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中国加入世贸组织后,随着中国与世贸组织各成员方之间相互开放市场,我国乡镇企业不仅继续面临激烈的国内竞争,还将面临更加错综复杂的国际竞争,许多国外企业将“杀上门来”,在我们“家门口”与我们展开拼杀,我国乡镇企业的生存环境将更为严峻,同时,由于国外市场的开放,我国乡镇企业也面临着空前的竞争机会和发展机遇。笔者认为,每一个企业,特别是我国改革开放以来异军突起的乡镇企业,应未雨绸缪,及早对企业经营发展战略作出抉择,而多元化和专业化,就是两种不同的企业发展战略。近年来,随着资产重组的浪潮,许多企业自觉或不…  相似文献   

专业化是指企业在单一业务领域里从事经营活动,多元化是指企业在两个以上不同业务领域从事经营活动。  相似文献   

企业专业化成长:利基战略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
康荣平 《经济界》2003,(5):49-53
一、WTO后中国企业的主导战略:归核化与专业化 改革开放以来,中国企业从自然成长逐渐转变为战略成长。80、90年代,由于中国经济的高速发展,加上大部分时间处于短缺经济状态,中国企业在自然成长的基础上所做的战略选择,居主导地位的是多元化战略。虽然在市场经济下,企业成长的一般规律是先专业化成长,在搞好专业化的基础上才可能迈第二步,即多元化发展。由于中国转轨经济的特定环境,使中国企业没有按  相似文献   

进行专业化经营,还是多元化经营,是企业经营战略选择的重要方面。其选择是否适当直接影响企业的经营效益,影响企业的生存与发展。一、专业化经营战略的运作机理专业化经营战略长期以来深受许多世界级管理大师的推  相似文献   

当企业获得核心竞争力时,要制定经营战略,必须致力于寻找自身核心竞争力可以发挥作用的经营领域,而不应该去涉足核心竞争图片难以作用的经营领域。以核心竞争力为基础开展多元化经营,把核心竞争力延伸到力所能及的范围,最终会在各个领域取得或功。  相似文献   

关于企业战略发展道路的讨论,目前有很多,主要集中在两个方面。一个是专业化道路,一个是多元化道路。前些年,企业界有一种倾向,即盲目追求大而全,一味地盲目扩张,大搞多元化战略,但仅仅是数量上的叠加,很难形成新的竞争优势,结果走了不少弯路。时至今日,企业界又回归到专业化道  相似文献   

近年来,许多大中小企业纷纷采取多元化经营战略以期为企业提供更多的发展机会和更大的发展空间,多元化经营一度被认为是企业发展到一定阶段的必由之路。但多元化经营是一把双刃剑,它带给企业的可能是好处也可能是风险,因此企业应该结合自身的能力和多元化经营的条件,来决定是否采用多元化经营战略。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to introduce new evidence of the extent to which, and circumstances under which, upper-level executives specialize their environmental scanning activities according to their hierarchical levels and functional areas. Results suggest that neither of these two role variables is closely or consistently related to the focus or overall amount of scanning. Patterns differed across the three industries studied.  相似文献   

花旗银行的人才战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
做世界金融领域的领导者,这是花旗集团的战略定位.这个全球首屈一指的国际金融服务机构,为100多个国家1.2亿个人客户、企业、政府部门及机构提供多元化的产品和服务,包括零售银行及信贷、企业及投资银行、保险、证券经纪及资产管理.谁来为经理人"减负"?  相似文献   

Commitment: The Dynamic of Strategy , by Pankaj Ghemawat.
Ghemawat's Commitment makes recent results in game-theoretic industrial organization accessible and useful to practitioners in the field of strategic management. This book contributes to the management strategy literature on two levels. On a conceptual level, Ghemawat strives to isolate "commitment" as the sole explanation of persistent differences in firm performance. On a more pragmatic level, he provides a framework intended to aid managers in making commitment-intensive decisions. It is with respect to how well he achieves these two distinct goals that I evaluate Ghemawat's contribution. In addition, I review briefly the book's content, and I compare Ghemawat's approach to some alternative approaches familiar to scholars and practitioners of strategic management.  相似文献   

Vertical specialization (VS) is often measured by the import contents of the exports, using an input–output (I–O) framework. Half of China's exports are processing exports, which largely depend on imported intermediate inputs and tie up upstream as well as downstream trade partners. Thus, one would expect to find strong VS for China. Using the ‘ordinary’ I–O tables, however, this is not the case. Because the production of processing exports is only a small part of total production, the average input structure in the I–O table hides the typical features of processing exports. Using adapted, tripartite I–O tables (for 2002 and 2007) in which the processing exports have been singled out, indeed reveals the expected strong VS in China.  相似文献   

以企业为对象的价值工程,仍遵循以适当的成本获取较好功能的基本原理.但相对于产品、工程或某一项具体的工作来说,企业系统复杂得多,其分析的自由度或不确定性更大.本文在对若干个企业进行实际诊断和研究的基础上,提出以企业成本财务作为基础、以战略化评价作为企业功能评价的基本方法的、以企业为对象的价值工程的方法思路,并提议将企业的组织改进和战略信息平台的构建作为两个主要的突破点.  相似文献   

当代城市建设需要一场革命,大脚的革命。这个革命有两个关键的战略,第一,"反规划"解放和恢复自然之大脚,改变现有的城市发展建设规划模式,建立一套生态基础设施;第二,必须倡导基于生态与环境伦理的新美学——大脚美学,认识到自然是美的,崇尚野草之美,健康的生态过程与格局之美,丰产之美。  相似文献   

无心 《房地产导刊》2009,(10):116-116
这座城市正在追求梦想的过程中迷失自我,无数建筑师力图的破“内向”、“封闭”,实现“融合”,“多功能化”的设计梦想,却因几个普通市民而实现。如同地铁站也可以用来跳舞一样,生活中处处都是学问,我们理应认真观察并注意到身边事物的剩余价值,并且利用它来改善生活。  相似文献   

Theories of the firm provide a perspective for thinking about organizational objectives and a framework for analysing important research problems. Here, we demonstrate the usefulness of several economic theories of the firm for guiding strategy research. We evaluate the relevance of each theory with regard to how the underlying conceptualization of the firm permits us to investigate issues of substantive interest to strategy researchers, and how compatible the assumptions contained within the theory are with the traditional strategy framework. We also examine the relevance of the theories from the viewpoint of philosophical methodology. We argue that, because of the integrative nature of strategy research, it is imperative for researchers to adopt multiple frameworks represented by different theories for the advancement of the field.  相似文献   

Attempts at developing a taxonomic classification scheme for knowledge in the area of strategy contain major shortcomings. With the aim of breaking through the limitations inherent in these classification efforts, this article rejects the idea that strategic discourse is autonomous, and proposes instead that organization theories be considered, since these allow for the development of discursive forms in the field of strategy. Four types of strategic discourse are identified; these are the classical, contingency, socio-political and socio-cognitive forms. the authors also stress the importance of developing a critical form of discourse in this area of study.  相似文献   

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