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王耀富 《渔政》2002,(1):21-21
捕捞渔业许可是渔业行政主管部门及其渔政渔港监督管理机构.为控制捕捞强度、合理利用渔业资源所采取的一项重要行政管理措施。捕捞渔业许可的内容通常包括捕捞水域许可;捕捞时间许可;捕捞渔具、渔法许可;捕捞对象许可以及捕捞能力和捕捞数量的许可等等。  相似文献   

赖连谦 《渔政》2004,(3):12-14
现行的《渔业捕捞许可管理规定》自2002年12月1日施行以来已近两年,今年又正逢渔业捕捞许可证换发,如何根据《行政许可法》的要求,进一步更新管理理念、强化渔业捕捞许可规范化管理、探索适合我国渔业发展要求的捕捞许可管理新路子,为海洋渔业的健康发展提供强有力的管理手段,是当前摆在各级渔业行政管理部门面前的新课题。笔者根据多年来从事渔业捕捞许可管理的工作经验,对苍南渔业捕捞许可管理过程中存在的问题、产生的原因作了粗浅的分析。并就下步的改革方向提出一些初步的没想,以供参考。  相似文献   

本文探讨了捕捞业的特点以及捕捞业法律制度和政策应追求的多重目标,分析了现行法律制度和政策存在的问题。建议在物权法学和行政法学理论的指导下,重构捕捞许可制度,厘清和调整捕捞许可的管辖权,允许捕捞权经批准后有序流转,制定“捕捞渔区划分和命名”标准,完善行政配置捕捞渔区的法律程序,建立捕捞渔具渔法认证,完善捕捞生产信息记录及申报制度,积极地开展与八个海洋邻国间的渔业合作,加强对负面影响渔业发展的非渔业活动的管治,以便更好地明晰捕捞证作为用益物权表征和行政管理工具的双重属性,保护捕捞权人的合法权利,保护渔业生态环境,营造公平的竞争环境,促进捕捞生产效益的提高。  相似文献   

海洋渔业捕捞权的法律特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文探讨了明确海洋渔业捕捞权及其法律特征对我国渔民权益的保护、"双控"制度的实施、渔业管理体制的改革及渔业资源的可持续发展的重要意义,分析了海洋渔业捕捞权的主客体的特殊性、用益物权性、排他性、许可性及物上请求权等法律特征,认为应以渔民或渔民团体和渔船功率指标分别作为海洋渔业捕捞权的主体和客体,并得出与一般的用益物权相比,海洋渔业捕捞权在许可性和排他性方面有较大差异的结论.  相似文献   

对渔获量实行总量控制,是保障渔业可持续发展的需要。作者认为应通过严格执行捕捞许可制度、配额捕捞制度、鱼货统营制度等,对渔获量实行总量控制  相似文献   

关于渔业捕捞许可证管理方法的探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“国家对捕捞业实施捕捞许可制度”是新《渔业法》为捕捞业规定的一项基本制度。而2000年,农业部首次开展的全国海洋渔船普查显示,我国现有海洋捕捞渔船24.43万艘中,无渔业捕捞许可证、渔船登记证书、渔船检验证书的“三无”渔船有6.72万艘,占27.5%;三证不齐的渔船5.09万艘,占20.8%,统计结果令人吃惊。这些大量存在的未经许可入渔的船舶是造成海洋渔业捕捞强度失控的主要原因。维护海洋渔业发展、严肃捕捞许可制度,加强对渔业捕捞许可证的管理已刻不容缓。 1.渔业捕捞许可证批准发放 新《渔业法》第二十三条对海洋渔业捕捞…  相似文献   

<正>《渔业法》第二十三条规定:“国家对捕捞业实行捕捞许可证制度”。凡欲从事渔业捕捞活动的,必须事先经主管机关批准并领取捕捞许可证后方可作业。《渔业捕捞许可管理规定》第三十三条规定:“使用期一年以上的渔业捕捞许可证实行年度审验制度,每  相似文献   

正新修订的《渔业捕捞许可管理规定》经农业农村部常务会议审议通过,自2019年1月1日起施行。修订后的《渔业捕捞许可管理规定》本着"依法规范、简政放权、强化监管"的原则,将渔船分类分级分区管控的新规定和"放管服"改革的新要求制度化。此次修订重点围绕五方面进行了完善:一是加强渔船规范管理、二是下放审批权限、三是便利渔民群众、四是规范审批行为、五是强化事中事后监管。为贯彻落实新修订的《渔业捕捞许可管理规定》,健全全国一体化在线渔船动态管理系统,实现全国"一网通办",农业农村部还修订了国内海洋渔船、港澳流动  相似文献   

温州市海洋与渔业局吴奕根据农业部与浙江省渔业主管部门的统一部署年新版海洋渔业捕捞许可证工作。此次换证的对象为2002年全国清理整顿渔船后已登记入册,且持有合法有效的般检,登记捕捞许可证书的大、中型捕捞渔船,对按规定审批制造,更新改造,购置,所持船检,登记、捕捞许可证书齐全有效,但在清理整顿后未入数据库指标内一饼纳在换证范围。本次换证遵循事先告知,以旧换新,先易后难,有余搞控,有效签发,谁审批发证谁录入,属地管理的原则。市本级及各县市、区渔业主管部门均已成立可证换发工作领导小组,具体地制定了有关实施方案,以全面、按时…  相似文献   

专项捕捞特许证是国家赋予渔业生产者对特定渔业资源品种在一定时限和区域内进行捕捞作业的资格许可。凡捕捞有重要经济价值的、重点保护的专项资源品种,都必须申请专项捕捞特许证。1.存在的问题江苏省的专项捕捞特许证的办理程序规定,捕捞专项资源品种的单位和个人,应在专项资源品种开捕期前30日,持捕捞许可证向县级渔政机构申请,经审核同意报市级渔政机构复核汇总后,转报省渔政机构审批,经批准,按规定予以发放。也就是说,专项证的发放属审批类,要经三级渔政机构,数个来回才能辗转发放到渔民手中,其发放程序极其严格。可实…  相似文献   

As new industries emerge in rural areas, land use change can have important implications for affected communities. In-turn, social responses to developments can have important implications for industry. The idea that communities may, or may not, approve of landuse change has been conceptualised in the literature on ‘social license to operate’. While a principle focus of the social license literature has been on ways to strengthen relationships between community and industry, literature relating to social resistance movements has focused principally on the processes by which communities oppose developments. Reporting empirical data arising from an election survey, this paper seeks to draw together these two bodies of literature to understand how two rural communities responded to the development of the coal seam gas industry in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, Australia. Perceptions of local benefit provision, against the contextual backdrop of rural economies and local perceptions of sustainability, proved pivotal for the legitimacy of the CSG industry. Instead of CSG companies achieving a social license to operate, a social resistance movement gained broad community support and resulted in social license withdrawal. This paper explores the drivers of social license withdrawal and the dynamics leading to the local success of a resistance movement, proposing a new diamond model of social license to operate. The social license diamond model can be used by policy makers to better understand the progression of community responses to industrial developments, from social license approval to withdrawal and beyond.  相似文献   

矿业市场准入资格和矿权主体资格   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
矿业市场准入资格是矿业的经营权,采矿权、探矿权是对矿产资源的财产权。《矿产资源法》没有对两者清晰区分;《行政许可法》把行政许可扩大到了财产权分配;《公司法》对矿业市场准入资格有授权性规定,但未得到重视和贯彻。西方市场经济国家对矿业经营权和矿产资源财产权有清晰界定。进入矿业的门槛建议设三道———设立企业,取得矿权,建设矿山。贯彻《行政许可法》,应当定位在授予“采矿经营特许权”、颁发《采矿经营特许证》。《采矿许可证》和《勘查许可证》宜改称《采矿权证》和《探矿权证》,其制度建设应当同《行政许可法》脱钩,直接上承《物权法》。限制经营权同限制财产权的行政处罚应当加以区别。“矿业权”最好改称“矿权”。  相似文献   

撤销违法颁发的采矿许可证既有利于维护正常的矿业秩序,也有利于纠正错误,促使发证机关增强责任心,提高依法行政水平.目前违法颁发采矿许可证的现象相当普遍,也相当严重.本文着重阐述了有权撤销采矿许可证的机关、应当撤销的几种情形,并希望制定具体明确的规定,以增强实际工作中的可操作性,便于及时撤销违法颁发的采矿许可证.  相似文献   

矿产资源在物权制度体系中的地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法律上的“物”,概念外延等于“实物形态的财产”。矿产资源是一种实物形态的财产,矿权(采矿权和探矿权)是一种用益物权。将矿权纳入《物权法》调整范围,有利于《矿产资源法》的完善。《采矿许可证》和《探矿许可证》最好改称《采矿权证》和《探矿权证》。  相似文献   

渔业权基本理论研究将有利于推进我国渔业权制度建设。本文试图从物权及其特征的角度,回答渔业权物权化中渔业权应具有哪些特征的问题,并分析得出我国渔业权是兼有用益物权和特许物权的物权特征。  相似文献   

行政法对社会权属规范化的本质要求使行政许可制度在行政法制度中处于核心,而起到行政许可创设与监督作用的行政评价制度仍冷落僻远、少人问津,这导致我国当前行政许可评价制度在规范来源科学性与制度创制合法性方面远落后于时代需要,甚至产生了制度失衡。在建设"服务型政府"的行政效能改革背景下,优化与行政许可评价制度关联紧密的各行政机关、社会组织建设科学行政许可-评价二维结构,完善并形成事前、事中、事后行政许可评价法律体系,是建设"服务型"政府,实现国家治理能力现代化的必由之路。  相似文献   

矿权性质及其市场制度   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
矿权市场在本质上属于要素市场 ,但在形式和部分功能上与商品市场有相通之处。矿权是用益物权 ,不是“经营权” ,也不是“知识产权”。生产要素有现成存在的 ,有需要通过特定生产过程才能形成或使用的 ,土地属于前者 ,矿产资源大部分属于后者。自然资源能做到清楚分割并实现排他性占有的 ,宜实行用益物权制度 ;做不到的 ,宜实行行政许可制度。土地一级市场最重要 ,大部分矿产资源二级市场最重要  相似文献   

Mining has been necessary for human activities and is conducted in line with this need. The location of mines must sometimes be where land use overlaps with other activities because the location of the mined substance cannot be changed. In Turkey, forestland are the most common of these overlapping areas. Therefore, mining has frequently occurred on forestland in Turkey—and worldwide. After the mining operation activities are conducted, the forestland are rehabilitated and returned to the forest administration. The examination of used and returned areas provides an opportunity to create an optimal situation between “mining for sustainable development” and “protection of forestland.”Accordingly, several questions, such as mining production amounts, degrees of social and economic development of the cities in which enterprises are conducting mining, the quantity of the areas they used for mining activities in forestland, the areas which were returned to the forest administration, operating license areas and operation permit areas, and the life of mining operation, were asked to the mining enterprises in Turkey through the “Survey Monkey” program in 2018. Thus, according to mineral groups, different land use rates were compared with the operating license areas, and the land uses for each mineral group were analyzed by considering the operation activity periods. The results indicate that the sustainability of the use of forestry in mining activities in Turkey has changed in a positive direction, particularly because of changes in mining and environmental legislation in Turkey over the last decade.  相似文献   

Non-compliance with regulation can be a major reason for policy ineffectiveness. Environmental non-compliance can cause environmental harm and undermine the sustainability of resource uses through, for example, overexploitation of water resources. If environmental non-compliance is identified as an issue, it is important to understand why it is occurring so that the causes can be effectively addressed. This paper reports empirical research conducted to identify the reasons why water users in two coastal irrigation areas in Queensland, Australia, may be taking water in excess of license conditions and thereby committing water theft. It applied the Table-of-Eleven (T11) framework, which distinguishes between ‘enforcement dimensions’, i.e., regulatory aspects meant to detect and deter non-compliance, and ‘spontaneous compliance’ dimensions. The research involved 67 water users of whom 24 participated in focus group discussions and 43 in face-to-face interviews. The research findings suggest that most water users are compliant with water rules principally because of strong spontaneous compliance, which is chiefly grounded in the belief that the rules are required to safeguard a common water resource. The research results suggest, however, that some water users may be intentionally taking water in excess of license conditions in order to maximize business profitability. Non-compliance is underpinned by perceived low probability of successful prosecution and a comparatively small penalty if a breach can indeed be proven. From a water management perspective, the findings highlight the critical role of ongoing education and communication efforts for maintaining high levels of spontaneous compliance. Stronger deterrents may be needed to address the intentional unlawful taking of water in the given context, including increasing penalties to ensure fines result in a net cost to offenders and reduction of water entitlements of repeat offenders. Improvements in water administrative processes can minimize the likelihood of offenders escaping a penalty.  相似文献   

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