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In an incomplete market model where convex trading constraints are imposed upon the underlying assets, it is no longer possible to obtain unique arbitrage-free prices for derivatives using standard replication arguments. Most existing derivative pricing approaches involve the selection of a suitable martingale measure or the optimisation of utility functions as well as risk measures from the perspective of a single trader.We propose a new and effective derivative pricing method, referred to as the equal risk pricing approach, for markets with convex trading constraints. The approach analyses the risk exposure of both the buyer and seller of the derivative, and seeks an equal risk price which evenly distributes the expected loss for both parties under optimal hedging. The existence and uniqueness of the equal risk price are established for both European and American options. Furthermore, if the trading constraints are removed, the equal risk price agrees with the standard arbitrage-free price.Finally, the equal risk pricing approach is applied to a constrained Black–Scholes market model where short-selling is banned. In particular, simple pricing formulas are derived for European calls, European puts and American puts.  相似文献   

本文理清了实物期权及其在风险投资项目估价中应用的发展脉络,并提出了实物期权在风险投资项目估价应用中需要发展的地方。  相似文献   

In this article, we study the effects on derivative pricing arising from price impacts by large traders. When a large trader issues a derivative and (partially) hedges his risk by trading in the underlying, he influences both his hedge portfolio and the derivative's payoff. In a Black–Scholes model with a price impact on the drift, we analyze the resulting trade-off by explicitly solving the utility maximization problem of a large investor endowed with an illiquid contingent claim. We find several interesting phenomena which cannot occur in frictionless markets. First, the indifference price is a convex function of the contingent claim – and not concave as in frictionless markets – implying that for any claim the buyer's indifference price is larger than the seller's indifference price. Second, the seller's indifference prices of large positions in derivatives are smaller than the Black–Scholes replication costs. Therefore, a large trader might have an incentive to issue options if they are traded at Black–Scholes prices. Furthermore, he hedges option positions only partly if he has a negative price impact and thus exploits his ability to manipulate the option's payoff. For a positive price impact he overhedges the option position leading to an extra profit from the stock position exceeding a perfect hedge. Finally, we also study a model where the large shareholder has a price impact on both drift and volatility.  相似文献   

The problem of option hedging in the presence of proportional transaction costs can be formulated as a singular stochastic control problem. Hodges and Neuberger [1989. Optimal replication of contingent claims under transactions costs. Review of Futures Markets 8, 222–239] introduced an approach that is based on maximization of the expected utility of terminal wealth. We develop a new algorithm to solve the corresponding singular stochastic control problem and introduce a new approach to option hedging which is closer in spirit to the pathwise replication of Black and Scholes [1973. The pricing of options and corporate liabilities. Journal of Political Economy 81, 637–654]. This new approach is based on minimization of a Black–Scholes-type measure of pathwise risk, defined in terms of a market delta, subject to an upper bound on the hedging cost. We provide an efficient backward induction algorithm for the problem of cost-constrained risk minimization, whose associated singular stochastic control problem is shown to be equivalent to an optimal stopping problem. This algorithm is then modified to solve the singular stochastic control problem associated with utility maximization, which cannot be reduced to an optimal stopping problem. We propose to choose an optimal parameter (risk-aversion coefficient or Lagrange multiplier) in either approach by minimizing the mean squared hedging error and demonstrate that with this “best” choice of the parameter, both approaches have similar performance. We also discuss the different notions of risk in both approaches and propose a volatility adjustment for the risk-minimization approach, which is analogous to that introduced by Zakamouline [2006. European option pricing and hedging with both fixed and proportional transaction costs. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 30, 1–25] for the utility maximization approach, thereby providing a unified treatment of both approaches.  相似文献   

Financial derivatives commonly contain premature termination clauses, which are embedded rights held by the holder or writer. Well known examples of these stopping rights include the early exercise right in American options, the callable right in callable securities and the prepayment right in mortgage loans. In this paper, we show how to model the mortgagor's prepayment in mortgage loans and the issuer's call in the American warrant as an event risk using the intensity based approach, where the propensity of prepayment or calling is modeled by the intensity of a Poisson process. We illustrate that the corresponding pricing formulation resembles the penalty approximation approach commonly used in the solution of the linear complementarity formulation of an optimal stopping problem. We obtain several theoretical results on the prepayment strategies of mortgage loans and calling policies of American warrants. We also propose robust second order accurate numerical schemes for solving the penalty formulation of an optimal stopping problem.  相似文献   

In this paper we derive an expression for the local volatility of an underlying asset, given the prices of liquid European call options under the Piterbarg framework. The Piterbarg framework is a multi-curve derivative pricing model which extends the well known Black–Scholes–Merton model by relaxing the assumption of a risk-free interest rate, and includes collateral payments. The expressions for the local volatility is a function of the option price surface, and is then transformed to become a function of the implied volatility surface.  相似文献   

期权“隐含波动率微笑”成因分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Black-Scholes期权定价模型低估深实值和深虚值期权的现象称为“波动率微笑”。其主要原因是资产价格过程假设和市场机制因素给期权卖方的△套期保值带来了额外风险和成本。确定波动率和随机波动率研究都对BS模型做出了修正。  相似文献   

This work addresses the impact of imperfections, such as information asymmetry and market sentiment, on the performance of option pricing models. More precisely, this work compares the option pricing model of Black and Scholes and the same model in the presence of imperfections. This study is based on S&P 500 options that cover the period between 17/03/2000 and 14/06/2013. The achieved results show that, in general, in the presence of imperfections, the model is more effective than the Black and Scholes model. This research appears to be promising for the incorporation of imperfections into the assessment of options.  相似文献   

This paper examines multi-step barrier options with an arbitrary payoff function using extended static hedging methods. Although there have been studies using extended reflection principles to obtain joint distribution functions for barrier options with complex barrier conditions, and static hedging methods to evaluate limited barrier options with well-known payoff functions, we obtain an explicit expression of barrier option price which has a general payoff function under the Black–Scholes framework assumption. The explicit multi-step barrier options prices we discuss in this paper are not only useful in that they can handle different levels and time steps barrier and all types of payoff functions, but can also extend to pricing of barrier options under finite discrete jump–diffusion models with a simple barrier. In the last part, we supplement the theory with numerical examples of various multi-step barrier options under the Black–Scholes or discrete jump–diffusion model for comparison purposes.  相似文献   

This paper presents an equilibrium formulation of asset pricing in an environment of mixed Poisson–Brownian information with recursive utility. The optimal portfolio choice problem is studied together with a derivation of Euler equation as necessary condition for optimality. It is further shown that the price processes governed by the Euler equation, together with the market clearing conditions, constitute the equilibrium price processes. Closed form formulas are derived for European call options and for other derivative securities in a particular parameterization of the economy. The derived option pricing formula contain many existing models as special cases, and is potentially useful in explaining the moneyness biasedness associated with Black–Scholes model.  相似文献   

The Wang transform allows for a simple, yet intuitive approach to pricing options with underlying based on geometric Brownian motion. This paper shows how the approach by Hamada and Sherris can be used to price some exotic options. Examples showing the convergence of the Wang price to the Black–Scholes price for a Margrabe option, a geometric basket option and an asset-or-nothing option are given. We also take a look at the range of prices achievable using the Wang transform for these options.  相似文献   

Concepts of asset valuation based on the martingale properties of shadow (or marginal utility) prices in continuous-time, infinite-horizon stochastic models of optimal saving and portfolio choice are reviewed and compared with their antecedents in static or deterministic economic theory. Applications of shadow pricing to valuation are described, including a new derivation of the Black–Scholes formula and a generalised net present value formula for valuing an indivisible project yielding a random income. Some new results are presented concerning (i) the characterisation of an optimum in a model of saving with an exogenous random income and (ii) the use of random time transforms to replace local by true martingales in the martingale and transversality conditions for optimal saving and portfolio choice.  相似文献   

This paper studies how the optimal capacity of a road is affected by a pricing constraint which keeps the toll fixed below its optimal value. The answer is found to depend on the value of the price elasticity of travel demand at the second-best optimum. The pricing constraint lowers the optimal capacity, if the price elasticity is sufficiently high. But under reasonable assumptions, the pricing constraint raises the optimal capacity, if the price elasticity is less than the ratio of the consumer price of travel to the private congestion cost at the second-best optimum. This ratio cannot be less than one.  相似文献   

We numerically solve systems of Black–Scholes formulas for implied volatility and implied risk-free rate of return. After using a seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR) model to obtain point estimates for implied volatility and implied risk-free rate, the options are re-priced using these parameters. After repricing, the difference between the market price and model price is increasing in time to expiration, while the effect of moneyness and the bid-ask spread are ambiguous. Our varying risk-free rate model yields Black–Scholes prices closer to market prices than the fixed risk-free rate model. In addition, our model is better for predicting future evolutions in model-free implied volatility as measured by the VIX.  相似文献   

A slight modification of the standard GARCH equation results in a good modeling of historical volatility. Using this generated GARCH volatility together with the inputs: spot price divided by strike, time to maturity, and interest rate, a generated Neural Network results in significantly better pricing performance than the Black Scholes model. A single Neural Network for each individual high-tech stock is able to adapt to the market inherent volatility distortion. A single Network for all tested high-tech stocks also results in significantly better pricing performance than the Black-Scholes model. Dr. Gunter Meissner (gmeissner@hawaii.rr.com) is president of Derivatives Software, www.dersoft.com, and associate professor of finance at the Hawaii Pacific University; Noriko Kawano, MSIS, is currently working as a software engineer at Hawaii Dental Service. The article was presented at the eighth Asia Pacific Finance Conference, Shanghai, July 2000.  相似文献   

Refining a discrete model of Cheuk and Vorst, we obtain a closed formula for the price of a European lookback option at any time between emission and maturity. We derive an asymptotic expansion of the price as the number of periods tends to infinity, thereby solving a problem posed by Lin and Palmer. We prove, in particular, that the price in the discrete model tends to the price in the continuous Black–Scholes model. Our results are based on an asymptotic expansion of the binomial cumulative distribution function that improves several recent results in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an efficient option pricing model that incorporates stochastic interest rate (SIR), stochastic volatility (SV), and double exponential jump into the jump-diffusion settings. The model comprehensively considers the leptokurtosis and heteroscedasticity of the underlying asset’s returns, rare events, and an SIR. Using the model, we deduce the pricing characteristic function and pricing formula of a European option. Then, we develop the Markov chain Monte Carlo method with latent variable to solve the problem of parameter estimation under the double exponential jump-diffusion model with SIR and SV. For verification purposes, we conduct time efficiency analysis, goodness of fit analysis, and jump/drift term analysis of the proposed model. In addition, we compare the pricing accuracy of the proposed model with those of the Black–Scholes and the Kou (2002) models. The empirical results show that the proposed option pricing model has high time efficiency, and the goodness of fit and pricing accuracy are significantly higher than those of the other two models.  相似文献   

We introduce a real options model in order to quantify the moral hazard impact of credit default swap (CDS) positions on the corporate default probabilities. Moral hazard is widely addressed in the insurance literature, where the insured agent may become less cautious about preventing the risk from occurring. Importantly, with CDS the moral hazard problem may be magnified since one can buy multiple protections for the same bond. To illustrate this issue, we consider a firm with the possibility of switching from an investment to another one. An investor can influence the strategic decisions of the firm and can also trade CDS written on the firm. We analyze how the decisions of the investor influence the firm value when he is allowed to trade credit default contracts on the firm’s debt. Our model involves a time-dependent optimal stopping problem, which we study analytically and numerically, using the Longstaff–Schwartz algorithm. We identify the situations where the investor exercises the switching option with a loss, and we measure the impact on the firm’s value and firm’s default probability. Contrary to the common intuition, the investors’ optimal behavior does not systematically consist in buying CDSs and increase the default probabilities. Instead, large indifference zones exist, where no arbitrage profits can be realized. As the number of the CDSs in the position increases to exceed several times the level of a complete insurance, we enter in the zone where arbitrage profits can be made. These are obtained by implementing very aggressive strategies (i.e., increasing substantially the default probability by producing losses to the firm). The profits increase sharply as we exit the indifference zone.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new class of exotic options, termed lookback-barrier options, which literally combine lookback and barrier options by incorporating an activating barrier condition into the European lookback payoff. A prototype of lookback-barrier option was first proposed by Bermin (1998), where he intended to reduce the expensive cost of lookback option by considering lookback options with barrier. However, despite his novel trial, it has not attracted much attention yet. Thus, in this paper, we revisit the idea and extend the horizon of lookback-barrier option in order to enhance the marketability and applicability to equity-linked investments. Devising a variety of payoffs, this paper develops a complete valuation framework which allows for closed-form pricing formulas under the Black–Scholes model. Our closed-form pricing formulas provide a substantial advantage over the method of Monte Carlo simulation, because the extrema appearing in both of the lookback payoff and barrier condition would require a large number of simulations for exact calculation. Complexities involved in the derivation process would be resolved by the Esscher transform and the reflection principle of the Brownian motion. We illustrate our results with numerical examples.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether a regime switching model of stochastic lumber prices is better for the analysis of optimal harvesting problems in forestry than a more traditional single regime model. Prices of lumber derivatives are used to calibrate a regime switching model, with each of two regimes characterized by a different mean reverting process. A single regime, mean reverting process is also calibrated. The value of a representative stand of trees and optimal harvesting prices are determined by specifying a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Variational Inequality, which is solved for both pricing models using a implicit finite difference approach. The regime switching model is found to more closely match the behavior of futures prices than the single regime model. In addition, analysis of a tree harvesting problem indicates significant differences in terms of land value and optimal harvest thresholds between the regime switching and single regime models.  相似文献   

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