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Management buy-outs developed rapidly throughout the 1980s in the UK and continental Europe. The shift to managerial and employee ownership involved, has major implications for trade unions and industrial relations. This article examines these issues using survey and case study evidence from the UK.  相似文献   

This paper expands current knowledge of location decision-making under uncertainty by analyzing instances where the corporate goal of profit maximization diverges from the managerial decision-maker's goal of maximizing personal profit. With illustrations based on alternative decision-making criteria, the paper demonstrates that a corporate manager acting in his own self interest may select a plant site that does not maximize corporate profits. The trend for US corporations to select suburban locations, despite the cost advantages of older urban areas, is illustrative of this divergence between the objectives of ownership and management.  相似文献   

One of the remedies launched in combating corruption in the forest sector is privatization of state forests (and private forest ownership). We hypothesized that privatization could reduce deforestation through reducing corruption. We found a statistically significant strong positive relation between corruption and deforestation for the period between 1995 and 2008 by using two different corruption indices and panel data, a highly statistically significant negative correlation between private forest ownership and corruption across countries by using univariate and multivariate models for three different corruption indices, and a highly statistically significant negative correlation between private forest ownership and deforestation across countries by using univariate and multivariate models.  相似文献   

The term ‘private equity business model’ (PEBM) refers to private equity investors that delist publicly quoted firms, managing them as private equity‐controlled portfolio firms. But how and in what form do these investors diffuse a preferred template for the PEBM in portfolio firms? Is diffusion codified, institutionalised or merely tacit? What is the difference between these forms of diffusion? As a method of financial control, how is diffusion evident for managers and workers? Theoretically, while ‘financialisation’ is a contemporary pressure on the British economy, there is a ‘disconnection’ between competitive pressures for financialisation and the diffusion of practices to manage these pressures in portfolio firms. Forty‐two interviews in eight portfolio firms and five associated private equity firms concludes that potentially transformative and decisive restructuring for managers and workers is more evident than a defined template.  相似文献   


This study aims to offer a more fine-grained approach to our understanding of the relationship between job stress and job satisfaction. Building on organisational theory and Job Demand-Control model, we investigated an important institutional characteristic – organisational ownership – as an additional moderator to influence the interactive effects of job demands and control upon job satisfaction. Using data collected from 1838 Chinese retail sector employees, we found that this three-way interaction was strongest for employees working in foreign-invested firms, who experienced higher employee involvement at work and perceived a high level of challenge-related stress. The relationship was weakest for employees in state-owned enterprises who reported low levels of both employee involvement and challenge-related stress. Our study constitutes an early attempt to assess the impact of institutional characteristics such as ownership on aspects of human resources management, and highlights the need for further research to recognise the importance of such characteristics as contextual factors that influence the effect of organisational practices and the work environment upon individual work-related outcomes. The paper’s concluding sections elaborate on the contributions our research makes both to theory as well as to the practicalities faced by human resource managers in contexts such as China.  相似文献   

职工持股计划是我国国有企业推行产权制度改革、完善公司治理结构、提高资产运营效率的有效方式和重要选择,并且已经取得了很多成功经验。但是在具体实施中表现出诸多问题。文章介绍了职工持股信托的推行将为解决我国职工持股实践中的种种问题提供理想的思路和可行的方法。  相似文献   

职工持股计划是我国国有企业推行产权制度改革、完善公司治理结构、提高资产运营效率的有效方式和重要选择,并且已经取得了很多成功经验。但是在具体实施中表现出诸多问题。文章介绍了职工持股信托的推行将为解决我国职工持股实践中的种种问题提供理想的思路和可行的方法。  相似文献   

Compensation is widely acknowledged as an important job element in the eyes of employees. Health care is a special industry in which compensation received by employees differs greatly. This study examines empirically the relationships between hospital employees' perceptions of compensation fairness and their work attitudes, taking into account the roles of employee specialty, hospital level and ownership. Using data from 2,938 employees of thirty hospitals in Taiwan, the results indicate that fairness perceptions and work attitudes differ significantly among hospital employees according to their specialties. Hospital level and ownership exert impacts on employees' fairness perceptions, although not on their work attitudes. A positive relationship is observed between fairness perceptions and work attitudes of hospital employees.  相似文献   

This paper examines three motivations for leveraged ESOP adoption: as a takeover defense, as a mechanism for providing incentives to employees and as a vehicle for tax savings. ESOP adoption is more likely for companies with a higher predicted probability of takeover, but ESOP adopters have many characteristics that are different from takeover targets. Companies that adopt ESOPs can be distinguished from non-adopting companies based on characteristics associated with the tax and incentive effects of these plans. The size of the ESOP is shown to depend primarily on the tax and incentive characteristics.  相似文献   

Using the pension database obtained from Form 5500 from 2000 to 2014, we provide the first comprehensive analysis of the determinants of employee ownership in retirement pension plans. By investigating various motivations simultaneously using the horse racing method, we find that firms with higher idiosyncratic risk, weak governance, a greater marginal tax rate, and greater union intensity are more likely to offer employee ownership. This study provides valuable insights to investors that they should properly understand the impact of employee ownership on the firm and appropriately evaluate firms with employee ownership by taking into account diverse motives.  相似文献   

Despite the consensus in the employee share ownership (ESO) literature for the need to explore contexts that influence ESO outcomes, studies examining two important factors, national context and status of the economy, are limited. In this study, the authors compare the outcomes of ESOs in Britain and South Korea during economic expansion and downturn. The results demonstrate that, during an economic expansion, the effect of ESOs in increasing employee commitment is stronger in South Korea, while their effect in decreasing employee turnover is stronger in Britain. However, during an economic downturn, the authors find no evidence for these effects in both societies. The findings lend support to the contingency perspective in managing ESOs and provide meaningful implications and guidance to the literature.  相似文献   

Although past literature had provided inconsistent conclusions as to whether or not employee stock ownership (ESO) can serve the function of employee retention, this paper proposes that the reason for such inconsistency lies in the inability to clarify ESO characteristics. Therefore, this study examines the relationship between ESO and voluntary employer change intention from the viewpoint of vested and portable characteristics. Study results indicated that vested ESO achieves the function of employee retention. However, when vested ESO is also portable, employees tend to spend more efforts searching for external ESO alternatives, which reinforce their voluntary employer change intention.  相似文献   

Non‐statutory firm level employee representation (NSR), which in contrast to legally based works councils is composed of voluntary patterns, is by now only rarely recognised in German labour relations debate and research. Based on case studies, the article analyses the establishment, modes of operation and participation outcome of NSRs in German private sector companies. While previous NSR research in countries such as Britain and the United States mainly focused on employer‐initiated representation plans, the array of NSRs in German companies appears to be broader: Four types of NSRs are introduced, and a theoretical account is developed, which emphasises cultural–institutional arguments and actors strategies. Hence, it is argued that while NSRs appear to be instruments of management seeking to effectively organise company interest regulation, they strongly reflect cultural conditions and ideologies of non‐statutory employee representation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC) ownership on the post-initial public offering (IPO) performance of newly-public acquirers. Our results show that acquirers with PE- or VC-backing at the time of the IPO perform better long-term than acquirers without such backing. More importantly, while acquirers without financial backing experience negative long-run returns from first-year acquisitions, acquirers with continued PE- and VC-backing perform significantly better when making acquisitions within the first year after going public. However, acquiring firms and investors should be aware that for mergers in the second and third year post-IPO, continued VC ownership has a detrimental long-term impact. In contrast, higher levels of continued PE ownership tend to have a positive relationship with long-run performance.  相似文献   

This exploratory study examines healthcare quality program practices, employee commitment and control initiatives, and perceived results by surveying the directors of hospital quality programs. U.S. hospitals are renowned to be among the highest in quality, but recent studies assert that the majority of error-related deaths per year are preventable. In response, healthcare organizations have adopted quality management programs. Employee commitment and control theories propose that employee initiatives are critical to patient safety. However, little research has focused on the efficacy of employee commitment and control initiatives for quality programs at healthcare organizations. This study examines the responses from Quality and Risk Directors of 372 U.S. hospitals. The results of structural equation modeling (SEM) demonstrate that perceived quantitative and qualitative quality program results are more highly related to employee commitment and control initiatives than they are related to quality practices.  相似文献   

This paper examines Iran and Thailand and shows that the distributional consequences of financialisation and globalisation do not depend exclusively on the extent of financial deepening and exposure to globalisation. Instead, the cultural and legal underpinnings of the creditor–debtor relationship and the form of global integration matter more.  相似文献   

There is growing controversy on the HR consequences of private equity acquisitions, especially when the existing management team is replaced. Much of the debate thus far has centred on the use of limited panels of case studies and industry surveys. This article, in contrast, uses both in‐depth interviews with relevant stakeholders and objective company data to compare firms subject to private equity acquisitions against a control group of non‐acquired firms. Our interviews provide insights into key issues that are investigated in the subsequent empirical analysis. Our core findings are that firms subject to a specific type of private equity acquisition – institutional buyouts – are associated with job losses, lower wages and lower productivity. This evidence is consistent with the notion that this type of private equity acquisition has negative employment consequences without any corresponding improvement in productivity.  相似文献   

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