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This study uses theory of planned behaviour (TPB) as a conceptual framework to investigate the attitude and intention toward the consumption of fish in a cross-sectional survey of Vietnamese consumers. Structural equation modelling (SEM) is used to test the reliability, validity, and relationships in the proposed model. The results show that the variation in the frequency of fish consumption is significantly explained by intention and perceived behavioural control. Intention to consume fish is significantly determined by subjective norms and attitude toward consuming fish as a meal. Perceived behavioural control is significantly related to fish consumption, but not to the intention to consume fish, indicating that there may be a difference between perceived control and actual control. At the specific-belief level, the study found that negative affect, perceived quality, and price are significant indicators that explain 60% of the variation in attitude. Perceived price, time needed to cook and prepare fish as a meal, and the availability of fresh fish are important factors explaining 63% of the variation of the perceived control over fish consumption. The study also provides some managerial implications and suggestions for the seafood sector to expand the domestic markets and gives recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

Seafood in the adolescent diet has many benefits, yet a number of adolescents do not consume the recommended levels. Despite this the consumption of seafood by younger consumers has received scant attention in the extant literature. Previous studies on adolescents’ food‐related behaviour tend to focus on general choice mechanisms or perceptions of food and mainly relate to fruit and vegetable intake. The present study seeks to address this gap through investigating the impact of family upon the consumption of seafood by younger consumers through exploring adolescents’ attitudes and behaviour in regard to eating seafood. Utilizing an exploratory qualitative methodology, seven focus groups of adolescents aged 13–19 years were conducted at two schools in South West England. Discussions covered a range of issues related to adolescent seafood consumption. The use of thematic content analysis found that the family, and parents in particular, exert high levels of influence over adolescents’ consumption of seafood both at home and when dining out. The parent who does the shopping and cooking has the greatest role. Sibling preferences and dietary choices also influence whether seafood is served in the home. Of value to researchers and management are the insights gleaned into the influences on adolescents’ attitudes towards and behaviour in regard to eating seafood. In particular, encouraging seafood consumption will rely upon interventions aimed at both parents and children and need to take into account adolescents’ diet and lifestyle preferences, while also acknowledging the influence of peers and the school food environment.  相似文献   

Australian consumers hold very favorable attitudes toward seafood, with key drivers to consumption being taste, convenience, diet variety, and health benefits. Nevertheless, despite these positive attitudes, seafood consumption remains below many other countries. In this article, we investigate the influence of habit including regular childhood consumption, familiarity with seafood, and attitudes toward seafood on seafood consumption and consumption occasions. Habit and lack of familiarity with seafood were found to lead to lower levels of seafood consumption, whereas positive attitudes toward seafood were associated with more regular seafood consumption. People who consumed seafood on a regular basis as a child were more likely to be more familiar with seafood and be in the habit of consuming seafood in adulthood. Patterns of childhood consumption occasions were found to be associated with adult consumption occasions. Based on these findings, we discuss possible strategies and behavioral interventions for further investigation, which are grounded in habit theory and are aimed at changing seafood eating habits, increasing childhood consumption, and reducing the lack of familiarity with seafood.  相似文献   

This paper uses the binary choice model to identify the factors that are significantly influencing the household purchase decisions of seafood products for home consumption in Auckland, New Zealand. It is found that ‘quality’ and ‘cooking easiness’ are the main product attributes that significantly influence households’ choices of seafood in Auckland. Also, the representative household has shown a strong preference for fresh and other alternative seafood products, including processed, smoked and canned, over frozen products. Retail outlets are found to be more attractive to the household purchasing seafood for home consumption. The New Zealand seafood industry may find this baseline study useful as a guide to developing future research structure on the domestic market.  相似文献   

Although seafood is considered to be an important part of a healthy and balanced diet, many Australians still do not consume the recommended amounts for good health. Fish is an excellent source of protein, omega‐3 fatty acids and other nutrients, and studies have shown that seafood‐rich diets can have a lower impact on the environment than diets high in other animal proteins. Concerns about health and sustainability have led to an increased interest in understanding consumers' attitudes toward seafood. This review aims to assess the current knowledge on drivers and barriers to seafood consumption in the Australian context. Systematic search strategies were used to identify relevant peer‐reviewed journal articles from three electronic databases (SCOPUS, Web of Science and Science Direct) and grey literature reports from targeted government and industry websites. Accepted studies investigated drivers and/or barriers to seafood consumption in Australia through qualitative, quantitative, or mixed method designs. Initial searches identified 504 publications from which fourteen met the criteria for the review process. The reviewed studies revealed that influences on seafood consumption in Australia are similar to those identified in other developed countries. The leading drivers of seafood consumption are health, taste, and convenience, while the main barriers are price, availability, concerns about quality, and a lack of confidence in selecting and preparing seafood. Some possible intervention strategies targeted toward these factors are explored in the discussion. Future research should focus on designing and implementing specific interventions so that their effectiveness in increasing seafood consumption in Australia can be assessed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between consumers’ sustainable consumption behaviour and both gender and generation‐related individual differences in a sample of Turkish consumers. A total of 393 participants from different generations and gender took part in the study. To measure sustainable consumption behaviour, we used four‐dimensional sustainable consumption behaviour scale. The results showed that generation is associated with unneeded consumption as a dimension of sustainable consumption behaviour. Consumers who are Baby Boomers found to have the highest level of unneeded consumption behaviour while Gen‐Zers have fewest. Additionally, data supported the association between gender and sustainable consumption behaviour. Women showed a higher level of sustainable consumption behaviour both in overall behaviour and tendency to reuse products. Taken together, the findings suggest that gender and generation of consumers can differentiate sustainable consumption behaviour. The implications of these findings, as well as the limitations and future directions, are also discussed.  相似文献   

A survey into the seafood consumption preferences and patterns in the Portuguese population was carried out. Consumers were asked to state their preferences toward different kinds of fish products, to indicate their consumption frequencies of a total of 23 products, to mention the average meal portion, and to inform about the usual culinary treatments applied to the raw products. It was observed that the sensory characteristics of each product and cultural habits seem to influence serving size. For horse mackerel and canned sardines, an inverse correlation between education level and consumption frequency was found. Moreover, the consumption frequency of soaked cod, the main salted and dried fish in the Portuguese market, decreased with higher education. Older consumers were much fonder of wild fish and much more unwilling to consume farmed fish than the younger ones. It was also found that obese people deviate from other weight groups in that their preferences and consumption quantities are displaced to foods other than seafood.  相似文献   

This study facilitates a better understanding of the socio-demographics and consumption dynamics of wine consumers using the retailing ‘platform’ of the winery tasting room with them as visitors to it in a wine region environment. The overall aim was to gain some insights on gender and age generation-related consumer behaviour, wine type preferences, and their link to retail channel behaviour. Systematic random sampling yielded a total of 659 useable surveys collected at various tasting rooms in the Niagara Peninsula Wine Region in Ontario, Canada. Specific differences exist in the wine consumption behaviour and wine type preferences of males and females and between generational cohorts, specifically Millennial and older consumers. Whereas females and males do not differ much in quantity consumed and spend on wine, they do differ greatly in wine type consumption with females drinking significantly more white and males more red wine. Wine type consumption was shown to be moderated by not only classical demographic variables, but also by the retail outlets preferred for wine purchase. Females buy more of their wine from foodservice on-trade retail outlets such as restaurants, while Millennials frequent the tasting room channel much less than older consumers. There are strong indications that the higher the wine tourism activity level, the higher the wine consumption (usage) level of the consumers. It is possible to direct marketing strategies at wine consumers in accordance with their gender and lifecycle stage as far as certain behavioural and sensory aspects of the product is concerned. The winery tasting room is the most obvious retail channel vehicle to reach people with high tourism activity factor levels who also happen to be the high usage consumers in the wine market.  相似文献   

This study investigated the factors affecting the purchase decisions of seafood consumers in selected urban areas of Mumbai, India. The primary data were analysed using binary choice modelling techniques. It was found that taste, religion, size of household and age of family member were significant factors at a 95% confidence level. The Indian seafood industry may find this baseline study useful to encourage further consumer‐based research to promote the growth of the domestic seafood market.  相似文献   

Seafood as a whole food is highly nutritious. It is an important dietary source of protein, omega‐3 fatty acids and a wide array of highly bioavailable micronutrients. Despite the established health benefits associated with fish and seafood consumption, in Australia consumption levels still remain below those recommended for health. Although considerable research has been carried out on enablers and barriers to seafood consumption, the reasons Australian consumers do not consume recommended amounts of seafood while stating they would like to consume more seafood are complex and have not been fully illuminated. This paper reports on the development and results of a self‐administered questionnaire that aimed to identify consumer perceptions and preferences for fresh and frozen seafood. Data were collected through intercept surveys at an Australian university and 239 valid responses were received. Results confirmed respondent preference for fresh fish and seafood. There was significant confusion among respondents about what constitutes fresh seafood, with the term ‘fresh’ having different meanings to different respondents. Over half of respondents understood the term fresh to relate to seafood having been caught that same day. In comparison, approximately 15% understood fresh to reflect the accepted definition of having never been frozen. Additionally, results indicated respondents find it difficult to recognize if seafood is fresh, particularly in comparison with other meats. There is significant potential for the development of regulations for labelling of unpackaged seafood in order to allow consumers to make informed decisions about their purchases.  相似文献   

基于2007-2016年中国省际面板数据,运用PPSFA模型测度能源和碳排放双重约束下的物流产业技术效率,分析其时间和空间维度上的变化和差异,评定其宏观和中观层面的影响因素,并分区域剖析其演进背后的逻辑规律。研究发现:中国物流产业技术效率总体偏低,呈下降趋势,且区域分化明显,东部最高,中部次之,西部最低;产业结构、技术创新能力和企业平均规模正向影响物流产业技术效率,财政支持力度和能源消费结构产生负向影响,而环境规制强度并未产生显著影响;中国物流产业已度过规模扩张阶段,现处于质量提升阶段,且各区域不同阶段中影响因素的作用关系存在差异,物流产业技术效率演进逻辑具有区域特性。践行节能减排、完善产业政策和探寻区域物流特色发展路径益于优化物流产业技术效率,提升中国物流产业发展质量。  相似文献   

This paper examines how the perception on green environment can affect consumer behaviour. It tests whether consumer behaviour responds to environmental change. This study captures the interaction between green environment perception and behaviour. A neural network analysis is used to address this challenge to model such a behaviour. A total of 462 interviews were conducted and analysed using neural network process. A Scaled Conjugate Gradient with random data division was used in training and the performance was calculated using mean square error. The result reveals that perception–behaviour gap exists across generations on green environment. It indicates that perception on green producing, green living, green transport and green product is an important factor in determining the behaviour on green consumption. The neural network accurately recognized green behaviour up to nearly 82% with MSE = 0.09 at epoch 31, which is a high level of recognition accuracy. This study underlines the existence of perception–behaviour gap on green environment. However, these are only identified to people with low‐to‐medium level of green behaviours (level of correct only 44.5% and 30%). People with high level of green behaviour in fact show consistency between their perceptions and behaviours (level of correct 96.4%). This result shows that people tend to have higher perceptions on green environment, but their behaviour reflects otherwise.  相似文献   

Consumers worldwide are increasingly concerned with sustainable production and consumption. Recently, a comprehensive study ranked 17 countries in regard to their environmentally friendly behaviour among consumers. Brazil was one of the top countries in the list. Yet, several studies highlight significant differences between consumers' intentions to consume ethically, and their actual purchase behaviour: the so‐called ‘Attitude‐Behaviour Gap’. In developing countries, few studies have been conducted on this issue. The objective of this study is therefore to investigate the gap between citizens' sustainability‐related attitudes and food purchasing behaviour using empirical data from Brazil. To this end, Brazilian citizens' attitudes towards pig production systems were mapped through conjoint analysis and their coexistence with relevant pork product‐related purchasing behaviour of consumers was investigated through cluster analysis. The conjoint experiment was carried out with empirical data collected from 475 respondents surveyed in the South and Center‐West regions of Brazil. The results of the conjoint analysis were used for a subsequent cluster analysis in order to identify clusters of Brazilian citizens with diversified attitudes towards pig production systems, using socio‐demographics, attitudes towards sustainability‐related themes that are expected to influence the way they evaluate pig production systems, and consumption frequency of various pork products as clusters' background information. Three clusters were identified as ‘indifferent’, ‘environmental conscious’ and ‘sustainability‐oriented’ citizens. Although attitudes towards environment and nature had indeed an influence on citizens' specific attitudes towards pig farming at the cluster level, the relationship between ‘citizenship’ and consumption behaviour was found to be weak. This finding is similar to previous research conducted with European consumers: what people (in their role of citizens) think about pig production systems does not appear to significantly influence their pork consumption choices. Improvements in the integrated management of this chain would better meet consumers' sustainability‐related expectations towards pig production systems.  相似文献   

Although there are suggestions that the environmental attitudes of men and of women differ, there have been few studies that study and evaluate these differences at the workplace. Given the claim of Ecofeminist writers about the environmental superiority of women's environmental attitudes, and the proclaimed need of business to change attitudes and behaviour with regard to the environment, this is a surprise. The paper is based on 1022 (37% from women) questionnaires which were collected in a U.K. pharmaceutical company, and it compares the empirical results with environmental attitude archetypes, such as those prescribed by O'Riordan. However, the attitude clusters that were found do not correspond greatly with such theoretical modes of environmental ethics. Instead, it appears that women were more likely to be actively involved in environmental behaviour, and showed greater scepticism towards the role of technology in the search for solutions to environmental problems. In addition, men sought to a much greater extent a consistency between an environmental rationality and their behaviour. Men's attitudes were also much more influenced by their position in the organisational hierarchy. There were few significant differences across age groups.  相似文献   

The study employs ordered probit analysis to measure the effects of restaurant characteristics on restaurant fish and seafood utilization in the United States. The study uses data from the 1988 Southern Regional Aquaculture Center (SRAX) restaurant survey. Restaurant size and regional location are found to be the important factors affecting fish and seafood utilization by restaurants. Size of restaurant is directly related to fish utilization. The probability of fish utilization is highest among restaurants in the New England and Mid-Atlantic regions and lowest among restaurants in the Mountain region.  相似文献   

Increasingly, there is agreement that the hospitality industry, particularly the restaurant sector, can significantly impact people's eating behaviour. This impact includes the nutritional intake of meals many restaurants sell that may lead to problems such as the growing obesity epidemic. This preliminary study investigates consumers' attitudes towards their eating out experience as it relates to their reasons for eating out and the importance that nutrition may place in their experience when eating out. Findings suggest differences in consumer attitudes towards these issues based on their gender, educational achievement level and type of restaurant they frequent. Nutritional awareness and education strategies do not appear to be reaching groups that are more exposed and/or more prone to unhealthier food consumption. Overall, consumers do not seem interested in education or involvement in healthier consumption.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of aquaculture has significantly impacted the development of global seafood markets by providing year-round supplies of consistent quality seafood products. Production of cultured salmon, however, has resulted in both a rapid increase in supplies and substantial decreases in prices for both farmed and wild product. Producers are now searching for new marketing and production strategies and debating the relative merits of wild and cultured product. To date, however, there are few studies which explore consumer preferences for wild and cultured salmon. This paper addresses this issue by reviewing general trends in global seafood markets and focusing on market development and consumer preferences for farmed and wild salmon. A consumer survey was developed to elicit preferences for the characteristics of salmon. Results showed that quality was the most important salmon attribute followed by state (fresh/frozen), flesh color, and price. Source of production (wild or farmed) was the least important attribute and species and product form were of intermediate importance. However, preferences for specific characteristics depended on the socioeconomic profile of the respondents. Results indicate potential opportunities for niche marketing of certain types of wild salmon, conditional on resource conservation and management.  相似文献   

In today's dynamic business environment the success of a firm often depends on its ability to create brand loyalty. While there is a large body of research exploring brand loyalty and its antecedents, little has been done to examine how the relationship between these antecedents and brand loyalty is moderated by consumer differences in individual level collectivist values. This understanding is important however as consumers high in individual level collectivist values have been found to make different brand choices than consumers low in individual level collectivist values. We develop and test theory that suggests consumer differences in individual level collectivist values have a significant moderating effect on the relationship between perceived value, perceived quality, brand trust and brand loyalty. The results show that consumers high in individual level collectivist values are significantly more loyal to a focal brand, especially when brand trust and perceived quality are at relatively low levels.  相似文献   

This paper addressed consumers’ attitude towards food labels and the influence of different aspects of meat labels on beef, poultry and seafood consumption using data from a national survey in the USA. Approximately 70% of the respondents reported that food labels helped in the purchases of beef and other meat products. While 50% thought that the present level of information on meat labels was about right, about 30% thought that it was insufficient. Similarly, 80, 81, 60, and 80% of the respondents thought that it was very important that meat labels contain information regarding nutrition, ingredients, health claim, and production process respectively. Those respondents who thought that nutrition and ingredient information on food labels were very important also thought that meat labels helped them select beef and other meat products. Consumer preferences for nutrition and ingredient information on food labels were positively related with meat consumption frequency.  相似文献   

Despite its many health benefits, seafood consumption has declined partially due to consumers' safety concerns. Efforts to provide safety assurance to consumers have focused on provision of government inspection programs; programs that both consumer groups and the seafood industry have called inadequate. This study explores consumer preferences for a wide array of alternative safety assurances. Consumers' selection of and willingness to pay for seafood safety assurances were elicited using an in-person market-like experiment. Results indicate that consumers are able to demonstrate clear preferences and values for alternative assurances. This indicates further consumer research is warranted to provide a basis for public policy recommendations regarding seafood safety assurances.  相似文献   

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