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This paper constructs a general equilibrium model of the interaction between financial intermediaries and financial markets that sheds some light on the short-term volatility of real interest rates. The main findings of the paper are as follows. When financial intermediaries issue contingent (non-contingent) liabilities, an increase in the consumers’ relative risk aversion coefficient decreases (increases) the interest rate. Also, the interest rate rises when capitalists are less risk-averse and financial intermediaries are hit by a liquidity shock.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a two-period monetary general equilibrium model with proportional transaction costs on nominal and inflation-indexed bonds. This paper demonstrates that financial innovation on indexed bonds causes equilibrium interest rates of the nominal bond to increase when agents have precautionary saving motives. This result implies that ignoring precautionary motives would underestimate savers' welfare gain and overestimate borrowers' welfare gain from innovation on indexed bonds.  相似文献   

We introduce a neoclassical growth economy with idiosyncratic production risk and incomplete markets. Each agent is an entrepreneur operating her own technology with her own capital stock. The general equilibrium is characterized by a closed-form recursion in the CARA-normal case. Incomplete markets introduce a risk premium on private equity, which reduces the demand for investment. As compared to complete markets, the steady state can thus have both a lower capital stock due to investment risk, and a lower interest rate due to precautionary savings. Furthermore, the anticipation of high real interest rates in the future feeds back into high risk premia and low investment in the present, thus slowing down convergence to the steady state. Our results highlight the importance of private risk premia for capital accumulation and business cycles.  相似文献   

Quo vadis Euro?     
This paper calculates the equilibrium exchange rates for the Euro and the rest of the G-7 currencies. Building on the methodology of Alberola et al., it is shown that the stock of net foreign assets and the evolution of productivity are the fundamentals underlying the behaviour of the real exchange rate. Panel cointegration techniques allow for the extraction, using an unobserved components methodology, of a time-varying equilibrium real exchange rate, and deviations from this equilibrium provide an estimate of the degree of multilateral misalignment. Finally, an algebraic transformation converts these multilateral equilibrium real rates into bilateral equilibrium nominal rates. The results uncover that the Euro was slightly undervalued by the start of Stage III of EMU and that, despite a faint fall of its fundamentals since then, the slide during 1999 has widened the misalignment above 10% against other main currencies.  相似文献   

This paper examines a search model of money and public bonds in which coordination frictions lead to multiple, Pareto ranked equilibria. Whether money and bonds are substitutes or complements, is not a primitive of the economy, but an equilibrium outcome. There exists an equilibrium resembling a liquidity trap, in which money and bonds are perfect substitutes, interest rates are zero, and monetary policy is ineffective; and a superior equilibrium in which money and bonds are complements, interest rates are positive and monetary policy has a liquidity effect. On this view, the liquidity trap is a belief-driven phenomenon.  相似文献   

This paper employs an extended Miller model to analyze capital structure decisions of individual firms in a two-country setting. Miller equilibria are generally not consistent with an international equilibrium if the tax subsidy of debt differs across countries. The most obvious reason for differential tax subsidies is differences between national corporate tax rates. We also identify differential tax subsidies of debt if inflation rates differ across countries. For both cases we examine the adjustment process from national equilibria to an international equilibrium without and with barriers to international investment. We derive the relationship between the equilibrium yields on debt and equity in the two countries and discuss the Fisher hypothesis that real returns do not depend upon inflation in a two-country Miller world.  相似文献   

By linking two main strands of equilibrium exchange rate research, this paper models and forecasts exchange rate movements around a time-varying equilibrium using both linear and non-linear techniques. Our results support evidence of linear and non-linear (ESTR) stationary behaviour around a time-varying equilibrium, particularly when using a trade based price index. The latter results are largely robust across a break due to the Plaza Accord. Forecasts of both the equilibrium deviations and exchange rates themselves are largely supportive of the ESTR model over several alternatives. This is notably so across most measures with respect to the equilibrium deviations and over the sign based measures for the exchange rate forecasts. Overall, our results suggest that short-run changes in exchange rates are forecastable when allowing for a time-varying equilibrium rate and using an appropriate price index. Such a result has important implications for researchers, policy-makers and goods and financial market participants. For example, policy-makers need to be cognisant of a changing equilibrium level and not necessarily conduct policy in such a manner as to restore a previous equilibrium. Similarly, those engaged in hedging need to be aware that equilibrium rates are time varying but, beneficially, movements around equilibrium appear predictable.  相似文献   

A simple model of lending with endogenous screening predicts that risk-neutral banks tend to adopt tighter lending standards under several conditions commonly seen in recessions: lower interest rates (or spreads), higher default rates, or a smaller fraction of good borrowers. Historical data support these predictions. In addition, better information about borrower types encourages tighter lending standards, and competition in laxity can arise with multiple banks. Within the class of symmetric screening decisions, endogenizing the interest rates disrupts the existence of equilibrium in pure strategies, just as when screening decisions are assumed to be exogenous.  相似文献   

This paper derives a reputational equilibrium for inflation in a model in which the sovereign obtains valuable seigniorage by issuing fiat money in exchange for real resources. With contemporaneous perception of actual sovereign behavior and immediate adjustment of real cash balances to new information, the Friedman elasticity solution for maximal seigniorage is a reputational equilibrium. More generally, the objective of maximal seigniorage produces an equilibrium inflation rate equal either to a generalization of the Friedman elasticity solution or to the rate at which the sovereign discounts future seigniorage adjusted for the growth rate, whichever is larger. The model formalizes the conjecture that inflation rates in excess of the Friedman solution are attributable to high discount rates for future seigniorage.  相似文献   

The paper presents an extended version of the fundamental equilibrium exchange rate model (FEER), which introduces potential output into foreign trade equations. We show that with this specification and under some plausible assumptions the equilibrium exchange rate is consistent with the behavioral equilibrium exchange model (BEER). We use the extended FEER model to analyze fluctuations of the real exchange rate in four central and eastern European countries. The resulting FEER calculations show that the appreciation of the real exchange rates in these countries in the past nine years is largely an equilibrium phenomenon.  相似文献   

Compensation policy has become one of the most important ingredientsof corporate governance. In this paper we take a new look atthe issue, by contrasting the use of options with that of stock.We do this by integrating the repricing or resetting aspectof options with that of industrial structure. We show that industrycompetition may play an important role in dictating which formof compensation is optimal. When aggressive competition forkey professional staff is an issue, the flexibility of optionsmay actually become a disadvantage and therefore pure stockcompensation may survive as an equilibrium. Thus compensationtrends may be partly explained by trends in the nature of thecompetitive environment.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the ever-growing literature on equilibrium exchange rates in the new EU member states of Central and Eastern Europe in a quantitative manner using meta-regression analysis. The results indicate that the real misalignments reported in the literature are systematically influenced, inter alia, by the underlying theoretical concepts (Balassa–Samuelson effect, behavioral equilibrium exchange rate, fundamental equilibrium exchange rate) and by the econometric estimation methods. The important implication of these findings is that a systematic analysis is needed in terms of both alternative economic and econometric specifications to assess equilibrium exchange rates.  相似文献   

This short paper resolves an apparent contradiction between Feldman's (1989) and Riedel's (2000) equilibrium models of the term structure of interest rates under incomplete information. Feldman (1989) showed that in an incomplete information version of Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross (1985), where the stochastic productivity factors are unobservable, equilibrium term structures are ``interior' and bounded. Interestingly, Riedel (2000) showed that an incomplete information version of Lucas (1978), with an unobservable constant growth rate, induces a ``corner' unbounded equilibrium term structure: it decreases to negative infinity. This paper defines constant and stochastic asymptotic moments, clarifies the apparent conflict between Feldman's and Riedel's equilibria, and discusses implications. Because productivity and growth rates are not directly observable in the real world, the question we answer is of particular relevance.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes dynamic equilibrium risk sharing contracts between profit-maximizing intermediaries and a large pool of ex ante identical agents that face idiosyncratic income uncertainty that makes them heterogeneous ex post. In any given period, after having observed her income, the agent can walk away from the contract, while the intermediary cannot, i.e. there is one-sided commitment. We consider the extreme scenario that the agents face no costs to walking away, and can sign up with any competing intermediary without any reputational losses. We demonstrate that not only autarky, but also partial and full insurance can obtain, depending on the relative patience of agents and financial intermediaries. Insurance can be provided because in an equilibrium contract an up-front payment effectively locks in the agent with an intermediary. We then show that our contract economy is equivalent to a consumption-savings economy with one-period Arrow securities and a short-sale constraint, similar to Bulow and Rogoff [1989. Sovereign debt: is to forgive to forget? American Economic Review 79, 43-50]. From this equivalence and our characterization of dynamic contracts it immediately follows that without cost of switching financial intermediaries debt contracts are not sustainable, even though a risk allocation superior to autarky can be achieved.  相似文献   

Engel and West (2005) show that the observed near random‐walk behavior of nominal exchange rates is an equilibrium outcome of a partial equilibrium asset approach when economic fundamentals follow exogenous first‐order integrated processes and the discount factor approaches one. In this paper, I argue that the unit market discount factor creates a theoretical trade‐off within a two‐country general equilibrium model. The unit discount factor generates near random‐walk nominal exchange rates, but it counterfactually implies perfect consumption risk sharing and flat money demand. Bayesian posterior simulation exercises, based on post‐Bretton Woods data from Canada and the United States, reveal difficulties in reconciling the equilibrium random‐walk proposition within the canonical model; in particular, the market discount factor is identified as being much smaller than one. A relative money demand shock is identified as the main driver of nominal exchange rates.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the equilibrium valuation of stock index derivatives in an economy with stochastic interest rates and with a representative agent having time-additive power utility. The equilibrium short interest rate dynamics and the equilibrium term structure of interest rates are described by an affine one-factor term structure model. In equilibrium the value of the stock index is a non-trivial function of the short interest rate. The paper investigates the consequences of the induced stock index dynamics for the theoretical spreads between index forward prices and index futures prices and the consequences for the valuation of options on stock index futures.The paper was written while the author was a visiting scholar at Department of Finance, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University. I thank for helpful comments and suggestions from Gurdip Bakshi, Avi Bick, Menachem Brenner (the editor), Zhiwu Chen, San-Lin Chung, Mark Fisher, Andreas Höger, Marti Subrahmanyam, two anonymous referees, and participants at the Western Finance Association meeting in San Diego, the European Financial Management Association meeting in Istanbul, the European Finance Association meeting in Vienna, and the Center of Analytical Finance workshop at University of Aarhus. Financial support from the Danish Natural Science and Social Science Reasearch Councils is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

We build a general equilibrium model with incomplete markets, production, default, and bankruptcy. The existence of equilibrium is proved. Theoretically, under appropriate conditions, we show that the reduced-form entrepreneurial equilibrium and profit-maximization entrepreneurial equilibrium, as defined by Magill and Quinzii (1996), are equivalent. In addition, we find an inverse relationship between the economy real interest rate and the probability of default. This result is empirically tested by applying the Cox proportional hazards model with time-dependent covariates for a sample of sole proprietorships’ unsecured credit operations in the Brazilian economy. The estimates confirm the findings from the theoretical model.  相似文献   

The recent literature on monetary policy design has emphasized the importance of equilibrium determinacy and learnability in the choice of policy rules. This paper contains an analysis of the learnability of the equilibrium in a class of simple, micro-founded models in which the policy authority uses a Taylor-type monetary policy rule. Unlike previous analyses, the model economy is not linearized about a steady state—instead, a global perspective is adopted. Globally, the nonlinear model economy can possess rational expectations equilibria other than the steady state consistent with the inflation target of the monetary authorities. These include a second, low inflation ‘liquidity trap’ steady state, periodic equilibria, and sunspot equilibria. The main results in the paper characterize the conditions under which these alternative equilibria maybe stable under adaptive learning, even when the policy rule obeys the Taylor principle. The stability of multiple equilibria is associated with policy rules which are forecast-based. An important finding is that backward-looking Taylor-type policy rules can guarantee that the unique learnable equilibrium is the steady state associated with the inflation target of the monetary authority.  相似文献   

This paper compares the determinacy of equilibria under exogenous interest rates in an economy with a cash constraint, in which taxation is lump-sum or distortionary. Under passive fiscal policies lump-sum taxes generate nominal indeterminacy, while with distortionary taxes indeterminacy can be real, but not purely nominal. In general, under distortionary taxation uniqueness of the equilibrium allocation depends on monetary and fiscal policy interactions through taxes, debt, and interest rates. To illustrate this principle, we consider balanced-budget policies under distortionary income taxation and show that a unique equilibrium allocation prevails if interest rates are set consistent with long-run deflation. A separate section extends the analysis to endogenous interest rates.  相似文献   

A puzzle in consumption theory is the observation of a hump in age-consumption profiles. This paper studies a general equilibrium life-cycle economy with capital in which households include both consumption and leisure in their period utility function. A calibrated version of the model shows that a significant hump in life-cycle consumption is a feature of the equilibrium. Thus inclusion of leisure in household preferences may provide part of the explanation of observed life-cycle consumption humps.  相似文献   

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