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家是春天里的爱巢,家是盛夏里的荫凉,家是金秋里的硕果,家是寒冬里的阳光。我是工行北京市南礼士路支行的一名普通员工,在工作中,我时刻感受着我行从关心员工的喜怒哀乐、身心健康出发,营造了快乐、和谐的氛围,让每一位员工都能体会到“工行一家亲”的温暖情怀。我行如家,我爱我家——她能够想员工之所虑,急员工之所难,谋员工之所求,从政治、工作、生活、学习上全方位关怀职工,让我们充分体会到家一样的温暖。全行上下风清气正,人才辈出,人心思进.见贤思齐,团结和睦,和谐温馨,让我们跨入了家和业兴的新境界。 相似文献
Roel Oomen 《Quantitative Finance》2017,17(7):1057-1070
In over-the-counter markets, a trader typically sources indicative quotes from a number of competing liquidity providers, and then sends a deal request on the best available price for consideration by the originating liquidity provider. Due to the communication and processing latencies involved in this negotiation, and in a continuously evolving market, the price may have moved by the time the liquidity provider considers the trader’s request. At what point has the price moved too far away from the quote originally shown for the liquidity provider to reject the deal request? Or perhaps the request can still be accepted but only on a revised rate? ‘Last look’ is the process that makes this decision, i.e. it determines whether to accept—and if so at what rate—or reject a trader’s deal request subject to the constraints of an agreed trading protocol. In this paper, I study how the execution risk and transaction costs faced by the trader are influenced by the last look logic and choice of trading protocol. I distinguish between various ‘symmetric’ and ‘asymmetric’ last look designs and consider trading protocols that differ on whether, and if so to what extent, price improvements and slippage can be passed on to the trader. All this is done within a unified framework that allows for a detailed comparative analysis. I present two main findings. Firstly, the choice of last look design and trading protocol determines the degree of execution risk inherent in the process, but the effective transaction costs borne by the trader need not be affected by it. Secondly, when a trader adversely selects the liquidity provider she chooses to deal with, the distinction between the different symmetric and asymmetric last look designs fades and the primary driver of execution risk is the choice of trading protocol. 相似文献
记忆就是每个人的历史,在纷纭繁杂的大千世界和茫茫人海中,没有两个具有自始至终相同经历的人,因此,每个人的记忆就是一部个性化的历史,即使平凡它也弥足珍贵,因为它能反映时代的变迁。在父亲诞辰100周年即将到来时,我在脑海里搜寻,搜寻那些最遥远的与爹有关的记忆……院子我出生在一个大院子里,那是一片用一人多高的红砖墙围起的大院子,6间面南的红砖房,东西近30米,南北有40多米围起一个大院子,靠东墙有一大间红砖仓 相似文献
This year, Finance and Stochastics celebrates its 25th anniversary. The journal provides a platform for the community of researchers on which they can publish their ideas and results.
Publication is an outcome of research which may be conducted for a number of years before it reaches the required maturity. I find this research process to be very important. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to decode it from reading the research publications. This special issue of Finance and Stochastics gives me an opportunity to focus on it. I am grateful I can present my personal memory of this process. Understanding why questions are asked and how the answers are found is critical.
最后贷款人政策是银行危机管理的一个重要手段 ,也是银行安全网的主要组成部分。本文首先介绍了最后贷款人的传统理论 ,讨论了该机制在化解系统风险中的作用及其可能产生的道德风险问题。然后文章探讨了最后贷款人在现实中面临的一些挑战。最后 ,作者对中国人民银行的政策实践作了一个简要的评价 相似文献
阐述了MBO的内涵,进行了中外MBO模式的讨论分析比较,描述了现行MBO的主要运作环节及操作流程,提出了目前国内MBO存在的几个关键问题,说明MBO操作仍需要进行试点,为了防止国有资产流失和对中小股东的不公平,在此之前不宜大规模进行MBO,说明MBO操作急需立法,并制定相关规则或细则来对实际操作加以指导。 相似文献