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Charity shops seem inherently contradictory in many ways. This paper unravels some of the contradictions by analysing charity shops in their ‘sectoral contexts’. First it puts forward different meanings of ‘sector’ and introduces notions of ‘sector values’. Then it presents results from empirical research into UK charity shop organisations, to show how senior managers of charity shop chains deal with ‘sectoral contradictions’. Finally, it asks how the sectoral contexts influence the management philosophies and marketing strategies (in the broadest sense) of these senior managers. Copyright © 2000 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper, which features all the shop volunteers in the town of Ruislip (and some in a neighbouring town), is to build a picture of the volunteer workforce and to note some distinguishing features about volunteer groupings that have been identified. It discusses some of the management challenges facing charities in marshalling their volunteers and notes the very important part the local shop manager plays in that process. Finally it discusses some of the consequences to volunteering of the migration to ‘professionalism’. It is suggested that charities, by understanding what is happening to volunteering in the retail sector, will extract maximum contribution from the efforts of their volunteers, present and future. A competitive edge may be found by some if they employ a humanistic approach to the management of volunteers. Copyright © 1999 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

Charity shops are now a familiar feature of high streets and shopping precincts throughout the UK. As the sector has grown charities have taken an increasingly commercial approach to selling; many charities have introduced new goods in their shops. It is suspected that these changes have significantly broadened their customer base. As yet, however, little research has beendoneoncharityshopcustomers. This paper is based on a survey of 592 customers in 25 charity shops in the Bristol area. It explores who is using the shops, the types of goods they are purchasing and the amounts they are spending. Findings include a number of revealing differences between the purchasing habits of men and women, some of which appear to be peculiar to the charity shops sector. Copyright © 2000 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This article explores how managers, in the Call Centre of a Bank, (re)defined, and drew boundaries around ‘past’ cultural conditions, in relation to the introduction of a Business Process Reengineering (BPR) regime. Managers represented the ‘past’ negatively, in terms of conflict and coercion, whilst the ‘present’ was largely described as a Shangri‐La of teams and consensus. This eschewing of the ‘past’ and sublimation of the ‘present’ stood in opposition to the representations of the staff. Both the ‘staff’ and ‘managers’ seemed to reject or embrace discourses that challenged or coincided with their understanding of how things are or should be. In view of this, their understanding of the past/present is inseparable from a consideration of power and identity. The article examines the interplay between discourses and individuals, arguing that it is bound up with fear and anxiety, hope and aspiration, memory and nostalgia, among other, everyday life experiences.  相似文献   

This paper considers several implications of the fact that charity shops are part of the wider class of second‐hand markets. This approach attempts to complement research on other features of charity shops like the distinctive nature of voluntary work and the identities of charity shop consumers. It is argued that the functioning of second‐hand markets highlights some limitations in traditional models of consumer behaviour. This gives charity shops (and second‐hand markets in general) an important role in developing more effective theories of consumption. At the same time, there are more practical reasons for being aware of the limitations of existing theories. In particular, marketing for charity shops will be ineffective if their functions are misunderstood. The paper also illustrates how these theoretical insights have practical implications. Copyright © 2000 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

Charities have always had to show that they provide a ‘public benefit’, the meaning of which has been developed by case law. The Charity Commission, a body created by the last government, has provided guidance on the meaning of ‘public benefit’ which is at odds with the meaning developed in case law – and therefore in conflict with the statute under which the guidance was ostensibly provided. The Charity Commission has also allowed charities to engage in political campaigning, an activity which the House of Lords has held no charity can lawfully pursue without losing its charitable status. The Charity Commission and its guidance should be scrapped. Professionally qualified and independent Charity Commissioners should be appointed.  相似文献   

  • Branding is being adopted by charities and written about in academic and practitioner charity literature with increasing frequency. There is also growing concern, however, about the over-commercialistion of the sector and the misappropriation of techniques developed specifically for the commercial environment. Literature supporting the claim that charities are values-based organisations is reviewed and the proposition is made that it is in fact the non-negotiability of charity values that differentiate them from commercial organisations. Given the significance of values in the charity sector, the paper argues that a clearer understanding of how values are conceptualised in branding is necessary in order to establish whether branding is an appropriate and effective tool in the charity context. To achieve this, the paper reviews relevant branding literature focusing in particular upon the delineation of the values dimensions identified in for-profit branding models. To aid further understanding of these values dimensions in the non-profit context and their applicability (or otherwise) to it, the metaphors of brand as ‘mirror’, ‘lamp’ and ‘lens’ are introduced.
  • It is argued that in the corporate sector the brand concept has been utilised to ‘mirror’ those values that underpin the needs and desires of consumers. In contrast to the passive mirror, when operationalised as ‘lamp’, it is claimed that the brand aims to influence both the values of the organisation and the values of its target audience. It is postulated that neither of these approaches is appropriate for values-led organisations and that it is only as a metaphorical ‘lens’, projecting the values of the organisation itself that branding offers an applicable and effective model in the charity context.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Volunteers make a substantial contribution to UK society but the level of volunteering has peaked and may, in part, be due to the poor ‘image’ of volunteering. Through qualitative research, this study explores the need to re-shape perceptions of volunteering and the extent to which this may be achieved through branding. Key findings suggest that although there is much consistency in perceptions about generic volunteering, perceptions of the different strands of volunteering, such as governance and campaigning, are different and may require individual development as sub-brands. It is argued that Volunteering England is best placed to lead a brand development programme, supported by managers of national and local bodies as well as volunteers to create a new visual identity and, importantly, key messages that will resonate with current and potential volunteers across different areas of activity. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Academic literature on the marketing of charities is almost always associated with fundraising or the publicising of socially worthwhile causes. Little attention has been paid to the marketing of charitable services to their intended beneficiaries, for traditionally demand always exceeded supply. However, today many charities rely increasingly on fees for services for a substantial part of their income, which the authors believe must lead to more emphasis being placed on reaching potential beneficiaries and their financial supporters. This paper explores the case of a charity that had insufficient demand for its services. It shows that a lack of understanding of buyer behaviour was a principal cause of the problem. The analysis also shows that the decision process is a complex one that resembles industrial rather than consumer models. The paper goes on to demonstrate that this complex purchase behaviour applies to a large group of charities and that an understanding of it will increase in importance as charities seek new sources of income.  相似文献   

Is it possible to avoid becoming flavour of the month and then being dismissed by bored consumers as a marketing gimmick? Saatchi & Saatchi Cause Connection offers a different twist: corporates should be taking the long view and lending substance and ‘soul’ to their brands by effective thought-through charity link-ups. Cause-related marketing or CRM, as it is known, has been familiar to American consumers for a number of years, whereas it has only really become topical in Britain since 1996. In some cases this might mean taking on an issue, but in Britain, where the voluntary/charity sector has a long tradition of delivering services, promoting awareness and is highly professional, there is a real role for advertising to play in communicating social responsibility in conjunction with a charity. This paper provides a potted history of the anti-racist and anti-nuclear campaigns, challenges the current emphasis on ‘discretion’ in corporate giving and outlines a simple checklist for undertaking a relationship.  相似文献   

  • Young adult volunteers are vital to the current and future operations of nonprofit organizations yet many countries report low and declining volunteer participation by this group. Moreover, university students are a particularly under‐utilized and under‐researched segment of potential young adult volunteers. As such, the current study examines the functions and norms that drive university students to volunteer. A survey of 282 students indicates that the Volunteer Functions Inventory (VFI) does not adequately explain the volunteering of today's university students. For instance, t‐tests reveal that the importance of the VFI functions among current students differs significantly to the importance of the functions among the previous generation of students. Also, factor analysis shows that the structure of the VFI model is unstable for the current sample while multiple regression reveals that the VFI explains only 11% of university student volunteering. In contrast, χ2‐tests indicate that volunteering by university students is dependent on the observed volunteering of primary reference group members (i.e., parents, siblings, close friends). The results suggest that nonprofit organizations may need to revise their recruitment strategies for today's university students: rather than appealing to the functional benefits of volunteering, positioning volunteering as the ‘normal’ thing to do may be more successful. Further research is needed to develop a richer understanding of reference group influences on the volunteering behavior of today's young adults.
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Special charity events are an important source of revenue for non-profit organisations in cancer control yet volunteering is declining and turnover is high. Experiences at cause-related events may influence retention, particularly emotions connected to the cause and ceremonies which honour cancer survivors and remember loved ones. We explore the degree to which emotions associated with cause-related volunteering and collective action in the literature are felt in response to Relay For Life and what emotions predict three indicators of retention: intention to return for future events, satisfaction with volunteering, and organisational commitment. Volunteers (n = 410) completed a cross-sectional survey at Relay For Life events in Queensland, Australia. Multiple regression analyses examined whether emotions associated with events predicted each indicator of retention, adjusting for number of years spent volunteering for events. Sixty-two percent reported an intention to return the following year. The most commonly reported event-related emotions were hope, pride, and empathy (62–69%). Intention to return, satisfaction, and commitment were each significantly predicted by hope and pride. The findings suggest special charity events in cancer control could retain volunteers by fostering pride and hope (e.g., for a cancer free future); however, future prospective research which examines the mechanisms of these relationships is warranted.  相似文献   

This article explores the implications of ‘networked’ and ‘flexible’ organisations for the work and skills of professionals/ Drawing on material from four different case studies, it reviews work that is outsourced (involving IT professionals and housing benefit caseworkers), work that is done by teachers contracted to a temporary employment agency and work organised through an inter‐firm network (chemical production workers). In each case work that was outsourced was managed very differently to that undertaken in‐house, with managerial monitoring replacing and reducing employees' discretion. New staff in these networks had fewer skills when hired and were given access to a narrower range of skills than their predecessors. By contrast, the production staff directly employed on permanent contracts in the inter‐firm network were given (and took) significant amounts of responsibility, with positive results for both their skills and the work processed. Yet, despite the negative impact they have on skills, outsourcing and subcontracting are a far more common means of securing flexibility than organisational collaboration.  相似文献   

Within the last ten years there has been substantial growth of the charity retailing sector. This increased retail presence and sophistication of marketing practices have led to the contention by mainstream retailers that charity shops, which enjoy specific fiscal arrangements, have an unfair competitive advantage. Utilising evidence from a range of town centre locations, this paper examines whether this allegation can be substantiated. Three sources of primary research are used: the profile of charity shops within a town centre context; the attitudes and perceptions of mainstream retailers and their organisational bodies; and finally, the perspective of town centre managers towards charity retailing. Analysis and subsequent discussion suggests that charity retailers can perform a complementary role within town centres, thus reducing the potential of conflict with mainstream retailing. Copyright © 2000 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

  • In the climate of public spending cuts, charities are increasingly expected to fill the gap. Yet charities themselves face huge challenges. Not just increasing demand for their services but falling income and low investment returns. Encouraging philanthropy has never been more important, and that includes legacy giving. Following the announcement last year of the Government's major inheritance tax incentive to encourage us to give more to charity on our death, the time is right for a major report on current trends in charitable legacy giving. Late last year, Mishcon de Reya undertook the most detailed analysis ever by a firm of solicitors of its clients' wills. In a study of over 1000 wills, we did not just look at how many people leave a legacy to charity. We considered the value of the legacy, the type of legacy, the likelihood of the charity ever receiving it, whether clients prefer to give to multiple charities, and the most popular charitable sectors. This article will give a quick overview of our research followed by a more detailed look at the three types of legacy to charity: cash—‘for example, I leave £10,000 to charity’,—specific items—‘for example, I leave a painting to charity’—and residuary gifts—‘for example, I give half my estate to charity’. The article will then briefly touch on the charity sectors most favoured by our clients before giving a brief summary of Mishcon de Reya's key findings in conclusion.
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Past research has claimed that more volunteering experience could reduce an individual’s risk of depression. However, this conclusion may be too simplistic. This study aims to explore the effect of marriage within the complex relationships among volunteering, depression, and subjective well-being, which is utilized as the mediator. The 1,934 participants were randomly recruited from Taiwan. All the participants were asked to complete Subjective Well-Being Scale and Taiwan Depression Scale. The findings indicate that subjective well-being is a bridging-factor between volunteering and depression; whereas the model produces varied results according to marital status. For ‘single’ and ‘married’ people, subject well-being is a mediator, while for ‘never married’ people, that is a suppressor in the relationship between volunteering and depression.  相似文献   

Recent interest in ‘managing diversity’ has reopened debates about forms of equality in the workplace. Approaches to equality developed in the 1970s and 1980s have been characterized as an attempt to ensure that if individuals bring the same abilities to work, or perform in the same way, they should receive the same access to jobs and employment benefits, regardless of social group membership. Managing diversity appears to be about a more positive valuing of difference. Benefits are seen to derive from different perspectives and approaches and these should be nurtured and rewarded rather than suppressed. Feminists have long argued about the extent to which women are the same as, or different from, men, and about the political consequences of adopting these positions. Recent theoretical developments have led to some novel solutions to this dilemma. These include asserting claims to both ‘sameness’ and ‘difference’, the deconstruction of ‘difference’, and the reconstruction of ‘sameness’ on women's terms. This paper explores approaches to equal opportunities through both established and novel theoretical perspectives. It argues that existing practice cannot be fitted neatly into the conventional distinctions between ‘sameness’ and ‘difference’, and explores the potential characteristics and strengths and weaknesses of equality initiatives based on the new theoretical perspectives.  相似文献   

  • Enlisting or retaining the support of celebrity volunteers is a crucial element in the fundraising and communications strategies for many third sector organisations. But whilst there is a plethora of literature on volunteer motivations, there has been little exploration of the relationships between celebrity volunteers and the charities that they support. Furthermore, the limited theory that exists appears to be based on the experiences of fundraisers and other media specialists with little primary research on attitudes of celebrities themselves. This paper therefore considers celebrity/charity relationships on the basis of existing volunteer motivation theory and attitudinal data from a sample of 208 celebrity volunteers associated with a major fundraising charity in the UK. The findings indicate that the motivation of celebrity volunteers may be much closer to those of other charity volunteers than might be expected from other literature on celebrities. In addition, the study found that amongst other factors, celebrity volunteers typically prefer their engagements to be simplistic and expedient in nature, but that where possible, the engagement activity should be fun and rewarding. It also reveals that individual motives for supporting charities are varied in nature and range from purely altruistic tendencies at one end of the continuum to egoistic motives at the other. In addition, the study indicates that factors such as security and trust in the endorsed organisation are a key motivating factor for many.
Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In recent years, the idea of ‘green’ or ‘political’ consumers expressing their political beliefs in everyday life has been widely embraced. Eager to satisfy the needs of this new market segment, firms have allocated substantial resources to environmental management, social accountability, corporate citizenship, occupational health and safety etc. During the 1990s, the industrialized world also witnessed a growing number of environmental labels, expected to guide the political consumers in their shopping decisions. Evaluations of these environmental labelling (eco‐labelling) programmes indicate that some labels and product groups receive a great deal of attention while others remain in obscurity. To understand these differences, the paper will discuss some of the factors that determine the market impact of environmental labelling. It is concluded that the concept of the ‘green’ consumer is over‐simplified and fails to capture the actual complexity of consumer values, attitudes and behaviour. The results are based on existing literature and our own empirical findings. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

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