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Small area estimation is concerned with methodology for estimating population parameters associated with a geographic area defined by a cross-classification that may also include non-geographic dimensions. In this paper, we develop constrained estimation methods for small area problems: those requiring smoothness with respect to similarity across areas, such as geographic proximity or clustering by covariates, and benchmarking constraints, requiring weighted means of estimates to agree across levels of aggregation. We develop methods for constrained estimation decision theoretically and discuss their geometric interpretation. The constrained estimators are the solutions to tractable optimisation problems and have closed-form solutions. Mean squared errors of the constrained estimators are calculated via bootstrapping. Our approach assumes the Bayes estimator exists and is applicable to any proposed model. In addition, we give special cases of our techniques under certain distributional assumptions. We illustrate the proposed methodology using web-scraped data on Berlin rents aggregated over areas to ensure privacy.  相似文献   

Estimation of spatial autoregressive panel data models with fixed effects   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
This paper establishes asymptotic properties of quasi-maximum likelihood estimators for SAR panel data models with fixed effects and SAR disturbances. A direct approach is to estimate all the parameters including the fixed effects. Because of the incidental parameter problem, some parameter estimators may be inconsistent or their distributions are not properly centered. We propose an alternative estimation method based on transformation which yields consistent estimators with properly centered distributions. For the model with individual effects only, the direct approach does not yield a consistent estimator of the variance parameter unless T is large, but the estimators for other common parameters are the same as those of the transformation approach. We also consider the estimation of the model with both individual and time effects.  相似文献   

We consider the Case 1 interval censoring approach for right‐censored survival data. An important feature of the model is that right‐censored event times are not observed exactly, but at some inspection times. The model covers as particular cases right‐censored data, current status data, and life table survival data with a single inspection time. We discuss the nonparametric estimation approach and consider three nonparametric estimators for the survival function of failure time: maximum likelihood, pseudolikelihood, and the naïve estimator. We establish strong consistency of the estimators with the L1 rate of convergence. Simulation results confirm consistency of the estimators.  相似文献   

Nonparametric estimation and inferences of conditional distribution functions with longitudinal data have important applications in biomedical studies. We propose in this paper an estimation approach based on time-varying parametric models. Our model assumes that the conditional distribution of the outcome variable at each given time point can be approximated by a parametric model, but the parameters are smooth functions of time. Our estimation is based on a two-step smoothing method, in which we first obtain the raw estimators of the conditional distribution functions at a set of disjoint time points, and then compute the final estimators at any time by smoothing the raw estimators. Asymptotic properties, including the asymptotic biases, variances and mean squared errors, are derived for the local polynomial smoothed estimators. Applicability of our two-step estimation method is demonstrated through a large epidemiological study of childhood growth and blood pressure. Finite sample properties of our procedures are investigated through simulation study.  相似文献   

We study the generalized bootstrap technique under general sampling designs. We focus mainly on bootstrap variance estimation but we also investigate the empirical properties of bootstrap confidence intervals obtained using the percentile method. Generalized bootstrap consists of randomly generating bootstrap weights so that the first two (or more) design moments of the sampling error are tracked by the corresponding bootstrap moments. Most bootstrap methods in the literature can be viewed as special cases. We discuss issues such as the choice of the distribution used to generate bootstrap weights, the choice of the number of bootstrap replicates, and the potential occurrence of negative bootstrap weights. We first describe the generalized bootstrap for the linear Horvitz‐Thompson estimator and then consider non‐linear estimators such as those defined through estimating equations. We also develop two ways of bootstrapping the generalized regression estimator of a population total. We study in greater depth the case of Poisson sampling, which is often used to select samples in Price Index surveys conducted by national statistical agencies around the world. For Poisson sampling, we consider a pseudo‐population approach and show that the resulting bootstrap weights capture the first three design moments of the sampling error. A simulation study and an example with real survey data are used to illustrate the theory.  相似文献   

Summary: Suppose for a homogeneous linear unbiased function of the sampled first stage unit (fsu)-values taken as an estimator of a survey population total, the sampling variance is expressed as a homogeneous quadratic function of the fsu-values. When the fsu-values are not ascertainable but unbiased estimators for them are separately available through sampling in later stages and substituted into the estimator, Raj (1968) gave a simple variance estimator formula for this multi-stage estimator of the population total. He requires that the variances of the estimated fsu-values in sampling at later stages and their unbiased estimators are available in certain `simple forms'. For the same set-up Rao (1975) derived an alternative variance estimator when the later stage sampling variances have more ‘complex forms’. Here we pursue with Raj's (1968) simple forms to derive a few alternative variance and mean square error estimators when the condition of homogeneity or unbiasedness in the original estimator of the total is relaxed and the variance of the original estimator is not expressed as a quadratic form.  We illustrate a particular three-stage sampling strategy and present a simulation-based numerical exercise showing the relative efficacies of two alternative variance estimators. Received: 19 February 1999  相似文献   

We consider nonlinear heteroscedastic single‐index models where the mean function is a parametric nonlinear model and the variance function depends on a single‐index structure. We develop an efficient estimation method for the parameters in the mean function by using the weighted least squares estimation, and we propose a “delete‐one‐component” estimator for the single‐index in the variance function based on absolute residuals. Asymptotic results of estimators are also investigated. The estimation methods for the error distribution based on the classical empirical distribution function and an empirical likelihood method are discussed. The empirical likelihood method allows for incorporation of the assumptions on the error distribution into the estimation. Simulations illustrate the results, and a real chemical data set is analyzed to demonstrate the performance of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

By closely examining the examples provided in Nielsen (2003), this paper further explores the relationship between self-efficiency (Meng, 1994) and the validity of Rubin's multiple imputation (RMI) variance combining rule. The RMI variance combining rule is based on the common assumption/intuition that the efficiency of our estimators decreases when we have less data. However, there are estimation procedures that will do the opposite, that is, they can produce more efficient estimators with less data. Self-efficiency is a theoretical formulation for excluding such procedures. When a user, typically unaware of the hidden self-inefficiency of his choice, adopts a self-inefficient complete-data estimation procedure to conduct an RMI inference, the theoretical validity of his inference becomes a complex issue, as we demonstrate. We also propose a diagnostic tool for assessing potential self-inefficiency and the bias in the RMI variance estimator, at the outset of RMI inference, by constructing a convenient proxy to the RMI point estimator.  相似文献   

In this article, we study a new class of semiparametric instrumental variables models, in which the structural function has a partially varying coefficient functional form. Under this specification, the model is linear in the endogenous/exogenous components with unknown constant or functional coefficients. As a result, the ill‐posed inverse problem in a general non‐parametric model with continuous endogenous variables can be avoided. We propose a three‐step estimation procedure for estimating both constant and functional coefficients and establish their asymptotic properties such as consistency and asymptotic normality. We develop consistent estimators for their error variances. We demonstrate that the constant coefficient estimators achieve the optimal ‐convergence rate, and the functional coefficient estimators are oracle. In addition, efficiency issue of the parameter estimation is discussed and a simple efficient estimator is proposed. The proposed procedure is illustrated via a Monte Carlo simulation and an application to returns to education.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider balanced hierarchical data designs for both one‐sample and two‐sample (two‐treatment) location problems. The variances of the relevant estimates and the powers of the tests strongly depend on the data structure through the variance components at each hierarchical level. Also, the costs of a design may depend on the number of units at different hierarchy levels, and these costs may be different for the two treatments. Finally, the number of units at different levels may be restricted by several constraints. Knowledge of the variance components, the costs at each level, and the constraints allow us to find the optimal design. Solving such problems often requires advanced optimization tools and techniques, which we briefly explain in the paper. We develop new analytical tools for sample size calculations and cost optimization and apply our method to a data set on Baltic herring.  相似文献   

This paper proposes new ?1‐penalized quantile regression estimators for panel data, which explicitly allows for individual heterogeneity associated with covariates. Existing fixed‐effects estimators can potentially suffer from three limitations which are overcome by the proposed approach: (i) incidental parameters bias in nonlinear models with large N and small T ; (ii) lack of efficiency; and (iii) inability to estimate the effects of time‐invariant regressors. We conduct Monte Carlo simulations to assess the small‐sample performance of the new estimators and provide comparisons of new and existing penalized estimators in terms of quadratic loss. We apply the technique to an empirical example of the estimation of consumer preferences for nutrients from a demand model using a large transaction‐level dataset of household food purchases. We show that preferences for nutrients vary across the conditional distribution of expenditure and across genders, and emphasize the importance of fully capturing consumer heterogeneity in demand modeling. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We analyse the finite sample properties of maximum likelihood estimators for dynamic panel data models. In particular, we consider transformed maximum likelihood (TML) and random effects maximum likelihood (RML) estimation. We show that TML and RML estimators are solutions to a cubic first‐order condition in the autoregressive parameter. Furthermore, in finite samples both likelihood estimators might lead to a negative estimate of the variance of the individual‐specific effects. We consider different approaches taking into account the non‐negativity restriction for the variance. We show that these approaches may lead to a solution different from the unique global unconstrained maximum. In an extensive Monte Carlo study we find that this issue is non‐negligible for small values of T and that different approaches might lead to different finite sample properties. Furthermore, we find that the Likelihood Ratio statistic provides size control in small samples, albeit with low power due to the flatness of the log‐likelihood function. We illustrate these issues modelling US state level unemployment dynamics.  相似文献   

A growing literature has been advocating consistent kernel estimation of integrated variance in the presence of financial market microstructure noise. We find that, for realistic sample sizes encountered in practice, the asymptotic results derived for the proposed estimators may provide unsatisfactory representations of their finite sample properties. In addition, the existing asymptotic results might not offer sufficient guidance for practical implementations. We show how to optimize the finite sample properties of kernel-based integrated variance estimators. Empirically, we find that their suboptimal implementation can, in some cases, lead to little or no finite sample gains when compared to the classical realized variance estimator. Significant statistical and economic gains can, however, be recovered by using our proposed finite sample methods.  相似文献   

The adaptive estimation procedure of model reference adaptive systems is modified and applied to linear models. In general the principle can be used for almost any time series model. Because of the recursive nature of the resulting estimator, it is computationally appealing, especially when a time series is considered as a flow of data. In addition, the estimator turns out to have certain statistical optimality properties.
In the linear regression setting, Ridge estimators turn out to constitute a subclass of the adaptive estimators considered, whereas for unknown measurement variance, the resulting estimators are related to J ames -S tkin type estimators, and have better properties than the latter. The estimator is shown to be strongly consistent and to converge in law to a normal variate under the standard assumptions of linear models. Further it is shown to be admissible and minimax in restricted parameter spaces. The connection between K alman filters and the classical least-squares estimator is also pointed out.  相似文献   

Information loss for 2 × 2 tables with missing cell counts: binomial case   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We formulate likelihood-based ecological inference for 2 × 2 tables with missing cell counts as an incomplete data problem and study Fisher information loss by comparing estimation from complete and incomplete data. In so doing, we consider maximum-likelihood (ML) estimators of probabilities governed by two independent binomial distributions and obtain simplified expressions for their covariance. These expressions reflect well the additional uncertainty arising from the unobserved data compared to complete data tables. We also discuss an approximation to the expected conditional variance of the unobserved entries and ML parameter bias correction. An empirical example is used to demonstrate the results.  相似文献   

The effective use of spatial information in a regression‐based approach to small area estimation is an important practical issue. One approach to account for geographic information is by extending the linear mixed model to allow for spatially correlated random area effects. An alternative is to include the spatial information by a non‐parametric mixed models. Another option is geographic weighted regression where the model coefficients vary spatially across the geography of interest. Although these approaches are useful for estimating small area means efficiently under strict parametric assumptions, they can be sensitive to outliers. In this paper, we propose robust extensions of the geographically weighted empirical best linear unbiased predictor. In particular, we introduce robust projective and predictive estimators under spatial non‐stationarity. Mean squared error estimation is performed by two analytic approaches that account for the spatial structure in the data. Model‐based simulations show that the methodology proposed often leads to more efficient estimators. Furthermore, the analytic mean squared error estimators introduced have appealing properties in terms of stability and bias. Finally, we demonstrate in the application that the new methodology is a good choice for producing estimates for average rent prices of apartments in urban planning areas in Berlin.  相似文献   

We compare five methods for parameter estimation of a Poisson regression model for clustered data: (1) ordinary (naive) Poisson regression (OP), which ignores intracluster correlation, (2) Poisson regression with fixed cluster‐specific intercepts (FI), (3) a generalized estimating equations (GEE) approach with an equi‐correlation matrix, (4) an exact generalized estimating equations (EGEE) approach with an exact covariance matrix, and (5) maximum likelihood (ML). Special attention is given to the simplest case of the Poisson regression with a cluster‐specific intercept random when the asymptotic covariance matrix is obtained in closed form. We prove that methods 1–5, except GEE, produce the same estimates of slope coefficients for balanced data (an equal number of observations in each cluster and the same vectors of covariates). All five methods lead to consistent estimates of slopes but have different efficiency for unbalanced data design. It is shown that the FI approach can be derived as a limiting case of maximum likelihood when the cluster variance increases to infinity. Exact asymptotic covariance matrices are derived for each method. In terms of asymptotic efficiency, the methods split into two groups: OP & GEE and EGEE & FI & ML. Thus, contrary to the existing practice, there is no advantage in using GEE because it is substantially outperformed by EGEE and FI. In particular, EGEE does not require integration and is easy to compute with the asymptotic variances of the slope estimates close to those of the ML.  相似文献   

In this survey paper the estimation of variance components is given. The least squares approach in variance component estimation is a unifying principle which includes the analysis of variance estimators and the MINQUE. When normality is assumed the maximum likelihood estimators can be used. Many variance component estimators are not permissible because they are not non-negative. The development of non-negative variance component estimators is indicated.  相似文献   

For estimating an unknown scale parameter of Gamma distribution, we introduce the use of an asymmetric scale invariant loss function reflecting precision of estimation. This loss belongs to the class of precautionary loss functions. The problem of estimation of scale parameter of a Gamma distribution arises in several theoretical and applied problems. Explicit form of risk-unbiased, minimum risk scale-invariant, Bayes, generalized Bayes and minimax estimators are derived. We characterized the admissibility and inadmissibility of a class of linear estimators of the form $cX\,{+}\,d$ , when $X\sim \varGamma (\alpha ,\eta )$ . In the context of Bayesian statistical inference any statistical problem should be treated under a given loss function by specifying a prior distribution over the parameter space. Hence, arbitrariness of a unique prior distribution is a critical and permanent question. To overcome with this issue, we consider robust Bayesian analysis and deal with Gamma minimax, conditional Gamma minimax, the stable and characterize posterior regret Gamma minimax estimation of the unknown scale parameter under the asymmetric scale invariant loss function in detail.  相似文献   

We develop a mathematical theory needed for moment estimation of the parameters in a general shifting level process (SLP) treating, in particular, the finite state space case geometric finite normal (GFN) SLP. For the SLP, we give expressions for the moment estimators together with asymptotic (co)variances, following, completing, and correcting Cline (Journal of Applied Probability 20, 1983, 322–337); formulae are then made more explicit for the GFN‐SLP. To illustrate the potential uses, we then apply the moment estimation method to a GFN‐SLP model of array comparative genomic hybridization data. We obtain encouraging results in the sense that a segmentation based on the estimated parameters turns out to be faster than with other currently available methods, while being comparable in terms of sensitivity and specificity.  相似文献   

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