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Jacob Engwerda Bas van Aarle Joseph Plasmans Arie Weeren 《Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control》2013,37(12):2525-2546
As a result of the recent financial crisis and the ensuing economic recession, fiscal deficits have soared in many OECD countries. As a consequence, government debt has been on the rise again after a period of stable or declining government debt. In this paper we analyze debt stabilization in a country that features endogenous risk premia, imposed by financial markets that evaluate the probability of debt default by governments. Endogenous risk premia arise by assuming, e.g., simple linear relations between risk premia and the level of debt. As a result the real interest rate on government debt can be written as a constant (measuring the risk-free real interest rate corrected for real output growth) plus an endogenous risk premium that depends on the debt level. We bring such an endogenous risk premium into Tabellini (1986) model and analyze the impact of it. This gives rise to a non-linear differential game. We solve this game for both a cooperative setting and a non-cooperative setting. The non-cooperative game is solved under an open-loop information structure. We present a bifurcation analysis w.r.t. the risk premium parameter. 相似文献
Alvaro Rodriguez 《Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control》2004,28(12):2475-2484
New conditions for the local stability of optimal control problems are presented. The conditions are an extension of the results of a previous study focusing on the solution to problems solvable using calculus of variations. A comparison is made between the conditions introduced here and those presented in the literature. It is shown that our condition is roughly as powerful as the one presented by Sorger (J. Math. Anal. Appl. 148 (1990) 191) but it is easier to check. 相似文献
We study the local turnpike property for two classes of infinite-horizon discrete-time deterministic maximization problems
which have common applications, e.g., optimal growth theory. We follow a functional-analytic approach and rely on an implicit
function theorem for the space of the sequences which converge to zero. We shall assume the existence of an optimal path which
is not necessarily a steady-state. Relying on material developped in Blot and Crettez (Decis Econo Finance 27:1–34, 2004),
“On the smoothness of optimal paths” Decis Econ Finance, 21:1–34, 2004), we provide conditions under which a variation in
the initial conditions (i.e., capital stock and discount rate) yields an optimal solution which converges toward a reference
solution when time becomes infinite. We also provide new results on bounded solutions of difference equations.
We gratefully thank the editor, Silvano Holzer, and two anonymous referees for remarks and advices on a previous version of
this paper. 相似文献
Complex dynamic systems can undergo changes in feedbacks between system components causing a rapid and persistent shift in system behavior (“regime shifts”), and potentially reduce welfare from declining provision of important ecosystem services. In this paper, we provide an analytical condition that determinfilefs whether the threat of a potential regime shift causes management to be more aggressive or more precautionary. In numerical simulations we find that aggressive management can occur for reasonable parameter values, which is counter prior results that the potential for harmful regime shift always leads to precautionary management. 相似文献
奚卫华 《北京市经济管理干部学院学报》2013,28(1):42-46,52
我国将稳步推进房产税的改革,而在改革的过程中需要准确界定房产税的计税依据。为此本文首先分析和比较了面积、市场价值和租金收入三种类型的房产税计税依据的优点和缺点,在此基础上结合公平性的要求、我国现行税收征管水平以及房地产市场现状等情况,提出我国应以市场价值为基准确定房地产税税基。对于房地产市场价值的评估办法,笔者认为居住用房地产价值的评估应该采用“城乡有别”的办法——城市和县城的居住用房地产采用市场比较法进行价值评估;农村地区的房地产采用重置成本法进行价值评估;对于营业用房地产,则采用收益法评估其市场价值。 相似文献
从博弈论的角度分析我国税务筹划的现状 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
芮鹏 《上海立信会计学院学报》2006,20(3):93-96
税务筹划作为一种节税行为应当符合政府的立法意图。但在现实条件下,由于政府征税与纳税人追求最大利益是相违背的,因此形成了一种博弈关系。纳税人和税务机关之间的博弈存在着混合战略纳什均衡,并且我国目前税务筹划在实践中应用滞后的现状与纳税人和税务机关之间的博弈关系存在着紧密联系。 相似文献
一般情况下,劳方的工资收入与资方的利润收入会达成一个均衡,在其他条件不变的前提下,任何一方单方面的变动,都会使另一方作出相反的调整,因此这一均衡具有帕累托最优的性质。研究证明,在追求各自利益最大化的前提下,劳资双方收益分配的帕累托最优性质既不会给双方带来公平,也难以使双方产生效率。相反,具有局部激励相融性质的利润分享机制则具有公平与效率兼得的特征,但在全局范围内,现行的利润分享机制仍属于帕累托均衡的范畴。本文的任务是寻找一个机制设计,将局部激励相融扩展至全局激励相融,使其正能量得以充分展现,促使利润分享制成为一类具有普世意义的劳动者权益。 相似文献
In the context of a model due to Robinson, Solow and Srinivasan (the RSS model) with time-dependent felicity functions that are not necessarily concave, we report a theorem on the existence of optimal programs. An extended introduction places our theorem in the context of previous work on the existence question. 相似文献
浅议我国现行个人所得税制改革 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
个人所得税作为调节居民收入分配的一个重要税种,在我国经济生活中起着至关重要的作用。个税调整直接关系百姓钱袋子,在通胀形势下成为关注热点。随着我国经济的增长,居民可支配收入也在逐年增多,但是作为调节贫富收入差距的"个人所得税"这一税收杠杆却滞后于我们经济的变化,这些问题不仅严重影响了税收调节经济的功能,而且对社会稳定也极为不利。本文在阐明了我国个人所得税制改革中存在的相关问题后,有针对性的提出了相关学者的政策建议。 相似文献
We introduce an extension of the Mas-Colell bargaining set and construct, by an elaboration on a voting paradox, a superadditive four-person non-transferable utility game whose extended bargaining set is empty. It is shown that this extension constitutes an upper hemicontinuous correspondence. We conclude that the Mas-Colell bargaining set of a non-levelled superadditive NTU game may be empty. 相似文献
Costas Christou P.A.V.B Swamy George S Tavlas 《International Journal of Forecasting》1996,12(4):483-493
This paper analyzes rates of return on financial assets denominated in five major currencies and provides a framework for the determination of optimal strategies for the allocation of wealth in multicurrency investments. Three models are estimated: a univariate autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) model, an extended ARCH model using the random coefficient (RC) procedure, and a pure RC model. A comparison of the forecasts of these models with those generated by a random walk model demonstrates that forecasts based on the RC/extended ARCH procedure are superior to those based on the random walk model and those based on direct ARCH estimation. These results could be useful for both international investors for the allocation of their wealth among fixed-income investment securities and central banks for the management of their external reserve assets. 相似文献
我国的环境收费制度与其他环境法律制度互为补充、有机结合,形成了一个多层次、全方位的环境监督管理体系.但是,我国的环境收费制度目前仍存在一些问题,本文以排污收费制度为视角,探讨了我国环境收费"费改税"的发展模式. 相似文献
This paper proposes a reduced form model of dynamic duopoly in the context of heterogeneous innovations framework. Two agents invest into expansion of variety of available products and into the improvement of quality of existing products simultaneously. Every newly introduced product has its own dimension of quality-improving innovations and there is a continuum of possible new products. In the area of quality innovations the costless imitation effect is modelled while in the area of variety expanding innovations agents are cooperating with each other. As a result the specialization of innovative activity is observed. This specialization arises from strategic interactions of agents in both fields of innovative activity and is endogenously defined from the dynamics of the model. 相似文献
在京津冀协同发展规划中,京津冀协同创新是推动产业协同发展三地产业结构调整、转型升级的重要基础,而京津冀区域创新资源的优化配置又是促进三地协同创新发展的基础和前提。本文试图通过对区域创新资源优化配置理论和实践的研究,探索京津冀区域创新资源优化配置的总体思路,京津冀区域创新资源优化配置的原则,促进京津冀区域创新资源优化配置的主要措施和基本途径,为推动京津冀协同创新发展提供政策建议。 相似文献
In this paper, we study the optimal unemployment benefits financing scheme when the economy is subject to labor market imperfections characterized by real wage rigidities and search frictions. The US unemployment insurance financing is such that firms are taxed proportionately to their layoffs to finance unemployment benefits. Using DSGE methodology, we investigate how policy instruments should interact with labor market imperfections. It is shown that wage rigidities in a search and matching environment cause welfare costs, especially in the absence of an incentive-based unemployment insurance. This cost is mainly due to the distorting effect of wage rigidities which generate inefficient separations. We show that the optimal unemployment benefits financing scheme – corresponding to the Ramsey policy – offsets labor market imperfections and allows implementation of the Pareto allocation. The second-best allocation brings the economy close to the Ramsey allocation. The implementation of the optimal policies clearly highlights the role of labor market institutions for short-run stabilization. 相似文献
企业集群的交易成本分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文对企业集群的交易成本进行了深入的分析,从集群内部企业之间的交易和集群企业与外部企业之间的交易两个层次,分析了企业集群的交易成本,从而得出企业集群能够充分地降低企业的交易成本的结论。 相似文献
This paper evaluates the welfare properties of nominal GDP targeting in the context of a New Keynesian model with both price and wage rigidity. In particular, we compare nominal GDP targeting to inflation and output gap targeting as well as to a conventional Taylor rule. These comparisons are made on the basis of welfare losses relative to a hypothetical equilibrium with flexible prices and wages. Output gap targeting is the most desirable of the rules under consideration, but nominal GDP targeting performs almost as well. Nominal GDP targeting is associated with smaller welfare losses than a Taylor rule and significantly outperforms inflation targeting. Relative to inflation targeting and a Taylor rule, nominal GDP targeting performs best conditional on supply shocks and when wages are sticky relative to prices. Nominal GDP targeting may outperform output gap targeting if the gap is observed with noise, and has more desirable properties related to equilibrium determinacy than does gap targeting. 相似文献
金融业作为国民经济中最具有发展潜力的行业之一,面临重大的发展机遇。但在目前的金融行业税制中存在着税负不公平、税收政策不完善等问题,妨碍了金融行业的健康发展。本文就完善中国金融税制提出了政策建议。 相似文献