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We study Neyman–Pearson testing and Bayesian decision making based on observations of the price dynamics (Xt:t∈[0,T])(Xt:t[0,T]) of a financial asset, when the hypothesis is the classical geometric Brownian motion with a given constant growth rate and the alternative is a different random diffusion process with a given, possibly price-dependent, growth rate. Examples of asset price observations are introduced and used throughout the paper to demonstrate the applicability of the theory. By a rigorous mathematical approach, we obtain exact formulae and bounds for the most common statistical characteristics of testing and decision making, such as the power of test (type II error probability), the Bayes factor and its moments (power divergences), and the Bayes risk or Bayes error. These bounds can be much more easily evaluated than the exact formulae themselves and, consequently, they are useful for practical applications. An important theoretical conclusion of this paper is that for the class of alternatives considered   neither the risk nor the errors converge to zero faster than exponentially in the observation time TT. We illustrate in concrete decision situations that the actual rate of convergence is well approximated by the bounds given in the paper.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to integrate the generalized gamma (GG)(GG) distribution into the information theoretic literature. We study information properties of the GGGG distribution and provide an assortment of information measures for the GGGG family, which includes the exponential, gamma, Weibull, and generalized normal distributions as its subfamilies. The measures include entropy representations of the log-likelihood ratio, AIC, and BIC, discriminating information between GGGG and its subfamilies, a minimum discriminating information function, power transformation information, and a maximum entropy index of fit to histogram. We provide the full parametric Bayesian inference for the discrimination information measures. We also provide Bayesian inference for the fit of GGGG model to histogram, using a semi-parametric Bayesian procedure, referred to as the maximum entropy Dirichlet (MED). The GGGG information measures are computed for duration of unemployment and duration of CEO tenure.  相似文献   

This paper extends the cross-sectionally augmented panel unit root test (CIPSCIPS) proposed by Pesaran (2007) to the case of a multifactor error structure, and proposes a new panel unit root test based on a simple average of cross-sectionally augmented Sargan–Bhargava statistics (CSBCSB). The basic idea is to exploit information regarding the mm unobserved factors that are shared by kk observed time series in addition to the series under consideration. Initially, we develop the tests assuming that m0m0, the true number of factors, is known and show that the limit distribution of the tests does not depend on any nuisance parameters, so long as k≥m0−1km01. Small sample properties of the tests are investigated by Monte Carlo experiments and are shown to be satisfactory. Particularly, the proposed CIPSCIPS and CSBCSB tests have the correct size for all   combinations of the cross section (NN) and time series (TT) dimensions considered. The power of both tests rises with NN and TT, although the CSBCSB test performs better than the CIPSCIPS test for smaller sample sizes. The various testing procedures are illustrated with empirical applications to real interest rates and real equity prices across countries.  相似文献   

An infinite-order asymptotic expansion is given for the autocovariance function of a general stationary long-memory process with memory parameter d∈(−1/2,1/2)d(1/2,1/2). The class of spectral densities considered includes as a special case the stationary and invertible ARFIMA(p,d,qp,d,q) model. The leading term of the expansion is of the order O(1/k1−2d)O(1/k12d), where kk is the autocovariance order, consistent with the well known power law decay for such processes, and is shown to be accurate to an error of O(1/k3−2d)O(1/k32d). The derivation uses Erdélyi’s [Erdélyi, A., 1956. Asymptotic Expansions. Dover Publications, Inc, New York] expansion for Fourier-type integrals when there are critical points at the boundaries of the range of integration - here the frequencies {0,2π}{0,2π}. Numerical evaluations show that the expansion is accurate even for small kk in cases where the autocovariance sequence decays monotonically, and in other cases for moderate to large kk. The approximations are easy to compute across a variety of parameter values and models.  相似文献   

High dimensional covariance matrix estimation using a factor model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High dimensionality comparable to sample size is common in many statistical problems. We examine covariance matrix estimation in the asymptotic framework that the dimensionality pp tends to ∞ as the sample size nn increases. Motivated by the Arbitrage Pricing Theory in finance, a multi-factor model is employed to reduce dimensionality and to estimate the covariance matrix. The factors are observable and the number of factors KK is allowed to grow with pp. We investigate the impact of pp and KK on the performance of the model-based covariance matrix estimator. Under mild assumptions, we have established convergence rates and asymptotic normality of the model-based estimator. Its performance is compared with that of the sample covariance matrix. We identify situations under which the factor approach increases performance substantially or marginally. The impacts of covariance matrix estimation on optimal portfolio allocation and portfolio risk assessment are studied. The asymptotic results are supported by a thorough simulation study.  相似文献   

Consider the location-scale regression model Y=m(X)+σ(X)?Y=m(X)+σ(X)?, where the error ?? is independent of the covariate X, and m   and σσ are smooth but unknown functions. We construct tests for the validity of this model and show that the asymptotic limits of the proposed test statistics are distribution free. We also investigate the finite sample properties of the tests through a simulation study, and we apply the tests in the analysis of data on food expenditures.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of testing whether the observations X1,…,XnX1,,Xn of a time series are independent with unspecified (possibly nonidentical) distributions symmetric about a common known median. Various bounds on the distributions of serial correlation coefficients are proposed: exponential bounds, Eaton-type bounds, Chebyshev bounds and Berry–Esséen–Zolotarev bounds. The bounds are exact in finite samples, distribution-free and easy to compute. The performance of the bounds is evaluated and compared with traditional serial dependence tests in a simulation experiment. The procedures proposed are applied to U.S. data on interest rates (commercial paper rate).  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the question of how many coalitions of a given relative size would block a non-Warlasian allocation in large finite economies. It is shown that in finite economies, if a Pareto optimal allocation is bounded away from being Walrasian, then, for any two numbers αα and ββ between 0 and 1, the proportion of blocking coalitions in the set of all coalitions with relative size between αα and ββ, is arbitrarily close to 1/2, as the number of individuals in the economy becomes large.  相似文献   

Y is conditionally independent of Z given X   if Pr{f(y|X,Z)=f(y|X)}=1{f(y|X,Z)=f(y|X)}=1 for all y on its support, where f(·|·)f(·|·) denotes the conditional density of Y   given (X,Z)(X,Z) or X.X. This paper proposes a nonparametric test of conditional independence based on the notion that two conditional distributions are equal if and only if the corresponding conditional characteristic functions are equal. We extend the test of Su and White (2005. A Hellinger-metric nonparametric test for conditional independence. Discussion Paper, Department of Economics, UCSD) in two directions: (1) our test is less sensitive to the choice of bandwidth sequences; (2) our test has power against deviations on the full support of the density of (X,Y,ZX,Y,Z). We establish asymptotic normality for our test statistic under weak data dependence conditions. Simulation results suggest that the test is well behaved in finite samples. Applications to stock market data indicate that our test can reveal some interesting nonlinear dependence that a traditional linear Granger causality test fails to detect.  相似文献   

We propose a quasi-Bayesian nonparametric approach to estimating the structural relationship φφ among endogenous variables when instruments are available. We show that the posterior distribution of φφ is inconsistent in the frequentist sense. We interpret this fact as the ill-posedness of the Bayesian inverse problem defined by the relation that characterizes the structural function φφ. To solve this problem, we construct a regularized posterior distribution, based on a Tikhonov regularization of the inverse of the marginal variance of the sample, which is justified by a penalized projection argument. This regularized posterior distribution is consistent in the frequentist sense and its mean can be interpreted as the mean of the exact posterior distribution resulting from a Gaussian prior distribution with a shrinking covariance operator.  相似文献   

This paper reconsiders a block bootstrap procedure for Quasi Maximum Likelihood estimation of GARCH models, based on the resampling of the likelihood function, as proposed by Gonçalves and White [2004. Maximum likelihood and the bootstrap for nonlinear dynamic models. Journal of Econometrics 119, 199–219]. First, we provide necessary conditions and sufficient conditions, in terms of moments of the innovation process, for the existence of the Edgeworth expansion of the GARCH(1,1) estimator, up to the kk-th term. Second, we provide sufficient conditions for higher order refinements for equally tailed and symmetric test statistics. In particular, the bootstrap estimator based on resampling the likelihood has the same higher order improvements in terms of error in the rejection probabilities as those in Andrews [2002. Higher-order improvements of a computationally attractive kk-step bootstrap for extremum estimators. Econometrica 70, 119–162].  相似文献   

Asymptotics for panel quantile regression models with individual effects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper studies panel quantile regression models with individual fixed effects. We formally establish sufficient conditions for consistency and asymptotic normality of the quantile regression estimator when the number of individuals, nn, and the number of time periods, TT, jointly go to infinity. The estimator is shown to be consistent under similar conditions to those found in the nonlinear panel data literature. Nevertheless, due to the non-smoothness of the objective function, we had to impose a more restrictive condition on TT to prove asymptotic normality than that usually found in the literature. The finite sample performance of the estimator is evaluated by Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper we show that the Quasi ML estimation method yields consistent Random and Fixed Effects estimators for the autoregression parameter ρρ in the panel AR(1) model with arbitrary initial conditions and possibly time-series heteroskedasticity even when the error components are drawn from heterogeneous distributions. We investigate both analytically and by means of Monte Carlo simulations the properties of the QML estimators for ρρ. The RE(Q)MLE for ρρ is asymptotically at least as robust to individual heterogeneity and, when the data are i.i.d. and normal, at least as efficient as the FE(Q)MLE for ρρ. Furthermore, the QML estimators for ρρ only suffer from a ‘weak moment conditions’ problem when ρρ is close to one if the cross-sectional average of the variances of the errors is (almost) constant over time, e.g. under time-series homoskedasticity. However, in this case the QML estimators for ρρ are still consistent when ρρ is local to or equal to one although they converge to a non-normal possibly asymmetric distribution at a rate that is lower than N1/2N1/2 but at least N1/4N1/4. Finally, we study the finite sample properties of two types of estimators for the standard errors of the QML estimators for ρρ, and the bounds of QML based confidence intervals for ρρ.  相似文献   

In the paper, we propose residual based tests for cointegration in general panels with cross-sectional dependency, endogeneity and various heterogeneities. The residuals are obtained from the usual least squares estimation of the postulated cointegrating relationships from each individual unit, and the nonlinear IV panel unit root testing procedure is applied to the panels of the fitted residuals using as instruments the nonlinear transformations of the adaptively   fitted lagged residuals. The tt-ratio, based on the nonlinear IV estimator, is then constructed to test for unit root in the fitted residuals for each cross-section. We show that such nonlinear IV tt-ratios are asymptotically normal and cross-sectionally independent under the null hypothesis of no cointegration. The average or the minimum of the IVtt-ratios can, therefore, be used to test for the null of a fully non-cointegrated panel against the alternative of a mixed panel, i.e., a panel with only some cointegrated units. We also consider the maximum of the IV tt-ratios to test for a mixed panel against a fully cointegrated panel. The critical values of the minimum, maximum as well as the average tests are easily obtained from the standard normal distribution function. Our simulation results indicate that the residual based tests for cointegration perform quite well in finite samples.  相似文献   

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