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Short‐termism need not breed informational price inefficiency even when generating beauty contests. We demonstrate this claim in a two‐period market with persistent liquidity trading and risk‐averse, privately informed, short‐term investors and find that prices reflect average expectations about fundamentals and liquidity trading. Informed investors engage in “retrospective” learning to reassess inferences (about fundamentals) made during the trading game's early stages. This behavior introduces strategic complementarities in the use of information and can yield two stable equilibria that can be ranked in terms of liquidity, volatility, and informational efficiency. We derive implications that explain market anomalies as well as empirical regularities.  相似文献   

The informational role of strategic insider trading around corporate dividend announcements is studied based on the efficient equilibrium in a signalling model with endogenous insider trading. Insider trading immediately prior to the announcement of dividend initiations has significant explanatory power. For firms with insider selling prior to the dividend initiation announcement, the excess returns are negative and significantly lower than for the remaining firms (with no insider trading or just insider buying) as implied by our model. Another implication is that dividend increases may elicit a positive or negative stock price response depending on the firm's investment opportunities.  相似文献   

We extend Kyle's [Kyle, A. S. 1985. “Continuous Auctions and Insider Trading.” Econometrica 53, 1315–1335] analysis of sequential auction markets to the case in which the insider is risk-averse and discounts her trading profits as her private information is long-lived. We see that time-discounting exacerbates the impact of risk-aversion on the optimal trading strategy of the insider. Ceteris paribus, a larger degree of risk-aversion or a smaller time-discount factor induces the informed agent to consume more rapidly her informational advantage increasing the liquidity and efficiency of the securities market.  相似文献   

Until 2004, the London Stock Exchange allowed firms to be traded in the specialized SEAQ-I platform without the firm's involvement. Trading only required an application by one LSE trading member firm. Such an institutional arrangement, which made cross-listings possible without a firms' approval, allows for a direct test of different theories of foreign listing. In particular, we can differentiate between market segmentation and liquidity hypotheses, which rely on a firm trading in a foreign exchange and informational hypotheses, which assume that a firm makes the decision to trade in a foreign exchange. We identify a sample of international firms that are admitted to trading on London's SEAQ-I platform without their involvement. We estimate the valuation effects of this multi-market trading event and compare them to those enjoyed by firms that pursue a standard London Stock Exchange cross-listing. A cross-sectional abnormal returns analysis documents significant evidence in support of information-related hypotheses of cross-listing. An analysis of the firms' home market price volatility corroborates the results.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates that easily processed texts affect investor trading behavior even in the absence of any informational content. We examine the trading symbols of US firms and find that stocks with clever tickers (those that are actual words in the English language) are more liquid, as measured by higher turnover and trading volume, as well as lower spreads. Furthermore, clever ticker stocks are traded more by uninformed investors and have larger market reactions on earnings announcement days. These results suggest that ticker fluency facilitates trading by improving the firm's visibility among retail investors through attention grabbing and memorization.  相似文献   

I examine the relative informational efficiency of the London Stock Exchange's newly launched Order book for Retail Bonds (ORB). I find that the daily returns for the stocks of the issuing firms lead the daily returns of the retail bonds born in the ORB. This finding also holds for pre-existing bonds that were transferred to the ORB from the LSE's Main Market and for the bonds with different credit ratings, issue sizes, and maturity times. I also find that bonds have very limited predictive ability for stock returns. Overall, the results provide strong evidence that the underlying stock market is relatively more efficient than the ORB. Further, the relative informational inefficiency of the ORB implies profitable trading opportunities for private investors.  相似文献   

This study provides an empirical test of the informational efficiency of the stock market by exploring the stock price and volume patterns exhibited by Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors around the time of announcement of severe automotive recall campaigns. Because information concerning automotive recalls is released to the public via two distinct methods, which differ only with respect to the number of market participants notified of the recall campaigns, a differential performance analysis of stock returns and trading volume around both events provides evidence of the degree of informational aggregation in the stock market for three closely followed U.S. firms. The results of the study fail to support the definitional notion of informational efficiency with respect to the first public release date of severe recalls, as the vast majority of the stock market's response to recall announcements does not occur until the information is reported to all market participants. Further, tests of differential trading volume around the announcements suggest that some members of the financial community may be trading securities on the basis of the information contained in the first public announcement.  相似文献   

Markets have an allocational role; even in the absence of news about payoffs, prices change to facilitate trade and allocate resources to their best use. Allocational price changes create noise in the signal extraction process, and markets where such trading is important are markets in which we may expect to find a failure of informational efficiency. An important source of allocational trading is the use of dynamic trading strategies caused by the incomplete equitization of risks. Incomplete equitization causes trade. Trade implies the inefficiency of passive strategies, thus requiring investors to determine whether price changes are informational or allocational.  相似文献   

We revisit the information content of stock trading by corporate insiders with an expectation that opportunistic insiders will spread their trades over longer periods of time when they have a longer-lived informational advantage, and trade in a short window of time when their advantage is fleeting. Controlling for the duration of insiders' trading strategies, we find robust new evidence that both insiders' sales and purchases predict abnormal stock returns. In addition, we provide evidence that insiders attempt to preserve their informational advantages and increase their trading profits by disclosing their trades after the market has closed. When insiders report their trades after business hours, they are more likely to engage in longer series of trades, they trade more shares overall, and their trades are associated with larger abnormal returns. Finally, we show how accounting for these trading patterns sharpens screens for corporate insiders who trade on infor- mation.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of foreign trading of U.S. Treasuries on the market's microstructure. Two intervals, the first characterized by heavy run‐ups in foreign ownership (1/1994–6/1997), and the second by multiple indicators of peaking of foreign ownership (7/1997–2000), are followed. Our findings reveal systematic effects associated with foreign trading. For instance, reductions in liquidity and trade sizes, and increases in informational asymmetry and dealer risk aversion, accompany falling demand for Treasury debt. Moreover, in this environment, foreign trading volume plays a larger explanatory role about the market's microstructure, than in an environment of rising demand. We also find dealer reactions to foreign transactions vary across the term‐structure.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model with a tractable log‐linear equilibrium to analyze the effects of informational frictions in commodity markets. By aggregating dispersed information about the strength of the global economy among goods producers whose production has complementarity, commodity prices serve as price signals to guide producers' production decisions and commodity demand. Our model highlights important feedback effects of informational noise originating from supply shocks and futures market trading on commodity demand and spot prices. Our analysis illustrates the weakness common in empirical studies on commodity markets of assuming that different types of shocks are publicly observable to market participants.  相似文献   

We predict that accounting conservatism influences insiders' opportunities to speculate on good and bad news, and thus, insider trading profitability. We find that greater conditional (unconditional) conservatism is associated with lower (higher) insiders' profitability from sales. We find limited evidence that conservatism influences profitability from purchases. These findings are consistent with our hypotheses on the different informational roles of conditional and unconditional conservatism, and on the asymmetric influence of conservatism over the opportunities to speculate on good versus bad news. Our research design takes into consideration the endogenous nature of insiders' trading and conservatism. The results are robust to different measures of conservatism and a number of additional analyses.  相似文献   

Chordia, Roll and Subrahmanyam (2005, CRS) estimate the speed of convergence to market efficiency based on short-horizon return predictability of the 150 largest NYSE firms. We extend CRS to a broad panel of NYSE stocks and are the first to examine the relation between electronic communication networks (ECNs) and the corresponding informational efficiency of prices. Overall, we confirm CRS's result that price adjustments to new information occur on average within 5–15 min for large NYSE stocks. We further show that it takes about 20 min longer for smaller firms to incorporate information into prices. Most importantly, we demonstrate that the speed of convergence to market efficiency is significantly related to the type of trading platform where orders are executed, even after controlling for relative order flows, trading costs, volatility, informational effects, trading conditions, market quality, institutional trading activity, and other firm-specific characteristics. Our findings provide direct answers and insights to issues raised in a recent SEC concept release document.  相似文献   

This paper presents a market microstructure model that is consistent with several empirical regularities. The model embeds separate latent ARCH‐like volatility processes: one representing movements in the underlying fundamental and one representing noise caused by the trading process. This structure allows the regularities to depend either on news or noise. The heteroskedasticity and persistence in the data are due to both ARCH‐like processes. The model has difficulty in simultaneously capturing the size and persistence of trading volume. Several extensions of the basic model, particularly including a constant level of non‐informational trading, improve the model's ability to capture the relevant characteristics of the data.  相似文献   

We examine how accounting transparency and investor base jointly affect financial analysts' expectations of mispricing (i.e., expectations of stock price deviations from fundamental value). Within a range of transparency, these two factors interactively amplify analysts' expectations of mispricing—analysts expect a larger positive deviation when a firm's disclosures more transparently reveal income‐increasing earnings management and the firm's most important investors are described as transient institutional investors with a shorter‐term horizon (low concentration in holdings, high portfolio turnover, and frequent momentum trading) rather than dedicated institutional investors with a longer‐term horizon (high concentration in holdings, low portfolio turnover, and little momentum trading). Results are consistent with analysts anticipating that transient institutional investors are more likely than dedicated institutional investors to adjust their trading strategies for near‐term factors affecting stock mispricings. Our theory and findings extend the accounting disclosure literature by identifying a boundary condition to the common supposition that disclosure transparency necessarily mitigates expected mispricing, and by providing evidence that analysts' pricing judgments are influenced by their anticipation of different investors' reactions to firm disclosures.  相似文献   

In response to the long-standing debate about the information content of director trading, this study investigates the implications of director stock trading before an acquisition announcement by the company. Using a sample of 1249 acquisition announcements made by Australian acquiring firms between 2003 and 2012, we find that the stocks of acquiring firms with net director sales tend to underperform those of acquiring firms with net director purchases or with no director trades. This evidence supports the notion that director trading conveys useful information about the quality of subsequent acquisitions. Further, the informational effect of net director sales is most pronounced for acquisitions where the method of payment is stock, implying that the acquiring firm's stock may be overvalued.  相似文献   

Lifting the Veil: An Analysis of Pre-trade Transparency at the NYSE   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
We study pre‐trade transparency by looking at the introduction of NYSE's OpenBook service that provides limit‐order book information to traders off the exchange floor. We find that traders attempt to manage limit‐order exposure: They submit smaller orders and cancel orders faster. Specialists' participation rate and the depth they add to the quote decline. Liquidity increases in that the price impact of orders declines, and we find some improvement in the informational efficiency of prices. These results suggest that an increase in pre‐trade transparency affects investors' trading strategies and can improve certain dimensions of market quality.  相似文献   

We employ data-based approaches to identify the transmissions of structural shocks among investor attention measured by Google search queries, realised volatilities and trading volumes in the United States, the United Kingdom and the German stock market. The two identification approaches adopted for the structural vector autoregressive analysis are based on independent component analysis and the informational content of disproportional variance changes. Our results show robust evidence that investors' attention affects both volatilities and trading volumes contemporaneously, whereas the latter two variables lack immediate impacts on investors' attention. Some movements in investors' attention can be traced back to market sentiment.  相似文献   

This paper empirically identifies non-informational and informational trades using stock returns and trading volume data of the U.S., Japanese, and U.K. stock markets and five individual firms. We achieve the identification by imposing a restriction from theoretical considerations. Our results show that trading volume is mainly driven by non-informational trades, while stock price movements are primarily driven by informational trades. We also find that, around the 1987 stock market crash, trading volumes due to non-informational trades increased dramatically, while the decline in stock market prices was due mainly to informational trades. Increases in volatilities both in returns and in trading volumes during and after the crash are mainly due to non-informational trades. Regarding the trading volume-serial correlation in the stock returns relationship, we find evidence that is consistent with theoretical predictions that non-informational components can account for high trading volume accompanied by a low serial correlation of stock returns.  相似文献   

Informed Trading When Information Becomes Stale   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper characterizes informed trade when speculators can acquire distinct signals of varying quality about an asset's value at different dates. The most reasonable characterization of private information about stocks is that while information is long‐lived, new information will arrive over time, information that may be acquired by others. Hence, while a speculator may know more than others at a moment, in the future, his information will become stale, but not valueless. In an environment that allows for arbitrary correlations among signals, we characterize equilibrium outcomes including trading, prices, and profits. We provide explicit numerical characterizations for different informational environments.  相似文献   

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