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卫珑 《经济纵横》1992,(6):22-24
<正> 一、我国城镇住宅面临的两个主要矛盾改革开放以来,国家为了改善城镇居民的住房条件,进行了住宅大规模的投资建设.但住房短缺的矛盾并未彻底解决,突出表现为:1、供需矛盾.目前全国城镇仍有无房户和住房困难户800万户,其中人均居住面积2平方米以下的特困户有50万户,还有5000万平方米的危房、6亿平方米解放前遗留下来和五、六十年代建造的简易房需要改造.此外,每年有200万对新婚青年需要住房.据测算,按人均8平方米居住面积和目前我国居住面积与辅助面积的比例系米1∶0.35推算,每年至少需要5000万平方  相似文献   

随着我国城镇化建设的不断发展,住房公积金制度在推动城镇住房制度改革、提高城镇居民住房水平、改善城镇中低收入家庭住房条件方面发挥了重要作用,而进一步加强住房公积金内部控制管理,也显得更加重要.本文从住房公积金内部控制的意义和作用入手,分析了公积金内部控制存在的不足,并提出相关的解决措施,以确保住房公积金的资产安全及使用效率的提高.  相似文献   

孔静芬 《经济视角》2007,(11):31-33
一、城镇居民住房的变化情况随着房地产业的迅猛发展和住房分配货币化进程的加快,住房市场日趋完善和活跃。近几年,城镇居民消费重点已从吃、穿、用向住、行和教育等方面转变,住房消费在居民消费中的比例显著提高,城镇居民的住房条件明显改善。  相似文献   

我国的住房公积金制度已经经过了十几年的发展,现在已经成为我国住房制度改革的重要内容和中心环节,它的本质是住房分配货币化的一种形式,也是一种住房保障制度,同时还是在社会主义市场经济条件下改善城镇居民住房条件的有效途径.我国住房公积金制度的实施,转变居民住宅消费观念、推进住房商品化、对改变住房分配体制,完善国民经济结构等方面发挥了巨大作用.  相似文献   

5月22日,记者从国家统计局吉林调查总队获悉。2007年吉林省城镇居民人均消费支出已达8560.30元,比1981年的348.02元增长了23.6倍。1998年房改后,吉林省城镇居民人均住房使用面积迅速增加。1999年为10.28平方米.2007年达到20.6平方米,8年人均居住面积翻1番。  相似文献   

近年来,城镇居民家庭居住条件有了很大改善,据统计,到目前为止,有63%的城镇居民住上了单元配套住房,其中有56%是两居室及两居室以上住房;人均居住面积超过8平方米的家庭已达66.3%。其中有23.2%的家庭安装了电话,有30.5%的家庭住房归自己所有。  相似文献   

德国住房储蓄及其中国本土化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
彭伟琳  刘艳红 《经济论坛》2005,(23):121-123
一、住房储蓄中国本土化的可行性分析 (一) 我国住房需求态势分析 1.住房需求总量大。据建设部有关资料显示,到2010年,我国城镇居民人均居住面积将从1999年的9.6平方米增加到12.5平方米。城镇现有住房中有4亿多平方米的住房需要拆迁改造。随着中国城市化进程的加快,预计到本世纪中叶,城镇人口也将从目前的3.7亿增加到6.3亿(王家庭)。而根据国家统计局全国抽样调查显示,目前中国每年新增约1800万~2000万城市人口,按城市人均住房22平方米计算,每年将需要4.4亿平方米的住房。  相似文献   

一、引言1998年实行住房制度的货币化、市场化改革以来,我国房地产事业迅速发展,城镇居民住房条件得到普遍改善。但近几年来,我国城镇居民住房价格一路走高,加上各种不合理的投资、投机行为造成的住房资源分配不公,使居民住房成为社会的重大焦点问题,引起了广泛的不满。  相似文献   

住房公积金制度的实施在改善城镇居民住房条件,拉动经济增长起到了有利的支撑.本文通过对近五年南平市住房公积金运行情况进行分析,寻找出住房公积金运行中存在的主要问题,进而对住房公积金改革提出对策和建议.  相似文献   

根据国家统计资料表明,城镇居民收入与GDP增长相比,多年来一直呈现下降状态,2012年国家统计年鉴的数据,2011年末城镇居民人数69079万人,城镇居民平均住房面积32.7平方米,城镇居民住房总面积为226亿平方米,城镇商品房平均价格4993元/平方米,城镇居民住房商品房的价值为113万亿元,人均财富价值为16.3万元。以上表明城镇居民手中最大的财富就是存量住房,城镇居民收入与GDP相比是下降的,所以完全靠居民收入购买住房,是不可能的,那么居民住房的财富是怎样来的呢那么城镇居民致富又在哪里就是个值得我们探讨的问题了。  相似文献   

《Journal of public economics》2006,90(4-5):799-822
This paper estimates the incidence of the most important UK rent subsidy, housing benefit (HB). It exploits changes to housing benefit in 1996 and 1997 that reduced the maximum subsidy payable. The research design is based on the fact that the changes only applied to new claimants and not to pre-existing claimants. We use difference-in-differences to estimate the size of the treatment effect. We show that the changes did have an effect on the level of housing subsidy with an estimated fall of 10–15% in benefit receipt in the treatment group relative to the control group. There is also evidence that rents paid fell by 6–11%. We find no evidence this can be explained by a fall in housing consumption by the treatment group. Our estimates imply that between 60% and two-thirds of the incidence of the subsidy reduction was on landlords.  相似文献   

为探讨住房保障政策效率,本文分别运用Probit模型和多元Logit模型,实证测算了北京市廉租房和经济适用房的瞄准效率及其影响因素。结果发现:(1)从住房保障政策瞄准效率看,廉租房明显高于经济适用房,并且,随着政府保障能力的提升,提高住房保障收入标准和瞄准效率之间将是一个两难选择;(2)在住房保障收入标准较低时,一些显性指标可以用来作为识别保障对象的辅助性工具;(3)从廉租房瞄准错误的原因看,目标家庭所在社区规模越大,出现第Ⅰ类瞄准错误的可能性越大。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the incidence of housing subsidies, which we analyze using Finnish panel data. The main data set includes 50,000 households that received housing allowances during the period 2000–2008. In addition, we utilize repeated cross-sections of all Finnish households for 1989–2008, the annual sample exceeding 10,000. Estimation results suggest that a part of the subsidies will indeed go into rental prices. A conservative estimate of the size of the shift is one-third, but it is certainly possible that the number is as high as 50 %. On the other hand, the subsidy seems to have increased housing demand more than the subsidy-induced income effect would have implied, which is in accordance with the goals of the subsidy program. Our results seem to be consistent with other studies, which have also indicated relatively large rent effects. If this is indeed the case, we are advised to reconsider the need for reforming the system of housing subsidies, at least with respect to the share of costs that remains on households’ own accounts and the implicit indexation of the system.  相似文献   

This paper examines the real effects of inflation under a distortionary tax system. The presence of a tax subsidy to housing substantially alters the effects of inflation on the capital intensity of production and on the market interest rate. The analysis suggests that not taxing the flow of services from housing has caused inflation to reduce capital intensity, thereby decreasing U.S. productivity. Furthermore, this tax subsidy has caused inflation to raise the real interest rate while reducing the after-tax real returns to assets.  相似文献   

公平与效率视角下住宅消费保障制度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
住宅消费保障是社会保障的重要组成部分,它实质上是对国民收入的一种再分配。这个分配过程对公平与效率具有双重效应,不掌握一定的“度”就有可能产生负面影响。因此,基于公平与效率的视角来探讨中国住宅消费保障制度的完善是很有必要的,我们可以从以下几方面来对现行的住宅消费保障制度进行完善,如加强对住宅消费保障的法律支持;建立透明的居民财产收入审报体系;建立住房保障配租补贴体系;建立住房保障的动态调整机制等。  相似文献   

The justifications for housing subsidy programs in developing countries often rely upon substantial indirect benefits accruing to program participants (in the form of improved health, earning capacity or employment, or non-market activity). The empirical analysis in this paper suggests that such programs may often be justified solely on the basis of direct impacts. The paper presents a methodology for deriving rigorously the direct Hicksian benefits of housing subsidy programs such as ‘sites-and-services’ and ‘slum upgrading’ projects in developing countries. The methodology is used to evaluate the net benefits of a sites and services project typical of recent urban shelter programs sponsored by the World Bank. The results suggest that the direct benefits of such programs may be substantial. In the particular case analyzed, the rate of return approaches 40 percent.  相似文献   

The relationship between housing costs, wages and transfer programmes is complex yet helps determine the incentive to work for individuals in low income or high housing cost households. We estimate a static discrete choice labour supply model that allows for housing benefit programme participation, using samples of married women and unmarried women drawn from Great Britain Family Resources Surveys 1994/5–97/8. We find women are quite responsive to labour supply incentives and that housing benefit income has similar incentive effects to earned income which suggests any 'stigma' is small. Our analysis is complemented by simulating housing benefit and direct rent subsidy reforms.  相似文献   

我国渔业补贴政策及其改革探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国的渔业补贴政策在一定程度上是积极有效的,但同时也存在补贴总量不足、渔业补贴结构不合理、补贴种类不齐全和补贴核算指标体系不规范等问题。针对存在的问题,我国应从补贴结构、补贴种类和核算方法三个方面对渔业补贴予以改进:从SCM协定中渔业补贴分类、产业结构和补贴方式三方面调整渔业补贴结构;从逐渐削减渔船燃油补贴、加大远洋渔业补贴、新增休闲渔业补贴、建立政府支持型渔业保险制度等方面调整渔业补贴种类;把生产者补贴等值法(PSE)作为渔业补贴核算方法。  相似文献   

Within a second-best duocentric urban economics framework where labor income taxation distorts workplace choices on account of commuting costs, this paper studies a commuting subsidy, which distorts land use. It is shown that a commuting subsidy increases welfare if and only if it shifts labor supply from less to more productive business districts.  相似文献   

This paper reexamines the question of the incidence and effects of the U.S. Federal income tax subsidy of owner-occupied housing. We demonstrate that supply elasticity considerations are crucial in determining the incidence and efficiency effects of the subsidy and that the hitherto neglected problem of the transfer of resources to subsidized owner-occupiers from unsubsidized renters is substantial. We provide estimates of the transfer and deadweight loss effects for the current program.  相似文献   

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