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位于汉诺威的德意志梅斯AG公司(Messe AG)是全球最大的会展机构之一,公司董事会主席恩斯特·罗威(Ernst Raue)负责在世界各国举办的贸易展览工作.本刊"中欧之桥"专栏记者就"中国厂商为什么应去欧洲及怎样到欧洲参展"的话题对他进行了采访.  相似文献   

华耀军 《北方经贸》2011,(12):154-155
创新是人类社会进步和发展的永恒主题。加强创新力教育,是发展高职学生创新力的出发点,应充分发挥教师主导作用,充分调动高职学生学习积极性,在教学中加强和培养学生创新能力。  相似文献   

Institutional development in new and potential member countries determines the success of deepening European integration. This papers argues that the timing of future enlargement should depend on institutional convergence between the EU and potential accession candidates. It therefore looks at institutional quality in the EU, in the EU's neighbouring Balkan and Black Sea regions, and especially in Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, and Turkey, i.e. the next countries in the queue for entry. Three dimensions of institutional quality—legislative, administrative and judicial institutions—are analysed on the basis of the World Bank Governance Indicators using institutional quality in EU member states as a benchmark in order to reveal institutional deficits.  相似文献   

Innovation in services is a hot topic since the 1990s, but little attention has been paid until today to the applied side of this research field. In this work we consider the features of two fundamental, large‐scale, innovation surveys: the European CIS and the American SIRD/BRDIS. Innovation surveys are the main tool through which innovation data are gathered, and these data become more and more important to test theories and to provide ground for innovation policy. Once the characteristics of both surveys have been identified, we carry on with our analysis in two ways. First, we match the surveys with the theories; second we provide a comparison between the two surveys. The different paths undertaken by the European scholars on the one hand, and the American scholars on the other, are explicitly indicated.  相似文献   

2009年,美国奥巴马政府屈服于国会和工会压力,签署了含有政府采购须买美国货的法律条款.该条款实为保护主义条款,违背政府采购协议.中国不是政府采购协议签字国,因此,尽管中国企业有能力竞争美国政府采购项目,但一概被拒之门外,无权到WTO投诉.  相似文献   

The new regulatory framework in the digital sector in Europe is likely to fall short of expectations. A fragmented digital market with insuffi cient incentives for investment is the probable outcome. European regulators should abandon their approach in favour of a new and more flexible set of ideas discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

论促进我国企业技术创新的有效融资问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放以来,我国经济发展战略进行了一系列的调整,为企业技术创新创造了有利的体制环境和政策条件,企业技术创新取得了一定成绩,但也存在着一系列亟待解决的问题,资金短缺便是其中的关键问题之一。为此,必须在企业投融资体制方面继续深化改革,探讨合理有效地融资途径,积极引进国外风险资本,促进我国风险投资事业的发展,为我国企业技术创新提供适宜的环境和条件。  相似文献   

The end of the Soviet Union and the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States will definitely increase Western involvement in the former East Bloc countries. Recent emphasis has been placed on either developing Eastern markets or using inexpensive human capital to manufacture goods to be sold in the West. A third option does exist: the use of Eastern knowledge and technology in the West. Application of this knowledge and technology, currently not feasible in the former East Bloc because of a deficient infrastructure and lack of incentives, could be practical in the fertile environment of the West. Western firms are advised to catch up with their Japanese competitors in taking advantage of the low-risk opportunities that the break up of the Soviet Union has made available. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The annual Global Competitiveness Report provides comprehensive information about the comparative strengths and weaknesses of national economies throughout the world. Based on the findings of the latest report, this article evaluates the current competitiveness and medium-term growth prospects of European countries relative both to the rest of the world and to each other.  相似文献   

近年来,数字电视发展迅猛,既有电信系统的"IP"电视,也有广电系统的有线数字电视、地面数字电视以及卫星传输的数字电视。就目前的发展状态来看,广电主导的数字电视发展最快。按照广电总局的所谓"三步走"战略部署,第一步的有线数字电视推广已经深入各个大中城市,用户规模达到了2400万户;第二步就是推广数字直播星业务,这对于扩大电视覆盖,  相似文献   

The rise of the platform economy has made it a topic of great interest among European policymakers, as evidenced by the European Commission’s 2016 Communication “A European agenda for the collaborative economy”. The regulatory challenges facing policymakers are manifold, ranging from taxation to competition policy to worker protection. Furthermore, many basic aspects of the platform economy are unclear, such as its size, the number of workers who take part in it and, indeed, its very definition. What types of regulation are necessary to ensure that the benefits of the platform economy are maximised for all Europeans? How can the productivity gains associated with the platform economy be distributed throughout society? Perhaps most importantly, how can policymakers support innovation while also protecting consumers, workers and communities?  相似文献   

The West's aid to the emerging Eastern European economies includes consultancy and education. This will have considerable impact on their economic and managerial activity, even though the theories of organization and management on which it is based are much criticized here. As these theories are applied in the extreme economic, social and political circumstances of the Soviet collapse, we are likely to be both surprised and pushed into a period of critical organizational theorizing. Much of the criticism comes from institutionalists who reject a generic approach to economics and management. They argue instead that organizations are embedded within a specific environment of social, legal, economic, and technological institutions which fashion their activities. They are saying “things are different over there and we should recognize that our advice presumes our own institutional arrangements.” The first part of this study reviews the reasoning behind this critique. It has two threads: (a) the institutional context and the way that shapes economic transactions and their costs; and (b) the way institutions develop as collective responses to social uncertainties. We look at organization theory's dependence on the social institutions, such as contract law, professional training, and the market for insurance. We take these and many other Western institutions for granted, and seldom stop to analyze them. In Eastern Europe, managers lack such institutional infrastructures and face uncertainties beyond our experience. This article's second part focuses on the processes by which organizations respond to uncertainties. There are many types of uncertainty and we pick out that of adopting a new technology. Problems arise because of “gaps” between the organization's in-place work practices, knowledge, and attitudes, and those which they must eventually adopt if they are to use the new technology effectively. Recent research into workplace know-how suggests that such gaps are bridged by workers developing a new “tacit” understanding of the technology through learning-by-doing. This knowledge generation (KG) works best when it is also communal, when creative teams form. By definition, this kind of team cannot be managed bureaucratically, in ways that depend on an understanding of the task in hand. We see that bureaucracy is a theory of knowledge application (KA) which breaks down in the absence of the necessary knowledge, rules, measurements, communications, and sanctions. Creative teams can operate under the conditions of bureaucratic failure because they are held together by institutional forces rather than by rational administration. The context of social institutions outside the organization becomes important because it defines the institutional bases for such teams. In the final section we look beyond creative teams as internal uncertainty resolvers. The new institutional economists argue that firms should internalize the uncertain transactions that are difficult to contract, and so precipitate market failure. We suggest that entrepreneurs also look outside the firm at those social institutions which enable them to externalize uncertainties. In general, the institutionalist critique reveals that entrepreneurs have several domains of action. The formal KA part of the firm, the focus of classical organization and management theory, is but one of these domains. Other equally important KG domains lie both within the firm and in the interorganizational networks and social institutions beyond its boundaries. The uncertainties of the Soviet collapse move us on from the simplicities of Western organization theory toward a richer set of ideas more relevant to our Eastern European colleagues—and to ourselves.  相似文献   

The growth of specialized unit trusts rather than broader-based general funds challenges individual investors with some difficult choices when entrusting their savings to fund managers. The problem involved are examined in the context of the development of the European Growth Unit Trust sector in the United Kingdom which is followed from birth to maturity.  相似文献   


Strategic Planning, globally, is an important business activity. In today's competitive world the best of “soft” and “hard” support tools are required. Leading edge technologies can be used to overcome some of the problems which come from a group of human beings (and their history) sitting down to plan. Group Support System technology (GSS) (Lewis, 1993) allows issues to be divorced from the people proposing them. It allows discussion and organisation of ideas in a debate-like way. It provides instantaneous evaluation for prioritising. Strategic Conferencing (Phillips, 1984) with the help of a multi-attribute value model aims to support shared understanding and provide modelled scenarios of the consequences of allocating strategic resources in a particular way. Mental imagery, a “human technology,” releases the imaginal so that strategic ideas are fired with imagination as well as facts and forecasts. The case study used these three technologies for the planning of Health Care. They proved to be a viable combination.  相似文献   

The Viewer Response Profile (VRP) scale is often used in commercial advertising research, and frequently used and cited in the academic advertising literature. This paper describes an investigation of the psychometric soundness of the Schlinger scale among a very large sample of respondents (N = 4,800) who each view a single ad from a large set of ads. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) provides an alternative parsimonious 20-item version of the scale that is found to exhibit superior psychometric properties. Managerial and research implications are discussed and suggestions for further improvement of the scale are offered.  相似文献   

European citizens often assess EU policy as too centralistic and bureaucratic, causing them to vote for populist parties which promise to take “my country back” or even exit from the union. However, many problems — from climate change to the refugee problem — could be better solved at the European level. European policy should try to set rules which enable member countries to address different preferences based on national priorities. Best practices show that this strategy combining centralised policies and decentralised implementation is both feasible and welfare enhancing.  相似文献   

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