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<正> 我国深化企业改革是沿着所有权与经营权相分离的思路发展的。企业的所有权与经营权相分离,确切地说是所有者职能与经营者职能相分离。这种分离是随着生产的商品化和社会化进程逐步完成的。那么,究竟应当怎样通过改革逐步理顺所有者与经营者的关系呢?一、要把企业资产的实际所有权与名义所有权区别开来所有权与经营权在总体上必须统一,经营权本来就是所有权派生出来的权益。但是,所有者的职能与经营者的职能又是能够分离和必须分离的。在资本主义商品经济发展初期,所有者就是他的资本的经营者(直到现代,在发达的资本主义国家,所有者和经营者合而为一仍是许多小型企业的特征)。但随着商品经济的发展,竞争加剧,西方一些大公司的老板逐渐发觉他们自己不一定都能搞好企业的经营,便开始聘用代理人组成董事会,再由董事会聘  相似文献   

楼大政 《经济论坛》2003,(13):29-30
一、对企业经营者进行激励的必要性企业经营者是一种特殊的人力资本,是稀缺资源。企业经营者的激励问题源于现代公司的两权分离,即所有权与经营权的分离。由于现代企业规模日益扩张,同时伴随着技术和管理过程的复杂化,企业的管理者必须是具有特殊才能的专职管理人员,由此导致了现代企业资本所有权与经营管理权发生分离。在这种情况下,企业所有者与经营者之间就形成了“委托———代理”关系,由于两者参与企业经营的程度不同,享有的信息不对称,这使经营者有可能为最大限度增进自身效用而不惜牺牲股东利益,做出不符合企业价值取向甚至相反的决…  相似文献   

谈谈经营者的期权、期股激励方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、期权、期股激励方式的功能 在现代企业里,伴随着所有权与经营权的分离,所有者与经营者分化为具有不同目标函数的利益集团,这为追求自身效用最大化的经营者采取“道德风险”行为提供了最基本的经济刺激,经营者这一自利行为偏离并损害了所有者利益。在所有权极其分散进而在所谓“所有权壳化”的“内部人控制”企业里,这一偏离显得尤为突出。在现代企业理论中,  相似文献   

<正> 一、两权完全分开还是适当分离社会主义国有企业的所有权和经营权可以适当分离。但是,社会主义企业和资本主义企业的两权分离,无论在其分离的起点,即导致分离的原因,还是在分离后所有者与经营者的相互关系上,都呈现出明显的差异。引起社会主义国有制经济两权分离的本质原因是传统的国家所有、国家经营的体制与发展商品经济的要求相悖,压抑了经营者和广大职工的积极性。因此,各社会主义国家的经济体制改革都先后沿着经营权和所有权分离的思路展开。显  相似文献   

美国公司管理层股票期权的负激励效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代企业制度的最大特点是经营权与所有权的分离,即形成了以股东形式出现的企业所有者和以管理人员形式出现的企业经营者的分离。所有者与经营者之间存在一种委托———代理关系,在此种关系下,经营者可以获得委托人难以取得的企业内部信息,因而在两者之间存在信息不对称,这种信息不对称会诱导经营者的“偷懒”行为和道德风险的产生,即经营者会偏离股东利益最大化的目标,甚至有可能损害所有者的利益。如何有效激励经理人,使其利益导向与所有者利益相吻合,从而避免产生大量委托———代理成本?股票期权激励机制很好地解决了这个难题…  相似文献   

现代企业所有权与经营权的分离导致代理问题,使企业所有者和经营者的财务目标不同,经营者更倾向于自身利益最大化而非所有者财富最大化。为了规范经营者的理财行为,形成科学的企业财务治理结构,必须建立共同治理和相机治理机制。  相似文献   

随着现代企业制度的建立与完善,由于所有权与经营权的分离,企业所有者为使企业资源产出最大化,必须对经营者进行有效激励。针对传统激励机制的缺陷,本文在分析了经济增加值(EVA)指标的优越性的基础上,论述了基于EVA的薪酬激励制度的合理性,并利用EVA指标来设计相应的薪酬激励模式。  相似文献   

泊利和米恩斯以及詹森和梅克林认为,公司治理应致力于解决所有者与经营者之间的关系,公司治理的焦点在于使所有者与经营者的利益相一致。法马和詹森进一步提出,公司治理研究的是所有权与经营权分离情况下的代理人问题,其中心问题是如何降低代理成本。  相似文献   

企业经理人员的激励机制和约束机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
企业经理人员的激励机制和约束机制黄梅波(厦门大学)现代企业制度下,企业所有权与经营权的分离不可避免地产生了所有者与经营者之间的权利冲突。企业所有者追求的是剩余索取权,即所有者扣除其他生产要素报酬之外的企业盈余,而经营者追求的是自身效用的最大化。如何使...  相似文献   

现代公司制度的核心是公司法人治理结构,其基石是公司产权结构上的资本所有权与经营权的分离,这种分离使得经营者有可能利用私人信息的优势谋取个人利益;也导致了所有者和经营者之间的信息不对称,导致各相关利益主体的地位及其所拥有的信息量的不同,最终决定了契约各方的不对等,导致决策过程中的矛盾冲突。公司治理就是在这种多边契约存在的情况下,以效率和公平为基础,使各相关利益方的责、  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2014,68(3):230-238
This paper analyzes a duopolistic model wherein each firm׳s owner can hire a biased manager for strategic reasons. We focus on the situation wherein each firm׳s owner evaluates the performance of her/his manager on the basis of her/his relative profit, which is equal to the weighted sum of her/his absolute profit and the absolute profit of her/his opponent firm. We show that in both price-setting and quantity-setting competitions, the owners of the two private firms employ aggressive managers rather than absolute profit maximizing managers regardless of the degree of importance of each firm׳s relative performance. Furthermore, in both the price competition and the quantity competition, as the degree of importance of each firm׳s relative performance increases, we show that the firms׳ owners tend to hire more aggressive managers when the degree of importance of each firm׳s relative performance is sufficiently low, whereas in both the price competition and the quantity competition, the firms׳ owners tend to hire less aggressive managers otherwise. Thus, in both the price competition and the quantity competition, the type of each firm׳s manager is not monotone with respect to the degree of each firm׳s relative performance. Thus, in both the price competition and the quantity competition, we find that the change in the optimal type of manager hired by each firm is non-monotone against the change of competitiveness in the market with the increase in the degree of importance of each firm׳s relative performance.  相似文献   

This is the first paper to consider a mixed oligopoly in which a public Stackelberg leader competes with both domestic and foreign private firms. The welfare maximising leader is shown to always produce less than under previous Cournot conjectures. Introducing leadership also alters previous public pricing rules resulting in prices that may be either greater than or less than marginal cost depending on the relative number of domestic firms. Furthermore, entry of a foreign firm will increase welfare only when the relative number of domestic firms is small, but that share is shown to be larger than has been indicated without leadership. Unlike previous models, the influence on public profit of a foreign acquisition is ambiguous and is related to the relative number of domestic firms. Finally, the consequences of privatisation are shown, for the first time, to depend on the relative number of domestic firms.  相似文献   

This paper examines how wage bargaining within each firm influences the relationship between an equilibrium ownership structure and the most preferred ownership structure from the viewpoint of social welfare, in a unionized oligopoly of asymmetric firms with respect to productivity of capital. We consider the merger incentive of each firm’s owner when the wage level is determined through bargaining between the firm’s owner and union. We derive a condition for both the degree of cost asymmetry among existing firms and the relative bargaining power of each firm’s owner to her/his union such that each ownership structure can be observed in equilibrium. We also show that although the two types of ownership structures with the merger involving the least efficient firm can be equilibria and socially optimal, these structures are observed only when both the degree of cost asymmetry and the relative bargaining power of each firm’s owner are moderate. Finally, we analyse the relationship among the cooperative game approach employed in this paper and two non‐cooperative merger formation approaches, and examine the robustness of the results obtained in this paper against the change in the assumption regarding each firm’s cost function.  相似文献   

Strategic managerial incentives in a two-period Cournot duopoly   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper examines the nature of optimal managerial incentives in the context of a duopoly marked by competition between the firm's managers in a dynamic production environment. If the marginal cost of production falls moderately over time or remains unchanged, there exists an equilibrium where one owner requires her manager to maximize profit, whereas the rival-owner requires her manager to maximize sales revenue. The profit-maximizing manager turns his firm into a Stackelberg-leader, while the sales-revenue-maximizing manager turns his firm into a Stackelberg-follower. Further, the profit-maximizing manager may generate a larger firm profit relative to the sales-revenue-maximizing manager.  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2014,68(4):324-337
We investigate how increased competition affects firm owners׳ incentives and managers׳ efforts in a laboratory experiment. Each owner offers a compensation scheme to his manager in two different conditions: under monopoly and under Cournot duopoly. Following acceptance of the compensation, the manager chooses an effort level to increase the probability of a cost-reduction which affects the firm׳s profit. According to standard theoretical predictions the entry of a rival firm in a monopolistic industry affects negatively both the incentive compensation and the effort level. Our experimental findings show that the entry of a rival firm has two effects on managerial effort: an internalization effect which affects positively the level of effort and an income effect which has a negative impact on effort. The combined outcome of these two effects is neutral with respect to managerial effort: we observe that when competition reduces the firm׳s profit, the owner reacts by offering lower incentives but despite the lower incentives the manager still accepts the contract offer and exerts the same level of effort than under the monopoly condition.  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2023,77(1):152-158
We study in a Stackelberg industry the licensing of a product that embodies an innovation (quality-improving product) whose owner may be the firm that plays as a leader or a follower in setting output in the the product market. We find that the innovation is transferred (and social welfare is reduced) if its owner is the market-leader firm. However, if the innovation is in the hands of the market-follower firm, it is not licensed, even though licensing would be welfare enhancing. Thus, subsidizing R&D with the mandatory licensing of the resulting innovation may be a socially desirable policy.  相似文献   

Profit sharing schemes have been analysed assuming Cournot competition and decentralised wage negotiations, and it has been found that firms share profits in equilibrium. This paper analyses a different remuneration system: employee share ownership. We find that whether firms choose to share ownership or not depends on both the type of competition in the product market and the way in which workers organise to negotiate wages. If wage setting is decentralised, under duopolistic Cournot competition both firms share ownership. If wage setting is centralised, only one firm shares ownership if the degree to which goods are substitutes takes an intermediate value; otherwise, the two firms share ownership. In this case, if the union sets the same wage for all workers neither firm shares ownership. Therefore, centralised wage setting discourages share ownership. Finally, under Bertrand competition neither firm shares ownership regardless of how workers are organised to negotiate wages.  相似文献   

This study explores the effects of asymmetric information on endogenous leadership in a simple tax competition environment. The study models a two-country economy where one country is informed about its own and opponent's productivity of private goods, while the other country only knows its productivity. The results show that each type of informed country has an incentive to pretend to be the other type, which leads to a Stackelberg outcome endogenously, while the simultaneous move is the unique outcome under complete information. Under the Stackelberg outcome, the uninformed country moves first and the informed country moves second. Moreover, ex-post social welfare under asymmetric information can become larger than that under complete information, because the uninformed country chooses a less aggressive tax rate under asymmetric information. These results depend on the type of uncertainty, and capital ownership and share.  相似文献   

This paper re‐examines endogenous Stackelberg leader–follower relations by modelling an explicitly dynamic market. We analyze a twice‐repeated duopoly where, in the beginning, each firm chooses either a quantity‐sticky production mode or a quantity‐flexible production mode. The size of the market becomes observable after the first period. In the second period, a firm can adjust its quantity if and only if it has adopted the flexible mode. Hence, if one firm chooses the sticky mode whilst the other chooses the flexible mode, then they respectively play the roles of a Stackelberg leader and a Stackelberg follower in the second marketing period. Somewhat intriguing is the finding that such a Stackelberg‐like equilibrium can arise only when the relative weight of the pre‐Stackelberg first marketing period is sufficiently high, with time preferences being sufficiently strong.  相似文献   

This paper revisits De Fraja and Delbono (1989), which is the seminal paper on mixed oligopoly, in order to pay more attention to Stackelberg competition. First, we show that, even in Cournot competition, if the number of private firms is sufficiently small, privatization necessarily reduces social welfare. Second, we demonstrate that when a public firm is a Stackelberg leader before and after privatization, privatization necessarily reduces welfare irrespective of the number of private firms. Moreover, we show that even when a public firm remains a follower, privatization reduces welfare if the number of private firms is relatively small.  相似文献   

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