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隔夜风险的防范和监控是投资者和监管部门关注的焦点,探索有效降低隔夜风险的方法具有现实意义。基于信息和投资者行为视角构建夜盘交易影响商品期货隔夜风险的理论模型,根据各品种成交量和投机度在实施夜盘交易前后的变化、结合各品种之间的关联度,在金属、农产品、黑色系以及化工品四类商品期货中选取10个具有代表性的品种对研究假说进行实证检验。研究结果表明夜盘交易可以降低商品期货的隔夜风险,期货市场的适度投机是该制度发挥作用的基石,但夜盘交易对商品期货隔夜风险的影响不存在时间效应,监管上应避免处于过度投机状态的期货品种实施夜盘交易。  相似文献   

中国商品期货市场的风险价值模型及其后验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以中国商品期货市场的3类主要期货价格指数为研究对象,探讨了当期货收益同时存在波动聚集性、非对称杠杆效应以及条件有偏和尖峰胖尾特征状况下的市场风险价值(VaR)计算模型。同时,运用更加严谨和稳健的动态分位数回归(Dynamic quantile regression)检验法,对各类不同波动模型和收益分布假定下的VaR估计精度进行了全面的后验分析(Backtesting)。实证结果发现,中国商品期货市场的价格波动不存在显著的杠杆效应。但是,假定条件收益服从有偏学生分布(Skewed student distribution)的波动率模型具有较好的风险测度精度。  相似文献   

Abstract Standardizing a futures contract’s specifications to enhance its transfer-ability is problematic for any commodity whose cash market adopts relational contracting procedures. Standardization implies the contract’s value cannot be completely determined by competitive arbitrage order flow, inhibiting the market’s price discovery function, and leaving the futures price susceptible to manipulation. These effects may result in the market’s failure. The model, based on the theory of storage, predicts that contracts with a higher spread-open position price volatility are more likely to contain a range of arbitrage indeterminacy, hence to experience difficulties in sustaining trading. The prediction is supported in an empirical examination of 104 US futures markets. The range of indeterminacy also increases the informational requirements of spread traders, reducing the effectiveness of spread arbitrage in maintaining the equilibrium intertemporal futures pricing relationship. Detailed evidence from 15 US contract markets demonstrates spread arbitrage is less effective in contract markets which subsequently fail.  相似文献   

在简要分析大豆提油套利的理论基础后,基于2006年到2012年6月间的大样本日度交易数据对大豆、豆油、豆粕三者间的数量关系进行了计量实证,实证结果证明提油套利收益率和成功率较高,而反向提油套利则大部分不能成功。  相似文献   

Fundamental economic factors—market demand and supply conditions—provide the most consistent explanation for trends in commodity prices from 2004 to 2011. This paper presents empirical evidence that the rise and fall of commodity prices on a monthly basis can be strongly linked to the value of the U.S. dollar and the world business cycle—in particular, to the strength or weakness in emerging market economies such as China, Brazil, India, and Russia. Despite concerns raised by some policymakers that increased commodity index investment (the financialization of commodities) has driven commodity price movements, numerous academic studies have concluded that index-based investing has not moved prices or exacerbated volatility in commodity markets in recent years. An examination of weekly and monthly net flows into commodity mutual funds reveals that these flows have little or no effect on the overall growth rate of commodity prices. In particular, weekly flows into commodity mutual funds do not lead to future commodity price changes. These results are consistent with academic papers that find little or no impact of commodity index investors on commodity prices in individual markets. The paper concludes by briefly discussing three key factors that illustrate why flows into commodity mutual funds cannot explain commodity price movements.  相似文献   

The rise in commodity prices continues due to strong demand from emerging economies in Asia. But not all prices are going up. Several industrial raw materials seem to have peaked earlier this year. Is this the beginning of a general change in price direction?  相似文献   

本文从商品期货在市场经济中发挥的作用与功能出发,阐述了国内传统的流通批发组织随着商品期货交易的成熟将普遍面临生存危机,并结合国外商品期货发达国家的流通批发组织运行情况,提出了国内流通批发组织的结构调整方案。  相似文献   

We examine the diversification benefits of using individual futures contracts instead of simply a commodity index. We determine the ex‐ante, ex‐post, and stability results for optimal Markowitz portfolios, investigate the instability between the ex‐ante and ex‐post results, and compare our results to traditional and naïve portfolios. The ex‐ante complete futures portfolio dominates the traditional and naive portfolios and the ex‐post portfolio outperforms the naïve portfolio. The instability between the ex‐ante and ex‐post results is primarily driven by the time‐varying returns of the individual assets rather than by risk. Finally, the Sharpe portfolio results are essentially identical to the Markowitz results. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 33:343‐368, 2013  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the hedging decisions for firms facing price and basis risk. Two conditions assumed in most models on optimal hedging are relaxed. Hence, (i) the spot price is not necessarily linear in both the settlement price and the basis risk and (ii) futures contracts and options on futures at different strike prices are available. The design of the first‐best hedging instrument is first derived and then it is used to examine the optimal hedging strategy in futures and options markets. The role of options as useful hedging tools is highlighted from the shape of the first‐best solution. © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 22:59–72, 2002  相似文献   

This study examines the usefulness of trader‐position‐based sentiment index for forecasting future prices in six major agricultural futures markets. It has been found that large speculator sentiment forecasts price continuations. In contrast, large hedger sentiment predicts price reversals. Small trader sentiment hardly forecasts future market movements. An investigation was performed into various sentiment‐based timing strategies, and it was found that the combination of extreme large trader sentiments provides the strongest timing signal. These results are generally consistent with the hedging‐pressure theory, suggesting that hedgers pay risk premiums to transfer nonmarketable risks in futures markets. Moreover, it does not appear that large speculators in the futures markets possess any superior forecasting ability. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 21:929–952, 2001  相似文献   

通过对中国三大期货市场的铜、黄豆和小麦三种主要期货品种收益率的分布与波动性的实证分析 ,论证了其时间序列存在ARCH效应 ;运用GARCH模型对这三种期货品种进行了拟合分析和统计检验 ,检验结果表明这三个期货品种的波动性均具有很高的持续性 ,但大连黄豆的波动持续性弱于上海铜和郑州小麦 ,其波动性受各种外部冲击的影响较大 ;通过GARCH( 1 ,1 )的市场有效性检验 ,论证了中国期货市场尚未达到弱式有效 ,市场风险较大。  相似文献   

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