化环境可以简单地划分为核心业务系统和服务渠道系统。核心系统担负银行运作的核心任务,而服务渠道则担负着客户信息获取、金融服务交付的功能。  相似文献   

Banks have the challenging task of managing customer experience across many traditional and technological channels in today’s financial services world. Recent studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that many customers are dissatisfied with their experiences across channels that are supposed to provide a seamless experience. This customer dissatisfaction potentially diminishes a financial service organization’s customer base, and requires the firm to rely on a more fickle customer mix and erodes its reputation. This paper investigates the relationship between individuals’ dissatisfaction with their primary bank channel and their intention to leave their bank in the future. The first study examines individuals’ overall trust in their bank as a potential moderator in the relationship that reduces customers’ likelihood to leave the bank even though they are dissatisfied with a particular banking channel. The second study goes one step further and examines the effect of three trusting beliefs about the bank potentially held by the customer: competence, integrity, and benevolence beliefs. Findings indicate that when customers have a high level of trust in their banks, they are less likely to leave their banks even though they are dissatisfied with their primary banking channel. Furthermore, while competence and benevolence beliefs about the bank have a similar moderating effect, integrity beliefs do not.  相似文献   

目前,商业银行服务渠道呈现多元化发展趋势,逐步建立起"银行柜台+电子银行+自助设备+客户经理"立体化、分层次的多渠道分销体系,四类渠道各有特点、互为补充,但仍存在协同配合不足的问题,一定程度上影响了渠道营销合力的发挥.本文从商业银行各类渠道的基本特征入手,分析了银行渠道应用与业务协同发展的关系及存在的主要问题,进而提出...  相似文献   

Financial service providers possess a great deal of information about their customers. Customer information is used to serve customers and deliver the right messages to the right customer groups. Owing to the nature of financial services – that is, the need for credibility, long-term commitment and involvement of sensitive personal information – the planning and implementation of suitable marketing is extremely important. Financial services are offered through multiple channels, but electronic channels have increased in importance both for customer acquisition and retention purposes. In addition, electronic channels offer personalization possibilities that did not exist before. In this study, we examine, with the help of electronic focus group interviews, the kind of channels customers prefer when promotional messages include different types of personalization. In addition, the acceptance of promotional messages in the online banking context is explored. The results indicate that the channel preferences of customers diverge depending on the type of personalization used in the message. Furthermore, based on the opinions of customers concerning several authentic online banners, a personalization matrix was developed. The findings show that preference-matching personalization with informative content is accepted by the majority of customers. The article offers financial managers new perspectives on bank marketing in general, and online bank marketing in particular.  相似文献   

UK high street banks are continuing to extend the choice of channel through which customers can manage their moneycolon; an obvious example is e-banking. They have been keen to exploit technological advances and changing customer attitudes to alternative channels. Additionally, competition from leaner new market entrants has provided an added incentive to adopt new approaches. In the light of such developments, it is worth reflecting on the changing nature of the bank–customer relationship. This paper suggests that banks are finding it difficult to manage relationships effectively due, in large measure, to the sheer volume of customer data generated by new interactive, technology-based channels. Paradoxically, it seems that the more data banks have about customers the less likely they are to know them on a personal level. It is further suggested that channels such as e-banking potentially reduce the level of personal contact between bank and customer to the extent that a ‘virtual’ relationship develops. This paper concludes that, given the tendency towards ‘virtualisation’, it is inconceivable that bank–customer relationships will become any more intimate in the future. Indeed, a greater degree of personalisation in customer communication may be the very best that banks are able to offer.  相似文献   

The impact of automated service quality on bank financial performance and the mediating role of customer retention have received little attention, as scholars have focused on issues of usability and measurement. This study begins by showing the impact of technology on the way banks conduct business and proceeds to discuss automated service quality definitions and the potential influence of automated service quality on retention and financial performance. A mediating model that links service quality to bank financial performance through customer retention in the automated service context is proposed. The results of this empirical study confirm the role of customer retention as a mediator in the effect of automated service quality on financial performance. Implications of the findings are discussed and the limitations of the study and the potential for future research are considered.  相似文献   

银行服务接触、顾客情感与满意度之间关系的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
服务接触管理的概念和思想来自于花旗银行的实践,本文从银行提高服务接触过程可视化效果的实践出发,总结服务接触过程对顾客情感的影响,进而总结提高顾客感知质量的经验。文章从服务的便利性、服务感受、银行形象、互动性、可靠性、移情性、品牌化等方面来形成对银行服务的认知,并通过结构建模方法明确服务接触过程与银行顾客情感、满意度之间的作用路径,进而为银行优化服务接触过程提供相关建议。  相似文献   

商业银行个人客户经理制起源于20世纪80年代的美国,通过专业人员对客户的专门服务,取得客户的信任、支持和协作,以达到企业价值的最大化。当前,各家商业银行倡导以"市场为导向、以客户为中心"的经营理念,也纷纷组建了自己专职的个人客户经理队伍,向有价值的客户提供差别化服务。本文重点介绍了个人客户经理制的核心内容,分析了当前各家商业银行在实施个人客户经理中普遍存在的问题,提出了要通过个人客户经理平衡积分卡来解决个人客户经理的考核,并就考核中应当关注的问题做了简要阐述。  相似文献   

This study investigates to what extent underlying configurations of customer evaluations of service quality as perceived by frontline employees and as reported by customers match. Surveys of two groups of female bank customers (151 students and 83 adults) and 68 female bank employees in Turkey serve as the study setting. The SERVQUAL instrument is used in measuring employees' and customers' perceptions of service quality. The factor congruency technique is employed to determine the extent of similarities and disparities among the groups. Results show that the underlying configurations of service quality perceptions decompose into three factors in the cases of both customer groups and five factors in the case of employees. Overall, customers' and employees' service quality perceptions do not correspond. This discrepancy underscores the need for accurate assessment of customer perceptions of service quality and training of employees to look at service quality from the perspective of customers by using customers' definitions. Avenues for future reasearch are offered.  相似文献   

This study examines the link between customer motivational orientation and customer satisfaction in the Chinese context. The customer motivational orientation–satisfaction model was tested on 349 Chinese bank customers in Macao, China. Results of structural equation modelling indicated that task-oriented and interaction-oriented customers were not equally responsive to the financial services provided. Specifically, task motivational orientation was directly and indirectly related to customer satisfaction through customer perceived service quality, whereas interaction motivational orientation only linked to customer satisfaction through customer perceived service quality as a mediator. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

郑军 《金融论坛》2007,12(8):29-35
本文以山东省某商业银行个人客户交易渠道的抽样数据为样本,运用现代统计学中的对应分析方法,从客户的年龄、学历和家庭收入出发,对商业银行不同年龄、学历和家庭收入客户的渠道偏好进行了定量研究.通过研究找出了不同年龄、学历和家庭收入的客户与商业银行不同渠道之间所存在的对应关系,并根据这些对应关系,挖掘出不同年龄、学历和家庭收入客户对商业银行不同渠道的偏好.在此基础上.对商业银行营业网点如何运用这些渠道偏好关系对客户进行分流以及实施差别化营销和服务提出了具体建议,以期能为商业银行营业网点的客户分流和差别化营销提供参考.  相似文献   

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