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Norman出生于新加坡的小康之家,由于身高优势,在读小学的时候被选入“童乐队”当鼓手,之后音乐一直是他生活的重心,直到服完兵役后面对就业时才意识到,音乐作为一种嗜好非常美好,但是作为职业,未必是一个很好的选择。因此,当一个在广告公司工作的朋友想要他加入广告公司时,他没有太多的挣扎就义无返顾的入了广告这个行业。  相似文献   

丁邦清 《广告大观》2004,(3):140-140
营销之于广告人,是作为爱好还是必要?广告人除了要不断地修炼自己的策划能力、创意功力与艺术涵养外,是否也要不断提升自己对营销的认识与造诣?2005年12月27日,第二届中国实战营销高峰论坛在广州白天鹅宾馆举行,同时揭晓2005年度十大营销事件和十大营销人物。我作为营销事件的点评嘉宾,点评了爆果汽、威露士、白云山板蓝  相似文献   

什么是广告创意?“Creative”在英语中表示“创意”,其意思是创造、刨建、造成。“创意”从字面上理解是“创造意象之意”,从这一层面进行挖掘,则广告创意是介于广告策划与广告表现制作之间的艺术构思活动。即根据广告主题,经过精心思考和策划,运用艺术手段,把所掌握的材料进行创造性的组合,  相似文献   

龚友诚 《广告大观》2006,(5S):130-130
David龚,你在北大教什么啊? 广告。 像你这样,有实际经验的老师应该不多吧?多数广告系的老师只会教一堆理论,毕业后学生进到广告公司就根本帮不上忙,我们都必须从头教起,理论与实际经验的落差其实太大了,何况每家广告公司的理念不见得完全一样,广告教育最缺的就是有实战经验的老师。  相似文献   

申思 《广告大观》2006,(5S):146-147
当我尚在学校日日苦读的时候,他已经是个标准的广告人了。那个时候,我总是艳羡地望着他,以及他特有的广告人的生活方式。直到我们分开,直到我也进了广告公司工作。才发现,虽然爱情已然不在,而那些懒散的,激情的,格调的……方式,已然成为我身体里固有的习惯,挥散不去了。  相似文献   

赖致宇 《中国广告》2011,(4):160-161
4A广告公司的广告人都有英文名字。不只广告公司,所有的外企员工几乎都有英文名字。不只外企,许多年轻人几乎也都有英文名字。  相似文献   

郑文奕出生于1983年上海博派广告公司丁丽雅出生于1983年上海同盟广告公司顾晓琳出生于1983年博达大桥国际广告传媒有限公司吕毅杰出生于1984年电通广告公司市场部唐卫芳出生于1982年空中网从事广告业后,觉得广告界和之前的认识有什么不同吗?丁丽雅:不同。广告业充满着挑战,有着旖旎绚丽的色彩,活泼、积极、美妙——这只是一面,它还有着“艰辛”,当客户无情地challenge你的提案,当创意不认同你的观点,当加班还是加班的时候……是苦是甜就看你怎么体味了。顾晓琳:很多不一样。比如加班比想象的多;吃饭有一顿没一顿;创意不是最大,客户才是最大…  相似文献   

贵阳乃至贵州独特的地域。相对滞后的经济环境,生于斯长于斯的思路……一切都烙印了它自身的特点。这块土地上生存着的公司自然也就有了自己的个案特色。通过与大量的广告公司接触。我们找到了……  相似文献   

胡晓云 《广告大观》2005,(10):41-42
歌德曾说“人对人最感兴趣。”似乎对人感兴趣是人与生俱来的因由。一直以来,我对广告人的生存状态都保持着深刻地关切。但我的这种关切,更重要的因由是我想为我的学生们探究到他们未来的生存空间和事业环境。  相似文献   

Customer satisfaction contributes to firm financial performance, but does it contribute to top executives' pay? Our empirical evidence shows that it may not. Customer-satisfying executives tend to have lower pay than their productive peers, even if both satisfaction and productivity contribute to firm financial performance. Thus, customer satisfaction is underappreciated, which may result in both less societal welfare and worse company performance. We propose a board myopia mechanism to account for this phenomenon. In facing short-term financial performance pressure from investors, and the asymmetric information availability between accounting-based and market-based assets for compensation decisions, the board of directors may be myopic, underappreciating executives who invest in market-based assets such as customer satisfaction that drive long-term returns. We examine this satisfaction underappreciation phenomenon empirically using 23 years of panel data that detail firm productivity, customer satisfaction, firm financial performance, and executive compensation. The longitudinal data are analyzed using fixed-effect panel models and a simultaneous system of panel vector autoregression equations with interactions to assess the direct effect of firm financial performance and its carryover effect to executive compensation across executives who are productive, customer-satisfying, or both. The results confirm that customer-satisfying executives are underappreciated: being productive is financially rewarding for both firms and executives, while being customer-satisfying is financially rewarding for firms but not as much for executives. We further demonstrate that using total shareholder returns to benchmark firm financial performance and reward executives with a higher proportion of stock compensation can encourage a long-term focus that alleviates this customer underappreciation.  相似文献   

本文阐述了客户关系管理中的顾客满意的概念和特点,分析了企业在真正做到令顾客满意后可以获得的优势和价值.  相似文献   

A study of more than 400 food-service managers found that well over one-fourth of the respondents intended to leave their position in the near future—with at least half of those planning to depart the food-service business entirely. Even among the managers who were reasonably content with their jobs in the near term, two out of five thought it was unlikely that they'd stay with their company for five years. The top reason given by the respondents for wanting to leave was salary and benefits. Given previous studies of reasons for turnover, the authors examined the extent of a connection between turnover intention and the following factors: job satisfaction, life satisfaction, and interrole conflict, and such demographic variables as age, tenure, race, and gender. Three of those factors had a significant effect on respondents' intent to leave in the short term: intrinsic job satisfaction, life satisfaction, and age. In each case, the higher the value of the variable (more satisfaction, greater age), the less likely the chances of turnover. Satisfaction also played a significant part in expectations of long-term turnover.  相似文献   

A number of recent research studies have demonstrated the presence of a positive link between customer‐contact employees' work satisfaction and customer satisfaction. However, existing studies have largely neglected describing conditions under which the link between these two constructs is stronger or weaker. The authors of this study argue that certain customer characteristics (such as customer trust, customer price consciousness, and the importance of product/service to the customer) and salesperson characteristics (such as empathy, expertise, and reliability) moderate the relationship between salespeople's work satisfaction and customer satisfaction. Balance theory is used to justify the hypotheses of the study. Tests of the hypotheses are based on a dyadic data set collected across manufacturing and services industries in a business‐to‐business context. Results reveal that the link between work satisfaction and customer satisfaction is systematically moderated by the salesperson and customer characteristics under consideration. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Customer satisfaction and brand equity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study here examines the interaction between shareholder value and customer satisfaction, as well as the impact on a firm's brand equity. Customer satisfaction may have a positive effect on brand equity, except when managers show excessive customer orientation, in which case the effect is negative because of reductions in shareholder value. The empirical analysis uses incomplete panel data pertaining to 69 firms from 11 nations during the period 2002-2005 and supports the theoretical contentions. This result warns of the perverse effect on brand equity of implementing policies focused exclusively on satisfying customers at the expense of shareholders' interests.  相似文献   

Consumer satisfaction has been defined as an objective or subjective state variable. This paper presents an emerging view where satisfaction is construed as a subjective process of consumption experience. We examine studies that have explicitly or implicitly explored the conceptual and empirical domain of satisfaction as a multidimensional process of interactions among mental and overt behavior activities unfolding after purchase over time. Using a dynamic, six-dimension process framework we integrate previous, seemingly disjoint research efforts, and derive related research propositions. Issues in researching satisfaction as a process are also discussed.  相似文献   

Determinants of satisfaction for entrepreneurs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study considers the extent to which entrepreneurs are satisfied with their businesses in their third year of business ownership. Entrepreneurial satisfaction might be viewed as a basic measure of performance. It may bear upon decisions by individual entrepreneurs about whether to invest more time and money, whether to cut back, or whether to close down. It may also influence whether entrepreneurs work effectively with their customers and employees. For researchers, the investigation of why, in particular settings, some entrepreneurs may be more satisfied than others may aid in the interpretation of past research, which has used this as a performance measure.This research draws upon a theoretical framework used in investigations of employee satisfaction. Called discrepancy theory, it suggests that individual satisfaction is determined, in part, by whether there is a “gap” between actual rewards or performance and the individual's goals or expectations.In this research, it was hypothesized that entrepreneurs emphasizing primarily noneconomic goals (such as doing the work they wanted to do) would have higher satisfaction when the business was experiencing lower levels of performance. For higher levels of performance, there would be no difference. In essence, the satisfaction of those emphasizing economic goals would vary more with economic performance. A related hypothesis was that, for this sample of start-up firms (many of which would be experiencing low levels of performance), those emphasizing noneconomic goals would have higher average levels of satisfaction. This was based upon the expectation that many start-up firms would be experiencing marginal performance, so that the “gap” between goals and performance would be greater for economically oriented entrepreneurs. The research also focused upon expectations, because one aspect of discrepancy theory suggests that satisfaction decreases if there is a gap between expectations and performance. Accordingly, it was hypothesized that, controlling for performance, entrepreneurs with higher initial expectations would subsequently have lower levels of satisfaction. Previous research suggests that membership in particular demographic groups may influence expectations. This led to hypotheses that older entrepreneurs, female entrepreneurs, and minority entrepreneurs would have lower levels of initial expectations. This, in turn, may influence later satisfaction. Thus, it was hypothesized that, controlling for performance, entrepreneurs in each of these groups would have higher satisfaction because their initial expectations would be lower. The study utilized a sample of 287 entrepreneurs who were followed over a 3-year period. The data on predictors of satisfaction were gathered in year 1, when the average owner had been in business for 11 months. The satisfaction measures were gathered 2 years later. By that time there should have been some stabilization in the routines of the business, and the entrepreneur could reflect upon historic performance and experiences in judging the extent to which business ownership had been satisfying. The data were analyzed primarily using path analysis, in which it was hypothesized that certain variables would have both direct and indirect effects upon satisfaction.It was found that the satisfaction of entrepreneurs emphasizing economic goals was not more sensitive to economic performance, at least within the range of performance considered in this sample. For this group of firms, many of which appeared to be experiencing marginal performance, those emphasizing noneconomic goals did express higher levels of satisfaction. It had been expected that those with higher initial expectations would later be less satisfied because they would have a greater expectation-performance gap. However, the opposite was found; those who were more optimistic initially were more satisfied later, even when controlling for performance. Demographic influences on initial expectations were examined. Contrary to expectations, none of the demographic traits was significantly related to initial assessment of likelihood of success. Older entrepreneurs, women entrepreneurs, and minority entrepreneurs were just as optimistic as those in other groups. The relationship between membership in these demographic groups and later satisfaction was also examined. No significant relationships were found for older entrepreneurs and minority entrepreneurs. However, there was some evidence (p = .07) that women entrepreneurs were more satisfied with business ownership.Two of the most interesting findings were those related to initial expectations and to women entrepreneurs. Contrary to discrepancy theory, those who had higher initial expectations were later more satisfied, not less. This may suggest, as Staw and Ross (1985) found in a longitudinal study of employee satisfaction, that attitudes are, in part, a function of stable individual traits. Those who had a positive view of their initial prospects later viewed the experience of business ownership more favorably, regardless of subsequent performance. For women entrepreneurs, the higher levels of satisfaction may reflect a view that they have fewer attractive alternatives; it may also be that they discover greater relative satisfaction from the day-to-day aspects of business ownership.For entrepreneurs and their advisors, the findings suggest that particular goals, attitudes, and backgrounds are likely to be associated with greater satisfaction. This may influence whether entrepreneurs stay with marginal businesses. For researchers, the study provides insight into discrepancy theory by considering its application to entrepreneurs rather than the hired employees normally studied. In addition, subjective measures of performance, such as satisfaction, have often been used in previous research on entrepreneurial performance. This study casts light on why, in particular settings, some entrepreneurs may be more satisfied than others.  相似文献   

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