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王伟  胡明瑜  王雅静 《商》2013,(12):81-81
本研究以秦川文体乐器公司为对象,依据组织平衡理论,采用动态跟踪调研的方法,以2005年6月到2006年6月的数据为参考,围绕秦川创业过程,从创业者与创业环境互动的角度研究创业规律,从而得出,创业是创业者同创业环境动态均衡结果的结论。  相似文献   

本研究以秦川文体乐器公司为对象,依据组织平衡理论,采用动态跟踪调研的方法,以2005年6月到2006年6月的数据为参考,围绕秦川创业过程,从创业者与创业环境互动的角度研究创业规律,从而得出,创业是创业者同创业环境动态均衡结果的结论。  相似文献   

整个社会对创业的态度已发生变化,85后新生代创业者开始崛起并在创业大潮中发挥重要作用。本文结合创业卷入和创业环境感知,以新生代创业者为研究对象,进行实证分析。结果表明,新生代创业者的创业卷入对创业环境感知、创业绩效及其维度有显著的正向影响,创业环境感知在创业卷入与创业绩效间起到部分中介作用。最后,基于实证分析提出了对新生代创业的思考。  相似文献   

王紫轩  鹿丽 《商》2014,(5):244-245
为了消化过剩的劳动力,近些年河南省政府一直积极鼓励各种形式的创业。但创业需要良好的环境。文章从经济、政策、产业、人才、研发、金融、中介服务、基础设施这八大关键要素环境出发,将河南省与国内创业环境最好的广东省进行对比。从中分析河南创业环境存在的问题,并提出了优化河南省创业环境的对策建议。  相似文献   

河南省大学生创业政策评价与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘沁玲 《商场现代化》2010,(15):168-171
通过广泛的调查和数据统计,分析了大学生创业政策的含义和内容,阐明了河南省政府支持大学生创业政策的内容和特点,综合评价了河南省大学生创业政策的内容和执行效果,并提出了要完善政策体系、强化高校创业教育支持体系建设、加大政策执行力度和检查监督等改善河南省大学生创业环境的有效对策。  相似文献   

面对严峻的就业压力,创业成为了当代大学生成长成才的重要途径之一,提高大学生的创业创新能力成为了高校教育改革的方向之一,通过全新的创业教育培养目标以及“以创业者素质模型为基础的差异化创业教育模式”来提升大学生创业创新能力,提高创业教育的效果。  相似文献   

本文以包头市创业环境为研究对象,尝试建立适合包头市的创业环境评价指标体系,利用熵值法对包头市的创业环境发展情况进行评价研究,并尝试提出改善包头市创业环境的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

王浩 《现代商贸工业》2012,24(10):102-103
创业环境研究是创业研究的关键问题之一,而分析创业环境影响因素是认识和评估创业环境的前提。创业环境理论研究的基本依据是种群生态论和资源依附论。在综合考察已有研究成果基础上,构建了一个企业创业环境要素模型,表明创业环境体现为内部创业环境、外部创业软环境、外部创业硬环境3个维度。  相似文献   

河南省地方高校加强创新创业教育意义重大。创新创业教育存在的最主要问题有:大学生"双创"意识及创新品格较弱,"双创"教育的模式比较陈旧;社会和学校对大学生"双创"教育的认识不足,课程体系有待完善;"双创"实践基地建设过于形式化;是缺乏专业的创业教育管理机构;是创业教育服务保障体系不完善等。  相似文献   

在中国当前的经济基础和市场体制下,关系资本渗透于社会、经济、政治、文化等各个领域,对创业活动的影响贯彻始终。本文以此为切入点,构建基于关系资本的创业环境分析框架,以期拓宽改善创业环境、促进创业经济发展的途径。  相似文献   

朱涵 《江苏商论》2011,(11):17-19
文章以基于GEM的商业创业环境评价指标体系为分析框架,通过对江苏省各地市商业创业环境的定量分析及综合比较,揭示出各地商业创业环境的独有特征,并在此基础上给出了优化商业创业环境的政策建议。  相似文献   

Most executives do not fully understand the notion of keiretsu or keiretsu business groups (KBG) nor the implications of dealing with a KBG member. A keiretsu is a sophisticated, multifaceted management device—not a form of organization. KBGs are not trusts, cartels, or conglomerates but groups of firms with an intricate web of inter-firm relations. Both are products of Japan’s peculiar culture, history, and business system and represent the manner in which many Japanese firms conduct their collective operations.  相似文献   

China is generally acknowledged to be the world's number one country producer of counterfeit products. After becoming a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) China is now obligated to comply with WTO provisions on protection of intellectual property rights (IPRs). However, product counterfeiting operations in China are well entrenched. The postWTO membership environment has changed little, and such illicit operations are unlikely to subside soon. Furthermore, there is not much foreign companies can do because the response strategies recommended in the business literature have limited effect in the Chinese environment. Foreign companies may have to wait until China becomes on balance a victim instead of a benefactor of product counterfeiting before they can hope to see better protection of their IPRs.  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to provide comprehensive insight into the identity and role of war entrepreneurs in the service of the French navy. The markets that link the state to economic actors can be complex, from simple commercial agreements to deliver hardware or provide a service to a richer relationship leading to a partnership where entrepreneurs participate in the overall improvement of the armed forces (infrastructure financing, integration of the economic and technical standards of the navy, etc.).  相似文献   

河南省作为一个农业大省,农业的发展在国民经济中占有重要的位置.而农村经济的快速发展很大程度上依赖于农村公路的建设.文章详细分析了现阶段我省农村公路交通中存在着的一些制约农村经济发展的想象,并从农村资源优势的转化、投资环境的改善、旅游文化的发展等方面着重剖析了农村公路建设的发展对我省农村经济发展的重要促进作用.  相似文献   

本文对黑龙江省软环境建设中的政府作为进行了论述.  相似文献   

This article examines how the international business (IB) literature has addressed social responsibility issues in the past 50 years, highlighting key developments and implications from a historical perspective. Specific attention is paid to the Journal of World Business (JWB), which has covered the whole period and published relevant articles related to these issues, in comparison to the Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS), the other long-standing IB journal. The article outlines that they illustrate different conceptualizations of IB and social responsibility. The 50-year review shows three subthemes: the (green) environment; ethics, rights and responsibilities; poverty and (sustainable) development. These are discussed consecutively, including main contributions and promising areas to further the field.  相似文献   

构筑企业数据中心 实现理性分析决策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对传统IT系统的业务处理分析,及数据中心集成解决企业数据处理问题的思路方法,给出了企业数据中心的适用方案建议。  相似文献   

前坪铅锌矿位于卢氏县与栾川县交界处,隶属卢氏县文峪镇与栾川县叫河乡、三川镇.铅矿化产于蓟县系栾川群变质岩中,受矿区南部栾川--固始深断裂的影响,矿区内形成了多组近平行断裂构造破碎带.同时,由于多期次热液活动的叠加,为铅等多金属成矿提供了良好的地质背景.因此研究区内铅等多金属矿化特征,对指导该区找矿具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

This article is the first of two parts of a comprehensive analysis regarding the key issues involved in doing business in China. By examining the complex business environment, it aims at helping foreign businessmen and investors to master the key background knowledge for being successful in the Central Kingdom ("know‐what"). A key theme is China’s immense diversity, variety, and complexity, as well as enormous competitive intensity, which are unrivaled by any other market in the world. Foreign businessmen often underestimate these aspects. The article reviews China’s historical development, political structure and climate, international relations, economy, and foreign trade. China’s infrastructure and energy structure, legal framework, competitive environment, as well as market structure and potential also are analyzed. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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