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Vietnam has the highest inflation rate in Southeast Asia (over 20 per cent year‐on‐year in 2011). This paper examines the extent to which inflation in Vietnam is due to its conduct of monetary policy. It is argued that, had the central bank implemented policy on a more timely basis, inflation would not have been as high as it was, but the more fundamental problem is that the central bank does not have the tools it needs to conduct monetary policy effectively. Monetary policy is further complicated by Vietnam's exchange rate policy. By choosing to peg the currency and maintain fairly free capital mobility, the country has all but given up the ability to pursue an independent monetary policy. As a consequence, the central bank is forced to attempt to sterilise its foreign exchange interventions, which it is ill‐equipped to do. The paper argues that financial sector liberalisation is needed not only to promote growth but also to maintain macroeconomic stability.  相似文献   

国际资本流动对我国货币政策有效性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国金融市场的对外开放,资本自由流动是大势所趋。目前,在我国实施有管理的浮动汇率制度前提下,在应对美国次贷危机不断蔓延的经济形势下,研究国际资本流动对我国货币政策有效性的影响,具有非常重要的意义。这里在界定国际资本流动定义、介绍其分类的基础上,分析了我国国际资本流动的现状,从对我国货币供给量的影响、对我国货币币值稳定的影响、对我国央行货币政策的影响三方面探讨了国际资本流动对我国货币政策有效性的影响,得出了六点结论。  相似文献   

货币政策作为经济杠杆的调控效果很大程度上取决于其调控机制是否有效.文章在分析中国利率非市场化、金融市场存在缺陷、银行贷款对绝大多数企业是不可替代的资金来源的条件下,提出了一系列措施以加强货币政策对经济调控的有效性.  相似文献   

当前人民币国际化具有外汇储备的扩大、币值的稳定、金融市场的完善等许多有利的条件,同时也存在经济发展方式粗放、资本管制、美元惯性等诸多不利的条件。人民币国际化对货币政策可能会产生多方面的影响。由于货币政策具有溢出效应,同时考虑到利率市场化的影响,人民币国际化后货币政策的独立性将受到较大的冲击。人民币国际化对传导机制的影响表现在:由传统的信贷传导机制逐步转换为汇率传导机制,同时传导途径将进一步灵活化。由于存在货币替代,货币需求函数将变复杂且货币流量将更难以监控。在政策传导工具方面,准备金政策和再贴现政策效果将被削弱,而公开市场业务效果将增强。为了应对人民币国际化可能产生的影响,应当从加强对人民币的监督、完善利率与汇率机制、推进资本项目开放和合理搭配政策等方面采取对策来加以解决。  相似文献   

胡亚楠 《世界经济研究》2020,(1):68-81,M0003
文章基于70个国家面板数据,实证检验了开放资本账户的增长效应。研究结果表明,资本账户开放具有国别差异,高收入国家开放资本账户的增长效应显著大于中低收入国家。在引入制度质量、货币政策、财政政策、对外开放度和金融发展5个初始条件指标建立动态门槛模型,研究发现,资本账户开放对经济增长的影响是非线性的,初始条件较低时资本账户开放不利于经济增长,当初始条件越过门槛值后,资本账户开放表现出积极的增长效应。结合跨境资本异质性和门槛效应,进一步发现开放直接投资的门槛最低,经济效应最大;开放债务投资的门槛最高,经济效应最小;开放股权投资的门槛效应介于前二者之间。经验分析为中国资本账户开放条件以及路径提供了参考。  相似文献   

In late February 2006, China surpassed Japan to become the world's largest holder of foreign exchange reserves. Beijing is now faced with the growing challenge of how to handle these vast reserves effectively. Although China's soaring foreign exchange reserves indicate that its overall strength has grown, they have created internal and external pressures on the balance of the economy, and introduced risks to the financial system. It is estimated in the present study that foreign exchange reserves of approximately US$ 400bn in 2005 would have been appropriate under circumstances of a managed floating exchange rate regime and capital control. China's actual reserves have far exceeded its normal demand. The objective of China is to maintain an optimal level that maximizes net benefits as a whole. Four main policy options are available for China to achieve its target: spending and investing foreign exchange reserves, gradual liberalization of the capital account, diversification of foreign exchange reserves and a switch in holders of foreign exchange reserves. Spending and investing in foreign exchange reserves can be undertaken in combination with liberalization in the capital account, given careful consideration of the risks involved. Liberalization should be extensive but gradual so that companies and individuals can adjust to changes in financial markets and manage portfolios while avoiding unnecessary risks. (Edited by Xiaoming Feng)  相似文献   

The exchange rate and the trade balance   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Exchange rate flexibility is commonly justified as an efficient method for adjusting the trade balance to some desirable net international capital flow. In this orthodox view, fluctuations in a country's terms of trade or its saving-investment balance would continually upset its balance of payments equilibrium if the nominal exchange rate remained rigid.But this prevailing doctrine favoring exchange flexibility is only correct when economies are insular, ie. have limited trade and financial arbitrage with the outside world. With the spread of exchange controls and trade restrictions in the 1930s into the 1950s, the industrial countries became somewhat insulated from each other. A devaluation could then have the conventional effect of reducing a trade deficit because monetary and exchange rate policy were separable.Among the open industrial economies of the 1980s, however, financial arbitrage is uninhibited and trade is fairly free. Monetary policy, both current and prospective, now dominates what happens to the exchange rate. Because a devaluation today reflects an easier money policy in the present, or an expected easing in the future, it no longer has any predictable impact on the monetary value of the net trade balance. Exchange rate flexibility loses its usefulness in controlling net exports while becoming highly disruptive to the economy's macroeconomic stability.For example, the American dollar's downard float over the past three years should not be (have been) expected to improve the U.S. current account. However, allowing the dollar to depreciate below its purchasing power parity greatly increases the inflationary potential in the Americian economy.  相似文献   

汇率安排与经济稳定探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
频繁波动的汇率影响到各国经济金融发展的稳定,并引发金融危机时有发生。通过深入了解其他国家和地区的汇率波动及其对经济发展的影响,借鉴其中的经验与教训.促进我国经济金融的持续协调稳定发展。  相似文献   

本文从理论和实证的角度论证了财政、货币和汇率政策对中美两国经常账户的影响。理论模型推导出汇率和货币政策相较于财政政策对经常账户的影响更大,而实证分析得出汇率政策相较于其他政策对我国经常账户的影响更大,货币政策相较于其他政策对美国经常账户的影响更大,财政政策相较于汇率政策的影响力较大。所以,不能简单地套用传统的内外均衡调节方法,而应该根据各国的具体国情来灵活选择不同的调节政策。  相似文献   

This paper uses monthly data to examine the autonomy and effectiveness of monetary policy in China under the de facto fixed exchange rate arrangement in place from 1998 to 2005. The results obtained from Granger causality tests in a vector autoregression framework indicate that: (i) China actually conducted independent monetary policy during the fixed exchange rate period; and (ii) market-oriented policy measures are impotent in influencing real output and prices. The framework of the investigation into the autonomy of monetary policy adapts to the Chinese economic condition that primary loan and deposit rates are set by the central bank. Based on the empirical results, the present paper provides alternative strategies to improve the effectiveness of monetary policy in China, including developing the financial system and solidifying microeconomic fundamentals instead of forcing the adaptation of a more flexible exchange rate regime.  相似文献   

“三元悖论”与人民币汇率制度选择   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
“三元悖论”从宏观上揭示货币政策独立性、汇率稳定、资本自由流动三大金融目标之间的相互制衡关系, 是汇率制度选择问题的一个基本理论分析工具。我国现行的汇率制度实质上是钉住美元的固定汇率制,在金融进一步开放的背景下,其弊端日益凸现,改革现行的汇率制度势在必行。我国现实经济条件决定了我国汇率制度改革的近期目标只能是建立汇率目标区,长期目标则是建立浮动汇率制。  相似文献   

Over the past ten years South Africa has moved to an increasingly open economy, characterised by a (relatively) low inflation and large and unpredictable movements in the prices of financial assets. One of these asset prices is the value of the South African currency. This volatility in the exchange rate has a direct impact on inflation. Using the interest rate as operational target, a central bank might ignore or underestimate the exchange rate transmission mechanism through which the economy is influenced. This paper proposes a Monetary Conditions Index for South Africa that can be used as a policy rule or simply as an important information variable in conducting monetary policy under an inflation‐targeting regime with a volatile exchange rate.  相似文献   

本文通过对货币政策的分析,认为货币政策的增长效应是有限的,分配效应是具有破坏性的,其造成的社会财富的剥夺和转移恶化了收入分配。因此,货币主义的单一规则对总量管理仍然具有很强的指导意义。本文认为,货币供给的总量管理应该永远是稳健的,结构调整应更多地依靠利率和财政政策。美元的弱势和中国的强劲增长为人民币国际化打开了空间。中国应该抓住历史机遇,积极推进人民币自由化、国际化进程。  相似文献   

作为经典的汇率制度选择依据——“三元悖论“,长期以来一直被学术界所信奉,同样在我国,近年来关于人民币汇率制度的选择问题也是一直以此为基石。认为人民币汇率制度的选择主要依据是我国中央银行的货币政策自主。然而本文将利用Mendel-Fleming和Mendel-Fleming-Dombusch两个模型去分析,得出即使在国际资本完全不自由流动下的固定汇率政策以及在国际资本的完全自由流动情况下的浮动汇率政策都无法完全得以实现,从而理清了我国人民币汇率制度选择时依赖于中央银行货币政策自主的模糊认识。  相似文献   

从“三元悖论”谈我国人民币汇率制度的选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为经典的汇率制度选择依据--"三元悖论",长期以来一直被学术界所信奉,同样在我国,近年来关于人民币汇率制度的选择问题也是一直以此为基石.认为人民币汇率制度的选择主要依据是我国中央银行的货币政策自主,然而本文将利用Mendel-Fleming和Mendel-Fleming-Dornbusch两个模型去分析,得出即使在国际资本完全不自由流动下的固定汇率政策以及在国际资本的完全自由流动情况下的浮动汇率政策都无法完全得以实现,从而理清了我国人民币汇率制度选择时依赖于中央银行货币政策自主的模糊认识.  相似文献   

Using monthly data for Korea, this study examines nonlinear effects of monetary policy in association with financial market distress. The study uses a nonlinear vector autoregression model and finds that monetary policy becomes ineffective for addressing huge demand contractions in times of financial market turmoil or severe economic downturn, implying a structural change from a non‐Keynesian to a Keynesian regime, such as a liquidity trap. Monetary contractions have stronger output effects than monetary expansions, particularly in times of financial distress. We found no evidence in favor of asymmetric effects of monetary shocks of different sizes. Finally, we also found financial shocks to have stronger effects on the real economy in times of financial distress than in normal times. The results have important policy implications for periods of financial turmoil or economic crisis.  相似文献   

要回归到某种形式的固定汇率制度,需要对国际资本流动进行全面且国际性的管制,乃至各国放弃管理货币制度下行使的金融主权。从经济、政治和政策上考虑,这两种要求都无法实现。欧元、日元、人民币甚至把合成货币(SDR)都考虑在内,也难以想像在可以预测的未来(21世纪中叶为止)能够出现替代美元的货币。美国的对外资产和负债之间有正的投资回报差额,这一差额在长期内将一直存在。只要这种回报差额持续存在,并且对外资产和负债占GDP的比率能够按照一定的速度扩大,那么即便美国的贸易收支逆差占GDP的比率维持在4%左右,其对外纯负债占GDP的比重维持稳定状态的可能性也是很大的。因此,以美元为中心的、由多数主要货币构成的现行浮动汇率制度具有很强的可持续性,以至于完全有可能在今后继续存在。  相似文献   

This paper provides a case study to characterize the monetary policy regime in Malaysia, from a medium‐ and long‐term perspective. Specifically, we ask how the Central Bank of Malaysia, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), has structured its monetary policy regime, and how it has conducted monetary and exchange rate policy under the regime. By conducting three empirical analyses, we characterize the monetary and exchange rate policy regime in Malaysia by three intermediate solutions on three vectors: the degree of autonomy in monetary policy, the degree of variability of the exchange rate, and the degree of capital mobility.  相似文献   

We investigate the optimal design and effectiveness of monetary and macroprudential policies in promoting macroeconomic (price) and financial stability for the South African economy. We develop a New Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model featuring a housing market, a banking sector and the role of macroprudential and monetary policies. Based on the parameter estimates from the estimation, we conduct an optimal rule analysis and an efficient policy frontier analysis, and compare the dynamics of the model under different policy regimes. We find that a policy regime that combines a standard monetary policy rule and a macroprudential policy rule delivers a more stable economic system with price and financial stability. A policy regime that combines an augmented monetary policy (policy rate reacts to financial conditions) with macroprudential policy is better at attenuating the effects of financial shocks, but at a much higher cost of price instability. Our findings suggest that monetary policy should focus solely on its primary objective of price stability and let macroprudential policy facilitate financial stability on its own.  相似文献   

Canada played an important role in the establishment of the IMF, yet in 1950 it was also the first major member to abandon the Bretton Woods par-value system in favour of a flexible exchange rate. Canada’s trail-blazing experience demonstrated that a flexible exchange rate can operate in stable and effective manner under a high degree of capital mobility. Equally important, it showed that monetary policy needs to be conducted differently under a flexible exchange rate and capital mobility. In 1962, Canada returned to the Bretton Woods system as a “prodigal son”, after a period of controversial monetary policy. This paper critically analyzes the interaction between Canadian and IMF officials regarding Canada’s exchange rate policy in view of the economic circumstances and the prevailing wisdom at the time. It also examines the impact on IMF research and policy because the Canadian experience influenced the work of Robert Mundell and Marcus Fleming, resulting in the development of the Mundell-Fleming model. Thus, the Canadian floating rate experience not only had important implications for the IMF and the Bretton Woods system, but also for macroeconomic theory and policy in open economies.  相似文献   

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