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Firm-level investment is lumpy and volatile but aggregate investment is much smoother and highly serially correlated. These different patterns of investment behavior have been viewed as indicating convex adjustment costs at the aggregate level but non-convex adjustment costs at the firm level. This paper shows that financial frictions in the form of collateralized borrowing at the firm level (Kiyotaki and Moore, 1997) can give rise to convex adjustment costs at the aggregate level yet at the same time generate lumpiness in plant-level investment. In particular, our model can (i) derive aggregate capital adjustment cost functions identical to those assumed by Hayashi (1982) and (ii) explain the weak empirical relationship between Tobin?s Q and plant-level investment.  相似文献   

Abstract .  The paper revisits the empirical investment literature, which has established that aggregate business fixed investment is not found to be related linearly to marginal or average Tobin's q . The theoretical background is extended here by developing a supply-side model where the depreciation rate of private capital is determined endogenously. The firm can either invest in 'new' capital, which adds directly to the existing capital stock at the presence of convex adjustment costs, or extend the durability of installed capital through maintenance expenditure, which affects its depreciation rate. The model shows that Tobin's q is then a positively related sufficient statistic for both components of aggregate capital expenditures. This central implication is tested empirically using aggregate time-series survey data from Canada on 'new' investment and maintenance expenditures covering the period 1956–93. The estimated relationships produce significant and plausible parameter estimates for the structural parameters of the q model.  相似文献   

我国寿险公司资本结构的影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐华 《财经科学》2005,(6):105-110
寿险公司的融资方式可以分为权益融资和债务融资,寿险公司债务资本与权益资本的比率构成了寿险公司的资本结构。本文考察了我国寿险公司资本结构的影响因素。我们的研究表明,在1998-2003年期间,寿险公司资本结构主要受寿险公司的规模和寿险公司收益波动性的影响,而成长性、获利性、信息不对称问题及代理问题并非影响寿险公司的主要因素。  相似文献   

On the Nature of Capital Adjustment Costs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper studies the nature of capital adjustment at the plant level. We use an indirect inference procedure to estimate the structural parameters of a rich specification of capital adjustment costs. In effect, the parameters are optimally chosen to reproduce a set of moments that capture the non-linear relationship between investment and profitability found in plant-level data. Our findings indicate that a model, which mixes both convex and non-convex adjustment costs, fits the data best.  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates the impact of exchange rate shocks on capital stock adjustment in the Japanese industry. An intertemporal optimization model is developed, in which an individual corporation in an open economy adjusts its capital stock according to Tobin's q. By explicitly considering the marginal q, the transmission mechanism from real exchange rate shocks to investment dynamics is examined based on the Vector Autoregressive model. Empirical evidence suggests that the depreciation of the Japanese yen increases the expected profitability of the firm and stimulates investment, especially in the machinery sector.  相似文献   

A model of persisting labour and capital migrations is proposed which relies on capital installation adjustment costs. Labour and capital markets are supposed internationally integrated with free factor movements imposing a 'law of one price' on the gross return to each factor. The development of infrastructure and other capital projects however is accompanied by adjustment costs that create a divergence between the gross and net returns to capital. This makes it optimal to accumulate capital only gradually. Thus, although there is rapid international economic convergence because returns on traded assets and labour are internationally determined, labour and capital immigrations persist. The consistency of this model with some stylised facts of experience is examined using data for four high factor immigration economies from 1870–1991.  相似文献   

The modified golden rule, which relates the rate of return on capital and the growth rate of the capital stock along long-run growth paths that maximize the utility of a representative infinitely lived consumer, is invariant to the introduction of convex capital adjustment costs. Therefore, along balanced growth paths in neoclassical optimal growth models with an exogenous long-run growth rate of capital, the rate of return is invariant to the introduction of convex adjustment costs, though the capital–labor ratio is reduced along such paths. In AK models, convex adjustment costs reduce the growth rate and rate of return on capital. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Number: E2.  相似文献   

This paper follows through an aspect of microeconomic restructuring in Hungary during the transition period. This restructuring brought about substantial changes in the behaviour of all economic agents. Our study combines labour market and corporate financial information to explore the effect of the quality of labour employed on the profitability of the firm. The quality of labour is measured as that portion of wage differentials that cannot be explained by a standard human capital model. The profitability of Hungarian exporting firms can be explained by economic factors during transition. In addition the quality of labour, export share, wage and bank costs, payables, receivables, foreign ownership, inventories, amortization and equity are all significant explanatory variables.  相似文献   

Capital structure and innovation: causality and determinants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This article conducts a firm‐level analysis of the effect of taxation on corporate investment, using large‐scale panel data on non‐financial firms over the period 1990–2014, and controlling for macrostructural differences among ASEAN countries. We find a significant degree of persistence in fixed investment over time, which varies with firm characteristics, such as size, growth prospects, profitability and leverage. The non‐linear estimations indicate that taxation facilitates business investment (possibly by enabling public investment in infrastructure and human capital, and the proper functioning of government institutions), but this effect turns negative and stifles private investment growth as the tax burden increases.  相似文献   

Hyunseok Kim 《Applied economics》2013,45(50):5420-5446
We investigate the characteristics of ‘voluntary zero dividend paying’ firms and their subsequent performance. We define NDR_HP (no dividends or repurchases, with high profitability) firms as those with profits above the industry median and yet pay out zero dividends (including share repurchases). Signalling, agency, residual dividend, and life cycle theories explain firm characteristics and dividend payouts, to which we add the novel variables CEO overconfidence and market competition. We discover that growth opportunity, capital expenditure, and CEO overconfidence are positively related to NDR_HP. In addition, we find that the NDR_HP group outperforms all other groups in terms of future performance.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the optimal management of a firm faced with a long-term liability that occurs at a random date. Three issues are analysed: The optimal dividend policy; optimal expenditure on safety to delay the occurrence of the liability; and the optimal liquidation date of the firm. An owner faced with dynamic unlimited liability never liquidates and therefore accumulates capital to the golden rule level. For long-term liabilities, dividend payments and safety expenditure are non-decreasing over time. The owner protected by limited liability may liquidate the firm in finite time in order to avoid paying the liability. If this is the case, then it accumulates less capital than the dynamic unlimited liability owner; and may decrease dividend payments and safety expenditure over time. The paper shows that a finite liquidation date is more likely to be optimal when the arrival rate of the liability occurrence increases over time.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the impact of Chief Technology Officers (CTO) on firm performance using upper-echelon theory, human capital theory and social capital theory. The upper-echelon theory is used to investigate how CTO roles are realised within a company regardless of the individual who carries them out, i.e. through a formal CTO position or not. Human and social capital theories are employed to assess how certain features of CTO influences his/her effect on company performance. Thus, this explorative study investigates two questions: (1) do CTO roles affect a firm's performance?, and (2) which features of the senior manager in charge of technology influence performance? To answer these questions the study first develops a conceptual model and subsequently tests the model based on a survey of 49 firms in electronics and machinery industries in Turkey. Two findings emerge: (1) the fulfilment of CTO roles increases a firm's profitability and (2) the existence of a distinct managerial technology position further improves profitability. Moreover, the study clearly shows the role of social capital theory in explaining how the company performance is likely to increase when the CTO/CTO-proxy manager is placed on a higher rung on the organisational ladder.  相似文献   

This paper examines theoretically and empirically the effects of public investmentrules on output growth in an economy with private and public capital. It is shownthat the decisions on public capital formation are closely associated with the growthrate of output and generate endogenous growth. A permanent change in the policyrule implies a new long-run growth rate of output, but the economy will onlygradually approach the new steady-state due to adjustment costs in private capitalaccumulation. The model predictions are tested using data from Canada for theperiod 1955-1999. The data support the endogenous growth hypothesis and thetwo central assumptions of the model: (i) the growth rate of output follows closelythe rate of infrastructure formation and (ii) private capital formation also followsthe rate of infrastructure formation but adjusts with a delay.  相似文献   

The paper analyses the effects of increased trade exposure on the profitability of firms in Indian industry. While trade reforms are often expected to decrease profit margins as firms struggle to compete in international markets, there is the possibility that increased competition may improve firm efficiency and provide a positive impetus to firm profitability. This paper is different from many others in this area in that it considers both these possibilities. An efficiency index is created to directly analyse the impact of changing efficiency levels on firm profit margins. Results indicate that liberalization significantly influenced profit margins. However, its main effect is through the impact that it has had on other firm variables - market shares, advertising, R&D and exports - all of which changed after 1991. While exports have had a pro-competitive effect on profit margins in the selected sample, AD and R&D both cause an increase in profit margins. It is also found that neither capital nor managerial capabilities (as proxied by remuneration) are particularly effective in increasing profit margins.  相似文献   

已有文献认为,晋升政治激励是解释中国地方政府基础设施投资偏好的主要原因。但统计数据却表明,1995年以前基础设施资本存量增长速度与GDP增长速度是重合的,1995年以后基础设施资本存量的增长速度明显超过了GDP增长速度。由于改革以来晋升政治激励并未发生变化,因此已有文献无法解释1995年前后两个时期里为何出现基础设施增长模式的差异。本文提出的财政激励假说认为,分税制改革所带来的财政激励变化,是导致地方政府投资在1995年以后变得偏好于基础设施的主要原因。笔者利用省级面板数据对上述假说进行了检验,发现财政激励假说可以很好地解释分税制改革前后地方政府基础设施投资偏好的变化。这意味着进一步完善分税制对改进地方政府的支出偏好是至关重要的。  相似文献   

The choice of the location of foreign direct investment is a complex phenomenon, depending not only on host‐country characteristics, but also on host‐industry and specific source‐firm characteristics. To capture these different influences for foreign investment location decisions into 13 Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) over a twelve‐year period, this paper uses a Generalized Nested Logit (GNL) model with firm, industry, and country data. The novel empirical results show that the responsiveness of firms’ decisions regarding where to locate capital in CEECs to country‐level variables differs both across sectors and across firms of different sizes and profitability.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between relational capital and profitability and accessibility to credit of a small firm. The extant literature shows a positive link between relational capital and other variables relevant to a firm’s development but does not cover access to credit. Here, a sample of 136 small firms from Piemonte (north-western Italy) is used. The results show that relational capital eases the access to credit and, in some cases, increases the probability of running positive profits.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the relationship between the mode of international investment and institutional quality. Foreign investors from a capital‐rich North can either purchase productive assets in a capital‐poor South and transfer their capital within integrated multinational firms or they can form joint ventures with local asset owners. The South is ruled by an autocratic elite that may use its political power to expropriate productive assets. The expropriation risk lowers the incentive to provide specific capital in an integrated firm and distorts the decision between joint ventures and integrated production. We determine the equilibrium risk of expropriation in this framework and the resulting pattern of international production. We also analyze as to how globalization, which is reflected in a decline in investment costs, influences institutional quality.  相似文献   

We study the role of brand capital – a primary form of intangible capital – for firm valuation and risk in the cross section of publicly traded firms. Using an empirical measure of brand capital stock constructed from advertising expenditures accounting data, we show that: (i) firms with low brand capital investment rates have higher average stock returns than firms with high brand capital investment rates, a difference of 5.2% per annum; (ii) more brand capital intensive firms have higher average stock returns than less brand capital intensive firms, a difference of 5.1% per annum; and (iii) investment in both brand capital and physical capital is volatile and procyclical. A neoclassical investment-based model in which brand capital is a factor of production subject to adjustment costs matches the data well. The model also provides a novel explanation for the empirical links between advertising expenditures and stock returns around seasoned equity offerings (SEO) documented in previous studies.  相似文献   

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