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随着我国民间非营利组织制度的发展,其治理问题也应逐步得到重视。而在民间非营利组织治理中,审计委员会扮演着不可或缺的角色。本文介绍了美国民间非营利组织审计委员会制度,并对我国民间非营利组织建立类似制度以加强其治理提出了建议。2005年1月1日起,我国财政部颁布的《民间非营利组织会计制度》在民间非营利组织内全面实施,该制度将进一步规范我国民间非营利组织的会计行为,促进民间非营利组织的发展。当人们的目光聚焦于民间非营利组织会计问题时,其治理问题也应逐步提上议程。美国民间非营利组织发展较早,除已建立了较为完善的登记管…  相似文献   

《民间非营利组织会计制度》的发布有利于促进民间非营利组织加强内部管理,规范其会计核算行为,提高民间非营利组织的会计信息质量和透明度,从而提升其在社会各界的诚信度,促进其健康、规范发展。文章简要论述了对我国民间非营利组织会计制度的几点认识。  相似文献   

民间非营利组织会计管理问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民间非营利组织会计机构设置与会计人员管理是其会计管理的重要内容。民间非营利组织应依法建立健全会计机构,加强会计人员聘任、继续教育、会计职业道德等方面的管理,促进民间非营利组织的发展。  相似文献   

财政部于2004年8月正式发布了《民间非营利组织会计制度》(财会[2004]7号文件),2005年1月1日起在全国民间非营利组织中实施。为了解近一年来我市《民间非营利组织会计制度》的执行情况,市财政局组织召开了《民间非营利组织会计制度》执行情况座谈会,我们作为天津市会计学会《民间非营利组织会计核算与管理研究》课题组成员参加了座谈会,在对塘沽开发区泰达国际养老院等单位进行调研的基础上,对我市民间非营利组织执行《民间非营利组织会计制度》中存在的问题、成因作一探析。  相似文献   

<正>一非营利组织会计近年来,我国非营利组织的发展势头迅猛,截至2012年,社团、基金会和民间非企业单位在我国注册已达26万之多,非营利组织已成为我国市场经济体制中重要的组成部分。由于民间非营利组织的资金投资对象纷杂,涉及面广,影响公众较多,民间非营利组织的  相似文献   

随着我国社会体制的不断进步和社会经济的不断发展,社会生活的各个方面对民间非营利组织越来越依赖,其发挥的作用也越来越重要和广泛。然而,至今尚没有系统完善的财务法规体系来规范民间非营利组织的财务行为。本文首先对我国目前民间非营利组织财务法规状况进行描述和评价,同时介绍了国外一些民间非营利组织的状况,然后提出了构建我国民间非营利组织财务法规体系的设想。  相似文献   

随着我国社会体制的不断进步和社会经济的不断发展,社会生活的各个方面对民间非营利组织越来越依赖,其发挥的作用也越来越重要和广泛。然而,至今尚没有系统完善的财务法规体系来规范民间非营利组织的财务行为。本文首先对我国目前民间非营利组织财务法规状况进行描述和评价,同时介绍了国外一些民间非营利组织的状况,然后提出了构建我国民间非营利组织财务法规体系的设想。  相似文献   

民间非营利组织新旧会计核算制度的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了规范民间非营利组织的会计核算,提高会计信息质量透明度,财政部于2004年8月18日发布《民间非营利组织会计制度》(财会[2004]7号),要求全国民间非营利组织从2005年1月1日实施。本试就我国民间非营利组织原来所比照执行的会计核算制度:《事业单位会计准则》和《事业单位会计制度》(以下将二合并简称旧制度)与《民间非营利组织会计制度》(以下简称新制度)的不同点进行比较研究,以便更好地贯彻实施新制度、规范民间非营利组织会计核算,  相似文献   

一、民间非营利组织范围和会计核算现状 为了规范民间非营利组织的会计行为,提高其会计信息质量,财政部根据《中华人民共和国会计法》及有关法规,制定并发布了《民间非营利组织会计制度》,自2005年1月1日起实施。根据该会计制度规定,民间非营利组织包括依照国家法律、行政法规登记的社会团体、基金会、民办非企业单位和寺院、宫观、清真寺、教堂等。  相似文献   

民间非营利组织的特性决定了必须执行有别于一般企事业单位的会计制度,重新认识《民间非营利组织会计制度》的特点,对于推动该行业会计制度的完善具有重要的意义自2005年1月1日起,我国开始实行《民间非营利组织会计制度》。经过两年多的实践表明,这一制度的实施解决了民间非营利组织长期以来无适用会计制度、各  相似文献   

当前,我国非营利组织已暴露出许多财务问题,致使社会公益事业在某种程度上陷入了信任危机。在此现实背景下,本文依据新制度经济学,对我国非营利组织财务制度进行探讨,并提出相应的构建对策。非营利组织财务制度是用于规范组织财务活动、处理组织财务关系的一套行为规则。尽管我国非营利组织财务制度历经变迁,但依然难以有效指导和规范非营利组织财务活动。随着我国非营利组织数量和规模的持续增长,亟待从法律和财务规章层面构建相应的非营利组织财务制度。  相似文献   

非营利组织财务治理的经济理论分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
依据相关的经济理论提出的非营利组织财务治理的理论框架,用以弥补将这种组织形式简单地假设为一种典型的生产函数的缺陷,从而为我国如何推进事业单位管理体制改革、对非营利组织进行高效管理提供参考。  相似文献   

This analysis investigates whether nonprofit board connections with other nonprofit organizations and foundations explain organizational performance in earning foundation grants. Using a sample of 402 nonprofits and sixty-eight foundations in a single metropolitan area, we find that greater connectedness and status interlocks significantly influence organizations’ ability to acquire resources. Network effects are partially mediated by the number of past grants received and a nonprofit’s financial characteristics, including organizational size, fundraising expenses, and financial health. These findings, while supporting the role of networks in resource attainment, point to the complex and mutual relationships between organizational characteristics, network characteristics, and organizational performance.  相似文献   

非营利组织蓬勃兴起,在社会、政治和经济中发挥着重要作用,但是一系列财务丑闻却严重损害了非营利组织的公信力,因此应着力探索和构建非营利组织监督机制,以引导其健康快速发展。我国非营利组织发展起步较晚,关于非营利组织监督机制的理论研究尚不健全,实证研究尤其匮乏。通过对非营利组织的内部监督、信息披露以及外部监督这三个方面的国外文献进行综述发现,监督机制对改善非营利组织治理结构、提高组织绩效、维护行业公信力具有一定效果,这对我国非营利组织监督机制的建构具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Nine venture capital organizations which are taking equity positions with socially guided as well as financial goals are investigated. The organizations are presented as new entrants to ihe financial industry , and are placed in the context of community development financial institutions and social investment funds . Four emerging models are identified; socially guided venture capital networks, socially guided private funds, Specialized Small Business Development Corporations and equity Community Development Corporations . Forty nine deals of six of the organizations are analyzed for financial and social outcomes. The paper concludes that the private venture funds have the most promising future, and predicts the emergence of publicly offered venture capital funds that incorporate social goals.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a market orientation has been established in other parts of the world. Using a modified replication study of 401 nonprofit organizations from Victoria, this research took some initial steps to assess fundraising and marketing activities. Studies in Australia have usually focused on only one part of the Third Sector. This study takes a different view and uses a criteria sampling method to survey all 11 sections named by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The self‐reported data of fundraising activities showed that there were several choices available to all nonprofit organizations that can lead to an improvement in organizational performance. Results suggest that should nonprofit organizations have knowledge generating systems that evaluate their performance, this will improve outcomes for them. Even though organizational size is strongly linked to fundraising performance, there are key drivers that can aid even small organizations in their efforts. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • This exploratory study researches and analyzes the empirical effects of financial levels of government support and marketing practices on the financial health of nonprofit performing arts organizations. Declining government subsidies and increasing competition from non-traditional sources have presented these organizations with unique opportunities and challenges that call for a market-centered, as well as an art-centered approach. Financial health is critical for the long-term success of a nonprofit performing arts organization. Few empirical studies have examined the interrelationships between these key variables. This study analyzes a sample of 63 American professional symphony orchestras employing 20 years of data. The correlations among financial levels of government support and marketing activities were positive and significant, the correlations among levels of government support and financial health were negative and significant, and the correlations between levels of marketing activity and financial health were negative and varied in significance. Causal analyses were less conclusive, but significant causal relationships were found for large symphony orchestras, indicating that segmentation research may be warranted. Implications and opportunities for future research are presented which have potential application for government agencies, academic researchers, and arts organization managers, boards of directors, and donors.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

With the advent of technology, donors are increasingly donating via online channels. This shift deems it necessary for nonprofit organizations to better understand the online donor behavior. As such, the purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we investigate if nonprofit organizations are perceived differently in terms of their cognitive and affective natures. Then, we examine how different consumer processing styles, i.e. cognitive and affective, interact with consumer perceptions of nonprofit cognitive/affective orientations in influencing their donation intentions. Our results indicate that consumers with a high need for cognition are more willing to donate to predominantly cognitive nonprofit organizations, while those with high need for emotion are more willing to donate to predominantly affective nonprofit organizations. Based on these results, we suggest that nonprofit organizations can garner more donations if they request funds from donors whose processing styles are congruent with the organization. Additional recommendations for future research are provided.  相似文献   

There is a great deal of need in this world, and some are taking their plights directly to the public for help rather than approaching nonprofit organizations. This content analysis of GoFundMe solicitations compared a range of requests (n = 303) to document how similar the solicitation strategies of crowdfunding campaigns run by individuals are to those from nonprofit organizations. Results from this investigation helped address the uncertainties of the disintermediation of the nonprofit sector. Though disintermediation is real and actively taking place, results indicate that nonprofit organizations are in a healthy position to survive the disruption of crowdfunding while adapting, adopting and improving crowdfunding behaviors.  相似文献   

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