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梁捷 《中国企业家》2005,(23):117-117
二十世纪五、六十年代,一下子涌现出五本讨论民主,宪政、投票等政治科学问题的经济学专著,从而一门新兴学科——公共选择经济学诞生了。第一本,就是唐斯的这本《民主的经济理论》。本书是唐斯的博士论文,第一版出版于1957年,被学术界誉为“政治科学的一部奠基性的著作”。唐斯开创性地将经济学理论思想引入了政治学研究,从政府、政党、选民的理性行为入手,分析了西方民主制  相似文献   

大学生道德教育重在培养学生的道德理性,这种理性的培养无法由高校德育课程单独完成。西方经济学作为高校经管类专业的核心课程对学生行为习惯的形成有着重要影响,通过正确引导,让学生通过经济学的学习建立道德理性将使道德教育事半功倍。  相似文献   

在经济转轨背景和关系主导型社会结构下,我国企业的政治关联广泛存在,并对企业的经营和发展带来重要影响。本文采用A股上市公司2007—2011年为样本,实证考察了企业政治关联对其获得财政补贴的影响。结果发现,具有政治关联的企业所获取的财政补贴数额显著高于无政治关联的企业,这种现象在非国有控股企业里更为显著。研究结论能够较好地解释我国民营企业积极的政治关联行为。  相似文献   

以一个经济学家的姿态,用经济学的观点分析解剖经济领域中的经济现象,用经济理性不偏离道德的轨道,为我们上了一堂堂非常有哲理的大课  相似文献   

随着中国经济和政治的发展,越来越多的公司管理者获得了某种形式的政治升迁,高管获得政治升迁后势必会对相关企业产生影响,而高管的政治升迁与政治关联既有联系又有区别,政治关联往往是高管政治升迁的结果,政治关联会导致高管追求政治升迁。国内外学者以政治关联为出发点,对政治关联、政治关联对企业价值的影响以及其经济后果的研究现状进行阐述,很有必要在此基础上进行评价、分析,为日后的研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

企业的发展,除了自身的经济利益,还应该兼顾社会责任,而在企业的社会责任承担方面,企业高管的政治关联,对其有着比较重要的影响。在本文的论述过程中,主要是对企业高管政治关联,对企业社会责任影响的改进措施做了相关分析。  相似文献   

为什么反恐怖战争不会有结果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【茅老大课】以一个经济学家的姿态,用经济学的观点分析解剖经济领域中的经济现象,用经济理性不偏离道德的轨道,为我们上了一堂堂非常有哲理的大课。  相似文献   

爱情是感性的,经济学是理性的,两者看似不搭界,但实际上爱情中确实存在着许多经济学的现象,值得人们品味。一、理性恋爱者类似于经济学中的理性经济人的定义,我们可以将理性恋爱者定义为:爱情生活中抽象的一般的人,他或她的本性也可以被假定为是利己的。不过这种“利己”指的是以满足自身的情感、生理、心理需要为前提的。“恋爱者”在一切爱情活动中的大多数行为都是合乎理性的,即都是以利己为动机,  相似文献   

<正> 公共选择可定义为对非市场决策的经济学分析,或者简单地说,就是经济学在政治科学中的应用。公共选择理论的基本假设同经济学的基本假设一样:人是利己的、理性的和效用最大化的追求者(Buchanan &Tullock,1962)。对政治过程进行经济分析,最早可追溯到18世纪  相似文献   

引言在发展中国家和转轨国家中,由于缺乏健全的宪政体制和社会诚信体系,许多企业以“关系”作为对规则的替代来减少合作过程中的机会主义行为,降低交易成本。作为关系战略的一种手段,政治关联0(politicalconnection)在过去几年中引起了学术界和企业界的广泛关注和兴趣。通过对现有文献的回顾可以看出,在过去几年中,国内外学者针对企业政治关联的内涵、前因影响因素和经济后果进行了一定的理论和实证研究,并且也取得了一些颇有价值的研究成果。但是,通过对现有文献的回顾可以发现,在政治关联是否能够提升企业绩效的问题上,  相似文献   

A bstract . The differences between the neoclassical concept of substantive rationality and the recently proposed alternative, procedural rationality, is clarified. It is demonstrated that abandoning neoclassical rationality does not, in itself, provide a rational basis for evaluating alternative institutional or policy goals. Hayek contradiction-resolution model is examined as one way to evaluate such goals. The possibility that ends must be based on explicitly ethical criteria , selected according to the concept of "ontological rationality," is considered. It is argued that economic analysis employing either substantive or procedural rationality of evaluate alternative goals is inadequate since both take institutional and policy ends as givens. Both the orthodoxy and its critics must be able to explain the origins of values , and to provide criteria for evaluating alternative values before any policy proposals can be defended as rational or progressive. Tillich, Galbraith, Hodgson and Dewey are considered.  相似文献   

The Role of 'Good Conversation' In Strategic Control   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most current writers on strategic control, whether from the rational planning or processual schools, agree on the importance of dialogue and debate between the interested parties to the control process. This is particularly so when strategic control is regarded in a ‘warning bell’ sense, responding to a signal that all is not going according to plan, rather than as a behavioural constraint or as an element of agency theory practice. This paper advances a normative framework for ensuring the effectiveness of such discussions based on Bird's notion of a ‘good conversation’. Bird argued that the discussion of business ethical problems should be vocal, reciprocating, issues-oriented, rational, imaginative, and honest. It is argued here that these characteristics should also apply to the discussions within the strategic control process if the process is not to be dysfunctional.  相似文献   

The employee–organisation relationship is dynamic and arguably affected by contextual factors, such as a change in the economic environment. This study uses data collected from managers in Australia before and after the beginning of the global financial crisis (GFC) to examine the changes in psychological contract (PC) terms from the manager's perspective. In particular, as industries can be affected differently by economic crisis and gender discrimination can increase in tough economic conditions, we examined if any changes in PC terms were contingent on industry and employee gender. The study's results show that the terms of the employment relationship deteriorated in Australia only for employees working in industries affected by the GFC. Further, we found that some gender differences in the terms of the PC exist independent of the state of the economy. In addition, a three-way interaction indicates that managers working in industries not affected by the GFC are allocating a greater proportion of their resources to their female employees than to their male employees. Ongoing labour shortages and gender inequities in Australia might have prompted managers in non-affected industries to use their relative ‘resource-rich’ advantage to positively influence the employee–organisation relationship for female employees, a traditionally disadvantaged group.  相似文献   

Abstract . The long‐standing critique of the “economic model of man” has gained new impetus, not least due to the broadening research in behavioral and experimental economics. Many of the critics have focused on the apparent difficulty of traditional rational choice theory to account for the role of moral or ethical concerns in human conduct, and a number of authors have suggested modifications in the standard model in response to such critique. This article takes issue with a quite commonly adopted “revisionist” strategy, namely, seeking to account for moral concerns by including them as additional preferences in an agent's utility function. It is argued that this strategy ignores the critical difference between preferences over outcomes and preferences over actions, and that it fails to recognize that “moral preferences” belong in the second category. Preferences over actions, however, cannot be consistently accounted for within a theoretical framework that focuses on the rationality of single actions. They require a shift of perspective, from a theory of rational choice to a theory of rule‐following behavior.  相似文献   

能源的透支、环境的污染和生态的破坏等严重威胁着当今经济社会的可持续发展,减少经济发展对资源的依赖和对环境的破坏成为当务之急。在装饰设计中,低碳环保材料的选择,低碳能源的开发,设计过程中材料的合理利用、回收和循环再利用,低碳设计思维的产生,是低碳装饰理念的核心内容。低碳装饰设计理念是当今经济社会发展的必然选择,低碳经济促进低碳装饰设计理念的形成,在低碳经济建设过程中体现出其必要性和可行性,值得在全民联动中加以推广。  相似文献   

经过二十多年的发展,我国开发区建设进入了一个新的转型期,土地危机已经严重影响到开发区的进一步发展。基于转型期开发区自身规划理论的缺陷,分析其问题产生的根源,提出要重视规划的本质和过程,研究合理的开发区规模以及适应变化的弹性结构等规划建议。  相似文献   

姚保华 《价值工程》2011,30(15):328-328,F0003
行政管理者伦理素质水平的高低,在很大程度上会决定其在行政管理过程中、特别是行政决策中的能力和水平。不同社会政治经济条件下,行政伦理的趋向性要求会有不同。随着我国政治经济体制从计划经济体制转变到了市场经济体制,行政伦理的要求和衡量标准也会有较大的区别,全面地认识和探讨市场经济条件下行政伦理的趋向性问题,对于我们更自觉的进行行政伦理的建设很有现实意义。  相似文献   

Once countries develop economically to a certain degree, they typically develop sports industries to further improve the welfare of their citizens and to stimulate further economic development. The successful development of sports industries, however, is affected by the impact of many environmental factors. The Enron scandal has caused ethical topics to become a subject of worldwide focus. This paper studies Taiwanese professional baseball to examine how ethical factors impact the survival and development of baseball teams. In reality, the operation of professional baseball is primarily affected by the impact of the ethical views of players as well as cultural environmental factors. These factors interact to form a complex and dynamic system. This study uses system dynamics to examine the systemic structure of the development of Taiwanese professional baseball. We present a dynamic model for the development of professional baseball and examine the impact of sports ethics and societal gambling trends on the development of professional baseball in Taiwan, and then discuss relevant topics.  相似文献   

In the paper we show – using standard approaches, general equilibrium modeling and the assumption of complete rationality – that the macroeconomic environment is endogenous and is indeterminate. Specifically, it is argued – without resorting to sunspot type arguments – that microeconomic fundamentals do not suffice to characterize the economy at the macro level. In particular, we show how perceptions of rational agents of the workings of the economy (a) shape the environment, (b) affect the environment sufficiently to ensure that rational economic agents find the observed environment consistent with their beliefs even though it is not. As a by-product, we illustrate that endogenous macro uncertainty can arise as an outcome if rational economic agents whose expectations are anchored on endogenous variables expect them to arise. Finally, we show that systematic errors can persist indefinitely under rationality.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to develop a methodology which will use economic data to detect the existence of boundedly rational economic agents. The bounded rationality model presented in this paper generalizes a linear dynamic rational expectations model by nesting two types of expectations. In this paper, it is claimed that the bounded rationality model as presented can be transformed into an optimal regulator problem with distortions. As a result, the methodologies developed by the optimal control theory can be used to solve the model. The likelihood function for the model is constructed by the Kalman filtering using the solution of the model. Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) is performed to test for bounded rationality in the U.S. cattle market for the period from 1900 to 1990. The empirical results indicate that some fraction of economic agents in the market are boundedly rational.  相似文献   

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