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在成功举辦’92中国友好觀光年和’93中国山水风光旅游年的基礎上,中国国家旅游局和国家文物局合作,今年推出’94中国文物古蹟旅游年,並於1月1日在北京故宫举行大型的仿古文物古蹟游开幕仪式,拉开了序幕。 中国是一个有5,000年文明史的古国,历史悠久,文化灿烂,古蹟處處,对旅游者极具魅力。为此,中国文物  相似文献   

山西推出’94文物古迹精华遊 Shanxi Province: the Year of Quintessential Cultural and Historical Relics Shanxi, the province of cultural and touring sites in China, has 31,401 pieces of surface cultural relics and is one of the most resourceful provinces in China. Of the 3,600 sites of announced cultural relics. 319 sites are at the national and provincial level; and of the 350,000 pieces df cultural relics stored in the  相似文献   

1993年中国国际旅游业持续、快速发展,全国旅游接待各项指标全面超额完成期成目标计划。 (一)来华旅游入境人数 1993年12月份,来华旅进入境人数355.78万人次,比1992年同期增长7.8%。其中:外国人36.02万人次,比1992年同期增长7.2%;华侨0.99万人次,减少43.1%;港澳同胞308.19万人次,增长7.8%;台湾同胞10.57万人次,增长20.4%。 1993年累计,来华旅游入境人数4152.69万人次,比1992年增长8.9%。其中:外国人465.59万人次,增长16.2%;华侨16.62万人次,增长0.7%;港澳同胞3517.79万  相似文献   

鬻中国大陆5-6月旅遊气温(℃)  相似文献   

在廣東台山市的海域,漂浮着兩座緊緊相鄰的海島。大一些的,叫上川島;略小一些的,則叫下川島。近些年,又都相繼開闢為度假、旅遊的新地。渴望回歸自然的人們,來到這原本只是漁村、荒灘和野山的綠島一看,還真不錯,於是便被傳揚開來,最後,竟有了「東方夏威夷」的美名。 大都市人湧上海島歡樂度假 近些年,每到春、夏季節,廣州、深圳還有香港、澳門的成千上萬遊客,便擠擠擁擁地搭車乘船,來這兩座海島玩樂。尤其到了暑假,更有人滿之患;而且遊人中間的中、小學生也特別多,在父母親的攜領  相似文献   

CHIC2005中国国际服装服饰展览会女装、童装、服饰品(时尚休闲女装、晚装/礼服、皮草/皮革服装等)咨询电话:010-85229099、85229370网址:www.chiconline.com地点:北京·中国国际展览中心时间:4月2日  相似文献   

我们要建设发展的,是具有中国特色的社会主义韵旅游事业。这点在原则上大家是有共识的,但如何深入具体贯彻,则随着实践的发展仍有进一步研讨的必要。笔者愿提出一些浅见。 我们的旅游事业,应该既成为一个在我国经济建设中占有重要地位、能作出重大贡献的强大的优化的新兴产业,又成为一个在我国社会文化生活和精神文明建设中能发挥重大积极有益作用和影响的事业与领域。不应简单片面地把发展旅游看成就是为了盈利、创汇,更不能当成就是某些单位、个人乘机捞一把赚大钱的手段,其它都可不管不顾。一些年前曾经较多强调旅游的文化  相似文献   

2005年新年音乐会钢琴协奏曲《黄河》地点:北京保利剧院音乐剧《雪狼湖》张学友主演地点:北京首都体育馆时间1月2日  相似文献   


In this paper, we draw on research conducted in Wales to consider reasons for participation and non-participation in sport and physical activity among Black and minoritised ethnic (BME) groups. This study exposes the challenge at the heart of sports policy in relation to ‘race’ and ethnicity in Wales that, if not addressed, may lead to the marginalisation of attempts to increase BME participation in sport and physical activity despite good intent. It points to a disjuncture between supply and demand and leads us to question the extent to which such policies resonate with the interests, needs and lived experiences of people from different BME communities in Wales. We draw on testimonies of policy-makers and implementers, as well as individuals from various BME communities in five regions of Wales, to consider the extent to which national sports policy encourages strategies to increase participation among different ethnic groups. We suggest that increasing participation among BME communities and other ‘hard-to-reach’ groups must go beyond accounting for the supply aspects of sport and physical activity to consider more critically the plethora of barriers and exclusions facing many BME communities. We conclude by arguing that for racial inequalities to be reduced, and promises such as ‘sport for all’ to be realised, the analysis of policy needs to be related to broader relations of power in the culture of both sport and society.  相似文献   

为帮助读者了解我国旅游报刊出版状况,本刊1991年第4期已在《全国旅游报刊1992年订阅办法》中向读者介绍了全国32家旅游报刊的情况。本期这里再把7家兄弟报刊的情况向读者们补充介绍如下。由于此介绍均为各兄弟报刊自拟稿,故请尚未刊出介绍的兄弟报刊尽速与本刊联系,以便本刊尽快刊出续补。  相似文献   

Mindfulness is a relatively new theoretical area that has received little research focus. This is surprising, considering the wealth of benefits to individuals and businesses who adopt a mindful philosophy. The aim of this study was to reduce this gap in knowledge by attempting to understand how mindfulness affects tourists’ experiences while holidaying in a popular tourist destination, such as Dubai. Results suggested that mindfulness appears to occur indiscriminately and, almost, haphazardly. Empirical results of the study revealed that mindfulness was a likely occurrence regardless of visitor demographics, and that mindfulness would impact what visitors remembered and why.  相似文献   

中国旅游规划的市场研究历程(下)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
许春晓 《旅游学刊》2003,18(4):52-57
文章回顾了中国旅游规划工作中的市场研究的发展历程。划分出了中国旅游规划工作的起步与旅游市场的简单研究阶段(1980~1991年)、中国旅游规划工作的发展与旅游市场的探索研究阶段(1992~2000年)、中国旅游规划工作的成熟与旅游市场的系统研究阶段(2001年以后)三个基本阶段,以旅游规划研究国际先进水平为参照,评述了各阶段的发展水平。  相似文献   

The concept of Halal tourism has emerged recently in research. It becomes an important factor in determining the satisfaction of tourists or their loyalty. However, this concept is still not well known; thus, it needs to be developed in certain areas. The research was conducted to see the link between the attributes of Halal tourism (i.e. Islamic facility, Halalness, general Islamic morality, and alcohol drinks- and gambling-free), satisfaction of tourists and word of mouth (WOM). The respondents of the research were 345 derived from 5 municipals in West Sumatera, Indonesia. The research used structural equation model. The result of the research shows that the attributes of Halal tourism have significant impacts on satisfaction of tourists and WOM. There is no significant direct relationship between the attributes of Halal tourism and WOM. However, the satisfaction of tourists is significant as the mediator. Furthermore, some limitations and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

新10年中国旅游发展趋势预测(2011~2020)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了有利于人类更好地适应未来自然和社会的变化,未来学正在发展成为具有广阔覆盖并拥有众多重点领域的综合性学科。在已过的10年中,中国居民的旅游生活和中国的旅游产业都发生了巨大的变化;为了有利于旅游研究者、旅游实际工作者、旅游管理层和旅游主管部门更好地测度未来的发展,安排下一步的研究、管理和决策,中国旅游未来研究会课题组特邀请有关专家就各自的学科专长对21世纪第二个10年中国居民的出游格局、旅游产业的发展态势、旅游发展与国家的关系,以及旅游活动内在结构的变化等作出共识性预测,以供大家参考。  相似文献   

This study is to test whether consumption value theory can be applied to food tourism in a tourism destination. Despite its importance, few studies have explored the types of local food consumption value that tourists obtain in a destination. This study sought to develop and validate a scale of local food consumption value from a tourist perspective. As a result, a seven-factor structure was generated. The overall construct demonstrated satisfactory levels of reliability and validity. The value on their satisfaction with tasting local food, positive post-purchase intention, and food destination image varied by cultural region. Future research is expected to benefit from using the validated measurement to understand the unexplored aspects of tourists’ local food consumption.  相似文献   

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