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传统经济理论假设个体服从理性判断,遵循选择逻辑,并据此演绎出个体行为选择分析的两种方法.但无论是基于偏好法的效用理论还是反其道而行的显示偏好理论,本质上均无法解释清楚现实中的个体选择为何是丰富的或多样化的.通过梳理以Hayek为代表的奥地利学派真正以个体作为根本特征的理论范式可以发现,引入个体(偏好)异质性是增进人类行为理解的一个关键.  相似文献   

涉他偏好效用理论研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"最后通牒"等一系列行为博弈实验显示,人们在追求自身收益的同时也会关注其他人的收益。而在此基础上发展的涉他偏好效用理论,成功解释了大量传统经济理论所不能解释的实验结果和经济现象,并能更为准确地预测经济行为。该文对目前涉他偏好效用理论的主要模型——互惠意图模型、不公平厌恶模型和社会福利偏好模型进行研究、比较和分析,为解决我国经济改革和经济转型中公平、互惠和社会效率等方面问题提供所需的理论依据。  相似文献   

建立在同质、稳定基础上的偏好拥有无与伦比的简约美,但是对一些真实问题的解释并不能使人心悦诚服。大量研究表明个体偏好并不符合新古典经济学所刻画的逻辑性质。本文在剖析个体异质性的基础上,探讨分层偏好的形成机理及演化,并尝试构建了内层偏好、准内层偏好和外层偏好关系的分析框架。通过一个典型的公共品实验,考察了文化、经济制度和个体认知水平对于公共品自愿供给的影响,继而说明个体分层偏好的存在性。分层偏好的形成机理及其验证对于经济学理论及实际经济政策的制定具有深远的意义。  相似文献   

个体决策行为的实验研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大量有关个体决策行为的研究主要集中于个体判断及风险和不确定条件下的个体选择行为。通过广泛的实验分析,研究者发现了大量不同于传统理性预期模式的个体决策行为特征,如随机错觉、同比率效应、偏好颠倒、禀赋效应及确定性效应等。人们应用简化的程序或“启发式方法”,而这容易导致在解决问题、判断和选择中的系统性误差(偏离)。本文对个体决策行为理论及其实验研究进行了评述,对预期效用模型及个体偏好理性的公理化假定进行了反思,并提出了今后经济学在行为研究层面的潜在方向。  相似文献   

人的行为选择要受行为偏好的影响,也要受制度安排的制约;同时,人的行为偏好又要受价值理论的影响.或者说,价值理论不同,人的行为偏好就不会完全一样,行为选择也不会完全相同,制度安排也要适应行为选择的变化而变化.效用价值理论认为,物品之所以有价值,是因为它有效用,能够满足人的需求和欲望;是因为它有稀缺性,需要建立所有权和交换的制度安排.  相似文献   

作为经济学的硬核假设,自涉、外生给定、同质且稳定不变的偏好假定几乎被应用于所有的经济分析中。由于其对真实世界中个体行为解释的牵强与矛盾从而面临着理论困惑与现实困境,走出困境的一个有效途径是偏好的融合。本文研究表明:偏好的融合必须囊括自涉偏好与他涉偏好的统一、偏好异质与内生对偏好同质与外生的扬弃、偏好稳定的特殊性与偏好演化的一般性三个方面。从而融合后的个体偏好是自涉偏好与他涉偏好的统一;是情景依存的,内生于社会制度之中;是异质的;是演化的。偏好的融合无论是对于经济学的理论研究还是对于现实经济政策的制定都具有深远的意义。  相似文献   

基于期望理论的纳税遵从行为研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
何红渠  肖瑛 《财经研究》2005,31(3):100-108
根据预期效用理论,大部分人会少报所得额、偷逃税款.然而在现实生活中,我们看到的是大部分人选择依法纳税.在较低的税务检查率和罚款率的威慑效应下,现实的纳税遵从水平为何如此之高?文章通过综合述评,将期望理论引入纳税决策范畴,对纳税主体的税收遵从行为进行分析,解释了预期效用理论下的纳税困惑,并得出结论:税率与纳税遵从水平负相关.  相似文献   

经济中存在着大量的不确定性,人们在不确定情况下的决策行为是公司资本结构、期权定价等问题的理论基础.自从冯?诺伊曼和摩根斯坦的经典著作《博弈论和经济行为》问世以来,期望效用理论一直被奉为理性人在不确定情况下进行决策的准则,在期望效用理论的基础上,建立起了资本资产定价模型、有效市场等一系列经济理论.然而随着实验经济学的发展,经济学家发现人们在实际决策中会出现一些违反期望效用准则的异象.1979年,卡尼曼和特沃斯基的论文前景理论,解释了这些异象,并成为行为金融学的理论基础.该文在介绍这两种理论主要思想的基础上证明,在一个理性人应当遵循的代数结合律公理的条件下,前景理论和期望效用理论的结论是一样的.  相似文献   

朋友(恋人)是关系产品的主要供给者,对主观幸福感具有重要意义。由于选择的双向性涉及丰富的人类情感,朋友(恋人)选择与普通商品的决策模式显著不同。以婚姻市场双边匹配模型为基础,以基于信念依赖动机的心理博弈理论为工具构造的模型可用于部分解释朋友(恋人)的选择行为。个体建立朋友(恋人)关系的行动决策,取决于对对方特征的偏好程度、个体的自信程度以及关于对方是否喜欢自己的概率信念引发的心理状态。个体按照阈值穿越条件做出行动选择,物质效用和心理效用共同构成穿越条件的因素。  相似文献   

国际分散化投资可以增加均值—方差模型投资者的效用,在理论和经验上均得到了广泛支持,然而,该理论无法解释国际金融领域"本国偏好之谜",即一国投资者将绝大部分的资金投资在本国证券市场而忽略国外证券市场。通过交易成本、信息不对称、对冲需求分别对"本国偏好之谜"进行解释,仍无法取得合理及满意的答案。行为金融的发展给解释"本国偏好之谜"提供了一个新的视角。  相似文献   

准确把掌握细分市场上消费者的需求和选择偏好是企业获取较好市场回报的关键.本文以访谈和调查问卷的数据信息为基础,针对消费者个体特征方面的多个因素变量,运用离散选择模型,研究对液态奶制品的某个特征因素作为首选因素的影响分析.同时,针对消费者某一特征因素对液态奶的多个特征因素的选择偏好的影响,给出了基于Logit模型和SPSS软件的统计分析和合理解释.通过对液体奶制品消费者的个体特征和选择液态奶的某一特定因素为首选因素的关系分析,以及顾客选择偏好方面的探讨,为我国液态奶制品供应链在目标市场的选择方面提供了一些启示.  相似文献   

This article reports experiments dealing with individual subject valuation and preference over prospect pairs that are known to generate systematic intransitivities in choice behavior termed “preference reversals”. The authors examine whether alternative procedures to those previously employed for eliciting individual limit selling prices over prospects alters the incidence or dollar magnitude of preference reversals. It is found that when individual limit selling prices over prospects are elicited in a repetitive, second-price sealed Vickrey (1961) auction market framework, rather than under the traditional single response Becker, DeGroot, and Marshak (1964) procedure, that the dollar magnitude of preference reversals declines significantly. Initially, when opening Vickrey auction limit selling prices are combined with individual subject choices over prospects, previous results like those of Grether and Plott (1979) are obtained. When ending Vickrey auction limit selling prices are combined with individual subject choices over prospects, the dollar magnitude of reversals declines significantly. These results imply that markets can be efficient and yield market clearing prices under a given arrangement of property rights even if the behavior of some individuals is inconsistent with expected utility theory.  相似文献   

We explore the relation between two ‘rationality conditions’ for stochastic choice behavior: regularity and the weak axiom of stochastic revealed preference (WASRP). We show that WASRP implies regularity, but the converse is not true. We identify a restriction on the domain of the stochastic choice function, which suffices for regularity to imply WASRP. When the universal set of alternatives is finite, this restriction is also necessary for regularity to imply WASRP. Furthermore, we identify necessary and sufficient domain restrictions for regularity to imply WASRP, when the universal set of alternatives is finite and stochastic choice functions are all degenerate. Results in the traditional, deterministic, framework regarding the relation between Chernoff’s condition and the weak axiom of revealed preference follow as special cases. Thus, general conditions are established, under which regularity can substitute for WASRP as the axiomatic foundation for a theory of choice behavior.  相似文献   

创新是当今社会发展的时代主题,对于企业而言,激励员工表现出卓越的创新性行为是提升企业创新优势的关键,而促进员工与企业融合则是实现上述目标的有效途径。基于人境匹配理论,系统探讨企业员工创新行为影响机制,构建个人领导匹配、个人组织匹配、领导认同、组织认同与员工创新行为结构方程模型,通过实证分析,结果发现:①员工领导匹配对领导认同、员工组织匹配对组织认同具有正向影响;②领导认同与组织认同对员工创新行为具有正向影响;③以上两种认同关系在人境匹配与员工创新行为之间起中介作用。该结论将原有人境匹配框架中的“匹配”有效扩展为“匹配-转化”框架,该框架在组织层面和个体层面的应用使人境匹配理论更加丰富和纵深,可为匹配理论视角下企业员工创新行为实践提供有益参考。  相似文献   

"经济人"假设关注个人的利益目标及实现目标的能力,而马克思在刻画个人时还特别强调了社会关系对个人行为选择的约束。笔者立足于对马克思相关观点的理解,探讨秉承斯密个人主义思想的西方经济学流派对"经济人"假设的继承和发展,试图揭示这一个人观念进一步发展遇到的困惑。遵循方法论个人主义原则,西方学者要从追逐自身利益的"经济人"出发,解释约束其实现自身利益的因素形成和变迁的原因,从而不得不面对引入另一种个人行为模式的尴尬。  相似文献   

In a recent article, Bilancini (J Econ 102:275–286, 2011) demonstrates that assuming either price-dependent preferences or preferences that depend on the choices of other individuals can render the theory of revealed preference effectively unusable. Some readers might be tempted to infer that economists had better avoid such assumptions. In this note, we argue against that conclusion in favor of a less categorical and more pragmatic approach. In several domains, we identify fundamental weaknesses in revealed preference theory and argue that in those domains, nontraditional assumptions about preferences significantly enhance our ability to explain and predict behavior.  相似文献   

Despite the achievements obtained by environmental economics over recent decades, it shares the same failings as economic theory in general. In this sense, regarding preferences, very little attention has been paid to three elements; the long-term change in social preferences, the incorporation of non-economic factors in the structure of preferences, and the need to consider some kind of heterogeneity in social preferences. In this paper we deal with these three issues by developing a new framework which encloses non-economic factors as one of the driving forces to explain consumer behavior and which allows us to endogeneize preference and consider heterogeneity. After setting up our approach, we pose the question as to how far such a framework modifies the levels of use and consumption of a renewable resource. Our findings have enabled us to draw interesting conclusions regarding environmental policies in place since the 1970s.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates how Amartya Sen’s critique of revealed preference theory (RPT) stands against the latter’s contemporary, ‘neo-Samuelsonian’ version. Neo- Samuelsonians have argued that Sen’s arguments against RPT are innocuous, in particular once it is acknowledged that RPT does not assume away the existence of motivations or other latent psychological or cognitive processes. Sen’s claims that preferences and choices need to be distinguished and that external factors need to be taken into account to analyze the act of choice then appear to be irrelevant. However, while it is true that contemporary revealed preference theory (CRPT) partially evades Sen’s critique, I show that the latter is still relevant outside the restricted areas of consumer choice and market dynamics. In particular, Sen’s views regarding the importance of incomplete preferences and the multiplicity of levels of agency can hardly be integrated into the framework of CRPT. This is a significant limit, given the imperialistic claims of some of the proponents of the latter.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of an individual choice experiment designed to test the Nash equilibrium predictions of the first-price sealed-bid auction. A subject faced in 100 auctions always the same resale value and competed with computer-simulated bids. The design used between-subjects variation and involved information feedback as the treatment variable. Earlier experimental work on first price auctions has frequently reported an overbidding relative to the risk neutral Nash equilibrium. Our data provide evidence that overbidding can be fostered by the standard information feedback in auction experiments, which, after each auction, reveals the winning bid only. By means of learning direction theory we explain the individual bidding dynamics in our experiment. Finally we apply impulse balance theory and make long run predictions of individual bidding behavior.  相似文献   

This paper offers an analytical framework for analyzing joint and separate decisions by couples in the context of choice experiments for nonmarket valuation. It reports results from an attribute-based stated preference study in which members of couples are asked to conduct a choice-experiment first individually and then jointly. The choice context was the selection of which beach to visit while on vacation in Tobago. Available alternatives differed in attributes related to coastal water and beach quality such as level of coastal development and fish abundance. Tests of preference equality are reported and structured so as to identify the intra-couple decision-making patterns under taste heterogeneity with both finite and continuous mixed logit. Results from the latter suggest that women’s preferences are found to be predominant in the joint choice-experiment. Results suggest caution in using individual choice rather than joint couple choice when valuing quality changes impacting on couple activities, such as water and beach quality in Tobago, and call for further research on the topic.  相似文献   

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