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随着卡塔尔首都多哈传来了中国加入世界贸易组织的喜讯,中国服装行业吹响了以崭新面貌全面进军国际市场的号角。在WTO规则下,中国市场将成为国际市场的一部分,国内服装企业可以充分享受发达国家先进的技术和广阔的市场,发达国家也可以充分利用我国质优价廉的丰富资源。服装行业作为国内最早学会在市场经济大潮中游泳的行业,面对世界经济一体化、全球化的国际环境,相信我们的企业能够游刃有余。“入世”给中国服装行业带来了一次历史发展机遇,将促使我们充分释放行业的优势,并在各个层面上不断深化加强,中国服装业必将成为21世纪…  相似文献   

记者:底总,首先,请您介绍一下当前纯碱行业(企业)的基本情况。   底同立:目前,我国纯碱行业共有纯碱生产企业 50多个,年总生产能力为 800万吨,其中有 75%以上的产量集中在大型企业,是我国化工行业中惟一以大型企业为主的行业。我国纯碱产能、产量均位居世界的第二位,合成碱、联碱均列世界第一位,可以说在国际上具有举足轻重的地位,并且在国际纯碱市场上也具有相当的竞争实力,而且已经占有一定的国际市场份额,产品主要向东南亚地区出口。   记者:今年以来,纯碱行业迈出低谷,并全面走向复苏。请问,其中的主要原因是什…  相似文献   

在国内外市场压力下,我国磷肥行业亟待通过向产磷区和大型企业转移,推进产品结构升级,提升国际竞争力。[编者按]  相似文献   

消息显示,2005年1至5月,国内炼油行业利润总额为亏损27.9亿元,呈全行业亏损态势。我国石化行业为何会出现亏损?有关专家认为,市场波动、成本上升、国内成品油价格未与国际市场完全接轨等原因均成推动因素。在直接层面上,上半年。我国石化行业的主要石化产品价格波动加剧,且向下走的趋势逐渐显现。据了解,中国石油和化学工业协会重点跟踪的146种产品5月份价格较上月有所下降的超过一半.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国从计划经济向市场经济转化,各行各业纷纷参与市场运行,已取得长足发展。但化肥行业的参与却姗姗来迟,直到1998年才步入阵地,而且由于长期“计划”思想的影响,使其步履蹒跚,徘徊在市场边缘。迫于环境态势,有些企业以观望态度,试探着从统一销售的格局里跳出来,进行“自我销售”。由于习惯势力和条块分割等造成的困难和阻力,虽然创置了不少新模式,但收效甚微。究其原因,企业并未跃出专买销售的阴影。  相似文献   

中国加入WTO以来,我国纺织工业在与经济全球化接轨的同时,必然会遇到许多新的贸易磨擦与矛盾。为了维护行业和企业的利益,帮助更多的企业尽快熟悉国际市场的游戏规则,充分发挥行业中介服务的作用,中国纺织工业协会专门成立了职能机构一中国纺织工业  相似文献   

在经济日益全球化的今天,加入WTO是中国融入世界经济的选择,从行业和企业角度来说,行业和企业是“入世”的直接承担者,“入世”将对行业和企业产生直接的影响。由于我国各个行业的比较优势和国际竞争力不同,应对“入世”的策略和能力不一样,不同行业受其影响和程度就有很大的差异,面临的机遇和挑战也不一样。◎机遇可以说,WTO所赋予的权利行使得越充分、越好,“入世”后我国石化行业面临的机遇就越大,发展就会越快。———改善出口市场环境,扩大商品销售市场,拓宽分销渠道。首先,我国石化行业可以享受最惠国待遇和国民待遇…  相似文献   

日本轴承工业最新市场调查情况报告加入WTO以后,我国机电产品在国际和国内市场上的竞争日趋激烈。如何使国内轴承行业在激烈的市场竞争中不断发展,提高产品质量,开拓新的潜在市场,增加轴承产品在国际市场上的份额和竞争力,是目前国内轴承行业急迫解决的问题。日本是精密轴承生产强国,在产品开发、设计制造、工艺水平、产品质量以及生产设备等方面均走在世界前列。为进一步深入了解日本轴承生产、市场现状,应日本神户市市长邀请,由中国机械工业联合会规划与市场部和中国国际贸易促进委员会机械行业分会共同组织的中国轴承行业考察团于日前…  相似文献   

近年来国际油价暴涨,油气企业效益普遍明显提高,对于目前国内已经改革重组的钻井行业来讲,也面临着诸多机遇和挑战。本文从国际钻井工程服务市场的现状出发,初步研究了钻井成本随油价变化的规律,并以斯伦贝谢(Schlumberger)、哈里伯顿(Halliburton)等服务公司效益随油价的变化情况为例,探讨了油价对国际钻井市场的影响,期望为钻井行业决策提供一定参考。  相似文献   

随着世界经济的缓慢复苏以及国际油价的高速增长,国内外苯酚市场不断升温。加之苯酚下游产品酚醛树脂、双酚A、己内酰胺、水杨酸等都广泛的运用在汽车、医药以及轻工等发展迅速的行业,市场需求日趋旺盛。我国苯酚生产能力较低,需求主要依靠进口弥补,对外依存度几乎达到50%,为保证我国苯酚行业健康发展,企业应该扩大生产规模、采用一体化生产,并且积极开发新工艺。  相似文献   

中东地区和非洲已成为我国企业进口原油的选择地区,为适应市场,企业应根据石油资源情况装置进行一定的改造。文章详细介绍了进口原油的运作,加工的经济评估和风险管理。  相似文献   

90年代以来,世界石化市场重心偏移亚洲,中国石化工业面临着激烈的币场竞争,根据2000年我国石化工业市场占有率的目标提出了市场、产销一体化、规模、产业布局、相关产业和体制改革等产业结构调整中的问题和相应实施的措施。  相似文献   

我国油品结构调整的方向和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对我国油品结构现状的分析和预测,参照国外情况及发展趋势,提出我国油品结构调整的目标和对策,旨在建立起符合我国国情,具有国际竞争力,适应市场需求变化的产品结构体系,最大限度地满足市场需要。  相似文献   

This paper sets up a model, where multinationals compete in quantities and domestic firms form a competitive fringe. Within this framework, we analyse the relationship between market concentration, international outsourcing and the industry price-cost margin. The empirical results of a panel of 66 industries and the EU12 countries in the 1990s strongly confirm our theoretical hypotheses. Market concentration and international outsourcing are positively related to industry price–cost margins. In a thought experiment, we show that industry price–cost margins would have decreased by 0.4 percentage points more in the 1990s, if international outsourcing had not changed since 1990. In addition, international outsourcing accounts for a convergence in margins across industries in the last decade.  相似文献   

In industries that produce high‐technology products or are reliant on technology for administrative or manufacturing processes, it is essential appropriately to link technologies to markets in order to increase shareholder value and to build future cash flows. Research and development (R&D) allocations in such industries are greatly dependent on forecasts of the R&D project's estimated potential contribution to future cash flows, which is related to the project's ability to satisfy current or future customer needs. The resource allocation decisions are difficult, however, since both markets and technology are likely to be highly uncertain. Although the innovation literature ably has addressed specific relationships between certain factors and new product development outcomes, less attention has been given to obstacles faced in linking technology to markets. Grounded in a literature‐based discussion of technology and market opportunity, the authors develop a conceptual framework for identifying and understanding the barriers facing managers in the process of matching technologies to market opportunities. Technology and market barriers include technology‐market linkage, technology availability, technology and market capabilities of competitors, and business model feasibility. Strategy and structure barriers include competition for limited resources, technology capabilities, technology portfolio goals, current market strategies, and competition for control of market charters. Social and cultural barriers include interpretive and communication barriers between functional units and language and cultural barriers within the technology workforce. The article concludes with implications for researchers and managers. The conceptual framework presented here can encourage the development of a stream of research in the area of technology strategy and planning processes, allowing researchers to improve our understanding of the process of technology innovation. Managers can use the framework as a guide for addressing a wide range of issues related to the process of matching technologies to market opportunities. For example, rather than relying strictly on cash flow projections for estimating the value of a new technology, managers also should consider how the technology could create new market opportunities or could reshape existing ones.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the determinants of firm start-up size of Spanish manufacturing industries. The industries’ barriers to entry affect the ability of potential entrants to enter the markets and the size range at which they decide to enter. In order to examine the relationships between barriers to entry and size we applied the quantile regression techniques. Our results indicate that the variables that characterize the structure of the market, the variables that are related to the behaviour of the incumbent firms and the rate of growth of the industries generate different barriers depending on the initial size of the entrants. JEL classifications: L110, L600.  相似文献   

陈凯 《山东纺织经济》2013,(12):11-13,78
改革开放30多年来,在经济全球化快速推进的背景下,我国的经济、贸易都实现了持续、稳定的增长,对外贸易对经济增长贡献的突出地位进一步得到巩固和发展。但是,长期以来,重视出口贸易、低估甚至忽视进口贸易对本国科技水平提高、经济增长中的作用,是我国理论研究和政策实践的总体倾向。受这一政策倾向的影响,我国对外贸易发展不平衡加剧,贸易摩擦频发,技术含量低、贸易附加值少的问题日益凸显。本文首先对国内外的技术溢出相关文献进行梳理,在此基础上利用计量分析方法对我国进口贸易的技术溢出效应进行实证检验。在实证检验部分,分别从国家整体、分区域的角度,考察我国进口贸易技术溢出效应的区域差异。从而为相关政策的推出提供指引。  相似文献   

中国战略性技术及其产业化的七大问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在国际经济竞争越来越激烈的今天,大国之间的竞争更多地表现为战略技术的竞争和战略产业的竞争。所以,无论美国还是欧盟,无一不是把发展自己的战略技术和战略产业放到了重要的地位。中国作为一个大国,要想在世界竞争格局中获得相对优势地位,没有自己的战略技术和战略产业是不可能的。但是,中国发展自己的战略技术和战略产业,也存在着相当的困难。这些问题有些是来自战略技术和战略产业自身属性的,有些则是根源于中国基本经济结构和产业发展水平。21世纪是战略技术和战略产业竞争的世纪,谁拥有更多的战略技术并成功地使其产业化,谁将在未来的竞争中胜出。中国要在这样一场竞争中获得优势位置,必须解决好自身所面临的七个重大问题。即战略产业的高度战略化和低度市场化、高度战略化与高度市场化、低端技术市场化与高端技术政治化、巨量资金需求与筹资渠道狭窄、绝对比较劣势与相对比较优势、跟踪战略与超越战略、国家意志与民营载体。  相似文献   

This article reports on a cross-sectional, longitudinal, and comparative study of industrial buyer behavior. The study points to clear similarities in industrial purchasing between buyers in two industries in four countries. It also shows similarities in results using the same instrument taken in studies several years apart and points to generalizations about the involvement of different departments in the purchase of a variety of product types in different international markets.  相似文献   

In this inductive multiple‐case study set in the nascent market for mobile payments, we investigate how global firms from different industries attempt to define the architecture for a new market. We find that powerful players from different industries have difficulty in reaching agreement on the new market's architecture due to their history of dominance in their respective industries. This disagreement in turn leads to a weak compromise on market architecture and creates a vicious cycle of resource allocation deferment. We show that the nascent market is thus less likely to emerge despite country‐level attempts at resolving these issues. Our findings contribute to resource dependence theory and to theories of market emergence, and lead to a deeper understanding of when and how markets fail to emerge. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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